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09-04 投稿


ductless 发音

英:[d?ktl?s]  美:[?d?ktl?s]

英:  美:

ductless 中文意思翻译



ductless 短语词组

1、ductless fume hood ─── 无管道通风柜

2、ductless dryer ─── 无管道干燥器

3、ductless range hoods ─── 无管道吸油烟机

4、ductless air ─── 无管道空气

5、ductless mini split systems ─── 无管道微型分离系统

6、ductless air conditioner ─── 无管道空调

7、ductless exhaust ─── 无管道排气

8、ductless gland ─── 无管腺

9、ductless mini splits ─── 无导管微型分割

10、ductless aire ─── 无导管气囊

11、ductless air conditioners ─── 无管道空调

12、ductless mini ─── 微型无导管

13、ductless bathroom heater ─── 无管道浴室加热器

14、ductless heater ─── 无管加热器

15、ductless glands ─── [医] 无管腺, 内分泌腺

16、ductless system ─── 无管道系统

17、ductless ac ─── 无管道交流

ductless 词性/词形变化,ductless变形

名词: ductility |

ductless 相似词语短语

1、dustless ─── adj.无尘的;不起灰尘的

2、duchess ─── n.公爵夫人;女公爵;雍容华贵的妇女;小老板娘;vt.(澳)盛情款待;讨好;vi.热情款待;讨好

3、ductules ─── n.小管道;[无脊椎]小导管

4、debtless ─── 无债务

5、dauntless ─── adj.无畏的;勇敢的;不屈不挠的

6、gutless ─── adj.无胆量的;没勇气的;没有生气的

7、dintless ─── 无能的

8、gustless ─── 无阵风

9、doubtless ─── adv.无疑地,肯定地;大概;adj.无疑的,确定的

ductless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The duct that drains the entire gland is the main duct. ─── 整个腺体的导管汇总在一起称主导管。

2、When cruised,found L &R duct pressure much different. ─── 巡航过程发现左右管道压力相差过大。

3、Duct tape holds the world together. ─── 布基胶带把所有东西连接在一起。

4、NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation. ─── NPDMC是一个我国研制的多群中子和光子耦合输运的三维孔道计算蒙特卡罗程序。

5、Balancing components shall have duct jacket. ─── 弹性补偿元件应有导流套;

6、The implication presumably is that the duct tape replaces skill. ─── 其含义当然是这种管道胶带能取代技能。

7、Maybe you have never heard of duct tape. ─── 也许你还没有听说过管道胶带吧。

8、Theoritical and experimental research on lens duct for LDA coupling[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘晓娟,傅汝廉,秦华,史新刚,卓然然,郜洪云.

9、Surgical Treatment of 256 Cases of Hilar Bile Duct BenignStrictures. ─── 256例肝门胆管良性狭窄的手术治疗。

10、Ejaculatory duct obstruction. ─── 射精管梗阻。

11、Lists some Japanese enterprises dealing with air duct cleaning. ─── 列出了日本几家开展空调风管清扫业务的企业。

12、The sensor and equipment shapes are designed to be placed on top of duct shapes. ─── 传感器和设备形状设计为放在管道形状之上。

13、Presents the theoretical model of pressure drop for flexible duct. ─── 摘要介绍了柔性风管压力损失的理论模型。

14、Surgical Treatment of 256 Cases of Hilar Bile Duct Benign Strictures. ─── 256例肝门胆管良性狭窄的手术治疗

15、How is the temperature distribution in large refrigerated warehouses with ductless air distribution? ─── 3.在无管道的大型冷库里,温度分布情况如何?

16、Artery has spermary artery, seminiferous duct artery and artery of the flesh that carry Gao. ─── 动脉有睾丸动脉、输精管动脉及提睾肌动脉。

17、There was no mortality,no bile duct in-jury or no hemorrhea. ─── 全组无死亡病例,无胆道损伤、大出血等严重并发症。

18、Used in ducted and ductless range hoods and over the counter microwave ovens. ─── 使用在有和无管道式抽油烟机以及柜式微波炉中。

19、This paper describes newly technology trend of component mounter and green technology of ductless reflow furnance. ─── 概述了元件安装机的最新技术动向和无通风管道再流焊炉绿色技术。

20、Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel. ─── 传送的指通过导管或管道传送下来的或输送的

21、Leiomyoma are very common in the normal uterus;however, they are rather rare in mullerian duct remnant. ─── 摘要正常子宫肌肉发生肌瘤是很常见的,然后,在苗勒氏管遗迹长出肌瘤非常罕见。

22、How is the temperature distribution in large refrigerated warehouses with ductless air distribution? ─── 在无管道的大型冷库里,温度分布情况如何?

23、From HVAC Controls Equipment, drag duct shapes onto the drawing page. ─── 从“HVAC控制设备”中,将管道形状拖到绘图页上。

24、Struction: Made up of duct bottom and lid,with two out-hols designd at the bottom. ─── 制造:由槽底及槽盖两部分组成,底槽两侧设出线孔。

25、Drivers often keep a roll of duct tape in the trunk of their car for that reason. ─── 为此,驾驶员们常常在他们的车厢里放上一卷管道胶带。

26、An organ or duct that removes or carries waste from the body. ─── 排泄器官,排泄道把废物从体内移去或带走的器官或通道

27、External air duct and exhaust pipe connector. ─── 外置式出入油管连接座。

28、I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth. ─── 我已目测你嘴巴的声带。

29、Kimberly cries through the duct tape on her mouth. ─── 尽管金伯利的嘴被胶带封住了,她仍然大叫起来。

30、They can be caused also by a plugged duct or by skin blocking a milk duct. ─── 也可能是由于出乳口堵塞或者输乳管被皮肤堵塞。

31、Underneath it can be seen an curious underground stream or duct. ─── 在它下面可以看见一奇怪的暗流或输送管。

32、A duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted. ─── 排放管废物被放出时所经过的管道

33、Under the impression of the sialolithiasis in right Wharton's duct, the patient was admitted for the sialolithotomy. ─── 在右华顿氏管涎石的临床诊断下,病人住院接受右颚下腺导管之涎石切除术。

34、Methods:SD rats were made as the model of acute bile duct infection. ─── 探讨中医药对急性梗阻性胆道感染时肾功能的影响。

35、What they found was rope, duct tape, and knives. ─── 他们发现里面装的竟然是绳子、胶带及刀子。

36、If you revise your drawing later, guides make it easy to move a duct and its controls as a unit. ─── 如果您以后修改绘图,借助参考线可以轻松地将管道及其控制作为一个整体进行移动。

37、A milk blister is a blocked duct on the surface of the nipple. ─── 奶泡是由乳头表面的出乳口堵塞引起的。

38、She's duct taped to a chair. ─── 她被用胶带绑在一张椅子上。

39、Methods:17 patients with biliary duct cancer in porta-hepatis underwent plain and dynamic enhanced MSCT. ─── 方法:回顾性分析17例行MSCT平扫及动态增强扫描的肝门部胆管癌影像学资料,并与手术及病理对照分析。

40、If the hose of a vacuum cleaner has a hole in it, the duct tape will come to rescue. ─── 如果真空吸尘器上面的软管有个洞,管道胶带就派上用场了。

41、Remove the defroster duct from the instrument panel. ─── 从仪表板上拆下除霜器导管。

42、The prostate where the urethra and procreation duct gather together is just vulnerable region in men. ─── 尿道与生殖管道相汇处前列腺区,正是男人的多灾部位。

43、A small dilatation in a canal or duct, especially one in the semicircular canal of the ear. ─── 壶腹通管或导管内的小的膨起,尤指耳朵的半规管内

44、Presents an introduction to Italian ALP air duct system. ─── 提出了风管合流数和系统经济数的概念。

45、If a large enough bile duct can be found to anastomose and provide bile drainage, then surgery can be curative. ─── 如果有足够大的胆管可进行吻合并提供胆汁引流,该病即能够通过手术治愈。

46、The tie on the cystic duct may slip off. ─── 在胆囊管上的结扎可能滑脱。

47、Eg.6 Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions. ─── 内分泌学的定义是:研究没有导管的或称内分泌性的腺体及其内分泌液的科学。

48、Differentiation of the epithelia begins in the basal turn and extends apically as cochlear duct coils. ─── 小鼠耳蜗管上皮的分化是从底周经蜗管中部逐渐向顶周进行。

49、Resize or rotate a duct shape by dragging one of its endpoints. ─── 拖动管道形状的某个端点以旋转管道形状或调整其大小。

50、The man robbing this liquor store decided to conceal his face with duct tape. ─── 一名抢劫这家的酒店的男子决定在脸上缠胶带瞒天过海。

51、Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions. ─── 内分泌学的定义是:研究无管腺或称内分泌腺及它们的内分泌的科学。

52、The Ascaris adults may perforate a suture line or cause a bile or pancreatic duct obstruction. ─── 成虫可穿破缝线或引起胆管或胰腺管阻塞。

53、Methods:Cold light was led into cystic duct through the optical fiber in LC. ─── 方法:在LC中经胆囊管向胆囊内置入光导纤维,导入冷光源。

54、In the center is a duct lined by carcinoma cells. ─── 中央为有癌细胞排列于其中的导管。

55、A tube, duct, or passageway. ─── 导管,道管子、输送管或通道

56、When retracted, the doors form part of the outer duct for fan exhaust air. ─── 当收回时,阻流门将作为风扇向外排气的外部管道的一部份。

57、They say that the usage of duct tape has allowed them to simplify their life and to decrease the cost of repairs. ─── 他们说使用管道胶带简化了他们的生活,并且减少了修理费用。

58、Rectify the gap at final connections between air duct and grille / louvre. ─── 修补通风喉管与通风格栅/百?风口接驳处的空隙。

59、Abstract: Objectives: To observe the morphological change of the seminal duct in chronic prostatitis. ─── 文摘:目的:了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的形态学变化。

60、Only a few acini were found on the duct tree of non-lactation period. ─── 女性非哺乳期仍然存在少量腺泡结构;

61、Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of mammary duct expansion. ─── 摘要目的:探讨乳腺导管扩张症的诊断和治疗方法。

62、Immunohistochemical studies showed positive CK staining in tumor cells,and CK,CK7 and EMA staining in the duct. ─── 免疫组化显示肿瘤细胞CK阳性,管腔CK、CK7、EMA阳性。

63、A plant duct containing latex. ─── 乳汁管一种含有树乳的植物导管

64、In areas where there will be foot traffic, cover the cable totally with duct tape. ─── 在会有人走动的区域里要把线全部包在胶带里。

65、Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions. ─── 内分泌学的定义是:研究无管腺或称内分泌腺及它们的内分泌的科学。

66、Objective To improve the detection rate of extrahepatic bile duct obstructive diseases by ultrasonography. ─── 摘要目的提高肝外胆管梗阻性病变的超声显示率。

67、Surgical approach to the left intrahepatic duct: experience with 16 cases. ─── 左肝内胆管手术径路16例应用体会。

68、Oreo plays with a piece of duct tape. ─── 我们也为人们职业生涯中使用照片提供帮助。

69、A small canal or duct in the body, such as the minute channels in compact bone. ─── 小管体内细小的渠道或导管,如密质骨中纤细的管道

70、Endoscopic balloon dilation for the treatment of common bile duct stones. ─── 内镜下取石气囊扩张法治疗胆总管结石。

71、At this point you may be able to trace the common bile duct to the duodenum. ─── 在此,你可能可以沿着总胆管,找到十二指肠。

72、Objectives: To observe the? morphological change of the seminal duct in chronic prostatitis. ─── 了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的形态学变化。

73、Hobnail appearance, seen clearly in this duct, is a helpful diagnostic feature. ─── 下图中,管内鞋钉样表现明显可见,有助于诊断。

74、Bile duct hamartoma is a rare hepatic tumor in adults. ─── 摘要胆道缺陷瘤在成人是一种罕见的肝肿瘤。

75、Almost every household in North America has at least one roll of duct tape. ─── 几乎北美的每个家庭都至少有一卷管道胶带。

76、What′ s more, the valves of the end of thoracic duct were observed. ─── 且剖开管壁观察了胸导管末端的瓣膜。

77、Table 4. Comparison of unobstructed rate of mammary duct between test and control groups in double blind trial. ─── 两组乳腺管通畅率比较:见表4。

78、Ejaculatory duct obstruction is a rare but important cause of male infertility. ─── 射精管梗阻是一种罕见现象,但却是男性不育的重要原因。

79、Fistula of the submandibular duct happened in another case. ─── 1例患者发生下颌下腺导管瘘;

80、Counter flange with duct of exhaust expansion joint shall be supplied by MHI. ─── 带排汽膨胀节导管的配对法兰由MHI提供。?

81、Technical and Economical Performance Analysis on Ductless Inductive Ventilation System of the Underground Parking ─── 地下停车场无风道透导通风系统性能及经济性分析

82、Some ductless glands produce several different hormones. ─── 有些无管腺产生几种不同的激素。

83、Treatment of iatrogenic bile duct injury. ─── 医源性胆管损伤的处理。

84、Endocrine system: Group of ductless glands that secrete hormones necessary for normal growth and development, reproduction, and homeostasis. ─── 内分泌系统:由无管腺体组成的系统,分泌激素(荷尔蒙)以供身体正常生长、发育、繁殖和自我恒定性之需。

85、He contracted an acute biliary duct infection. ─── 他患有急性胆道感染。

86、LCIS with pagetoid involvement of duct. ─── LCIS伴Paget样累犯导管。

87、RCS of engine duct was calculated and analyzed using SBR method. ─── 摘要采用弹跳射线法(SBR)对飞机发动机进气道的雷达散射截面(RCS)进行了分析计算。

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