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09-04 投稿


gloaming 发音


英:  美:

gloaming 中文意思翻译



gloaming 网络释义

n. 黄昏;夕幕v. 日落;天变黑(gloam的现在分词)

gloaming 短语词组

1、gloaming definition ─── 全局定义

2、gloaming crossword ─── 填字游戏

3、gloaming deep gloaming ─── 深

4、gloaming defined ─── 定义的gloaming

5、gloaming d&d gloaming d&d ─── 公司

6、gloaming define gloaming ─── 定义

7、gloaming dusk ─── 朦胧的黄昏

8、gloaming lyrics ─── 格洛明歌词

9、gloaming 5e ─── 玻璃罩5e

gloaming 词性/词形变化,gloaming变形

名词: globoseness |异体字: globous |副词: glo-bosely |

gloaming 相似词语短语

1、coaming ─── n.舱口防水栏板(或围板)

2、glooming ─── v.变黑暗;变郁闷(gloom的现在分词)

3、glomming ─── vt.偷;抢;看;抓住;n.一瞥

4、blooming ─── adj.盛开的;妙龄的;该死的;十足的;v.开花;繁荣;发光;给(透镜)敷膜;把(金属)压成块(bloom的现在分词)

5、gleaming ─── n.微弱的闪光,瞬息的一现;adj.闪闪发光的;v.闪烁,隐约地闪现(gleam的ing形式)

6、gloating ─── adj.沾沾自喜的,心满意足的;n.沾沾自喜,心满意足;v.沾沾自喜,幸灾乐祸(gloat的现在分词)

7、gloatings ─── 幸灾乐祸

8、loaming ─── n.壤土;肥土(含有黏土、沙和有机物质的土地);亚黏土;vt.用壤土填

9、blaming ─── vbl.归咎;责备;谴责

gloaming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From such broken slumbers, I would be aroused in the gloaming , to sit up in the same puddle where I had slept. ─── 这样一类时断时续的瞌睡,会使我在黄昏时惊醒,在我睡觉的水坑上坐起来。

2、My grandfather and I scarcely burn a light at night.We like to sit upon the threshold of our shed watching the lake and Snow Mountains fading away in the tranquil gloaming. ─── “外祖父和我,很少在夜间点灯,我们喜欢坐在小屋门口的石阶上,看湖水和雪山在寂静平和的黄昏里隐去,我们不说什么多余的话。”

3、roam about the streets in the gloaming. ─── 在街上迷雾里荡来荡去。

4、when the gloaming is fuzzy,the group of beautiful spirit are silhouetted by the rays of evening sunshine . ─── 暮色苍茫中,这一群美生灵被霞光勾勒出一片剪影。

5、1.Dawn comes and you see its path-the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem, the limp, blackening garden vine. ─── 拂晓时分,你随处可见它的踪迹,在闪亮的叶子上,朦胧的茎干上,盘曲黝黑的藤蔓上。

6、The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming. ─── 在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。

7、From such broken slumbers, I would be aroused in the gloaming, to sit up in the same puddle where I had slept. ─── 这样一类时断时续的瞌睡,会使我在黄昏时惊醒,在我睡觉的水坑上坐起来。

8、At one time and another ,I had many chances to meditate on the past .Such as Looking up to the Baidi chateau by a boat at gloaming ; ─── 我曾有缘,在黄昏的江船上仰望过白帝城,顶着浓冽的秋霜登临过黄鹤楼,还在一个冬夜摸到了寒山寺。

9、"This is my time," she said, and Destiny saw the shadow that spread onto his page raise its arms, as if embracing the gloaming sky. "In-between times." ─── “我有我的时间。”她答道,然后宿命看见了书页上的影子伸展的手臂,似乎要去拥抱黄昏的暮色。“在两端之间。”

10、Let it go back into the gloaming , and gad with a lot of longing. ─── 就让他回到暮色中,满怀憧憬地游荡吧。

11、It is too warm this gloaming so that he feels eager to jump into the water. ─── 黄昏的天气酷热,他想跳进水里凉爽一下。

12、"I saw their starved lips in the gloam With horrid warning gaped wide, And I awoke, and found me here On the cold hill side." ─── 在幽暗里,他们的瘪嘴大张着,预告着灾祸;我一觉醒来,看见自己躺在这冰冷的山坡。

13、Shepherds was pelting through the gloaming their sheep and goats. ─── 牧羊人在暮色中驱赶他们的羊群。

14、dusk; twilight; the gloaming; the shades of evening; the evening shadows ─── 暮色

15、The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming ─── 在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。

16、Retained the gloam beyond the small veranda ,there were a list of old-circumvallation on the end of sight , with the double bleak of gloaming and autumn scenery, always took with a pieces of flute. ─── 记得小阳台上黄昏,视线的尽处是一列古老的城墙。在暮色和秋色的双重苍凉里,往往不知什么人加上一阵笛音的苍凉。

17、Stars in the purple gloaming. ─── 紫色黄昏里是闪闪的星星。

18、Shepherds was pelting through the gloaming their sheep and goats. ─── 牧羊人在暮色中驱赶他们的羊群。

19、in the gloaming ─── 暮色朦胧

20、Luang Prabang.The Mekong in the gloaming. ─── 龙坡邦暮色的湄公江.

21、At the time of gloaming,I went on the bridge to see the scenery , I saw the guard who was guarding the road which I just came from . ─── 黄昏光景,走上大桥看风景,汉口高楼栉比,汉阳晴川历历,武昌黄鹤楼伫立如画。

22、Going home for meal after gloaming. ─── 归来饭饱黄昏后, 不脱蓑衣卧月明。

23、While the gloam the sunset glows hang beyond the sky just like red silks and satins. ─── 日薄崦嵫,凤翼垂天,房前的小院子被夕阳金色的余晖照耀得一片光明。

24、It is too warm this gloaming so that he suddenly feels eager to jump into the water. ─── 黄昏的天气格外酷热,他突然想跳进水里凉爽一下。

25、So, without needing to be told, he ducked out to skulk in the back cabin, holding his breath. Not smoking now, he gazed blankly through the gloaming at the river. ─── 于是这丈夫不必指点,也就知道往后舱钻去,躲到那后梢舱上去低低的喘气,一面把含在口上那支烟卷摘下来,毫无目的的眺望河中暮景。

26、It comes without a whisper, quiet as thistledown, brushing the comer of a hillside garden.Dawn comesyou see its path-the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem, the limp, blackening garden vine. ─── 它默默不语,静如蓟花冠毛,轻轻掠过山坡上果园的一角。

27、We made it in 25 minutes, hurtling through the gloaming like the Two Cyclists of the Apocalypse. ─── 像战警传奇中的两个骑士我们飞速在暮色中骑行,用25分钟就赶到了旅馆。

28、Another girl wiggles by in the brooklyn gloaming ─── 又是一个姑娘扭着腰肢在布鲁克林的暮色中走过。

29、His first film, In the Gloaming, proved he had not lost his creative spark. ─── 他的处女作影片《暮色如斯》证明创作灵感并没有离他而去。

30、In the gloaming, the crows flew in to gather for the night in a stand of bare oaks. ─── 薄暮时分,鸦群飞向光秃秃的橡树枝条上过夜。

31、of a church loomed through the gloaming. ─── 薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。

32、in the gloaming of one's life ─── 在晚年

33、It comes without a whisper, quiet as thistledown, brushing the comer of a hillside garden.Dawn comes and you see its path-the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem, the limp, blackening garden vine. ─── 它默默不语,静如蓟花冠毛,轻轻擦过山坡上果园的一角。

34、In the gloaming, the crows flew in to gather for the night in a stand of bare oaks. ─── 薄暮时分,鸦群飞向光秃秃的橡树枝条上过夜。

35、Moons, both crescent and full, provide a thin light in the gloaming. ─── 月亮——不论是一弯月牙还是一轮满月——都为黄昏笼罩上一层薄薄的白纱。

36、In the dreariness doubled by the gloaming and the autumn scene, pieces of fluting from someone often made all these even more dismal. ─── 在暮色和秋色的双重苍凉里,往往不知什么人加上一阵笛音的苍凉。

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