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09-05 投稿


convincingness 发音


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convincingness 中文意思翻译



convincingness 短语词组

1、convincingness definition ─── 说服力定义

2、convincingness synonym ─── 说服力同义词

convincingness 反义词


convincingness 同义词

valid | persuasive | decisive | strong | conclusive | substantial | resounding |forceful | credible | realistic | undoubted | compelling | demonstrative | true-to-life | effectual | believable | considerable | definite | influential

convincingness 词性/词形变化,convincingness变形

副词: convincingly |名词: convincingness |

convincingness 相似词语短语

1、cringingness ─── 姜黄

2、consumingness ─── 消费

3、cunningness ─── 狡猾

4、confidingness ─── 确定

5、clingingness ─── 咬合

6、confusingness ─── 混淆

7、convincing ─── adj.令人信服的;有说服力的;v.使相信;使明白(convince的现在分词)

8、commandingness ─── 戒律

9、convincingly ─── adv.令人信服地;有说服力地

convincingness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Strengthen the convincingness and effectiveness of youth ideological and political work ─── 增强青年思想政治工作的说服力与有效性

2、This was so wholesom advice, and look'd so friendly, that I could not but be convinc'd it was the best course I could take ─── 船长的建议确实是一个万全良策,且出于真诚的友谊。我深信,这简直是一个万无一失的办法。

3、Marx's practical ontology, as the unique paradigm of ontology, overcomes the disadvantage of the traditional ontology and shows incomparable theoretical advantage and convincingness. ─── 马克思实践本体论的建构作为一种独特的本体论建构范式,克服了传统本体论的缺陷,显示了自身理论的优点和说服力。

4、Because of the hegemony inclination of class discourses of law science and the deep change of contemporary Chinese social structure, this kind of discourse faces the predicament on theory logic and convincingness. ─── 由于法学阶级话语的霸权倾向和当代中国社会结构的深刻变化,这种话语在理论逻辑和说服力上面临着困境。

5、The conclusion of the models makes the article have convincingness to the research of the scientific and technological type small and medium-sized enterprise governance even more. ─── 模型结论使得文章对科技型中小企业治理问题的研究更具说服力。

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