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09-04 投稿


dualist 发音

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dualist 中文意思翻译



dualist 短语词组

1、dualist def ─── 二元论定义

2、dualist 5e ─── 二元论5e

3、dualist wiki ─── 二元维基

dualist 词性/词形变化,dualist变形

名词: dualist |形容词: dualistic |副词: dualistically |

dualist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It contains ancient Mongolian dualism thought and it is the beggining of Mongolian Buddhistic philosophical idea. ─── 它记载着古代蒙古人二元论思维,是蒙古族佛教哲学思想的起源。

2、geographical dualism ─── 地理二元

3、States, particularly under the dualist view of international law, are the primary subjects of international law. ─── 国家,是最主要的国际法主体(此一观点以持二元论者,特别明显)。

4、It also claims to examine the "wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, like balance, destiny, dualism, fatherhood and fascism". ─── 它也称将探讨“星球大战宇宙背后更广阔的话题,如平衡,命运,二元论,父性和法西斯主义”。

5、dualist symbols ─── 二元对立的象征

6、A born non-dualist, he had no faith in a Personal God. ─── 他是一个天生的非人格主义者,不相信人格化的神。

7、Under the influence of traditional Iranian religion, the semi-Gnostic Manichaeism developed an absolute cosmic dualism between soul and matter. ─── 在伊朗传统宗教的影响下,半诺斯替主义的摩尼教发展了一种绝对的宇宙二元论,是灵魂与物质。

8、dualism of subject and object ─── 主客二元论

9、Financial Dualism ─── 二元金融结构

10、So suppose I was a dualist. ─── 假设我是二元论者。

11、Why I often feel I have dualism case, be how to return a responsibility excuse me? ─── 为什么我老是感觉我有双重性格,请问是怎么回事?

12、That makes me a materialist and not a dualist. ─── 这使我成为了一个唯物主义者而不是二元论者。

13、So although I'm trying to sketch the dualist position, as I explained on Tuesday, I don't myself believe in souls. ─── 所以尽管我试着描述二元学说论,如我星期二所阐述的,我自己不相信灵魂。

14、What does she mean by the "schizoid nature of Russian society"(21)? Why are the self-presentations given in this paragraph schizoid? What are some other examples of this dualism? ─── 她所谓的“俄国社会(精神)分裂的本质”是什么?为何在这个段落的精神分裂是被给予自我表现的意义?其他有关二元论的例子是什么?

15、immanent dualism ─── 内在二元论

16、From Discretionary Dualism to Discretionary Monism ─── 从裁量二元论到裁量一元论

17、At the same time, type-E dualism is frequently rejected as deeply counterintuitive. ─── 同时,E类二元论常常意味其反直观而被拒绝。

18、" Augustine strongly opposed to Manichean dualism of good and evil, he is despised by Plato's physical Also had a tendency to criticize. ─── 他既能向上升腾,也能向下坠落。当人爱上帝的时候,他就向上升腾;当人爱世界的时候,他就陷入比自己低级的被造界。

19、Does the country exist, government exist; does government exist, despotism exist;does despotism exist, democracy exist.Politics just like a people, could be complicator, contradictor, dualist. ─── 只要有国家,就会有统治,只要有统治,就会有独裁,只要有独裁,就会有民主。政治如同一个人,本身就是循环著、矛盾著、并存著、斗争著。

20、of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of dualism ─── 属于或关于哲学上的二元论的

21、As for the "fact" and "must" in "the issue of Hume", Marx holds a dialectical viewpoint of monism and dualism, and thus persists in dialectics in historical determinism. ─── 对“休谟问题”中的“事实”与“应当”,马克思持一元论和二元论的辩证观点,由此坚持了历史决定论中的辩证法。

22、The Dualism on Pubic Law and Private Law ─── 公私法二元论

23、His original conception, narrative dualism and the structural presupposition in the construction of the whole story are of great narrative arts. ─── 其新颖的立意、二元性叙事结构和对小说的情节预设功能都充分体现了作者高超的叙事技巧。

24、Risks of assembly occupancies have source complicacy, intrinsical dualism, effect ponderance, limited calculability and spatio-temporal characteristics. ─── 人员密集场所的风险具有来源的复杂性、本质的双重性、后果的严重性、有限可计算性和时空特性。

25、128 Logical forms are without number. Hence there are no preeminent numbers in logic, and hence there is no possibility of philosophical monism or dualism, etc. ─── 1274问一个形式概念是否存在是无意义的,因为不可能有一个命题是对这个问题的回答。(因此,例如,不能提问“是否存在不可分析的主谓式命题?”这种问题。)

26、A discussion on breaking the town- country dualism by farmers ─── 农民冲破城乡二元化格局的探讨

27、The Philosophical Dualism of Ancient Persian Religion and Aesthetic Elucidation of Sterotyped Imagery ─── 古代波斯宗教哲学的二元本体论及原型意象的审美阐释

28、In the different periods throughout his writing career, these two broad domains of cultural ideas kept growing and declining and contradicting against each other, exhibiting hard dualist variations. ─── 在各个不同的历史时期,两种文化观念意识在他的心理意识中经常呈现矛盾消长和相互斗争徘徊两难的二重变奏状态。

29、the development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism. ─── 上古宗教经历了从原始拜物教、多神教经二元神教的过渡向一神教的发展历程。

30、wave-particle dualism ─── [化] 波粒二象性

31、dualism framework ─── 二元结构

32、Key words: anthropocentrism; non-anthropocentrism; humanitarianism; dualism of subject and object; subject ─── 作者简介:王国华(1976-),男。江苏丰县人。硕士研究生。

33、A research on technical structure based on the theory of dualism ─── 基于二元论的技术结构解释

34、He found three unsatisfactory features in the Cartesian metaphysics: the transcendence of God, mind-body dualism, and the ascription of free will both to God and to human beings. ─── 他在笛卡儿形上学中发现了三个不足之处:上帝的超然存在、心灵和身体二元论、归属于上帝和人类的自由意志。

35、Countermeasures China Should Take in Addressing the Dualism of the Green Barriers ─── 从绿色壁垒的双重性看我国应采取的对策

36、Strictly speaking, naturalism has no ontological bias toward any particular set of categories of reality: dualism and monism, atheism and theism, idealism and materialism are all compatible with it. ─── 严格地讲,自然主义对任何具体的现实类别没有本体主义的偏见:二元论和一元论、无神论和有神论、观念论和唯物论都与自然主义相容。

37、Dualism not only harms the construction of harmonious society but also twists the efficiency principle in some extent. ─── 二元性的存在不仅影响和谐社会的构建,而且使效率原则出现一定程度的扭曲。

38、An Analysis of Financial Dualism Influence on Macro - Economic Policy ─── 二元金融结构对宏观金融政策的影响分析

39、He is called a dualist because he thinks that mind and body are separate and distinct substances: Mind is conscious and non-spatial and body is spatial but not conscious. ─── 他被称作二元论者是因为他认为心灵和肉体是分离的和截然不同的事物:心灵是有意识的和不占有空间的二身体是占有空间但无意识的。

40、Eastern Gnosticism took a somewhat different course. Under the influence of traditional Iranian religion, the semi-Gnostic Manichaeism developed an absolute cosmic dualism between soul and matter. ─── 东方的诺斯替派有些不同的实践。在伊朗传统宗教的影响下,半诺斯替主义的摩尼教发展了一种绝对的宇宙二元论,是灵魂与物质。

41、Wittgenstein clearly pointed out that Cartesian dualism had confused concept. ─── 它误解了“知道”的用法。

42、Experimental demonstration on wave-particle dualism of light ─── 光的波粒二象性的实验演示

43、His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism. The dualist principle, however, reappears in an acute form in a later period, after Zoroaster. ─── 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。然而,二元论的法则在琐罗亚斯德之后的随后时期以一种敏锐的方式出现。

44、Hold the dualism of the job and life concurrently at the same time. ─── 同时兼有工作与生活的双重性。

45、This neutral monism, as it is called, resembles property dualism. ─── 另一个可能的一元论形式说的是那唯一存在的实体是精神。

46、of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of dualism. ─── 属于或关于哲学上的二元论的。

47、Keywords petroleum geological dualism;upper asthenosphere;domain-channels structure;Fisher-Tropsch synthesis; ─── 二元论;上软流圈;通道-块状地质结构;可持续发展;

48、Keywords habitus;field;body;politics;dualism;duality; ─── 习性;场域;身体;政治;二元论;二重性;

49、Liberation is basically freedom from obsession, freedom from dualism. ─── 基本上解脱是指从迷惑中解脱,从二元分别中解脱。

50、Dualism of practical reason implicates the conflict between moral impartiality and separateness of persons, so Sidgwick's problem shows the inner dilemma of modern moral philosophy. ─── 实践理性二元论内涵着道德的不偏不倚性与个人分立性之间的对立,西季威克对实践理性二元论的揭示恰恰凸显了现代道德哲学的内在困境。

51、The dualism of motive and effect is the philosophical basis for forgiving those people. ─── 动机和效果的二元论是他们宽恕这些人的哲学基础。

52、From the philosophical dualism of the subject and the object, interest exists independent of the object world. ─── 从哲学的主客体二元对立出发,利益是独立于主体世界而存在。

53、There h*** e been various attempts to remove this dualism, or make it more palatable. ─── 人们曾作出各种努力来消除这种二元论,或使它更合乎口味。

54、dualism of practical reason ─── 实践理性二元论

55、SHAM takes advantage by cleverly marketing the dualism of victimization and empowerment. ─── SHAM聪明的以受害和授权的双重性做为行销点。

56、substaintive dualism ─── 实体二元论

57、The dualism on the concept of property rights ─── 关于产权概念的二重解释

58、For a long time, this term has been considered as either idealism or materialism or dualism and western philosophers of existentialism in modern times have already been tired of these standpoints. ─── 哲学家们也因为对“存在”的认识不同而构建了自己的哲学体系,由于对“存在”的理解也被定性为唯心主义、唯物主义间或二元论的标签。

59、, that the rejection leads to dualism, or to problems involving knowledge of consciousness. 14 An opponent will either embrace the consequences or deny that they are consequences. ─── 例如,拒绝导致二元论,或导致含有‘对意识的知道’的问题。[14]反对者会,或者承认这些结论或者拒绝它们是结论。

60、At the turn of this century, they surpass the thinking mode of dualism, and further achieve the change of creating concept. ─── 在世纪交替之际,他们又超越二元对立的思维模式,进一步实现了创作观念的转变。

61、The alternative view that we're going to consider is not dualist, but monist. ─── 另外一个我们将要顾及的观点不是二元学说,是一元论学说。

62、For much of the 20th century, a watered-down version of dualism based on the idea of the psyche prevailed. ─── 在20世纪的大部分时间里,一个淡化了的二元论版本建立在心理学流行状况的基础之上。

63、Secondly, Equity strengthened English dualism justice and brought vigor, flexibility and motivation to English justice. ─── 其次,衡平法及衡平法庭的产生,健全了英国的司法双轨制,为英国法律带来弹性、活力和动力。

64、dualism between subject and object ─── 二元对立

65、It leaves us with a dualism of properties, or qualities, that is just as baffling ─── 在特征和性质方面仍存在二元论,也同样令人迷惑不解。

66、Why can you have dualism case? ─── 为什么会有双重性格呢?

67、10.His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism. ─── 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。

68、dualism political power structure ─── 二元政治权力结构

69、dualism concept of accounting ─── 二元观念的会计

70、There are two different view about the essence of dualism of practical reason in western ethics: internalism and externalism, the former is more reasonable. ─── 关于这一问题的本质,当代西方伦理学界主要存在着内在主义与外在主义两种理解,其中内在主义的观点更为合理。

71、That's the dualist view. ─── 这就是二元学说论。

72、Meanwhile.there was an opposite dualism between writing and image: text pattern and image pattern, in these ideas. ─── 同时,在这些说法中,同样不难发现往往包含着一种关于文字与图象,文本模式与图象模式之间的二元对立。

73、interactive dualism ─── 交互二元论

74、Sentiment and reason infer "concept", and view as well as matter infers "form".There exists a dualism between and within concepts and forms. ─── 其中不仅“意”与“象”本身形成“二元对待”,即“意”与“意”或“象”与“象”之间,也形成“二元对待”。

75、In the course of development of human geography played a certain role in the geography still on the "dualism. ─── 在人文地理学发展过程中起过一定作用的还有地理学上的“二元论”。

76、But Einstein is a man not god, We can’t take error relativity as god because “Wave-particle Dualism” was obtained the reputation of Nobel Physics Prize. ─── 但爱因斯坦是人不是神,我们不可以因“波粒二象性”获得了诺贝尔物理学奖的声誉就把错误的相对论当作神灵。

77、For Jung, dualism and monism were not mutually contradictory and exclusive, but complimentary aspects of reality. ─── 作为容格,二元论和一元论并不是互相地对立和排外的,而是实相的连续外貌。

78、On the dualist view, what was death? ─── 二元论认为,什么是死亡?

79、Austin thought that Cartesian dualism had made dual mistakes, one is the misunderstanding of the category "know", the other is of the words about feeling and emotions etc. ─── 实际来看,我们常常能认识他人之心的某些方面。

80、The streamers thus illustrate the ethical dualism taught by Zarathushtra. ─── 因此,这条横幅是阐明了琐罗亚斯德教导的与伦理有关的二元论。

81、Let me say something more then about the dualist position. ─── 让我说一些关于二元学说论更多的东西。

82、The dualism origins of the ancient Christian asceticism ─── 古代基督教禁欲主义的诸种二元论根源

83、It is beneficial to understand and study the meaning and dualism of Primitivism in both painting and music. ─── 原始主义在绘画与音乐间存在的意义和共有的特色值得瞭解与深究。

84、Hence, the aporia of aesthetic myth writing derived from Gnosticism's dualism, which was represented in western aesthetic history of Prometheus myth writings. ─── 因此,审美神话的寓言式书写困境承诺斯替主义二元论而来,在西方审美思想史上绵延不绝的普罗米修斯神话创作中见出。

85、ethical dualism ─── 伦理二元论, 道德二元论

86、Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies. ─── 唯心主义通常都与唯物主义想对立,与二元论或多元论相反,两者皆属于一元论。

87、It expands its discourse practice from four aspects: dualism in thinking, Occidental hege-mony in discourse, appeal for national complex and returning to traditional culture. ─── 它从思维模式的“二元对立”、话语领域的西方霸权、民族情结的强烈诉求与传统文化的回归和高扬等四个方面展开其话语实践。

88、In philosophic field, the dualism of consciousness and body has changed into monism. ─── 哲学界意识与身体的“二元论”过渡到“一元论”;

89、We should have rational legal ideas and maintain the dualism of “functional unification and formal differentiation” in the international evolution of company institutions. ─── 因此,应当坚持理性的法律思维,坚持公司制度国际演化的“功能统一、形式分化”二元观。

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