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09-04 投稿



loosing 发音

英:[?lu?s??]  美:[?lu?s??]

英:  美:

loosing 中文意思翻译



loosing 短语词组

1、loosing trump ─── 失去特朗普

2、loosing definition ─── 失去定义

loosing 词性/词形变化,loosing变形


loosing 相似词语短语

1、looming ─── adj.(不希望或不愉快的事情)逼近的;v.(阴森森地)赫然出现,隐约显现;(不好的事)似将发生,逼近(loom的现在分词)

2、looking ─── n.看;表情;adj.有……相貌的;有……样子的;v.看;面向;朝向;看起来像;注意;确保(look的现在分词)

3、looting ─── n.抢劫;洗劫,趁乱打劫;v.打劫(loot的现在分词)

4、looning ─── n.[鸟]潜鸟;懒人;笨蛋;n.(Loon)人名;(英、瑞典)隆

5、loosings ─── n.21岁生日庆祝会;v.释放,放任;松开,放开;射出(子弹、箭等)(loose的现在分词)

6、goosing ─── v.刺戳(某人)的臀部;推动,促进;突然加大油门(goose的现在分词)

7、losing ─── n.损失;失败;adj.输的;失败的;导致失败的;v.失去;损失(lose的ing形式);错过

8、looing ─── n.厕所,洗手间;赌金;卢牌戏(一种纸牌赌博);vt.使罚赌金;n.(Loo)人名;(德、法)洛

9、looping ─── v.(使)成环,绕成圈;成环形运动;装入一卷磁带(或胶片);输入计算机指令(loop的现在分词);n.(计算机的)循环,指令的重复

loosing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't go for loos;they candeceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. ─── 别倾心于容貌,因为它具有欺骗性,也别倾心于财富,它也会消散,倾心于那个能带给你笑容的人吧,因为一个笑容能使慢慢长夜如白昼般明亮。

2、Function: Deeply energize eye contour, prevent skin from loosing and dryness. Anti-aging and tightens skin around the eyes. ─── 包装说明:用途:深层活化眼周肌肤,预防松弛、乾燥,老化,加强肌肤弹性。

3、Have you ever been working for a while on your computer and wasted to much time to move, delete files from your desktop cause you loosing complete overview? ─── 你是否曾经在计算机上工作一段时间然后花费大量时间从你的桌面上移动,删除由于散布而完全覆盖你的桌面的文件?

4、In September they were flung into the Battle of Loos. ─── 9月,他们投入了路斯战役之中。

5、Tenants had to put bricks on their loo seats to stop the snake to flip into their rooms.They asked local fire department to solve the problem. ─── 住在该公寓的房客为了阻止该巨蟒爬出来,他们纷纷在自家马桶上放上厚厚的砖头,并向当地消防部门反映了此事。

6、In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC (dated), or loo (informal). ─── 在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory、 toilet、 WC(已陈旧)或loo(用於口语).

7、If you want to cram for anything, I should be troubled to recommend you to a better adviser than Loo Bounderby. ─── 你要想速成哪一门知识,我倒很难给你介绍个比露?庞得贝更好的顾问给你。

8、You loos as healthy as ten years ago. ─── 你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。

9、Conclusions It was the loosing or broken away of post crown,periapical periodontitis,dental crown and root ... ─── 为了提高临床修复成功率,口腔修复医生应选择最适合患者的桩核修复系统,并制定完善的修复治疗计划。

10、The small putty stove on at the same time, the fuel adds the coal briquette, rumble loo is burning the boiling water. ─── 一边的小泥炉上,柴火加煤球,咕噜噜地烧着开水。

11、Men were loosing off at shadow s. ─── 士兵向黑影射击.

12、Using a power of 2 allows for much quicker selection of the bucket to use, but at the expense of loosing the upper bits of the hash value. ─── 使用2的幂则可以更快地选择要用的桶,但是它的代价是损失了散列值的高位信息。

13、He never criticized his boss because he was afraid of loosing his job. ─── 他从不批评他的老板,因为他怕丢掉工作。

14、Usually, toilet media are found on the doors, walls and mirrors.I spotted this interesting one at the loo of Suntec City Convention Center. ─── 厕所媒体通常情况下会放置于门、墙壁和镜子上,但在新达城会议中心的洗手间,我却看到了很有趣的一幕。

15、The thesis presents a practical die structure with angle pin and gear shaft and rack for secondary combined inclined down loosing core of die casting hopper bodies. ─── 在具有斜下向孔或斜下向凹凸铸件压铸模设计中,斜下向抽芯是压铸模设计的难点之一。

16、A 10ft boa constrictor has been captured after popping up in the loos of a posh block of flats in Manchester. ─── 大河网讯 外电上周报道:英国曼彻斯特一幢豪华公寓楼的洗手间内发现一条足有10英尺长的大蟒蛇。

17、During normal operation of the sheave, the loosing of inadequated plug welds would increase the stress on the remaing welds, until they all tensile overload failed. ─── 同时,塞焊点布局不合理,进而引起匹配面变形,也是引起绳轮失效的原因之一。

18、Singapore - Loo cleaning has reached new heights in Singapore with the setting up of the world's first Toilet College, organisers said on Sunday. ─── 大河网讯星期天消息,随着世界上第一家“厕所大学”在新加坡的成龙,厕所清理业达到了前所未有的高度。

19、And as they were loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? ─── 他们解驴驹的时候,主人问他们说,解驴驹作什么。

20、Specifically speaking, it relates to farmers loosing their faming land, urban residents loosing their housing and people loosing their jobs before time for retirement. ─── 具体而言,便是丧失土地的农民、丧失住房的城镇居民和丧失工作的未到退休年龄的人。

21、It is very rare that a small part of a book can be discussed without loosing the soul of the whole. ─── 讨论书的一小部分却不遗失它的灵魂,这种情况是少之又少的。

22、The peculiarity of loosing core structure of air tap in die arrangement of the water tub in washing machine and the problems existing in the production were analyzed respectively. ─── 分析了洗衣机盛水桶模具常用气嘴抽芯结构的特点及在生产过程中存在的问题,设计出相对较好的结构。

23、Mr. Smth ne Jac ddn't loo at the others because he as nervous. ─── 史密斯先生知道杰克不敢看别人是因为紧张。

24、Strengthening scapula muscle: Two hands unwinding and catching dumb bells, lifting up higher and inspiring deeper as far as possible, then loosing dumb bells steadily. ─── 增强肩胛肌:两手伸直抓起哑铃、尽量高举并深吸气,然后将哑铃平稳放开。

25、Make use of a balanced concretion technique and combine together a method outside to remove loosing and shrinking aperture in a small scaled and thick-skin ball iron piece. ─── 利用均衡凝固技术与外补缩相结合方法来消除小型厚壁球铁件缩孔、缩松。

26、Toilet phobia can simply be manifest as a mild distaste for public loos. ─── 公厕恐惧症的症状有可能只是不太喜欢上公共厕所。

27、Mr Yam says: "They just took the money out and did not loo k to the future. ─── 任剑浩说:“它们只是把赚的钱拿出来,而没有为将来考虑。”

28、He thought telling lies would loosing his status. ─── 他认为说谎有失于他的身份。

29、With that came loosing the victim mentality. ─── 随之而来的就是释放了受害人思维。

30、Meanwhile, this offered theory support for administration of the security investment fund loo. ─── 同时,这也为证券投资基金的治理提供了理论支持。

31、TALES FROM THE BUSH Why it's best to go to the loo in pairs when you're in the African bush at night. ─── 在非洲灌木林的晚上为什么最好是结对去厕所呢。

32、Mimi: The loo? ─── 咪咪:洗手间?

33、Shion: holy temple cry for loosing the cosmo of Athena. . . I said, the real battle started just now. ─── 史昂:神殿正因为失去了雅典娜的小宇宙而发了悲鸣……我说过了,真正的战斗现在才开始。

34、Heat sources of air conditioning of the building, mutually standby, are LOOS (Germany) steam boiler that uses natural gas as fuel. ─── 大厦空调热源由3台互为备用,以天然气为燃料的德国劳斯LOOS蒸汽锅炉提供。

35、In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet,WC(dated),or loo(informal). ─── 在英式英语中,私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory,toilet,WC(已陈旧)或loo(用于口语).

36、If ink is a total lack of law, and that there may be a bolted loosing or need tighter place loose and wear. ─── 如果墨杠的呈现是合座操纵次序的,那不离有不定是某处的螺栓松动或是需给紧固的边际爆发松动和磨损变成的。

37、We have grown & expanded & employed more people over the years so the sentiment of "loosing jobs" to China or India does not chime with me. ─── 这些年来我们已经成长、扩张并且雇佣了更多的人所以中国和印度失业的情绪并不能于我产生共鸣。

38、You will never bother to worry about loosing your job even when the economic crisis comes up. ─── 即使在发生经济危机的时候,你也不用担心丢工作。

39、We were just standing there, waiting, loosing our last moments in silence. ─── 我们就那么站着,等着,在沉默中消耗掉我们在一起的最后时光。

40、Last month Fran?ois Loos, France's industry minister, said 2009 was “an indicative date” for competition rather than a firm deadline. ─── 上个月,法国工业部部长弗朗索瓦?罗斯说,2009年只是引入竞争的“一个指示性年份”,并非雷打不动的最后期限。

41、Dunne,45 a native New Yorker transplanted to Texas when he was 17,is quick to point out that luxury loos are not his only businese. ─── 唐恩这位45岁土生土长的纽约人,17岁时移民德克萨斯。他明确地指出:他不只是经营“豪华厕所”的生意。

42、The loo table, however, did not appear. ─── 不过这一回却没有看见有人打“禄牌”。

43、For 60 pounds the international charity CORD will link your loo with its very own twin deep in the African bush. ─── 只要60英镑,国际慈善机构CORD就会把你的厕所和它在非洲丛林深处的“双胞胎”联系起来。

44、Dorling, Liz Defranco, Gina Gallo, Marlene Loos, Marilyn A. ─── 作者: Ed Dee, Paul Bishop, Jim Defilippi, Ernest W.

45、And loosing your way on a journey is unfortunate, but loosing your reason for the journey is a fate more cruel. ─── 在旅行的途中迷失是不幸的,然而更残酷的命运是,失去了旅行的理由。

46、Susan you are offering this man food and sex in the same place. If there is something to read in the loo, he may never leave. ─── 你要同时为这个男人提供食物和做爱。如果卫生间里有(情)志,他永运不会离开。

47、The train had stopped running so I called a taxi for her. We were just standing there, waiting, loosing our last moments in silence. ─── 火车已经停开了,所以我帮她叫了一辆出租车。我们就那么站着,等着,在沉默中消耗掉我们在一起的最后时光。

48、What the original inhabitants of the Americas would have made of the complimentary barbecue equipment, cool box, loos and showers is up for debate. ─── 免费的烧烤设备,冰盒,厕所,洗浴设施等一应俱全。

49、They play with The Balloon and The Man from the Moon.A Flying Feather and A Bubble fly around Andy Pandy Land, and Teddy Gets the Wind Up over Looby Loo's washing. ─── 他们一起吹汽球,还跟月球人一起玩,会飞的羽毛跟小泡泡,也在安迪乐园的天空中凑热闹。

50、Are you loosing your marbles? Are you really got married to that guy? ─── 你一定是昏了头吧?你想嫁给那个家伙?

51、During the duel with Alonso I touched his wheel with my front wing and damaged it, loosing downforce. ─── 在与阿隆索的争斗中我的前翼碰到了他的轮胎,导致了前翼损坏,下压力不稳定。

52、Deputy Garman: [On needing to use the loo] I do require a little more help. ─── (想去洗手间)我确实需要更多一点的帮助。

53、Under the circumstance of widespread loosing of trustworthiness, individuals and enterprises both incline to close and monopolize their knowledge. ─── 在普遍的信用缺失状况下,企业和个人都倾向于知识的封闭与垄断。

54、You never loo me in the face. ─── 你从不面对我。

55、Mimi: The loo? Is that your usual pick-up routine? ─── 咪咪:洗手间?这就是你吊码子的招数?

56、Loo = a hole in a raised platform. ─── 厕所??抬高的平台上的一个洞。

57、Is Shanghai loosing its soul in this mutation or are we witnessing a rebirth of the city. ─── 上海是在这样的巨变中丧失了灵魂,还是我们正在见证她的新生?

58、On the right is Loo Teck Chee, the role model of Kepong Station.He arrived not long ago as he has got another dinner he needed to attend. ─── 右边的是甲洞站楷模吕德志,他因有一个非去不可的另外一个宴会,所以刚到不久。

59、To avoid the cutting loosing too much water place it in a covered propagator, or cover the pot with a plastic bag. ─── 为防止水分流失,可以罩一塑料袋或其他覆盖物。

60、Men were loosing off at shadows. ─── 士兵向黑影射击。

61、When can a central bank afford to deviate targets without loosing her reputation? ─── 中央银行如何能够在不损失信誉的情况下偏离目标?

62、So to add to the rich variety of the day I sometimes go to the local loo, and sometimes go further afield, visiting other loos around the building. ─── 为了让一天更加丰富多彩,我有时候上就近的厕所,有时候跑远点,拜访拜访楼内其它厕所。

63、After loosing it in a plane crash, he left embalmed limb in a barbecue cooker in a storage facility, when he didn’t pay the rent, his belongings were auctioned off. ─── 在空难中失去脚之后,这名男子将装在烤肉炊具里添加了防腐剂的断脚放在存储设施里。由于没有付租金,他的物品被拍卖。

64、And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt? ─── 在那里站着的人,有几个说,你们解驴驹作什么。

65、Not only is there a skeleton in every closet, but there is a screw loosing in every skeleton . ─── 不单指每一家的储物室里都有一副骷髅,而且每一副骷髅里面都有一根螺丝是松的。

66、I'd then scoot into the loo and wrap each bottle up in the towels very carefully and off I'd go to school. ─── 俺不会算)。我迅速躲进厕所,把酒裹在手巾里,然后奔向学校。

67、The snake had terrified tenants wanted to go loo since it was spotted in a toilet last week. ─── 上个星期,这条巨蟒突然出现在公寓的其中一座单位的抽水马桶中,将欲上厕所的房客吓白了脸。

68、Loos lips sink the ships! ─── 嘴不严要沉船!

69、A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo. ─── 一首海洋之歌甜美而清晰 噜噜。

70、It would not then be possible to rule out critical driving situations or even the risk of loosing control of the car. ─── 这样,将可能出现危险的行驶情况,甚至有发生车辆失控的可能。

71、UT (Under Bed Trimmer Device): Under Bed Trimmer Device, Electromagnet for cutting, loosing device, presser foot lifter electromagnet. ─── 一、UT组(下刀装置):包括下刀装置,剪线电磁铁、松线装置、抬压脚电磁铁;

72、His stomach clenches, and he runs to the loo to be sick. ─── 他的胃扭结在一起,他因为那种恶心感而冲向了洗手间。

73、There is only one case was infected and one patient s loosing screw occurred in shortterm.Conc... ─── 1例创口近期发生感染,1例近期螺钉松动。

74、In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC, or loo . ─── 在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory、 toilet、 WC或loo.

75、Rebecca Loos, Steve McClaren, even Fabio Capello and others have tried to create villainous and vicarious parts for themselves, but the hero of the tale remains bullet proof. ─── RebeccaLoos,SteveMcClaren,甚至FabioCapello还有其他人曾经为了各自的目的试图歪曲他妖魔化他,但是童话中的英雄始终刀枪不入。

76、Best Western Hotel Het Loo : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

77、Derivations, when too few is monotone and boring, when too many is noisy and loosing the point. ─── 变数太少会显得单调乏味,变数太多则显得过于吵闹失去重点,这之间的平衡是一件作品成败的关键。

78、Customers are angry, your company is loosing money -- and with any luck, when everyone finds out it was you, you may actually get fired. ─── 客户非常生气,您的公司因此而蒙受着利润损失——如果运气不好,每个人发现要对此负责的是您,您很可能会被辞退。

79、Hi, everyone!!!! finally can be connected!!! I am now trasfer to a hotel in Beijing as we have now join a very loos... ─── 大家都说过,坦诚是很重要的。无论你是在工作上、感情上、家庭上等等,大家都会要求的坦诚对待。大家又是否真正做得到呢...

80、In space, a loo costs a lot. ─── 在太空,抽水马桶价值不菲。

81、David : Do you think China is loosing some of its traditions as it modernizes? ─── 你是不是觉得中国在其现代化进程中正在丢掉一些传统?

82、When God distributed the intelligence did wast thou be grad aufm loo! ─── 上帝为人类注入智慧时,你小子大概上茅房去了吧!

83、They could accept the suggestion without loosing face. ─── 他们可以不失面子地接受这个建议.

84、You going to the loo ? ─── 你要去洗手间吗?

85、Dunne, 45 a native New Yorker transplanted to Texas when he was 17, is quick to point out that luxury loos are not his only businese. ─── 唐恩这位45岁土生土长的纽约人,17岁时移民德克萨斯。 他明确地指出:他不只是经营“豪华厕所”的生意。

86、Because the beneficial basement of Taiwan shearing industry is loosing gradually, the downstream customer set up more superior production manufactories in China that Taiwan. ─── 台湾裁剪业的利基逐渐丧失,下游客户在对岸建立了比台湾优越的生产基地。

87、And some investors have been loosing substantial amounts by holding bonds of devaluing currencies. ─── 一些投资者因持有的债券是以不断贬值的货币计价而遭受巨额损失。

88、For riveted frame after painting,it often brings out problems such as white spot on paint film surface, fracture of spring washer,loosing of rivet and so on. ─── 为避免铆接车架涂装后漆膜表面出现白色粉斑、弹簧垫圈易断裂、铆钉松动且强度下降等问题,采取了几项有针对性的措施,取消了原来的整体车架酸洗工序;

89、Going to the toilet or is it the lavatory or the loo? ─── 可以用下洗手间吗?我要去厕所方便一下!我要尿尿!

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