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09-05 投稿



irrecoverable 发音

英:[??r??k?v?r?bl]  美:[??r??k?v?r?bl]

英:  美:

irrecoverable 中文意思翻译



irrecoverable 网络释义

adj. 不能挽回的;不能复原的;不能收回的

irrecoverable 同义词

irresoluble | opposed | conflicting |incompatible | opposing | mule | negative | contradictory | unreconcilable

irrecoverable 反义词


irrecoverable 词性/词形变化,irrecoverable变形

副词: irrecoverably |名词: irrecoverableness |

irrecoverable 短语词组

1、irrecoverable compliance ─── 不可复柔量, ─── 不可回复柔量

2、irrecoverable deformation ─── 不可回复形变

3、irrecoverable error ─── [计] 不可校正的错误

4、irrecoverable costs ─── [经] 不能回收(复原)的成本

irrecoverable 相似词语短语

1、irrecoverableness ─── 不可恢复性

2、unrecoverably ─── 不可恢复的

3、irrecoverably ─── 不可恢复地;不可弥补地

4、nonrecoverable ─── adj.不能收回的;不可恢复的

5、irrecognisable ─── 不可辨认的

6、indiscoverable ─── adj.难以发现的;不会被发现的

7、unrecoverable ─── adj.不可恢复的

8、recoverable ─── adj.可收回的;可恢复的;可补偿的

9、irremovable ─── adj.不能免职的;不能移动的

irrecoverable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In fact, Piewen ventured that if the Chinese government decided to crack down on the downloads (something they're being pressured very heavily to do) it could be an irrecoverable blow to Baidu. ─── 实际上,李先生大胆预测如果中国政府一旦决定打击这种的非法下载的话(这也是中国政府一直备受压力所要做的),将会于百度以重重一击。

2、After more than a hundred years most of the details are irrecoverable, lost beyond all recall, but it isn't hard to image what must have happened. ─── 经过一百多年之后,细节已无从查考,但不难猜测当时的情景。

3、irrecoverable isease ─── 不能治疗的疾病

4、For the irrecoverable sensor faults, this strategy minimizes its damage to the AUV. ─── 对于传感器出现的无法修复性故障,这种策略最小化了其带给机器人的损伤。

5、Some lawyers deem that Hu's brain had been severely damaged and lost all the functions which were irrecoverable, so her heartbeat would be stop sooner or later. ─── 有些法律工作者认为,胡菁被杀时脑中枢已经严重损害,脑功能全部丧失,而且永不可能恢复,所以心跳消失是迟早的事情。

6、In case of media failure to any part of the database files, simply restore all the database files, and of course all the changes made after the backup are irrecoverable. ─── 在数据库文件的任何部分出现媒介失败的情况下,只需恢复所有数据库文件就可以实现备份,当然,备份之后所做的所有更改是不可恢复的。

7、The owners do not claim any deduction for irrecoverable rent . ─── 业主无须申索扣除不能追回的租金。


9、Irrecoverable Blockage Routing Problem and Algorithms ─── 不可恢复道路堵塞路径选择问题及其算法

10、These two creatures were resplendent.They had reached that irrevocable and irrecoverable moment, at the dazzling intersection of all youth and all joy. ─── 这两个人容光焕发,他们正处在一去不复返、再难寻觅的一刹那,也就是处在整个青春和一切欢乐的光耀炫目的交叉点上。

11、irrecoverable tax ─── 无法追讨的税款

12、irrecoverable strain ─── 不可恢复应变

13、The owners do not claim any deduction for irrecoverable rent. ─── 业主无须申索扣除不能追回的租金。

14、2、 Means of payment: The buyer shall draw an irrecoverable L/C after agreement signature, and pays fully immediately upon goods delivery. ─── 支付方式:合同签订后需方开出不可撤消信用证,货运出后即支付全款。

15、Nearly a thousand pounds' worth of bad debts has boon written off as irrecoverable. ─── 价值近一千英镑的债务作为不可收回的坏帐被注销了。

16、irrecoverable compliance ─── 不可回复柔量不可复柔量

17、only rates agreed to be paid and actually paid by owner and irrecoverable rent can be claimed for deduction ─── 只有业主同意缴付及已实际支付的差饷和不能追回的租金才可申索扣除。

18、irrecoverable adj. ─── 无可挽救的 ...

19、It was shown that at all stages of unloading, interparticle sliding occurred, the number of interparticle contacts reduced and irrecoverable deformation of the microstructure occurred. ─── 通过对这些参数的研究表明:在卸载的全过程中,颗粒间相对滑移出现,相互作用的颗粒数减少,系统内部结构产生不可恢复变形。

20、irreparable; irrecoverable ─── 不可弥补

21、Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error is the total number of calls that have been disconnected after an irrecoverable external error occurred. ─── Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error是在出现不可恢复的外部错误后被断开的呼叫总数。

22、Consumptive use is sometimes referred to as irretrievable or irrecoverable loss(12). ─── 消耗用途有时也指不可挽回的损失。

23、Hence , only rates paid by the owners and irrecoverable rent can be claimed in Part 4. 3 Of the Return . ─── 因此,你只可以在报税表的第4.3部分填写业主所缴交的差饷以及不能追回的租金。

24、irrecoverable time ─── 不能挽回的时间

25、The competitive ratios of the two strategies are better than that is the infimum of the competitive ratios for irrecoverable blockage problem on the general network. ─── 此研究结果优于一般道路交通网络堵塞不可恢复问题的竞争比下界 。

26、We will pay the irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance in the event of unavoidable cancellation of business travel. ─── 赔偿被保险人因合同约定的旅程取消所损失的所有预付而实际未使用且不可退还的旅行费用。

27、Keywords PF particleboard;Alkaline pretreatment;Irrecoverable swell;Dimensional stability; ─── 酚醛刨花板;碱液预处理;不可逆厚度膨胀;尺寸稳定性;

28、The differences in the irrecoverable strain for wet and dry rocks are the reasons for the differences between the Young's moduli of wet and dry rocks. ─── 即使在较低的应力条件下,阻尼器的应变比以往研究中所认为的应变要大很多。

29、The poem begins with grief and a feeling of immaturity; then the grief is deepened by the sense of irrecoverable loss in the silencing of a young poet. ─── 这诗人以忧伤和不一种完备的感觉开始,然后由于年轻诗人无法挽回的离去忧伤逐步加强。

30、And it lost another ¥ 50 billion from irrecoverable or non-performing loans. ─── 另外500亿日元损失在无可挽救或者是毫无收益的贷款上。

31、Nearly a thousand pounds' worth of bad debts has boon written off as irrecoverable. ─── 价值近一千英镑的债务作为不可收回的坏帐被注销了。

32、irrecoverable creep ─── 不可复蠕变

33、irrecoverable losses ─── 无法弥补的损失

34、All business is to is transact against confirm and irrecoverable letter of credit. ─── 所有交易都应采用保兑的不可撤销信用证支付。

35、This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable. ─── 在当今这种对环境的广泛污染中,化学制品与辐射狼狈为奸,改变着地球的自然状态,也就是改变着地球上性命自然状态。

36、3. Typically, the confirmation will be launched after the user issues a command that is either irrecoverable or whose results might cause undue alarm. ─── 举一个典型的例子,在用户发起一个不可恢复或者结果将导致异常警报的命令后就会启动一个确认对话框。

37、irrecoverable read error ─── 不可恢复读出误差

38、rental income includes rent received or receivable , lease premium and irrecoverable rent recovered during the year. ─── 出租收入包括该年度已收或应收的租金、租约顶手费和已追回的租金。

39、For the ecological system which is already fragile, as they have found, any mindless destruction may be enough to do an irrecoverable damage to it. ─── 正如他们所发现的那样,对于一个已经很脆弱的生态系统,任何盲目破坏都足以对它造成难以恢复的损失。

40、The debtor in afore-mentioned case has liquidated, ought to deduct debtor to liquidate property the part of actual pay off, maintain to irrecoverable money for bad Zhang loss.. ─── 上述情形中的债务人已经清算的,应当扣除债务人清算财产实际清偿的部分,对不能收回的款项认定为坏账损失...

41、This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable; ─── 这种污染多数是无法救治的;

42、This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable; the chain of evil it initiates not only in the world that must support life but in living tissues is for the most part irreversible. ─── 这种污染多数是无法救治的;由它所引发的恶性循环不仅存在于生物赖以生存的世界,而且存在于生物组织中,而这种恶性循环大都不可逆转。

43、irrecoverable loss of sight ─── 永久的失明

44、Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error is the total number of calls that were disconnected after an irrecoverable external error occurred. ─── Calls Disconnected by UM on Irrecoverable External Error是发生无法恢复的外部错误后,断开连接的呼叫总数。

45、But, with the coming of the information society, some deficiencies of bureaucracy itself have been exposed, which make it fall into the irrecoverable plight. ─── 但是,随着信息社会的到来,官僚制自身的一些弊端逐渐暴露出来,陷入了一个难以摆脱的困境。

46、Hence, only rates paid by the owners and irrecoverable rent can be claimed in Part 4.3 Of the Return. ─── 因此,你只可以在报税表的第4.3部分填写业主所缴交的差饷以及不能追回的租金。

47、irrecoverable damage to it. ─── 对它造成难以恢复的损失。

48、The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers,sea with dangerouseven lethal materials.This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable. ─── 在人类破坏环境的种种行为中,最令人担忧的是人类向大气、土壤、河流以及海洋中排放危险甚至致命物质,而当今这种污染在很大上是无法挽救的。

49、irrecoverable error ─── 不可恢复的错误

50、And it lost another ¥50 billion from irrecoverable or non-performing loans. ─── 另外500亿日元损失在无可挽救或者是毫无收益的贷款上。

51、irrecoverable costs ─── [经] 不能回收(复原)的成本

52、And for this irrecoverable loss, I am to blame.I was so careless with my things. ─── 结尾段:再次表明承认错误的态度,恳请收信人的原谅。

53、The depression, however, caused many irrecoverable accounts and Dr. Sim started to run up debts. ─── 然而经济萧条造成许多呆帐,他也因此负债累累。

54、Extinction is an irrecoverable process. ─── 物种的灭绝是不可挽回的过程。

55、irrecoverable losses. ─── 无法挽回的损失


它的意思是 复原,恢复,失而复得 不可数名词 只有一个词组是Make a quick ~ 很快复原的意思


是可数名词 复数



n. 恢复;康复;痊愈;重新拥有;重新控制;收回;得到;收回的物品;回收修理


adj. 不能挽回的;无法补救

recovery time


in recovery


recovery position


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