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09-04 投稿



defaming 发音

英:[d??fe?m??]  美:[d??fe?m??]

英:  美:

defaming 中文意思翻译



defaming 词性/词形变化,defaming变形

动词现在分词: defaming |动词第三人称单数: defames |名词: defamer |动词过去式: defamed |动词过去分词: defamed |

defaming 相似词语短语

1、befoaming ─── 接受

2、deflating ─── [金融]紧缩通货

3、defatting ─── v.(使)脱脂,减脂(defat的现在分词)

4、defacing ─── v.污损……的表面;损伤外观,丑化(deface的现在分词)

5、defoaming ─── adj.消去泡沫的;v.消去…的泡沫(defoam的ing形式)

6、deforming ─── v.使变形,变畸形(deform的现在分词)

7、defanging ─── v.拔去……的尖牙;使无害,使无效

8、defeating ─── 战胜(defeat的现在分词)

9、defraying ─── vt.支出;支付

defaming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、vying for notarial business by defaming other notarial institutions or notaries, or by paying kickbacks or commissions, or by other illegitimate means; ─── (一)以诋毁其他公证机构、公证员或者支付回扣、佣金等不正当手段争揽公证业务的;

2、His crime: "defaming" Soviet leaders for what they did to his parents. ─── 他的罪名是:“诬蔑”苏联领导人迫害其父母。

3、Dear judge, it is stated that I look like the hippopotamus, can I prosecute the act of defaming?Of course, when did he or she say like that, please? ─── 法官先生,有人把我说成是河马,我可以告他诽谤我吗?当然可以,请问对方是什么时候说的呢?十年前!

4、The edict came amid protests relating to controversial Danish cartoons allegedly defaming Islam which were republished by some Danish media last month. ─── 该法令来抗议中有关争议的丹麦漫画,据称诽谤伊斯兰教,其中再版一些丹麦媒体在上个月。

5、An Australian resident of Thailand, Harry Nicolaides, was sentenced to three years in jail for defaming the Thai royal family. ─── 居住在泰国的澳大利亚作家尼古拉德斯(HarryNicolaides)遭指控亵渎皇室被判刑三年。

6、He is usually let off after writing a pledge to "cease and desist", in which he explicitly undertakes to stop defaming the peasant association in the future. ─── 结果,多要写个“休息字”,写明从此终止破坏农会名誉的言论行动了事。

7、Diciplinary committee of New Yarty expelled Lagislator Drew Gau-chen on account of his defaming the party and insubordination. ─── 新党廉政勤政委员会在1997.3.9,声称朱高正不听节制和毁党名誉,正式开除朱立委党籍。

8、He claimed the show was plagiarizing his name, infringement of trademark, and was defaming his good character. ─── 他声称,节目正在剽窃他的名字、侵犯商标、并诽谤他的良好品格。

9、Hereon, the legislation purpose of the truth proof provision is: Do not originate or disseminate affairs defaming others’ reputation, until you can prove its truth in the suit. ─── 在此,证明真实条款所宣示的立法意旨正是:不要随便传述、指摘足以毁损他人名誉之事,除非能够在诉讼上证明其为事实。

10、a tort consisting of false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person. ─── 为干扰别人的生活而发表虚假恶意言论的民事侵权行为。

11、ANNOUNCER: Four newspapers editors in Egypt have been given prison sentences for defaming President Hosni Mubarak and one of them, Abraham Issa, is due to stand trial again. ─── 播音员:埃及四大报纸编辑因涉嫌诽谤胡斯尼•

12、I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. ─── 我听见了许多人的谗谤,四围都是惊吓。

13、However avoid bringing them in public otherwise chances of defaming you are high. ─── 但是请避免将这些观点公众于世,否则你有很高的几率被中伤。

14、He claimed the show was plagiarizing his name, infringement of trademark, and was defaming his good character. ─── 他声称,节目正在剽窃他的名字、侵犯商标、并诽谤他的良好品格。

15、For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. ─── 我听见了许多人的谗谤,四围都是惊吓。

16、vying for notarial business by defaming another notarial institution or notary, or by paying kickbacks or commissions, or by other illegitimate means; ─── (三)以诋毁其他公证机构、公证员或者支付回扣、佣金等不正当手段争揽公证业务;

17、Those e-mails defaming about your boss can land you in hot water . ─── 你那些诽谤你老闆的电子邮件会让你惹上麻烦。

18、His crime: “defaming” Soviet leaders for what they did to his parents. ─── 他的罪名是:“诬蔑”苏联领导人迫害其父母。

19、Her books sold in the millions, and when she died she was delightedly facing trial for defaming a religion. ─── 她的书也很热卖,有上百万的销售量。她去世的时候还欣喜的面对着因为诽谤一门宗教而喜获的审判。

20、Can the poster avoid defaming a person by not using the person's name? ─── 发帖者在不指名道姓的情况是否可避免诽谤之嫌?

21、The act of defaming; calumny. ─── 诬蔑诽谤的行为;中伤

22、Harsh sentences were recently meted out to local newspaper editors found guilty of defaming the country's leader. ─── 最近当地的报纸编辑因为诽谤国家领导人而受到严厉的惩罚。

23、Currently, slander for defaming a company by its employee happens from time to time, so how to effectively prevent such a slander? ─── 员工对公司散布谣言时有发生,如何有效应对并防止员工对公司的造谣?

24、Her books sold in the millions, and when she died she was delightedly facing trial for defaming a religion. ─── 她的书也很热卖,有上百万的销售量。她去世的时候还欣喜的面对着因为诽谤一门宗教而喜获的审判。

25、Just as in the United States, Singaporeans have been able to understand that the terrorists were defaming Islam, not upholding it. ─── 和美国的情形一样,新加坡人明白恐怖分子的行动不是在维护回教,而是在诬蔑回教。

26、In order to maintain a healthy and civilized atmosphere of the community, please do not upload any remarks containing abusing, defaming, advertising or publicizing contents. ─── 为维护健康文明的社区氛围,请不要发表具有谩骂,诽谤,广告,宣传等内容的评论。

27、The act of defaming or slandering. ─── 诽谤,中伤诽谤或中伤的行为

28、They've been defaming us for years. ─── 多年来他们一直在中伤我们。

29、Therefore, some international organizations and many countries/regions prohibit defaming through legislation. ─── 因此,一些国际组织和大多数国家及地区相继立法以禁止商誉诋毁行为。

30、, the crime of defaming or eve isk threatening the Thai crown.Since 2005 this century-old law has enjoyed a renaissance, netting politicians, scholars, activists and an Australian author. ─── 自2005年以来,这项有百年历史的法律“再发神威”,获罪者包括政客、壆者、异议分子以及一位澳大利亚作傢。

31、distributing rumors in the company and defaming other senior officers. ─── 在公司内部散布谣言,诋毁团伙以外高管。

32、7.Slandering the head of state in writing, pictures, or speech or maliciously defaming the government or officials of the R.O.C. ─── 七、以文字、图画、演说或其他方法诋中华民国元首,或恶意攻讦中华民国政府或官员。

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