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09-05 投稿



villainy 发音

英:['v?l?n?]  美:['v?l?ni]

英:  美:

villainy 中文意思翻译



villainy 词性/词形变化,villainy变形

名词复数: villainies |

villainy 相似词语短语

1、villein ─── n.农奴;佃农

2、villainies ─── n.邪恶;恶行;坏事;罪恶

3、villainous ─── adj.罪恶的;恶棍的;恶毒的;坏透的

4、villeins ─── n.农奴;佃农

5、villain ─── n.坏人,恶棍;戏剧、小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯;n.(Villain)人名;(法)维兰

6、villains ─── n.恶棍;反派角色(villain的复数)

7、villagery ─── n.乡村;村庄

8、villainage ─── n.隶农身份及地位;农奴租地之条件

9、villainess ─── n.坏女人;女恶棍

villainy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Liao Fan plays the villainy of his character with relish but lacks the authority the role needs. ─── 中国从来不缺美女演员,也从不缺敢于为剧情奉献的美女。

2、This version stresses broad economic dynamics, placing less emphasis on Wall Street villainy and deregulation than the main report does. ─── 这一版本强调了经济的广泛动态性,与那份主要的报告相比,对于华尔街的贪婪强调较少。

3、Whatever how wide, we also guard the villainy, keep the false away and oppose the sellout. ─── 但不管多宽,都要警惕邪恶,防范虚伪,反对背叛。

4、That, yes, there are villains here, but blaming the whole mess on villainy is missing the point? ─── 的确,这就是罪魁祸首,但谴责所有这些人的愚蠢行为是不是有点跑题了?

5、Politicians, honest or otherwise, were all tarred with the brush of villainy. ─── 不管是诚实的政客还是不诚实的政客,一律都被当成了恶棍。

6、Where villainy go before, vengeance follow after. ─── 罪在前,罚在后。

7、Women wear breeches without high-collar, vogue or villainy? ─── 女人穿低腰裤,是时尚流行还是道德败坏?

8、“O villainy! Ho! Let the door be lock'd. Treachery! Seek it out. ─── (奸恶的阴谋!把门锁上!阴谋!查出是怎么回事!)”

9、Xy:Now if you will excuse me,I've got first-class villainy to perform. ─── 现在,如果你不介意的话,我要表演一场一流的恶行。

10、or if the Lord of the Ascendant be combust, or in an enemy to the Moon, for then undoubtedly the Native will suffer for his Villainy. ─── 如果命主星被燃烧,或是位于月亮落陷/失势的地方,那么盘主会受到其恶行应得的惩罚是勿庸置疑的。

11、the stunts insanely elaborate, the villainy extra-villainous; ─── 特技动作必须疯狂复杂;

12、Jeosee: quite agree with you, mining the earth has been the villainy of us as the life-form in the metagalaxy. Mining the moon is very very loony. ─── 非常同意你,对地球开采就是我们作为生命对宇宙所犯的罪恶,开采月球非常不明智。

13、They justify villainy in the name of high ideals. ─── 他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的恶行开脱。

14、1. Of course,we will never give in to villainy. ─── 当然,我们永远不会向邪恶屈服。

15、Jason Isaacs who plays the villainy Lucius Malfoy talks about why he did the Harry Potter movies as well as the addicting factor of the books. ─── 演恶行恶状的鲁休斯马份的杰森艾萨克谈到为什麽他就像中了书毒瘾的主要因素。

16、There is no crime to detect, or, at most, some bungling villainy with a motive so transparent that even a Scotland Yard official can see through it. ─── 竟没有罪案可以侦查,顶多也不过是些简单幼稚的罪案,犯罪动机浅显易见,就连苏格兰场的人员也能一眼识破。

17、That, yes, there are villains here, but blaming the whole mess on villainy is missing the point? ─── 的确,这就是罪魁祸首,但谴责所有这些人的愚蠢行为是不是有点跑题了?

18、In the name of the Commons of England, I charge all this villainy upon Warren Hastings , in this last moment of my application to you. ─── 我谨以英国下院的名义,在向你们提出请求的这个最后时刻对沃伦·哈斯丁的恶行提出指控。

19、All of this shadows her and she holds a view that she is filled up with filth and villainy, just like the world. ─── 她拌着这样的恶梦长大,所接触的一切都别养父恶魔的嘴脸所遮蔽:性和食物!

20、You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. ─── 你再也找不到比这儿,更是龙蛇混杂之地

21、We will never give in to villainy. ─── 我们永远不会向邪恶屈服。

22、And the deep idea of Gentleman and Villainy Person has a great effect on his life, thought and creation. ─── 其浓厚的“君子、小人”观念,对他的生活、思想、创作有着重要的作用和影响。

23、The Countryside Villainy Person in his eyes has two sorts.One is like Supervisor, Fishman;another is real Countryside Villainy Person-normal populace. ─── 陶渊明眼里的“乡里小人”,一类是“督邮”、“渔夫”式的乡里小人,一类是真正的乡里小人,即普通平凡的平民百姓。

24、He may have satisfied himself that he has a necessary desire for "self-expression," which is a parlous state indeed, and the cause of much literary villainy. ─── 真正伟大的作家更希望表达的是别人的内心而不是自己的。

25、It turns out that there are many advantages to taking a fresh approach to your unvarnished necromantic villainy. ─── 结论就是你的邪恶死冥生物具有很多的优势来夺得猎物。

26、Of course, we will never give in to villainy. ─── 当然,我们永远不会向邪恶屈服。

27、In his public life, he exhibits vulnerability and invincibility in equal measure, but he's just as apt at villainy-- especially here. ─── 在他的公众生活里,他展现出同等程度的脆弱易伤和不可战胜,但他一样善于恶行——尤其是在这里。

28、However the most recent incedent has gone far beyond common villainy and has prompted us to expel him. ─── 然而最近发生去远在共同的邪恶之外和提示我们逐出他。

29、Wretched hives of scum and villainy always have the best music. ─── 人渣恶棍混迹的肮脏场所却总有最好的音乐。

30、(Villainy wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as virtue! ─── 恶行有很多面具,没有比美德更危险!

31、The Crisis, a vehement new paper, attacked "all the gaudy trappings of royalty" and the villainy of the King. ─── 《危机》,一份立场激烈的新兴报纸,攻击“一切都是保皇党人花哨的陷阱”以及国王的罪愆。

32、For instance, red for heroism, white for villainy. ─── 好比,红脸表英雄,白脸表反派,

33、perpetrate every kind of villainy ─── 坏事做绝

34、The impression of villainy was inescapable. ─── 留下恶棍的印象是不可避免的。

35、The villainy you teach me I will execute. ─── 你们教会我的罪恶,我都会施行。

36、It is not a thing to be thought of with fear or abhorrence, but to be rejected as such a piece of incredible treachery and villainy, as it were atheism to believe could ever be successful. ─── 事实上,除开正走在你身旁的我能给你不足挂齿的帮助以外,我没法在苏格兰为你提供别的保护。我无法肯定在苏格兰还有我的亲人活了下来。

37、the brand of villainy ─── 罪恶的烙印

38、Trick for suggesting villainy: tilt head forward; eyes peer upward, exposing whites in lower portion of eyeball. ─── 给个比较毒辣的窍门:向前使头倾斜,眼睛向上盯着看,在眼球的更低的部分方面暴露白色。

39、He is villainy in treachery and deceit, suspicion and tyranny and extreme selfishness. ─── 他阴险狡诈,残暴猜忌,极端利己。

40、countryside villainy person ─── 乡里小人

41、Every sort of villainy has repeatedly been brought home to him. ─── 他所犯的种种罪行业经屡次证明无疑。

42、The villainy you teach me I will execute. ─── 你们教会我的罪恶我都会施行。

43、And to complete the history, Don John, the contriver of the villainy, was taken in his flight ─── 在故事的结尾还要说明一下:布置阴谋的唐约翰在逃跑的路上也被抓获。

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