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09-04 投稿



embarkation 发音

英:[,embɑ?'ke???n]  美:[,?mbɑr'ke??n]

英:  美:

embarkation 中文意思翻译



embarkation 同义词

embarkment | boarding |departure

embarkation 词性/词形变化,embarkation变形

动词第三人称单数: embarks |动词现在分词: embarking |动词过去式: embarked |动词过去分词: embarked |名词: embarkation |

embarkation 短语词组

1、Bremerhaven-Port of Embarkation Bremerhaven-Embarkation ─── 港

2、port of embarkation ─── [经] 启航港

3、Embarkation Supply and Stores Officer ─── 注册供应和仓库干事

4、embarkation card ─── 登机证,上船证

5、Embarkation Medical Equipment Depot ─── 实施医疗设备库

6、embarkation arrangement ─── 乘载装置

7、embarkation area ─── [经] 装货区(指码头和车站装卸货物场地)

8、Embarkation Medical Official ─── 注册医疗官员

9、aerial embarkation center ─── 空中登船中心

10、Embarkation Staff Officer ─── 注册职员

11、Embarkation Staff Office ─── 实施工作人员办公室

12、Aerial Port of Embarkation ─── 空中港口

13、embarkation deck ─── 登艇甲板

14、Embarkation Order ─── 实施令

15、Embarkation Officer ─── 登机官

16、embarkation define ─── 登船定义

17、Embarkation Supply and Stores Offic ─── 注册供应和商店办公室

18、embarkation notice ─── 乘船[飞机]通知

19、Midshipman Embarkation Team ─── 海军陆战队

embarkation 反义词


embarkation 相似词语短语

1、re-embarkations ─── 重新出发

2、embarcation ─── n.乘船;搭机;搭载;开始(等于embarkation)

3、embarcations ─── n.乘船;搭机;搭载;开始(等于embarkation)

4、imparkation ─── n.兽苑;围在园内

5、demarkations ─── n.分界,定界(等于demarcation)

6、disembarkation ─── n.登陆;上岸

7、debarkation ─── n.登陆;下车;上岸

8、demarkation ─── n.分界,定界(等于demarcation)

9、re-embarkation ─── 重新登船

embarkation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But governments are reluctant to embark on the needed structural changes, including reforming bloated public sectors. ─── 但中东各国政府不愿开展必要的结构性改革,包括对臃肿的公营部门进行改革。

2、There are a man and a woman in water in the front.Do you see? They are in danger.Ask them to embark first, please! ─── 前方水中有一男一女,看见了吗?他们生命垂危,请把他们俩先救上飞机吧!

3、In any case, software metrics offer additional insight into what you may or may not find as you embark on your quest to improve performance. ─── 不管是哪种情况,在着手改进性能时,软件度量都会提供更多的内幕信息。

4、It is an embarkation card. ─── 它是一个乘船卡。

5、Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project. ─── 你着手进行这个项目之前必须有所考虑,有所准备。

6、The skies finally cleared, allowing commander Mark Polansky and his crew to embark on their 16-day adventure. ─── 天气终于放晴让船长MarkPolansky和他的船员们踏上了16天的冒险历程。

7、And once outside in the fresh air, there are plenty of activities to embark upon. ─── 只要置身室外清新的空气中,就可以从事各种各样的活动。

8、Perhaps it was the stalemate that made Sonny Corleone embark on the bloody course of attrition that ended in his own death. ─── 也许因为战局僵持,桑儿 - 考利昂才踏上以他自己的死亡为终结的消耗战的血路、也许因为他那狂暴的性格失去了约束,他才落到了这个地步。

9、Stopped to embark passengers. ─── 停止使乘客登船或飞机

10、At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand, sell his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of his own. ─── 不管怎么说,是她劝说父亲辞掉雇工工作,卖掉那匹马,去从事一项独立的事业。

11、Some Opec countries are worried such moves could jeopardise future demand just as they embark on expansion plans. ─── 一些欧佩克国家担心在其开始扩大产能之际,上述举措会危及未来的原油需求。

12、Assist passengers in need to embark and disembark the vessel safely. ─── 协助乘客安全上落船只。

13、He began to talk of my going to West Chester in order to embark for Ireland. ─── 他开始谈起让我到西契斯特,为的是从那里坐船到爱尔兰。

14、Good, go aboard please, be about very quickly embarkation. ─── 好了,请上船吧,很快就要开船了。

15、Embark and release lashing ropes. ─── 上艇并解开固艇索。

16、At the beginning I would love to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale. ─── 合资企业起步的时候,我希望有一个稳妥地速度和规模。

17、When the boat past the harbor used ropes to trap the pier so that the pole to stop and let the shore of embarkation. ─── 当船驶过海港时用绳索套住码头上的柱子使船停下来,让岸上的人上船。

18、For long distance trains, the KL Sentral Station is the place for embarkation and disembarkation. ─── 以吉隆坡为出发点,无论你要南上,还是北下,都必须从吉隆坡的中环广场购票,上下车。

19、Whether he will actually embark on this potentially suicidal plan is also unclear. ─── 他是否将从事这项毁灭性的计划仍是个未知。

20、On today’s cruise ships, you have to have a lifeboat drill within twenty-four hours of embarkation. ─── 在现在的游轮上,你上船二十四小时以内就会接受救生艇训练。

21、At the same time educational pamphlets and literature were distributed to American troops before their embarkation from the United States. ─── 同时他印了很多有教育意义的小册子,和文学书籍,在美国部队由美国上船以前,即行散发。

22、French painter noted for his exuberant scenes of gallantry, such as The Embarkation for Cythera(1717). ─── 华都,简 安东尼1684-1721法国画家,以其丰富华丽的场面著称,如发舟西苔岛(1717年)

23、Where did the FIve embark upon their life-altering scientific explorations? ─── 五人组是在哪里开始改变他们人生的科学研究的?

24、Passengers and crew ! Follow the lifeboat man to the lifeboat stations on the embarkation deck . ─── 旅客和船员注意!在登艇甲板随舰长登救生艇。

25、To diversify one's business is to embark on different kinds of commercial business . ─── 多样化就是从事各式各样的商业经营。

26、Teams of students will embark an intensive effort to execute neurophysiological experiments from start to finish. ─── 学生小组必须由始至终集中精力努力完成神经生理学的实验。

27、Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before. ─── 如未掌握好已学过的东西,切莫从事更深的学习。

28、Passengers are requested to follow the instructions of the Hong Kong Police and be patient while waiting for embarkation. ─── 于当日前往长洲的乘客请耐心等候及尽量忍让,并遵守现场警方的指示,谨守秩序。

29、China embark on a massive programme of reform. ─── 中国着手进行大规模的改革。

30、But the application failed and Singapore sent him back to his last embarkation point, the Philippines. ─── 但他的申请遭到了拒绝,同时新加坡方面还将其送回到了此前最后一个登机地点:菲律宾。

31、Mother is like my teacher, my guide, is her life, led me to embark on the journey toward a brilliant future! ─── 妈妈也好比是我的老师,我的向导,是她,引导我走上人生的征程,走向灿烂的未来!

32、As you are about to embark on your next life journey, I would like to share a few thoughts with you. ─── 在你们即将离开母校奔赴新的人生征程之际,我谨代表母校并以一位学长和朋友的身份,简要地谈几点想法,算是离别赠言。

33、No refund or compensation will be made to passengers who are denied embarkation resulting from non-compliance of immigration requirements. ─── 凡是由于不符合出入境条规以致不获准登船的乘客,一律不将获得任何退款或赔偿。

34、Before she would embark on a holy war, however, she had to purify her own Church. ─── 不过,在开始一场神圣的战争之前,她必须净化自己的教会。

35、Embarkation will be at 14:20 hours. ─── 上船时间是 14:20。

36、A hum ack whale mother and calf embark on an epic journey from tropical coral paradises to storm ravaged polar seas. ─── 一头母座头鲸带着她的幼鲸开始了一场从热带天堂般的珊瑚海开始的远行,她们的目的地,是布满惊涛骇浪的极地大洋。

37、It was especially nerve-wracking to embark on this adventure all by myself. ─── 从朴实的人们那里听到一些迷人的故事。

38、Formerly a victualling station for the Royal Navy, it was an embarkation point for the invasion of France in 944. Population, 77, 400. ─── 以前曾是皇家海军的后勤补给港,是944年法国入侵的出发地点之一。

39、Because it was inhuman to embark the rickshaws, someone suggested abrogating them. ─── 因乘坐人力车不人道,有人提出应废除人力车。

40、She is about to embark on a diplomatic career. ─── 她即将开始外交生涯。

41、When the chilly winter is gone, and spring comes back to awaken the life on earth, I-Spa invites to embark on a Trip of Rejuvenation. ─── 告别寒冷的冬天,万物复苏的春天也踏着轻盈的步伐降临了。洲际水疗馆真诚邀请客人共度春季复苏之旅。

42、President Bush is expected to embark on a round of telephone diplomacy this week. ─── 土耳其官方提出愿意为塞浦路斯共和国提供一个港口和一个机场,前提必须是希控塞浦路斯必须提供互惠的条件。

43、What should be my considerations before I embark on Laser Surgery? ─── 在进行激光外科手术之前,我应该考虑那些事项?

44、The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark. ─── 召唤一切的大海,正在召唤我,我必须上船启航了。

45、But the application failed and Singapore sent him back to his last embarkation point, the Philippines. ─── 但他的申请遭到了拒绝,同时新加坡方面还将其送回到了此前最后一个登机地点:菲律宾。

46、Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships. ─── 今天因为自己缺少朋友,我可以哀伤悲痛;但我能去发掘新的情感,所以我又兴奋不已。

47、The two men embark on a trek through rebel territory to recover the diamond. ─── 两人开始穿越战乱的领地追索宝钻。

48、"Port of Embarkation" means the port or place in the vicinity thereof at which a stowaway boards the ship on which he is found. ─── “上船港”,是指在船上被发现的偷渡者登船的港口或该港附近地点。

49、He is about to embark on a new business venture . ─── 他就要开始新的商业冒险活动。

50、If you don't mond, would you show me your embarkation card? ─── 假如你不介意,可以看一下你的搭机卡吗?

51、He swore never stealing, but soon after he went on to embark on the criminal road. ─── 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。

52、He beseeched me to leave the monastery with him, to embark on a quest to find more relics of its power. ─── 他祈请我留给修道院他,开始搜寻发现它的力量更多遗物。

53、The Godspeed, shown here, will then embark on a month-long journey, visiting Hampton, Newport News and Claremont. ─── 图中的“幸运号”在抵达亨利角之后将开始长达1个月的航行,途中将访问汉普顿、纽泊特纽斯和克莱尔等地。

54、Confucious warned us,"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. ─── 孔子曾告戒我们:"在你开始复仇之旅之前,先挖好两座坟墓"

55、I do not wish, however, to embark upon the subject of penal reform. ─── 但我并不想在此谈论刑法改革。

56、In the 2005 Policy Initiatives, the Government plans to embark on a new consultation mechanism and work with the sector on welfare agenda setting. ─── 在2005年的政策目标内,政府计划引入新的谘询机制,与社福界共同制订福利议程。

57、They embark more troops for Egypt. ─── 他们用船(或飞机)把更多的军队运到埃及去。

58、As long as you have in your head into this rule, then let us embark on to make Camas method. ─── 前者需要正确地掌握带电状况,考虑此时所具有的诸条件,找出排除故障的适当方法。

59、They were about to embark on a 10-year journey to the littlest planet. ─── 它们即将开始飞向最小行星的10年旅程了。

60、It was Mr Gluckhovskoy who, having decided to embark on an EMBA, persuaded his wife to join him. ─── 在这对夫妇中,格卢霍夫斯科夫首先决定学习EMBA课程,他随后说服了妻子和自己一起学习。

61、Tokyo will boldly embark on the implementation of regulations on building colors, a policy thought to be difficult to introduce in big cities. ─── 东京将大胆执行建筑物色彩规则,即使这个政策被认为在大城市难以维继。

62、"At a historical, new point of embarkation, it is even more important that we do not lose sight of further possible innovations. ─── 吴校长致辞说,今年的毕业典礼多了一重特殊意义,因为今年是浸会大学五十周年校庆,毕业同学彷佛就是浸大在这半个世纪以来在教育事业上的一份成绩单。

63、For this when about to embark for home, he was seized, brought before you, charged with being a spy. ─── 他正要为此乘船归来时,就被捉拿到你面前控以密探之罪。

64、Without this magic crystal the world of Gaya will die, so Zino and Boo embark on a quest to recover it. ─── 他们进入一个未知而危险的世界进行战斗,一同参战的还有斯努克人,一群无畏的英雄。

65、A passageway, as in an airport terminal, through which passengers proceed for embarkation. ─── 一种通道,比如在机场终点,乘客通过它而登机

66、Almost all the Sixth Form leavers embark on further or higher education. ─── 几乎所有的六年级生都能够顺利升学。

67、National's training program provides the knowledge and the skills necessary to embark upon jobs such as these. ─── 全国的训练大纲规定的知识和技能,如要进行这些工作。

68、There, the child must wait until several cubs are ready to embark on a quest together. ─── 在那里,幼仔得等待有足够多的同伴们准备好,才能一起开始。

69、Instead of trying to squeeze in a quickie, take the time to ask your guy to embark on this sexual experience with you. ─── 取代那种想要挤出一顿快餐的办法,花点时间请你的伴儿和你一起进行这次性体验。

70、If I had eyes, how happily would I embark upon so fascinating a study! ─── 如果我有眼睛,我会多么幸福地从事如此迷人的研究!

71、When the difficulties of embarkation have been surmounted, it will still be necessary to marshal these ships and bring them across the sea. ─── 敌人在克服了登船的困难以后,将仍然有调度这些船只并引导它们渡海的必要。

72、Embarkation will be at 14:20 hours. ─── 上船时间是14:20。

73、But a weakened President Hamid Karzai, facing re-election in 2009, is unlikely to embark on radical reform. ─── 但是软弱的阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊,2009年面临着竞选连任,是不可能着手进行激进的改革。

74、Their work is the parade protested. In order to live scorching sun overhead all must embark. ─── 他们的工作就是游行抗议.为生活烈日当空都要出发.

75、Both cultures share a honeymoon, where the newly-weds set off alone to embark on the first weeks of married life. ─── 两种婚姻文化都有“蜜月”这一环节,在蜜月里,新人们单独出发去度过只属于他们两个人的婚后前几个星期。

76、The first Chinese Olympics in history is expected to prompt the country to embark on a huge infrastructure spending spree. ─── 奥运首次在中国举办,中国将掀起一场大规模的基础设施建设及投资的热潮。

77、At the beginning of the Civil War, seven friends embark on a cross-country journey in order to join the Confederate army. ─── 在内战初,七个朋友开始一次横越全国的旅途为了参加同盟军队。

78、Armed with the right toolsmaterials, newly-weds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes. ─── 只要配备的工具及材料,新婚夫妇便乐于从事新房布置。

79、Leaves the berth in Gotenhafen and anchors in the bay to embark supplies and fuel. ─── 00离开在哥腾哈芬的停泊处,在港湾抛锚补给物资和油料。

80、Confucious warned us: before you embark a jurney of revange, dig two graves. ─── 孔子警告过我们:在你决定报复之前,先挖好两个坟墓。

81、If I had eyes, how happily would I embark upon so fascinatinga study! ─── 如果我有眼睛,我会多么幸福地从事如此迷人的研究!

82、Plese give me an embarkation card and custom declarario form. ─── 请再给我一张旅客出境登记表好吗?

83、She decided to embark on a new business venture. ─── 她决定着手一项新的商业投机。

84、Another strategy is to embark on one's own employment search. ─── 另一个策略是开始自己的就业搜索之路。

85、If you are a beer amateur, embark on our “Oktoberfest” German Beer Party. ─── 如果您是个啤酒爱好者,欢迎参加我们的“德国啤酒节”晚宴。

86、To embark on great thing, one must be intelligent and at leisure. ─── 1要从事伟大的工作,一个人必须既非常勤劳又非常空闲。

87、What type of safari would you like to embark on? ─── 你最想采用哪一种旅行方式?

88、Join Us and Embark on an Exciting Professional Career. ─── 加入我们,踏上事业康庄大道。

89、Rescue boat embarkation and recovery arrangements shall allow for safe and efficient handling of a stretcher case. ─── 2交通出版社出版的中英文对照2001综合文本将上述翻译为:救助艇登乘和回收装置应允许安全而有效地搬运担架病人。

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