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09-04 投稿


discriminating 发音

英:[d??skr?m?ne?t??]  美:[d??skr?m?ne?t??]

英:  美:

discriminating 中文意思翻译




discriminating 网络释义

adj. 识别的;有差别的;有识别力的v. 识别(discriminate的ing形式);区别对待

discriminating 同义词

selective | fussy | keen | penetrative | penetrating | astute | sharp |discerning | particular | judicious | discriminate | refined | discriminative | acute | cultivated | tasteful | knifelike | exclusive | piercing | aesthetic | incisive

discriminating 词性/词形变化,discriminating变形

副词: discriminatingly |

discriminating 反义词


discriminating 短语词组

1、discriminating monopoly ─── [经] 差别垄断

2、discriminating cubic ─── 区分立方

3、discriminating relay ─── 鉴别继电器,谐振继电器

4、discriminating pricing ─── 歧视性定价

5、discriminating price ─── [经] 差别对待价格

6、discriminating tone ─── [计] 识别音

7、discriminating tax ─── 歧视税

8、discriminating buyer ─── 挑剔的买家

9、discriminating range ─── 鉴别范围

10、discriminating order ─── [计] 判别指令, 判定指令

11、discriminating dose ─── 区分剂量

12、discriminating duty ─── [经] 差别税

13、discriminating power ─── 鉴别力

14、discriminating element ─── 鉴别元件

15、discriminating digit ─── [计] 识别数字, 判别数字

16、discriminating selector ─── [计] 鉴别选择器

17、discriminating tariff ─── 差别关税

18、discriminating conduct ─── 辨别方法

19、discriminating item ─── 歧视物品

discriminating 常用词组

discriminate against ─── 歧视;排斥

discriminating 相似词语短语

1、discrimination ─── n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力

2、incriminating ─── adj.显示有罪的;v.使负罪;连累(incriminate的现在分词)

3、discriminatingly ─── adv.有辨别力地;区别对待地;有差别地

4、discriminations ─── n.歧视(discrimination的复数);鉴别

5、indiscriminating ─── adj.不区别的;无差别的

6、criminating ─── vt.定罪;使负罪;责备

7、undiscriminating ─── adj.无鉴别力的;不加区别的

8、discriminational ─── adj.歧视的

9、discriminative ─── adj.区别的,歧视的;有识别力的

discriminating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Reports from different markets show that this model is the choice of discriminating buyers. ─── 从市场反馈的情况来看,这个款式是明智买商的首选。

2、Due caution should be exercised in discriminating between the two. ─── 在区别这两者时应该相当谨慎。

3、This network provided the reference value for a CUSUM chart on the basis of current process data, but the discriminating criterion was still constructed by a general CUSUM. ─── 为改善此一缺点,本研究提出以类神经网路为基础之参考值设定方法,利用制程之现有数据以类神经网路提供及时之参考值大小,再由累积和管制法判断制程是否异常。

4、The experiment system proves that the new method is effective with a rather-improved precision for discriminating similar Chinese characters. ─── 实验系统测试表明,新方法对于提高印刷图文版面中相似字型的识别率具有明显效果。

5、And for those with a discriminating taste for elegance and more personal attention, the Upper Brass is for you. ─── 如任何机构或个人认为发布在本网页的信息侵犯其版权或有任何错误,请立即,我们会尽快做出相应处理。

6、A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate. ─── 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者; 为美味鉴赏者而备的一道菜

7、have a discriminating taste in literature ─── 对文学有鉴赏力

8、Therefore they are the vehicle of Buddha amitabha, who represents desire And attachment transmuted into the Wisdom of Discriminating Awareness. ─── 因此它是传达阿弥陀佛思想的一种媒介,因为阿弥陀佛认为欲望及其附属物转变成了人类辨别事物的智慧。

9、Anti-spam Technology based on Discriminating Action Pattern ─── 基于行为模式识别的反垃圾邮件技术

10、Discriminating real and fake aweto of Chinese herbs ─── 中药冬虫夏草的真伪鉴别

11、More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area. ─── 更多有鉴别能力的游客现在趋向于避开此地。

12、multiple discriminating analysis ─── 多元判别分析方法

13、Its definitions, generally sound and often discriminating, are at times truly Johnsonian. ─── 它的定义是通常的发音并经常是有识别力的,却有时真的是约翰逊流派的。

14、An "interactive" entrance space should be reachable, mulriple, great-hearted, rich and colorful, bardian, discriminating, and comfortable in sight.3. ─── 2.首次系统地提出了现代空间入口设计共鸣性原则:可达性、多样性、可识别性、活力、视觉的适宜性、丰富性、个性化。

15、The genes can develop only broad, long-term strategies to try to make their bearers more discriminating about what they imitate. ─── 基因只能发展适用?围广的长期策略,使基因载具对于模仿对象有些?别能力。

16、Doing so allows Four Seasons to satisfy the needs and tastes of our discriminating customers, and to maintain our position as the world's premier luxury hospitality company. ─── 我们紧守严谨的道德操守,提供殷勤的个人化服务,必能满足贵客的严格要求,迎合他们的品味,以维持我们在全球高级豪华酒店机构中的崇高地位。

17、A discriminating characteristic. ─── 可区别的特征

18、Jim Barrett: Before Paris, nobody drank our wine. Well, friends did. But their palates were... less discriminating. ─── 在巴黎没有人喝我们的酒。好吧我们朋友喝过,但是他们味觉...只有一点歧视

19、Judging from the goods for sale in all department stores, city residents have become discriminating consumers. ─── 从各个百货商店待售的货物判断,城市居民已成为有鉴别能力的消费者。

20、She has an artist's discriminating eye. ─── 她具有艺术家特有的敏锐眼光.

21、"discriminating the archaic history" ─── 古史辨

22、It shows that phytolith has its own advantage in paleo-evironmental reconstruction of peat bogs,and will be of great help in discriminating th... ─── 对泥炭沉积中的植硅体进行了分析,初步证实植硅体对重建泥炭地古环境变迁模式起着重要的作用,对提高古气候变化的分辨率有很大的帮助。

23、TABLE5 The comparison of discriminating ability among groups ─── 5各群体辨别能力比较

24、For improvimg DEA's discriminating power, the existing experience is that the number of DMUs should be at least two or three times the total number of inputs and outputs in any DEA application. ─── 为使DEA评价结果具有合理的区分度,现有经验是使输入、输出指标总数与决策单元数之间满足一定的数量关系。

25、As you build up a collection, you acquire skills of identifying, selecting, discriminating, evaluating, classifying and arranging items. ─── 建立一个博物馆,你需要确认、选择、辨别、评估、分类和安排等多方面的技能。

26、ECOBATH is a premium shower bath, hair shampoo and lotion skin cleanser combination, formulated and designed to cater to the high standards of discriminating users. ─── ECOBATH是沐浴露、洗发水和洁面乳的高级组合产品,开发并设计此类产品是为了满足有品味用户的高端标准。

27、It shows that phytolith has its own advantage in paleo-evironmental reconstruction of peat bogs, and will be of great help in discriminating the palaeo-climatic change. ─── 对泥炭沉积中的植硅体进行了分析,初步证实植硅体对重建泥炭地古环境变迁模式起着重要的作用,对提高古气候变化的分辨率有很大的帮助。

28、Of refined taste;discriminating. ─── 品味高雅的;有辨别力的

29、We prospectiely tested the utility of BNP for discriminating ARDS s cardiogenic pulmonary edema (CPE). ─── 我们的研究是用脑钠素来区分这种急性呼吸衰竭是ARDS引起的,还是心源性肺水肿引起的。

30、Discriminating Public Rights and Governments Rights ─── 公共权力与政府权力辨析

31、Discriminating "the Theory of Bidding Farewell to Revolution" ─── “告别革命论”辨析

32、discriminating system of SAR Image ─── SAR图像识别系统

33、Your selection of living room furniture is quite discriminating. ─── 你对客厅家具的选择是很有品味的。

34、As lenders and investors inevitably become more discriminating, liquidity will recede and a number of problems will surface. ─── 随着贷款机构和投资者辨别能力的必然增强,流动性将有所减少,许多问题也将浮现出来。

35、A New Discriminating Method of Big Quadrupeds'Posture ─── 一种新的大型四肢动物体姿态识别方法

36、Our aim has always been to produce something better for the market of discriminating pen users. ─── 其目的在为市场上有鉴赏力的消费者提供更精良的产品。

37、Next, avoid any questions which might make it seem like you care about, or are discriminating based on, things which you don't actually care about or discriminate based on. ─── 再来是要避免任何可能会让人觉得你会在意或会因而有差别待遇的问题,那些你其实不在意也不会有歧视的东西。

38、State interests have become the main clue in the field of international politics.In this situation, discriminating the immediate changes of the term "state interests" is both important and necessary. ─── 在国际政治领域内,“国家利益”是研究国际政治现实的主线索,因此,搞清“国家利益”随时的变化与更新是非常重要,也是非常必要的。

39、It denies discriminating against the Hmong, one of dozens of minorities in a poor, landlocked country. ─── 在这个贫穷的内陆国,有着几十个少数民族,苗族就是其中之一,老挝否认该国存有针对苗族的歧视。

40、Progress of Study on Discriminating and Treating Chronic Cough with Traditinal Chinese Medicine. ─── 慢性咳嗽中医证治研究进展。

41、Based on research of underwater distributary channel, recombination bars and mouse bar , we can set up assorted scheme and discriminating characteristic . ─── 三角洲坡型前缘的物性特征优于三角洲台型前缘,是最有利的储集层位。

42、Logging is an important step of exploration and one of the methods of discriminating oil reservoir and gas reservoir. ─── 录井是油气勘探的重要环节,是识别油气层的主要手段之一。

43、They said the insurance companies were discriminating against the homeless. ─── 他们说保险公司歧视无家可归的人。

44、creations soon captured the discriminating eye of a French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord. ─── 的作品很快吸引了法国外交官查尔斯·莫里斯·德·塔利兰-佩里戈尔德的鉴赏的眼光。

45、Bentonville, Ark.-based Wal-Mart also faces a lawsuit, filed in 2001, that accuses it of discriminating against female employees and retaliating against those who complained. ─── 总部设在阿肯色州本通威尔的沃尔玛还面对2001年的一场官司,它被控歧视女性雇员,并对出头控告的人打击报复。

46、Section 5 or 4 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits school districts from discriminating against students with disabilities. ─── 康复法第4章、第5章禁止各区学校对残疾学生进行歧视。

47、In the last decade, a new workplace concept has been identified: Family rights discrimination, which means discriminating against an employee who serves as a caregiver to a family member. ─── 在过去十年,人们确定了一个新的工作场所概念:家庭权利歧视,也就是歧视作为保姆照顾家庭成员的雇员。

48、One set of stroke data is analyzed as an example.The consistencies of discriminating "zheng" within a hospital and between the hospitals are examined. ─── 以一个中风数据为例,考察医院内部与医院之间的辨证一致性。

49、The power of REP-PCR is higher than that of ERIC-PCR in discriminating typing of the Acinetobacter baumannii. ─── 在鲍曼不动杆菌基因同源性分析中,REP-PCR的分辨率较ERIC-PCR高;

50、He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one. ─── 他没能力在一个好主意和一个坏主意之间进行区分。

51、The author set up chromatograph charts of oil reservoir compositions for different watered-out degrees and watered-out degree discriminating standard by water drive oil ratio. ─── 建立了河南油田不同水淹程度油层组分谱图图版和水驱油效率判别水淹程度标准。

52、"A discriminating irreverence," he wrote, "is the creator and protector of human liberty. ─── 他在回复中写道:“理性的不敬既是人类自由的产生者,也是它的保护者”。

53、This year she founded a group called CUDDLE- Cousins United to Defeat Discriminating Laws through Education. ─── 今年,她创立了一个名为“通过教育手段改变近亲婚姻歧视法”的组织。

54、We should discriminating the words with similar meaning. ─── 我们应注意对同义词的辨析。

55、Woodhead inspected.Still, the coarser fabric wouldn't fool a discriminating judge. ─── 不过一件衬衫是否上档次,除了款式以外还有其他决定因素。

56、Europe's single currency has been a haven in recent financial storms. But as capital markets become more discriminating, it no longer affords shelter from reform. ─── 在最近的金融风暴中,欧洲单一货币一直扮演着避风港的角色。但随着资本市场的识别力不断加强,纵是躲在这一避难所内,改革也在所难免。

57、He told me to say many things all so delicate, so discriminating. ─── 他要我说的话多着呢--都是很微妙很有见识的话。

58、Only by discriminating them from the organizations that made the documents, the ways of issuing them, their names and contents can we have a good grasp of the nature and effect of the documents. ─── 只有从制定机关、发布方式、文件名称和内容表述等方面加以鉴别,才能把握好教育规范性文件的性质和效力。

59、Many businesses are accused of discriminating against women. ─── 很多职业被指控对妇女别待遇。

60、The general line in the land reform is to rely on the poor peasants, unite with the middle peasants, abolish the system of feudal exploitation step by step and in a discriminating way, and develop agricultural production. ─── 土地改革的总路线,是依靠贫农,团结中农,有步骤地、有分别地消灭封建剥削制度,发展农业生产。

61、international discriminating number ─── 国际识别号码

62、That is to say, people's human rights are attached to the society, once the society becomes unintegrated, results of infringing, damaging and discriminating human rights will be inevitable. ─── 也就是说,人类的人权寄存于社会上,只要社会出现不融合,都会出现侵犯、损害、歧视人权的现象。

63、As well as quirks of composition and valuation, the harsh reality isthat, as in previous crises, investors are not discriminating much. ─── 与指数组成及价值受到扭曲一样,与以前的危机相同,残酷的现实是投资人并没有细细选择。

64、signal discriminating magnetic amplifier ─── 信号鉴别磁放大器

65、Two, applies the method being summed up as , deducing to concern a problem to harmonious thought with discriminating thought being in progress combing carefully. ─── 和谐思维不是对辩证思维的替代,而是对辩证思维的回归;

66、The Chinese government has denied discriminating against Mexicans, and maintains that severe measures are justified to halt the flu's spread in the world's most populous country. ─── 中国政府(已经)否认歧视墨西哥人,并且坚持认为严厉措施是合法的在世界的人口最稠密国家阻止流感的蔓延.

67、When you see them, we consider those you will agree those only the prime quality materials are not employ, and those the high standard of workmanship sill appeal to the maximum discriminating buyer. ─── 届时您若能抽空与她面谈和看看咱们的产业商品,相信也会同意咱们的产业商品质料上乘、手工精巧,能吸取最有鉴赏力的买主。

68、In a nod to this problem,a national equal opportunity law was updated,mandating punishments for the first time for discriminating against women in the workplace. ─── 为了应付这个问题,日本已修订了一项全国性的机会平等法令,首次规定对工作场所内歧视妇女的行为予以惩罚。

69、Now all the most interesting things are done by small companies,thriftily run who rightly believe that regular disk-buyers have discriminating tastes. ─── 在音乐界,当一个人的东西还没有被录制成音乐带出版发行时,他就一文不值什么也不是。音乐会演出中签约的艺术家是那些音乐带出得最多的人。

70、The calculating formula determinating the discriminating coefficient was presented,from the maximum information capacity and discrimination rate. ─── 从最大信息量和最大信息分辨率出发,给出了确定分辨系数的计算公式。

71、And yet, if you had a discriminating ear, there were in it the elements of a concord such as these plains never saw nor heard. ─── 然而,如果你有一个审音的耳朵,其中却又有一种和谐的因素,在这一带原野上可以说是从没有看见过,也从没有听到过的。

72、And broadband Internet providers would be barred from discriminating against content and would have to be open about their policies. ─── 此外,禁止宽带供应商对网络内容带有歧视,同时要求公开他们的政策。

73、discriminating between multiresponse models ─── 多响应模型判别

74、New methods for discriminating convergence of nonnegative function s infinite integral are given. ─── 利用无穷积分的敛散性给出了无穷级数敛散性的一个新的判别法。

75、For over 155 years, Steinway has crafted pianos for the most discriminating and talented pianists throughout the world. ─── 155多年以来,施坦威为全世界无数的顶尖的钢琴大师制造了他们喜欢的钢琴。

76、Of refined taste; discriminating. ─── 品味高雅的;有辨别力的

77、Why're you discriminating against me, sir? ─── 你干吗要跟我过不去呢,长官?

78、Nine kinds of medicinal materials such as Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Rhizoma Gastrodiae had discriminating characteristics and distinctive spots. ─── 处方中地黄、何首乌、天麻等9味药材具有鉴别特征,斑点清晰。

79、Discriminating the Complicated Shapes of Whorls ─── 复杂斗型纹释义

80、When you see them we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used and that the high standard of workmanship sill appeal to the most discriminating buyer. ─── 届时您若能抽空与她面谈和看看我们的产品,相信也会同意我们的产品质料上乘、手工精巧,能吸引最有鉴赏力的买主。

81、In the flight kinetic model of cannonball and racket, discriminating and identifying the resistance coefficients is the important task. ─── 在弹箭飞行动力学模型中,阻力系数的识别是一项重要任务。

82、Conclusion This results show that this method is simpler and convenient than that of definition discriminating. ─── 结论该判别法比用定义法判别指数型分布族更简单易行。

83、Reports from different markets show that this is the choice of discriminating buyers. ─── 从市场反意的情况来看,这个款式是消费者的第一选择。

84、Secondly, it analyzes the definition and classification about the disabled in American, with introducing the relevant classic cases and elucidating the existent discriminating states. ─── 其次,通过不同时期的经典案例回顾,分析和阐明了美国对残疾的定义、范围和分类,介绍了美国现存的几种歧视模式;

85、Still, the coarser fabric wouldn't fool a discriminating judge. ─── 不过,这件衬衫的布料比较粗糙,这逃不过挑剔鉴赏家的眼光。

86、a discriminating collector of rare books ─── 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者

87、When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship sill appeal to the most discriminating buyer. ─── 届时您若能抽空与她面谈和看看我们的产品,相信也会同意我们的产品质料上乘、工精巧,能吸引最有鉴赏力的买主。

88、The introduction highlights guiding ideology and significance of the paper, through discriminating testamentary succession and related concepts. ─── 导论通过对遗嘱继承及相关概念的辨析,突出本文研究的指导思想和意义。

89、While this is sometimes a difficult balance to strike, you should review and edit your resume with a very discriminating eye toward reducing unnecessary wordiness. ─── 对许多行政人员来说,把多年的经验压缩成一页或者两页纸是不现实的,也几乎是不可能的。

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