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09-05 投稿



unlicensed 发音

英:[?n'la?s(?)nst]  美:[?n'la?s?nst]

英:  美:

unlicensed 中文意思翻译



unlicensed 短语词组

1、unlicensed hawker ─── [法] 无执照小贩

2、unlicensed prostitute ─── [法] 暗娼

3、unlicensed meeting ─── [法] 未经许可而召开的会议

4、unlicensed product ─── 未授权产品

5、unlicensed driver ─── [法] 无执照的驾驶员

6、unlicensed items ─── 未经许可的项目

7、unlicensed insurer ─── 未获执照的保险人

8、unlicensed lawyer ─── [法] 无证律师

9、unlicensed construction ─── 无证建筑

10、unlicensed peddler ─── [法] 无证商贩, 无证小贩

11、unlicensed usage ─── [计] ─── [NT]非许可使用

12、unlicensed version ─── 未授权版本

13、unlicensed practice ─── [法] 无证开业

14、penalize unlicensed driver ─── [法] 惩罚无照驾车者

15、unlicensed restaurant ─── 无证餐厅

unlicensed 相似词语短语

1、nonlicensed ─── 无执照

2、sublicensee ─── n.分领执照人

3、gun licenses ─── 枪支许可证

4、relicensed ─── 重新许可

5、sublicenses ─── vt.给……发从属证书(或执照、许可证等);n.(证书持有者发给其他人的)从属证书((或执照、许可证等)

6、undispensed ─── 未指明

7、licensed ─── adj.得到许可的(等于licenced);v.许可;批准(license的过去分词)

8、sublicensed ─── vt.给……发从属证书(或执照、许可证等);n.(证书持有者发给其他人的)从属证书((或执照、许可证等)

9、gun license ─── 枪支许可证

unlicensed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unlicensed wireless spectrum ─── 不需注册的无线电频谱

2、Survey on Status Quo of Knowledge About and Behaviors of AIDS Prevention and Control of Unlicensed Prostitutes in the Entertainment Establishments in the City of Lishui ─── 丽水市娱乐服务场所暗娼艾滋病防治知识及行为现状调查

3、unlicensed hawking ─── 无照经营摊贩

4、A loan shark is an unlicensed lender. ─── 放高利贷者是无执照贷款人。

5、unlicensed frequency ─── 不需注册的频率

6、The most famous of these pamphlets was Milton's Areopagitica: A defense of the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, published in 1946. ─── 小册子中最有名的是1946年出版的密尔顿的《最高审判官:为未经批准的印刷自由权辩护》。

7、Proponents of such dynamic systems point to the unlicensed 2.4-gigahertz band as an example of the potential innovation that could take place if the FCC were to unburden the airwaves. ─── 提倡这类动态系统的人表示,如果FCC打算开放频谱,可以考虑作为改革范例的,就是尚未发放使用执照的2.4GHz波段。

8、unlicensed transmitter ─── 无执照发射机

9、The deaths occurred after torrential rain at the unlicensed Tashan Mine, which operated illegally in Xiangfen, a county in China's Shanxi Province, the state-run Xinhua news agency said. ─── 新华社报道说:这起事故是一场大雨后发生在一个叫做塔山煤矿的,这个煤矿是在中国山西省襄汾非法经营的。

10、Wi-fi operates on an unlicensed frequency, so it has to deal with interference from baby monitors and microwave ovens and cordless phones too. ─── 无线信号以无证频率被使用,因此它必须要对付来自婴儿监视器,微波炉以及无绳电话的干扰。

11、Professional manufacture and sale of various high-quality automatic machine buttons, the products are "NNW" unlicensed semi-automatic, and "ANDA" unlicensed automatic machine buttons. ─── 专业制造销售各种高品质的全自动钮扣机,产品有“NNW”牌半自动和“ANDA”牌全自动钮扣机。

12、The protesting drivers are seeking relief from high monthly taxi rental fees and competition from unlicensed cabs, he said. ─── 他或,抗议的司机向要降低每月过高出租车承包金和制止无证出租车竞争行为。

13、Some of the biggest investors in Asian hedge funds are shunning China-focused managers that are thought to have engaged in unlicensed trading activities in the country's buoyant stock markets. ─── 亚洲对冲基金的一些最大投资者正在回避那些以中国为投资重点的基金公司,因为有关方面认为,这些基金公司涉嫌在未经许可的情况下,在中国快速上涨的股市从事交易活动。

14、unlicensed practice ─── [法] 无证开业

15、Software downloaded from the net is often unlicensed and unsupported, and may cause conflicts with existing software in use at your company. (para. 10) ─── 从网上下载的软件经常未经许可,而且不提供支持,可能与公司使用的其他软件发生冲突。

16、Ms. Kim said that she believed that the fact that the money benefited the church meant that unlicensed vendors were allowed to participate. ─── KIM女士说,她以为教堂赚到了钱的这个事实,会允许没有执照的卖者也可以参与。

17、However, I must re-iterate that use of unlicensed or pirated software will not be allowed in any of the companies' premises. ─── 但是,我必须再重申一下,无牌或盗版软件是不允许在任何公司范围内使用的。

18、He went out with an unlicensed shotgun to look for the intruders. ─── 他带着一把没有执照的霰弹枪出去寻找闯入者。

19、In Chongqing, where almost all of the city's 9,000 cabbies went on strike last week, authorities imposed heavy fines on unlicensed drivers following the strike. ─── 在重庆市9,000名出租车司机上周进行罢运后,当地政府开始对黑车实施高额罚款。

20、Engage in unlicensed business operation;do business without a license;interlope ─── 无证经营

21、unlicensed driver ─── [法] 无执照的驾驶员

22、penalize unlicensed drivers ─── 处罚无照驾车者

23、penalize unlicensed driver ─── [法] 惩罚无照驾车者

24、unlicensed meeting ─── [法] 未经许可而召开的会议

25、For instance, the Zhejiang Provincial Patent Administration Office recently reached a just settlement in a complaint brought by a foreign plaintiff concerning unlicensed production of a cigarette lighter to which he held patent. ─── 例如,浙江省专利管理机关就一起外国人提出的打火打专利侵权案件进行了公正处理。责令厂家停止侵权行为和赔偿损失。

26、Beijing city officials launched a crackdown on unlicensed taxis in the capital following a recent spate of high-profile strikes by licensed cabbies in three Chinese cities and counties. ─── 北京市开始开展打击“黑车”行动,此前中国其他三个市县爆发的出租车司机罢运事件引起了广泛的关注。

27、However, more concerned about the people who are unlicensed dance halls of the behind-the-scenes boss? ─── 但民众更关注,谁是无牌歌舞厅的幕后老板?

28、unlicensed hawkers ─── 无照小贩

29、unlicensed peddler ─── [法] 无证商贩, 无证小贩

30、Global record labels have sued Baidu, trying to force the company to stop linking to unlicensed sites. ─── 环球唱片已经起诉百度,试图强迫这家公司关闭对这些未经认证的网站的访问链接。

31、The printing firms have also been targeted by the authorities,who reduced the number of legal printing firms by 33,148,shut down 3,723 unlicensed printing firms. ─── 在这项工作中,全国共压缩印刷企业33148家,取缔无证非法印刷企业3723家。

32、unlicensed lawyer ─── [法] 无证律师

33、The medical examiner has ruled her death a homicide because she was injected by an unlicensed nonmedical practitioner, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner. ─── 医学鉴定人员认定她的死亡是谋杀因为给她注射的是没有医学执照的从业医师,法医鉴定发言人EllenBorakove说。

34、Software downloaded from the net is often unlicensed and unsupported, and may cause conflicts with existing software in use at your company. ─── 从网上下载的软件经常是无使用授权的,而且不提供支持,可能与公司使用的其他软件发生冲突。

35、The strikers also say many unlicensed cabs operate in Sanya without paying rental fees. ─── 他们还说,很多无照计程车司机在叁亚营业,而不缴纳租费。

36、Unlicensed Taxi ─── “黑车”

37、weed out the unlicensed liquor sellers ─── 取缔无证酒贩

38、Youku, Tudou and other Chinese video Web sites also have been known to carry pirated content uploaded by their users, like unlicensed TV shows and films. ─── 优酷网、土豆网和其他中国视频网站还以用户上传的盗版内容而知名,例如未经授权的电视节目和电影。

39、Model convention on the registration of arms brokers and the suppression of unlicensed arms brokering; ─── 军火中间商登记和制止无照经营军火经纪活动的示范公约;

40、I produced by unlicensed motor DONTAK complete the design, exquisite appearance, inherent quality, affordable price, good after-sales service by the majority of users of welcome and trust. ─── 我公司生产的DONTAK牌电机有完整的设计,精美的外观,内在的质量,实惠的价格,优良的售后服务受到广大用户的欢迎和信赖。

41、unlicensed business operations ─── 无照经营

42、According to our report, the move is being painted as an attempt to stop cafes using unlicensed software - but has raised questions about possible snooping. ─── 据报道,政府称此举意在禁止网吧使用盗版软件-但也由此引发了对隐私泄露的担忧。

43、Police in Beijing and other Chinese cities sparked outrage by entering the homes of dog owners and confiscating dogs that were either unlicensed or over 35 centimeters (14 inches) tall. ─── 北京和其他中国城市的警察日前强行进入养狗民众家中,捕捉没有登记或超过35公分高的狗,此举引起了民众的愤怒不满。

44、Burress snuck an unlicensed gun into a Manhattan nightclub. ─── 他私自携带枪支进入一所马哈顿夜总会。

45、Officers have the power to seize vehicles from uninsured and unlicensed drivers. ─── 官员有权从无保险和驾照的司机手中夺走车辆。

46、unlicensed hawker ─── [法] 无执照小贩

47、By February, unlicensed outlaws, who referred to themselves as independents protested the trust and carried on business without submitting to the Edison monopoly. ─── 到了二月,那些自称为独立制片人但未经授权的违例者,并没有屈服于爱迪生的垄断,而是继续营业来抗议。

48、Using server-side Automation to provide Office functionality to unlicensed workstations is not covered by the End User License Agreement (EULA). ─── 《最终用户许可协议》(EULA)没有涉及使用服务器端“自动化”向未经许可的工作站提供Office功能的情况。

49、State media said today that a similar protest in Gansu province ended when the government promised to get rid of the unlicensed cabs. ─── 中国官方媒体星期叁说,甘肃省一起类似的抗议活动在政府承诺取缔无照计程车后停息。

50、unlicensed house ─── 无照房屋

51、Analysis of the results of interview with unlicensed prostitutes in Lishui city about behaviors of AIDS prevention and treatment ─── 丽水市暗娼艾滋病防治行为访谈结果分析

52、unlicensed guesthouse ─── 无照宾馆

53、Investigation and Analysis of epidemiology about unlicensed prostitutes'knowledge of AIDS behavior in Yunnan province ─── 云南省暗娼艾滋病行为知识流行病学调查分析

54、Discussions that led to the accord began after an unlicensed chemical plant in China made a tainted drug ingredient that poisoned more than 170 people in Panama, killing at least 115. ─── 中国没有许可证的化学工厂生产受污染的药品配料导致巴拿马170人中毒,至少115人死亡的事件。这件事发生后,开始了这个协议的谈判。

55、In the division, mix and promotion franchise stores increased number of brand-name gift shop, unlicensed, non-brand products even low price, the market is still in narrowing. ─── 在分化、组合和升级中专营店增多,名牌精品店增多,无牌、杂牌产品即使价低,市场依然在缩小。

56、Hou Ning, a Beijing-based analyst, says that in the countryside unlicensed moneylenders have been helping farmers into the markets with unsecured high-interest loans. ─── 侯宁是一位在北京工作的分析师,他说在农村一些未经当局许可的放债人一直在帮助农民用无担保的高利贷炒股。

57、He was almost done once, for having possession of an unlicensed gun. ─── 他差点拥有了一把无证件的枪支。

58、The move comes as unlicensed Chinese handset manufacturers have started flooding the world market with exports in a competitive threat to global mobile phone brands. ─── 当此之时,没有牌照的中国手机制造商已开始让大量手机出口涌入全球市场,对全球手机品牌构成竞争威胁。

59、unlicensed passions ─── 放纵的激情

60、unlicensed insurer ─── 无营业执照的保险人

61、Since early 1996, the Divisional Task Force has worked a special overnight shift to tackle unlicensed hawking activities during the late-night and early-morning hours. ─── 总区特遣队由1996年年初开始通宵轮值,打击深夜及清晨的非法贩卖活动。

62、But the sheer volume of documentation required would now make this difficult, and the agency said that it will confiscate unlicensed equipment. ─── 但数量所需的文件现在作出这个艰难的,和该机构说,它将没收无牌经营的设备。

63、The nights have become quieter since the police, back in action, started to question people wielding unlicensed weapons. ─── 警察再次行动起来开始质问民众非法持有武器后,夜变得更静了。

64、The municipal officials have expressed great concern over what they describe as a rampant increase in unlicensed Business activities ─── 市府领导称无证经营已呈泛滥之势,并对此深表关注

65、For instance,the Zhejiang Provincial Patent Administration Office recently reached a just settlement in a complaint brought by a foreign plaintiff concerning unlicensed production of a cigarette lighter to which he held patent. ─── 例如,浙江省专利管理机关就一起外国人提出的打火打专利侵权案件进行了公正处理。

66、The ordinance provides severe penalties for offences such as carrying on an unlicensed money-lending business. ─── 《放债人条例》就若干罪行,例如无牌经营放债业务,订定严厉的刑罚。

67、unlicensed pilot ─── 无执照的引航员

68、After getting out of the railway station, he got into a unlicensed vehicle without caution. ─── 他从火车站出来,不慎上了黑车。

69、Illegal businesses may set up an unlicensed refuelling points false rebates or aircraft, and other means to control tax evasion and even tax rebates. ─── 不法商家可能设立无牌加油点,虚报退税或改税控机等手段偷税漏税,甚至骗取退税。

70、The most famous of these pamphlets was Milton's Areopagitica: A Defence of the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, published in 1946. ─── 小册子中最有名的是1946年出版的密尔顿的《最高审判官:为未经批准的印刷自由权辩护》。

71、In 1999,the department investigated 253 cases of unlicensed import and export of strategic commodities and prosecuted 134 offenders,resulting in fines amounting to $2.7 million. Goods valued at $10 million were also seized and confiscated. ─── 年内,香港海关调查了253宗未领牌照而进口或出口战略物品的案件,检控了134名违法者,判处的罚款共达270万元,被检获及充公的战略物品则共值1,000万元。

72、Do not patronize unlicensed food hawkers ─── 不要光顾无牌食肆

73、Made using high quality polycarbonate, they offer a wide range of unlicensed touring car and GTP shells made from 0.75mm or 1.0mm thicknesses. ─── 使用高品质的聚碳酸酯,他们提供范围广泛的无牌房车赛和GTP炮弹从0.75毫米或一点零毫米厚度。

74、While searching the house they discovered an unlicensed shotgun and a licensed rifle. ─── 搜查房子时,他们发现了一支没有许可证的猎枪和一支有许可证的步枪。

75、Avoid unlicensed beauty parlors and cosmetic surgeons for eyebrow and body tattoo, ear piercing, cosmetic surgery and other intrusive operations. ─── 不要到非正规的美容、形机构去做纹眉、身、耳眼、正畸形等刺破皮肤的手术。

76、Unlicensed steroids are being disguised as herbal medicines. ─── 无许可的类固醇被伪装成为草药。

77、surveyed unlicensed hawker ─── 已登记无牌小贩

78、CCTV has apologized for an unlicensed fireworks display that caused a fire in an unfinished luxury hotel next to the network's new headquarters. ─── 中央电视台已经为一次非法烟花燃放事件道歉,这次燃放导致央视新大楼北配楼一座未完工的豪华酒店发生火灾。


80、If herbal and TCM practitioners are subject to statutory regulation, should the right to prepare and commission unlicensed herbal medicines be restricted to statutorily regulated practitioners? ─── 如果立法管理,中医师应该有资格使用未取得证书的由第三方生产的中药,这些中成药是上千年经无数亿人用过的最安全、有效的草药。

81、Avoid unlicensed beauty parlors and cosmetic surgeons for eyebrow and body tattoo, ear piercing, cosmetic surgery and other intrusive operations. ─── 不要到非正规的美容、整形机构去做纹眉、纹身、穿耳眼、矫正畸形等刺破皮肤的手术。

82、NI Shaoqing , SHOU Hongchu, WANG Jue ,SHENG Bingyi. Investigation of the unlicensed and off-label drug use in pediatrics. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal,(impress). ─── 倪韶青,寿洪初,石淑文,王珏,赵正言,曾苏。儿童环孢素给药剂量的年龄差异,中国药学杂志(待发表)

83、Allowing free, unlicensed access will, of course, require additional server resources and bandwidth, yet the cost of these should be modest. ─── 允许人们在未经许可的情况下免费接触资料,当然需要额外的服务器资源和带宽,不过这些成本应该不会很高。

84、a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed dogs. ─── 为离群或没有执照的狗而建造的公众的围栏。

85、Last year, Google helped defeat broadcasters in a fight over whether unlicensed wireless gadgets can soon begin using vacant TV airwaves. ─── 去年,在未授权无线产品是否能很快开始使用空闲电视广播波段一事上,谷歌帮助击败了广播公司。

86、The Galapagos Islands, a prime target for unlicensed hunting, has few practicable landing spots for boats and passages through the volcanic-rock landscape. ─── 又如,加拉帕哥斯群岛是非法打猎的一个主要目标,这个岛屿上很少有船只的着陆点与穿越火山岩地带的通道。

87、Street vendors, licensed and unlicensed, seem to be part of Chinese cities. ─── 中国各个城市都有许多有牌照和无牌照的流动商贩。

88、unlicensed vehicle ─── 无照车辆

89、unlicensed internet cafes ─── 无照网吧

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