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09-04 投稿



imbroglio 发音

英:[?m'br??l???]  美:[?m'brol?o]

英:  美:

imbroglio 中文意思翻译



imbroglio 词性/词形变化,imbroglio变形

名词复数: imbroglios |

imbroglio 相似词语短语

1、imbrangling ─── 纠缠

2、Broglie ─── 德布罗意

3、imbrangles ─── 嵌岩

4、imbroglios ─── n.纠葛;纷乱;纷扰

5、Badoglio ─── 小心点。

6、imbrangled ─── 缠绵的

7、imbrowning ─── 刺绣

8、ambroid ─── 人造琥珀

9、embroiling ─── vt.使卷入;使混乱

imbroglio 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、from the corner of culture, the imbroglio of legal culture and the traditional culture about country has decided the limitation of fathering bribe related with business; ─── 从文化背景分析,法治文化与乡土文化的纠葛确定了治理商业贿赂的限度;

2、legal imbroglio ─── 法律纠纷

3、Especially between Wei Yu, do not look down upon this ordinary place, if neither one is designed thoroughly, here decorate same meeting to be done imbroglio. ─── 尤其是卫浴间,别小看这个不起眼儿的地方,假如没有一个完整的设计,这里的装修同样会搞得一团糟。

4、Whole negotiation from be gotten by Yahoo agitate at the beginning imbroglio. ─── 整个谈判从一开始就被雅虎搅得一团糟。”

5、But all who attend are waiting to see what solutions Brussels might offer to the copyright imbroglio. ─── 但是所有与会者都在观望,布鲁塞尔会提出什么方案来解决欧洲的版权乱局。

6、He summarizes the Soviet imbroglio. ─── 他总结出了整个苏联的纷纷扰扰。

7、The imbroglio led to the resignation of several managers. ─── 这场纠纷导致了多名经理辞职。

8、The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

9、10 The whiff of scandal, and particularly the crash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that the power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权利集中在一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

10、But, with respect to the kitchen with the past " adventure " same, I am done very quickly imbroglio. ─── 但是,就和过去的厨房“冒险”一样,我很快弄得一团糟。

11、10.The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

12、Lately there had been big problems facing him, quite apart from tonight's imbroglio ─── 最近他面临着许多重大问题,还不算象今天晚上这样混乱。

13、Geopolitics, public health and global business all bubbled up in dueling press conferences over the heparin imbroglio today. ─── 今天在新闻发布会上相对于地缘政治、公共健康和全球商业问题,肝素纠葛是热点。

14、4.He knew that the voters would not thank him for taking them into a foreign imbroglio in which America had no direct interest. ─── 他很清楚,选民们不会因为把他们卷入与美国无直接利益的国外纠纷而感谢他。

15、What do not have a few people to be able to be done is clear, say simple simple, say complex complex, feel imbroglio just about instead, so you make this group is the opportunity that has a lot of. ─── 都没几个人能搞的清楚,说简单就简单,说复杂就复杂,反正是感觉一团糟,所以你做这一行是有很多的机会。

16、Deng said on the occasion that it might be better to let "future generations, which may be wiser" to tackle the sovereignty imbroglio. ─── 邓小平当时还提到是否更应该让我们的子孙,也会是更加聪明的一代来处理这个主权纠纷。

17、The Columbia imbroglio illustrates that at least for universities, the size of revenues expected from patents does matter. ─── 从哥大的争议可以看出,至少对大学来讲,预期的专利权收入确实丰厚到不容忽视。

18、Lu Xu and Qian Xuantong went their own way because they had different thoughts and were trapped in the imbroglio of personal connections. ─── 而鲁迅与钱玄同的分道扬镳,则是由于他们后期思想的差异和人脉关系的纠葛所造成。

19、Justice and conspiracy dispute. Money and love imbroglio. Strong and weak game. ─── 正义与阴谋的较量,金钱与爱情的纠葛,强势与弱势的博弈。

20、Condition of housing, economy, bilateral work environment is waited a moment, because hit upon,do not think after the child, the life becomes imbroglio. ─── 住房、经济条件、双方的工作环境等等,不想因为突然有了孩子后,生活变得一团糟。

21、Judges based on the demand of traditional imbroglio case are not fit to the demand of modern litigation,while present judges of specialty are not completely suit the demand of society too. ─── 基于传统的纠纷类型案件的需求而产生的经验型法官不适应现代民事诉讼发展的需要,而现在所提倡的专业型法官也并不是完全适应社会需求的。

22、No desire, no imbroglio and no sorrow. ─── 没有欲望,没有纠结,也没有悲伤。

23、The imbroglio provides fresh fodder to critics of the bank who argue that it is slow, opaque in its decision-making and not sufficiently accountable to people its work affects. ─── 这一纠葛又为批评世行提供了新料。世行争辩其决策制定程序缓慢而不透明,且为该项目所涉及的人员行为负责并不充分。

24、This paper seeks the political ethic and national culture thoughts hiding behind body and language by analyzing the imbroglio of body and language. ─── 本文通过对身体与语言的相互“糅合”的分析,努力探寻隐藏在身体与语言背后的政治伦理和民族文化思维。

25、10.The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio,reminds the electorate those power concentrated in the hands of a singleparty for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这一些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字唯一政党手中过长就会产生腐败。

26、For example, Moscow sees a quick solution to the Chechnya imbroglio with tacit U.S. support or at least acquiescence. ─── 例如:莫斯科希望得到美国不公开的支持,或者默许来尽快解决车臣问题。

27、The British imbroglio was the first public smudge on Costner's family-man image. ─── " 这件英国绯闻是凯文居家男人形象在公众面前的第一个污点。

28、"10.The whiff of scandal, and particularly the cash-for-questions imbroglio,reminds the electorate that power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. ─── 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权力集中字一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败".

29、The life imbroglio of his home, he resembles a waifs and strays same. ─── 他家的生活一团糟,他就像个流浪儿一样。

30、But all who attend are waiting to see what solutions Brussels might offer to the copyright imbroglio. ─── 但是所有与会者都在观望,布鲁塞尔会提出什么方案来解决欧洲的版权乱局。

31、To avoid the appearance of imbroglio, still should be in body underlay a few towel. ─── 为了防止一团糟的场面,还应在身下垫一些毛巾。

32、Google and the Western media in general have effectively turned this imbroglio into a clash of morals. Perhaps. ─── 谷歌和其他西方媒体大体上有效地把这种混乱变成了一种道德上的冲突。

33、Google and the Western media in general have effectively turned this imbroglio into a clash of morals. ─── 谷歌和西方媒体普遍有效地变成了道德冲突这一片混乱。

34、Feedback: While many companies, including Nike, AT&T and Procter & Gamble's Gillette, were caught smack in the middle of the Tiger Woods imbroglio, Accenture relied especially heavily on Mr.Woods. ─── 反馈:尽管包括耐克(Nike)、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)和宝洁(Procter&Gamble)旗下的吉列(Gillette)等很多公司都因老虎伍兹的婚外恋丑闻而受到了牵连,埃森哲仍严重依靠老虎伍兹。

35、Middle Ages'Western European and Jew's Economy Imbroglio ─── 中世纪西欧与犹太人的经济纠葛

36、I had seen something of this imbroglio at first hand ─── 我曾经亲眼看到过这种乱七八糟的东西。

37、In this ordinary place between Wei Yu, if neither one is designed thoroughly, also can do likewise imbroglio, get half the result with twice the effort. ─── 在卫浴间这个不起眼的地方,假如没有一个完整的设计,同样也会搞得一团糟,事倍功半。

38、To avoid the appearance of imbroglio , still should be in body underlay a few towel. ─── 为了防止一团糟的场面,还应在身下垫一些毛巾。

39、After missing the first 25 games of the regular season because of a contract imbroglio that, at times, turned ugly, Varejao is back in business. ─── 在因为蹩脚的,有时候甚至变得恶心的合同而缺席了常规赛前25场后,巴西人终于回到正事上了。

40、Geopolitics, public health and global business all bubbled up in dueling press conferences over the heparin imbroglio today. ─── 今天在新闻发布会上相对于地缘政治、公共健康和全球商业问题,肝素纠葛是热点。

41、In his first imbroglio, the commander in chief found himself trapped between gay-rights activists and his own Joint Chiefs of Staff. ─── 在他的第一纠葛总司令发现自己被深陷于同性恋权利激进分子和自己的参谋长联席会议。

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