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09-04 投稿



gullet 发音


英:  美:

gullet 中文意思翻译



gullet 短语词组

1、gullet measurement ─── 沟道测量

2、gullet crossword clue ─── 口诀纵横字谜线索

3、gullet saw ─── 钩齿锯

4、gullet chews ─── 金咀嚼片

5、gullet means ─── 黄金意味着

6、gullet crossword ─── 口诀纵横字谜

7、gullet worm of cattle ─── 牛的吞咽虫

8、gullet meat ─── 海鸥肉

9、gullet worm in poultry ─── 家禽中的吞咽蠕虫

10、gullet meaning ─── 金玉良言

11、gullet definition ─── 沟壑定义

gullet 词性/词形变化,gullet变形


gullet 相似词语短语

1、gulet ─── 黄色的

2、bullet ─── n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进;n.(Bullet)人名;(法)比莱

3、gullets ─── n.食道;海峡;咽喉

4、gillet ─── n.(Gillet)人名;(法)吉莱

5、gallet ─── n.石片;碎片;vt.把碎石片嵌入(等于galet,garret);n.(Gallet)人名;(法、意)加莱

6、gulled ─── n.[鸟]鸥;笨人;易受骗之人;vt.骗;欺诈;n.(Gull)人名;(意、罗、瑞典)古尔;(英)格尔

7、guglet ─── 谷歌搜索

8、cullet ─── n.碎玻璃

9、guller ─── n.(Guller)人名;(德、匈)古勒

gullet 习惯用语

1、stick in sb.'s gullet ─── 难以消化; 令人厌恶, 令人难以接受

2、stick in sb.'s gizzard ─── 难以消化; 令人厌恶, 令人难以接受

3、stick in sb.'s throat ─── 难以消化; 令人厌恶, 令人难以接受

4、stick in sb.'s stomach ─── 难以消化; 令人厌恶, 令人难以接受

gullet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings ─── 嗉囊,鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟

2、esophagus | [slang] gullet ─── 食道

3、gullet worm of cattle ─── 牛食道线虫

4、An item in the laboratory we call endoscope, we can see the surface of organ such as gullet, stomach by it. ─── 在教案中,常常会做一些检查检验项目,其中有一样是内视镜。

5、Are monitors the only species of lizards that are able to dilate their gullet? ─── 巨蜥是唯一能扩大咽喉的蜥蜴吗?是

6、The muscular,membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach,the gullet. ─── 食道把食物从咽喉运送到胃中的肌肉发达的、膜质的管子,食道。

7、gullet saw ─── n. 钩齿锯

8、The water splash volume can always be kept within 0.1% by recycles designing, the gullet has cover to prevent the cycle water polluted. ─── 采用带收水器的淋水填料,将漂水损失控制在千分之一以下;布水槽带盖板,防止循环水受到污染;

9、And you -- after you drink the coffee, get down on your knees and gather up the crumbs of the dry cake from the rug. Only after all the crumbs have come into your mouth, and your gullet, will all the cake be eaten." ─── 你喝完咖啡后,跪下去把掉在地毯上的饼屑都捡起来,待到所有的饼屑都进入你的口中和食道,那才算是吃完了整个饼。”

10、And again I saw him standing in the refectory, his head thrown back and the rubies pouring down his gullet. ─── 我仿佛又看到他站在饭厅里,一扬脖子红酒便灌进了肚子。

11、The first is to increase the number of gullet and the other is to increases the depth of gullet. ─── 分析结果显示,结晶器铜板两螺栓间的水缝数目增加虽然加强了铜板的冷却能力,但不利于铜板热面温度的均匀分布;

12、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish & Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

13、a piece of bread sticked in her gullet. ─── 一块面包卡在她的食管了。

14、A piece of food got stuck in his gullet. ─── 一块食物哽在他的喉头。

15、Either way, drain-strain's signature combination of exhaustion, aversion, and resentment means you're throwing resources into an insatiable gullet. ─── 不论一种,具有包括疲劳、厌恶和愤恨的这一系列组合特征的”耗竭疲劳“会让你将资源投入到一个贪得无厌的口中。

16、Oesophageal (gullet) candidiasis is a more serious condition which can cause pain in the chest that increases with swallowing. ─── 食管(食道)念珠菌感染是一种更为严重的疾病,可引起吞咽时胸部疼痛。

17、gullet tooth ─── 偏锋齿钩齿

18、This may include the use of inappropriate sedating or painkilling medicines, bleeding from the gullet or stomach, constipation, infections or abnormalities in the salts (electrolytes) in the blood. ─── 这包含镇定药和止痛药的不适当使用,喉管(电解液)的出血等。

19、the ventricose gullet of an insect. ─── 昆虫的一侧鼓出的食管

20、7.She have a piece of bread stick in her gullet. ─── 食道把食物从咽喉运送到胃中的肌肉发达的、膜质的管子;

21、She has a piece of bread stick in her gullet. ─── 一块面包卡在她的食管了。

22、What sticks in my gullet is the way he always takes the best seat. ─── 使我感到厌恶是他老是抢占最好的座位。

23、Swallowed whole活吞Arainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet ofanorthern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙0惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片.

24、Keywords spiral shell's bevel gear;internal spline;tooth shape locating;gullet thickness;taper in tooth thickness; ─── 螺伞齿轮;内花键;齿形定位;齿槽宽;齿厚方向锥度;

25、a pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings. ─── "鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟."

26、Now, you could run around shooting beer at each other, or you could just sit on your butt and use your Beer Blaster Liquid Shooter to spray beer down your gullet. ─── 另外请负责任地设计,不要乱射。啤酒冲击波液体射击游戏使用的弹药是摇动的碳酸饮料即可,而且射击距离要在你的目标(或者进入你的嘴里)!

27、2. the ventricose gullet of an insect. ─── 昆虫的一侧鼓出的食管。

28、bottom of gullet ─── 水槽底部

29、" Terry gasped and struggled as she saw the huge gullet widening under her. ─── 特里赞叹道和挣扎,因为她看到了巨大的食道扩大下她。

30、Synchrobelt transmission is kind of switching transmission of belf tooth and wheel gullet, which possesses the merit of gear, chain and belt wheel transmission. ─── 同步带传动是其带齿与轮齿槽的齿齿啮合传动,具有齿轮传动,链传动和带传动的优点。

31、gullet raiser ─── 去喉管工

32、The gullet or throat. ─── 食管,咽喉

33、Advice: When udo have to swim in Croc infested waters then take along a few big Mac's and when a Croc strikes throw them down its gullet! ─── 忠告:当你不得不在鳄鱼滋生的水域游泳时,要记得带上几个大汉堡,当鳄鱼袭击你时,就把汉堡包塞到它们的喉咙里。

34、This page has information on the different types of cancer of the oesophagus(food pipe or gullet). ─── 这页的资料,不同类型的患上食道癌(食品管或食道)。

35、Do you suppose I'm going with that blow burning in my gullet? ─── 你以为我喉头挨了那火辣辣的一拳,就一走了事?

36、Ben Gullet lives in Florida, the US.Because of the economic crisis, his father, Mark, lost his job. ─── 由于经济危机时,他的父亲,马克,失去了他的工作。

37、Terry screamed as the huge gullet closed over his head and shoulders, cutting off his mixed cries of pleasure and fear as he was pulled into the dragon's pulsing throat. ─── 特里尖叫,因为巨大的食道封闭超过他的头部和肩膀,切断了他的混合声音的愉悦和恐惧,因为他拖出到了龙的脉动喉咙。

38、gullet worm in poultry ─── 禽食道线虫

39、The muscular, membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet. ─── 食道把食物从咽喉运送到胃中的肌肉发达的、膜质的管子;食道

40、3. Do you suppose I'm going with that blow burning in my gullet? ─── 你以为我喉头挨了那火辣辣的一拳,就一走了事?

41、stick in someone's gullet ─── 滞留在…的胃里,难于被…消化

42、Which gullet link the Pacific and the Indian Ocean? The Strait of Malacca ─── 沟通太平洋和印度洋的水道是:马六甲海峡

43、Now tests by a team at the Cork Cancer Research Centre show it can destroy gullet cancer cells in the lab. ─── 科克癌症研究中心小组现在的实验室实验表明它能破坏食道癌细胞。

44、1)Measure 5 mm below the bottom of the gullet on the unloaded saw blade,turned slowly by hand in the machine. ─── 在已卸掉锯条上的锯齿槽底部向下5毫米,在机器中他、用手慢慢翻转。

45、The muscular,membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach;the gullet. ─── 食道把食物从咽喉运送到胃中的肌肉发达的、膜质的管子;食道

46、Oesophageal (gullet) candidiasis is a more serious condition which can cause pain in the chest that increases with swallowing. ─── 食管(食道)念珠菌感染是一种更为严重的疾病,可引起吞咽时胸部疼痛。

47、Instantly she began choking, a portion of herring having lodged suddenly in her gullet. ─── 她马上噎住了,一块鲱鱼突然卡在她的食管里。

48、Prior to EVL with UMP the EVs could be viewed and measured; there existed also varices and collateral veins in deep layer of gullet. ─── EVL前 ,UMP可以观察和测量食管可见的曲张静脉 ,还可探测到食管深层的曲张静脉及交通支。

49、gullet bones ─── 咽喉软骨

50、The mouth, stomach, jaws, or gullet of a voracious animal, especially a carnivore. ─── 食管贪食动物,特别是食肉动物的口腔、胃、颚或咽喉

51、gullet of saw ─── 锯齿间凹槽

52、Diagnosis and treatment on gullet jam of pereion in dog ─── 一例犬胸部食道阻塞的诊治报告

53、8. A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish &Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

54、Synchrobelt transmission is kind of switching transmission of belf tooth and wheel gullet,which possesses the merit of gear,chain and belt wheel transmission. ─── 同步带传动是其带齿与轮齿槽的齿齿啮合传动,具有齿轮传动,链传动和带传动的优点。

55、A fish took it, ran no more than a yard, and then quickly lay on its side flapping, the spoon so deep down its gullet it couldn't use its gills. ─── 鱼上钩了,很快,在挣脱到不足一码的时候它横侧着不断用鱼鳍激打水面,勺子嵌入它的食道太深以致它不能用腮呼吸了。

56、Finite Element Analysis and Strength Assessment for Tubesheet with Gullet Used in Waste Heat Boiler ─── 废热锅炉管板水槽结构有限元分析及强度评定

57、a pouch like enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings. ─── 鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟。

58、a bone stuck in one's gullet ─── 卡在喉咙里的骨头.

59、10.Special care should also be taken in the case of hiatus hernia where pressure on oesophagus and stomach could cause acidic juices to flow back into the gullet. ─── 有疝气的学员尤其注意,在这些体式中,体式带给食道和胃部的压力会导致胃酸倒流到咽喉。

60、Just exchanged six empty bottles at the Russian épicerie across the way. Not a drop went down my gullet. ─── 我在马路对面的俄国杂货店里退掉了六个空酒瓶子,我一滴也不曾喝下肚。

61、gullet depth ─── 齿高齿槽深度

62、A cormorant feeding his child -- with partially digested fish, retrieved from deep in his gullet -- appears almost to be consuming it. ─── 鸬鹚正在喂食其幼鸟——从其咽喉深处被重新衔回那含着部分消化了的鱼——看上去几乎要吃掉其幼鸟一样。

63、He would sit down to the table with a haunch of venison, a whole chicken, two or three gullet breads or a bucket of bangs, half a dozen ears of corn or a bag of raw carrots. ─── 他能坐在桌边吃掉一整块鹿腿肉,一只鸡,两三条面包,半打玉米,一袋生胡萝卜。

64、Braised Duck Kidney and Last Gullet ─── 黄焖鸭腰管廷

65、7. A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish& amp; Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)族馆的图片。

66、His gullet(咽喉) and stomach felt as if they were being deftly sewed up as he sat. ─── 他坐在那儿,感到喉咙和肚子被人灵巧地缝上了似的。

67、Results Prior to EVL with UMP the EVs could be viewed and measured;there existed also varices and collateral veins in deep layer of gullet. ─── 结果EVL前,UMP可以观察和测量食管可见的曲张静脉,还可探测到食管深层的曲张静脉及交通支。

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