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09-04 投稿



excursive 发音

英:[?k?sk??rs?v]  美:[?k?sk??s?v]

英:  美:

excursive 中文意思翻译



excursive 短语词组

1、excursive writer ─── 远足作家

excursive 词性/词形变化,excursive变形

名词: excursiveness |副词: excursively |

excursive 相似词语短语

1、excusive ─── 排挤

2、excessive ─── adj.过多的,极度的;过分的

3、excursing ─── v.远足;离题(excurse的现在分词)

4、excursion ─── n.偏移;远足;短程旅行;离题;游览,游览团

5、excurse ─── v.偏离,离题;远足,短程旅行

6、exclusive ─── adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者

7、excursively ─── adv.离题地;易入歧途地

8、decursive ─── 下延的

9、cursive ─── adj.草书的;草书体的;n.草书;手写体(一种印刷字体)

excursive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Method: Adopt intestines push movement and excursive intestines flesh experimentation to determine motor function. ─── 方法:采用肠推进运动及离体肠肌实验法测定消化道运动功能。

2、Sagittal interferences result from anterior overjet, linguoversion of the maxillary incisors, anterior crossbite, and molar prematurities or other occlusal interferences with lateral or protrusive excursive movements( Figs3-5 and3-6). ─── 矢状面干扰会产生前牙区过度水平覆盖、颚侧门齿之舌侧倾斜、牙错咬、臼齿早熟或其他在侧方或前突的离心运动时的咬合干扰,图3-5与3-6。。

3、For this excursive you will need someone's help. ─── 这个练习你需要别人的协助。

4、Most things I handled in my first year in ASE are excursive events happened in production line. ─── 在我在日月光的第一年,大部份时间都是处理生产线发生的异常。

5、There he shows himself the same kind, artless, good-humored, excursive, sensible, whimsical, intelligent being that he appears in his writings. ─── 他自己就是他作品中所描写的那个仁慈、朴实、快活、散漫、明智、充满奇想和聪明的人。

6、excursive adj. ─── 离题的;

7、excursive movements ─── 移动

8、Like make a speech and writing a composition, also cannot get give an extravagantly colourful description in order to say, excursive too far, was over. ─── 演讲和作文一样,也不可以说得天花乱坠,离题太远,完了。”

9、an excursive trip ─── 漫游

10、Most things I handled in my first year in ASE are excursive events happened in production line. ─── 在我在日月光的第一年,大部份时间都是处理生产线发生的异常。

11、Adopt intestines push movement and excursive intestines flesh experimentation to determine motor function. ─── 采用肠推进运动及离体肠肌实验法测定消化道运动功能。

12、The seminar of the removal and disposal of obsolete offshore installations and structures in the excursive economic zone and continental shelf was held in sept 1995 at Bangkok. ─── 联合国亚太经社会于1995年9月在曼谷召开了关于大陆架和专属经济区内废弃的海上设施和结构物撤除、外置的问题。

13、Once you know how excursive these drivers are, you would have no idea how to protect yourself from being hurt while driving in Taiwan. ─── 聊到网路游戏、电脑游戏,我才知道,过去那个好玩的心,早就已经消失无踪,真可谓岁月催人老阿。

14、For this excursive you will need someone's help. ─── 这个练习你需要别人的协助。

15、The tooth was out of occlusion and there were no contacts in centric or excursive movements. ─── 使临时修复体脱离合接触,正中合,侧方合都无接触。

16、an excursive fancy ─── 乱想

17、The website still reveals footmark of a royal member visit, excursive through cereal song map. ─── 网站还通过谷歌地图展示出王室成员访问、游览的足迹。

18、excursive movement ─── 过度运动

19、Contrarily, other small mining enterprises in Shifen might decide excursive policies which accounted for small disasters every so often. ─── 相反地,十分地区则由于部分小型采矿企业的任意舍石模式,而不时造成些微的崩塌灾害。

20、Excursive driver problem is more serious in little towns.They would make turns whenever they want without signals. ─── 老爸从大陆回来,其实我不是刻意要与他抗衡,而是过去的事情,实在是太难放下。

21、amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things; a rambling discursive book; his excursive remarks; a rambling speech about this and that. ─── 在对妇女时尚的抨击时可笑的偏离到其他问题上了;一本离题、枝蔓的书;他那离题的评论;这也说说那也说说的漫谈。

22、The entire film could be seen as a state of being drunk, whose scenes are in the train, and although the landscape is fine, the real association of which is human beings, flexible and excursive. ─── 大部分场景是火车上,风景虽好,但人才是风景之间的联想,随意散漫。

23、This tends to lock the mandible into positions that limit its capacity to complete excursive movements, limiting mastication to primarily vertical activity. ─── 此会锁住下颚位置而限制下颚之完全随意的运动,亦限制咀嚼在垂直向主要的活动力。

24、Method: Adopt intestines push movement and excursive intestines flesh experimentation to determine motor function. ─── 方法:采用肠推进运动及离体肠肌实验法测定消化道运动功能。

25、Keywords Hanau articulator Mandibular excursive movement Mathematical model Spatial mechanisms; ─── 架;下颌侧方运动;数学模型;空间机构理论;

26、Result: Megaarpaea delavyi Franch can obviously accelerate push movement of rat small intestine,swell guinea pig shrink power of excursive ileum flesh,and unable arouse strong straight contraction. ─── 结果:高河菜能明显促进小鼠小肠推进运动,增强豚鼠离体回肠肌的收缩力,且不会引起强直收缩。

27、an excursive conversation ─── 漫谈

28、Contrarily, other small mining enterprises in Shifen might decide excursive policies which accounted for small disasters every so often. ─── 相反地,十分地区则由于部分小型采矿企业的任意舍石模式,而不时造成些微的崩塌灾害。

29、After being trained by these excursive drivers, your driving skills would advance by leaps and bounds. ─── 拉拉杂杂说这麽多,其实还是一样,人生是我的,要为自己努力认真的活著。

30、excursive writer ─── 随笔家

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