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09-05 投稿


embrasure 发音

英:[?m?bre???r]  美:[?m?bre???(r)]

英:  美:

embrasure 中文意思翻译



embrasure 短语词组

1、embrasure furrure ─── 毛发拥抱

2、embrasure rest ─── 胚胎休息

3、interdental embrasure ─── [医] 牙间楔状隙

4、labial embrasure ─── [医] 唇侧楔状隙

5、embrasure gums ─── 牙床

6、embrasure band ─── 脆带

7、embrasure trumpet ─── 扩张器

8、lingual embrasure ─── [医] 舌侧楔状隙

9、embrasure space ─── 空腔

10、embrasure definition B ─── 测量定义

11、embrasure define embrasure ─── 定义

12、embrasure hook ─── [医] 楔状隙钩

13、buccal embrasure ─── [医] 颊侧楔状隙

14、occlusal embrasure ─── [医] ?侧楔状隙

15、embrasure door ─── 门

embrasure 词性/词形变化,embrasure变形

形容词: embrasured |

embrasure 相似词语短语

1、entreasure ─── v.保藏

2、brisure ─── 布里苏尔

3、erasure ─── n.消除;涂擦的痕迹;消磁

4、embrasured ─── 浸染

5、embrasures ─── n.炮眼,射击孔

6、embracer ─── n.拥抱者;信奉者;接受者;企图以非法手段笼络法庭或陪审团的人

7、embrasor ─── 拥抱

8、embrasors ─── 牵连者

9、embrace ─── vt.拥抱;欣然采纳;信奉;包含;vi.拥抱;n.拥抱;采纳

embrasure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" Enjolras, who was still leaning on his elbows at his embrasure, made an affirmative sign with his head, but without taking his eyes from the end of the street. ─── 安灼拉始终把手肘支在胸墙上,注视着街的尽头,点了一下头。

2、Methods: Casting clasp between teeth(CCBT) is set up between buccal and lingual embrasure of two abutment teeth. ─── 方法:在两基牙间的颊、龈外展隙内设置牙间卡(发夹卡)。

3、previllous embrasure ─── 绒毛前胚

4、embrasure reaming segment ─── 扩孔段

5、labial embrasure ─── [医] 唇侧楔状隙

6、An opening in a fortified wall; an embrasure. ─── 射击孔,炮眼城墙上的开孔;炮眼

7、3. Methods: Casting clasp between teeth (CCBT) is set up between buccal arid lingual embrasure of two abutment teeth. ─── 方法:在两基牙间的颊、龈外展隙内设置牙间卡(发夹卡)。收藏指正

8、The window was an embrasure in an enormously thick wall. ─── 窗户是个炮眼,墙壁异乎寻常的厚。

9、interdental embrasure ─── 牙间楔状隙

10、Research and Application of Embrasure Glugging Agent With High Strength ─── 不留塞高强度炮眼封堵工艺的研究与应用

11、As soon as Enjolras had seized his double-barrelled rifle, and had placed himself in a sort of embrasure which he had reserved for himself, all the rest held their peace. ─── 当安灼拉一拿起他的双响枪,待在他准备好的枪眼前,这时,大家都不说话了。

12、lingual embrasure ─── [医] 舌侧楔状隙

13、embrasure layout ─── 炮眼布置

14、Keywords Embrasure Plugging;plugging agent;fictile agent;retarder;thixotropy; ─── 炮眼封堵;封堵剂;增塑剂;缓凝剂;触变性;

15、incisal embrasure ─── 牙合侧楔状隙

16、buccal embrasure ─── [医] 颊侧楔状隙

17、occlusal embrasure ─── [医] ?侧楔状隙

18、" Meanwhile, Enjolras was straining his ears and watching at his embrasure. ─── 这时安灼拉一边听着,一边仍在枪眼口仔细窥伺。

19、presomite embrasure ─── 体节前胚

20、embrasure clasp ─── 间隙卡环

21、The labial embrasure of the central incisors was enlarged to preserve the natural width of the flat surface (Figures 8 and 9). ─── 中切牙的唇侧外展隙加大而保留唇平面自然宽度(图8.图9)。

22、hexacanth embrasure ─── 六钩蚴

23、The paper develops embrasure plugging a-gent(FD-2) with high strength according to the present problem that cement plugs embrasure. ─── 针对目前水泥浆封堵炮眼存在的问题,研制开发了不留塞高强度炮眼封堵剂FD-2。

24、embrasure plugging a-gent(FD-2) with high strength according to the present problem that cement plugs embrasure. ─── 针对目前水泥浆封堵炮眼存在的问题,研制开发了不留塞高强度炮眼封堵剂FD-2。

25、somite embrasure ─── 体节胚

26、Tanks'embrasure wouldn't let to see the road but the white clouds in the sky. ─── 从坦克的观察窗商只能看到蓝天白云而无法看到路面上的情况。

27、The window was an embrasure in an enormously thick wall ─── 窗户是个炮眼,墙壁异乎寻常的厚。

28、embrasure hook ─── [医] 楔状隙钩

29、Casting clasp between teeth (CCBT) is set up between buccal arid lingual embrasure of two abutment teeth. ─── 方法:在两基牙间的颊、龈外展隙内设置牙间卡(发夹卡)。

30、three soldiers fell, one after the other, under his embrasure, without having even seen him; ─── 三个士兵看都没有看到他,就在他的枪孔前接连倒下。

31、An opening in a fortified wall;an embrasure. ─── 射击孔,炮眼城墙上的开孔;炮眼

32、The window was an embrasure in an enormously thick wall. ─── 窗户是个炮眼,墙壁异乎寻常的厚。

33、Prosthetic therapy for embrasure food impaction ─── 牙间食物嵌塞的修复治疗

34、Research and Application of Embrasure Glugging Agent With High Strength ─── 不留塞高强度炮眼封堵工艺的研究与应用

35、An opening in a fortified wall; an embrasure. ─── 射击孔,炮眼城墙上的开孔;

36、The outer wall of the Great Wall called the dispatch wall, there is Embrasure is used to defense the enemy. ─── 长城外侧的高墙叫做牒墙,有垛口是用来防御敌人的。

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