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09-04 投稿


finis 发音

英:[?f?n?s]  美:['fa?n?s]

英:  美:

finis 中文意思翻译



finis 网络释义

n. 终结;死n. (Finis)人名;(英、西)菲尼斯

finis 短语词组

1、finis belli ─── 结束于

2、finis duo ─── 完成2

3、finis and ferb ─── 菲尼斯和费布

4、finis games finis ─── 游戏

5、finis henderson ─── 结束亨德森

6、finis bates ─── 电池结束

7、finis mei ─── 结束于

8、finis menu finis ─── 菜单

9、finis ewing ─── 正在打印%d打印尤因

finis 相似词语短语

1、finos ─── n.(西)淡色干雪利酒(fino的变形);n.(Finos)人名;(意)菲诺斯

2、fini ─── n.(Fini)人名;(意)菲尼

3、Binis ─── 比尼斯

4、finds ─── vt.查找,找到;发现;认为;感到;获得;vi.裁决;n.发现;n.(Find)人名;(丹)芬

5、fines ─── n.罚款(fine的复数);粉末;细骨料;v.使精细;变好;处…以罚金(fine的三单形式);n.(Fines)人名;(瑞典)菲内斯;(英)法因斯;(法)菲纳

6、fenis ─── 菲尼斯

7、fins ─── n.鳍片,散热翅片;五元纸币(fin的复数形式);v.切除鳍;装上翅(fin的第三人称单数);n.(Fins)人名;(葡)芬斯

8、finks ─── n.(Finks)人名;(英)芬克斯

9、finish ─── v.完成;结束;用尽(所剩之物);(竞赛)获……成绩;(英式足球)进球;(非正式)使筋疲力尽;对(物件)最后加工;结束(牲畜)的肥育;(少女)进上流社会做准备;n.结局;抛光;最后精细加工;结束;(比赛的)终点,最后阶段;饰面;(葡萄酒的)余味

finis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Satisfied my clients/customers and finis xthe case successfully. Get high recognition from my superiors and colleagues. ─── 令客户满意,成功完成项目.赢得领导和同事的认可.

2、Are you sure is only 50 ep.? From the progress ntil now, it doesn't seem to be able to finis at 50 ep. ─── 50集真的好长喔!还没下载完都不敢先看,怕看太快了,会等的很心急,不过韩智慧眼的戏,有信心....一定赞...

3、In all things the word finis must be written in good season ─── 在任何事情上,都应当在适当的时候写上‘终’字

4、Siamo in buona fede ai fini del posizionamento del prodotto in pubblico. ─── 我们以诚信为宗旨,产品定位于大众。

5、Those ants that invaded my pants, finis . ─── 这些蚂蚁,侵占我裤子,精密。

6、finis , " he wrote , in capitals , at the end , and to him it was indeed finis" . ─── “完,”到末了他用大写字母打出。对他说来的确是一切都结束了。

7、Thus a high quality ingot with good surface finis. is. produced. ─── 这样具有良好表面光洁度的高质量钢锭就生产出来了。

8、Mon petite amie et moi ,c'est fini! ─── 我和我的女朋友,分手了:

9、Grab a pull buoy and your Finis Swimmer's Snorkel. ─── 夹紧你的浮块和您的换气管。

10、Apenau pasis duonhoro, ili jam finis la laboron kaj elflugis. ─── 是“不到半小时”还是“刚过半小时”?

11、I will finis... ─── 那是啥米的一回事...

12、Et iterum venturus est cum Gloria,indicare vivos et mortuos, cuius regni non erit finis. ─── 他端坐在圣父右侧,他还将再次披着上天的光辉降临,审判生者与死者;他的统治将永无尽头。

13、The story is far from complete because the finis is not yet written. ─── 那个故事离完成还远的很,因为结尾还没写。

14、Garnbusia a f finis (Baird et Girard) ─── 食蚊鱼

15、Keywords ss:High permeability of PET spunbonded geotextile;fini sh;antistati cagent;cationic quaternary ammnonium; ─── 高渗透性聚酯长丝土工布;油剂;抗静电剂;阳离子季铵盐;

16、Fini offers a range of air lines composed of hoses, joints, switches, adapters, and all other components necessary for performing these jobs in the best possible way. ─── Fini提供由软管,接头,转换开关,适配器和其他必须配件组成的多种传输线路为执行这些工作提供最好的解决方案。

17、Finally, a comparative analysis with Soxhlet, microwave-assisted extraction was finis... ─── 与传统的索氏提取法相比,微波法提取具有时间短、效率高、原料利用率高等优点。

18、The moisture management of PTT and its blended fabric is very popular nowadays,finishing process,available hydrophile as well as fini... ─── 在PTT及其混纺织物的整理中,吸湿排湿整理是最为流行的,并还介绍了整理工艺、市售亲水剂类型及可能达到的效果。

19、As it was, the "September miracle" could not avert Finis Germaniae, it could only postpone the doom. ─── 事实上,“九月奇迹”并不能改变德意志的灭亡,它只能延迟它的毁灭。

20、Fini M E,J Biol Chem,1994年,269卷,28260 ─── 蔡卫民,中华传染病杂志,1993年,11卷,63页

21、Comaria is a brand name acquired by the Group in 1989 specialized in the marketing of air-operated accessories and tools. FINI Air Supreme. ─── Comaria是早于1989年就被公司获得的,专营空气制动的零配件及工具品牌名。

22、2.i will finis my job when they come back. ─── 2. 到他们回来之时,我将完成我的工作了。

23、Finis Valorum comes from a long line of influential politicians, with the Valorum political dynasty stretching back thousands of years. ─── 菲尼斯·瓦洛伦的家族世代都是有影响力的政治家,瓦洛伦家族的政治王朝一直追溯到上千年以前。

24、Gere curam mei finis. ─── 请关照我最后的命运。

25、Estas bone, ke vi finis la taskon. ─── 你完成了任务,这很好。

26、Toda we went hikin 857083384 in Steiermark again. Theo mntain Br?uningzinken is not steep, it has easy and short route, and just onlyh 2.5 hours can finis wjs h hiking. ─── 天我们又去施泰尔马克州?s山。这座布朗宁秦肯山一点也不陡峭,路段也很简短,只需二个半小时就可以-走完全程。

27、What does the father do?Let's talk.Listen to the tape,and finis the blankets. ─── (男女,小组分工合作)学生两人一组做对话替换练习。

28、And remember this: each one of our passions, even love, has a stomach which must not be filled too full.In all things the word finis must be written in good season; ─── 并且你们应当记住这一点:我们的每一种欲念,甚至包括爱情在内,也都有胃口,不可太饱。

29、Sia la soddisfazione del cliente, dipendente di crescita, di profitto partenariato" ai fini della impresa; ─── 以“让客户满意,员工成长,伙伴获利”为企业宗旨;

30、The article discusses t he solutions of the problems presented in each link o f construction of large -scale finis hing line in China. ─── 文章讨论了涂装线工程建设各个环节中问题的解决。

31、Those ants that invaded my pants, finis. ─── 这些蚂蚁,侵占我裤子,精密.

32、Special selection for you of hinoki production and amount is Only one and sells that finis sake stops. ─── 好的桧木直拍可遇而不可求,徐老师精选的直拍值得您收藏,数量有限卖完为止。

33、“The Chinese bid is finis hed, but Henderson is afraid of competition,” the source told GT. ─── “**收购完成后,但亨德森是害怕竞争, ”这位消息人士对燃气轮机。

34、Salsola a f finis ─── 紫翅猪毛菜

35、For the video, and for much filming, we use the Finis Nose Clip. ─── 用于视频,拍摄大部分时间,我们用鼻夹。

36、In this area you have the chance to access our Infocenter form and talk directly with the staff of the FINI Customer Care Service. ─── 在这个区域中,你有机会取得我们的支援中心的信息和有机会直接和FINI专业的客户服务职员谈话。

37、Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan meet Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, who calls upon the two Jedi in particular for future assignments. ─── 魁刚和欧比与最高议长菲尼斯瓦罗朗会面。议长特别召见他们师徒二人,给他们未来的任务。

38、Keywords high Cr cast iron roll;chemical component;producing process;finis hing mill; ─── 高铬轧辊;化学成份;生产工艺;精轧机组;

39、Arrive avant le mot fini ─── 在结束之前到达


41、It procidesreliable protection for finis hing machine , crusher and converyer be It. ─── 对研磨机、破碎机、输送皮带起着可靠的保护作用。

42、close, conclusion, finale, finis, finish, last, stopping point. ─── 完结,结束,完结,结束,终止,结尾,终结,结尾。

43、setbacks that wrote finis to our venture. ─── 是挫折给我们的冒险事业划上了句号

44、Neosinocalamus a f finis ─── 慈竹

45、For applications in the automotive sector, Fini offers a specific line of pneumatic tools ─── 对在汽车的部门的应用来说,Fini提供气动工具的具体方案

46、Fini offers a range of air lines composed of hoses, joints, switches, adapters, and all other components necessary to carry out this task in the best possible way. ─── Fini提供由软管,接头,开关,适配器和其他必须的配件组成的多种最好的管路,接通,改编者和全部必要进行这项任务的其他组成部分,用尽可能最好方式。

47、With this in mind, Fini has been developing solutions and systems for meeting distributors and prospectives needs for 50 years. ─── 凭着这一点,Fini 50年来不断寻找最好的解决方案,改良体系,以满足商家和预期的需求。

48、To this aim, FINI offers a wide range of air dryers, separator filters and accessories for compressed air treatment. ─── 对这种目标,FINI为被压缩的空气治疗提供广泛范围的空气干燥机,分离过滤器和配件。

49、Because of the time and environment Mr.Shi Zhecun in, influence of Arthur Schnitzler could not contribute to further penetration.The detail is discussed in finis. ─── 余论部分指出显尼志勒对施蛰存的影响因时代与环境的因素而无法形成深层结构的渗透。

50、FINI This element holds the address of the termination function, discussed in ''Initialization and Termination Functions'' below. ─── 类型的数组项保存着终止函数的地址(例如

51、finis dake and bono. ─── 说明 discussion of rev.

52、You finis hed, finis hed fast!We will be there bright.We do, in our eyes bright, and that now is the darkest before the dawn of time. ─── 你们以为打伤几个,杀死几个,就可以了事,就可以把人民吓倒了吗?

53、As a result, few people know this secret pathway towards the finis Africae, which can stand for the origin and the truth mentioned before. ─── 拿学生的生活来说,我们学生其实真的是很幸福的一种职业了,唯一要做的事情、负的责任,不过就是把书念好,在学校里头,为将来出去社会奠下基础。

54、Finis I strove with nonefor none was worth my strife; ─── 第一次读到兰德的这首诗是月月发给我的短信里。

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