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09-05 投稿



inveigle 发音

英:[?n'vi?g(?)l; ?n've?g(?)l]  美:[?n'viɡl]

英:  美:

inveigle 中文意思翻译



inveigle 网络释义

vt. 诱骗;诱使

inveigle 短语词组

1、inveigle crossword ─── 诱骗填字游戏

inveigle 词性/词形变化,inveigle变形

动词过去分词: inveigled |动词过去式: inveigled |名词: inveiglement |动词现在分词: inveigling |动词第三人称单数: inveigles |

inveigle 相似词语短语

1、inveigled ─── vt.诱骗;诱使

2、inveighs ─── vi.痛骂;漫骂;猛烈抨击

3、inveigh ─── vi.痛骂;漫骂;猛烈抨击

4、to inveigle ─── 诱骗

5、inveigles ─── vt.诱骗;诱使

6、inveighed ─── vi.痛骂;漫骂;猛烈抨击

7、inveigler ─── inveigler公司

8、inveigling ─── v.诱骗;设法获得……(inveigle的现在分词);n.诱骗的

9、inveigher ─── n.漫骂者;抨击者

inveigle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、involve sb. in evildoing; entice [inveigle] sb. into evildoing ─── 拖人下水

2、Inveigle a free pass to the screening of the new film. ─── 用哄骗的方式得以免费观赏这部新电影

3、6.Its greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests,and even into identifying our very survival with its own. ─── 它最大的胜利就是诱使我们相信:它的最大利益,就是我们的最大利益:甚至认为它与我们共相生死。

4、to inveigle ─── 引入圈套

5、fulfill small-amount contracts or partially fulfill the contract, instead of actually fulfilling the contract, to inveigle the opposite party into continuing to sign and fulfill the contract ─── 没有实际履行能力,以先履行小额合同或者部分履行合同的方法,诱骗对方当事人继续签订和履行合同的

6、She Inveigle him Into the house and rob him while he sleep ─── 她把他骗进房子, 趁他睡著时偷走了他的东西

7、Its greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests, and even into identifying our very survival with its own. ─── 它最大的胜利就是诱使我们相信:它的最大利益,就是我们的最大利益:甚至认为它与我们共相生死。

8、2.Scully: Mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy and not everybody is plotting to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. ─── 史卡利:穆德,并非每件事都是黑暗阴谋的迷宫,也并非每个人都图谋欺骗、诱陷、使人迷乱。

9、The salesman tried to inveigle the old lady into giving him her money, but she was too clever for him. ─── 那个推销员想诱骗老太太给他钱,但她不上当。

10、she has recently relaxed this watch and withdrawn many of her troops from Chekiang and Hupeh in order to make it easier to inveigle the Kuomintang into capitulation. ─── 近来在浙江、湖北又撤退了许多军队,减少监视兵力,以利诱降。

11、Inveigle implies winning over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk: ─── Inveigle暗指通过哄骗、奉承或花言巧语而达到目的:

12、To inveigle the enemy troops ─── 句引敌兵

13、inveigle sb. out of sth. ─── [口]骗取某人东西

14、beguile, bluff, cajole, cozen, delude, devious, fleece, fraudulent, hoodwink, inveigle, outwit, subterfuge, swindler, wheedle. ─── 表“ 欺骗” 之意:

15、the contract, instead of actually fulfilling the contract, to inveigle the opposite party into continuing to sign and fulfill the contract. ─── 没有实际履行能力,以先履行小额合同或者部分履行合同的方法,诱骗对方当事人继续签订和履行合同的。

16、a fear which often drives us not to search for understanding, but to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. ─── 这种恐惧经常驱使我们不去追求了解,而是欺瞒、劝诱以及模棱两可。

17、6. Scully: Mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy and not everybody is plotting to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. ─── 史卡利:穆德,并非每件事都是黑暗阴谋的迷宫,也并非每个人都图谋欺骗、诱陷、使人迷乱。收藏指正

18、in the main , the eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle kennedy into underwriting it ' s policies. ─── 总的说来,艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押。

19、You'd just have thought they'd allow a decent interval to lapse after Iran's streets flowed with young blood before they'd inveigle us with their fraudulent vision of events there. ─── 在他们引诱我们看这个事件的假象之前,你可能刚刚在想:在年轻人的热血洒满伊朗街头之后,他们会给自己一段合适时间退出。

20、In the main, the Eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle Kennedy into underwriting it's policies ─── 总的说来,艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押。

21、patience and diplomacy, she can eventually inveigle him into marrying her. ─── 她靠耐心和交际手腕,到头来是能引诱他与她结婚的。

22、1.She inveigle him into the house and rob him while he sleep. ─── 她把他骗进房子,趁他睡着时偷走了他的东西。

23、lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce These verbs mean to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foolish course, as of action. ─── 这些动词意思是引导或试图诱导至错误或愚蠢的道路,如行动的道路。

24、the help of the Hopes, Capote and Harper Lee went on to inveigle themselves into the lives of other key figures in town, notably the Deweys with whom Capote became lifelong friends. ─── 在厚普的帮助下,卡波特和哈泼·李继续投入到镇上其它主要人物的生活中,尤其是杜威一家,卡波特后来跟他们成了一生的好友。

25、Its measures of corruption, for example, inveigle their way into the political debate in many of its client countries. ─── 比如,其对腐败的定义标准可以诱使许多客户国陷入政治争论。

26、inveigle a compliment from a person ─── 以讨好 (方式) 获得某人的称赞

27、8. Its greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests,and even into identifying our very survival with its own. ─── 它最大的胜利就是诱使我们相信:它的最大利益,就是我们的最大利益:甚至认为它与我们共相生死。收藏指正

28、With patience and diplomacy, she can eventually inveigle him into marrying her ─── 她靠耐心和交际手腕,到头来是能引诱他与她结婚的。

29、to inveigle somebody into a place ─── 诱骗某人去某地

30、5.Its measures of corruption, for example, inveigle their way into the political debate in many of its client countries. ─── 比如,其对腐败的定义标准可以诱使许多客户国陷入政治争论。

31、to inveigle something from somebody ─── 从某人处骗取某物

32、inveigle sb. into (doing) sth. ─── 诱骗某人做某事

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