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geomantic 发音

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geomantic 中文意思翻译



geomantic 短语词组

1、geomantic def ─── 风水定义

2、geomantic omen ─── 风水

3、geomantic web ─── 风水网

4、geomantic dice ─── 风水骰子

5、geomantic learn ─── 风水学

6、geomantic code ─── 风水代号

7、geomantic magic ─── 风水魔法

geomantic 相似词语短语

1、theomantic ─── 神灵的。

2、geotactic ─── adj.趋地性的,向地性的

3、semantic ─── adj.语义的;语义学的(等于semantical)

4、geomagnetic ─── adj.地磁的;地磁气的

5、zoomantic ─── 放大

6、geomant ─── 风水

7、romantic ─── adj.浪漫的;多情的;空想的;n.浪漫的人;vt.使…浪漫化

8、geomants ─── 风水

9、myomantic ─── 肌性

geomantic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Geomantic Building Site-choosen of Antique WuYuan Architecture ─── 论婺源古建筑的风水选址

2、When the reasons of the co-relations were unknown, geomencers tried to make [i]geomantic omens[/i] . Thus, the use was out of its power. ─── 当相关关系的原因未知时,风水先生试图作出风水预兆。所以,就力所不及了。

3、This thesis explores origin of dwelling south Anhui province from history,phyle,new Confucianism,geography,geomantic omen; ─── 本文从历史、新儒学、宗族、地理、风水几个方面来探究皖南民居形成的渊源;

4、But in the countryside, people don't ask the geomancer for geomantic omen for residence. ─── 表舅奶有了根叔之后腰杆也硬实了,没事就数落丈夫:天天说我不下蛋,我看是你给人看风水折了自己的福。

5、Adornment besides adornment sitting room beautiful besides, still having a few is to have avoid unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease and advantageous home reside geomantic action. ─── 装饰品除了装饰客厅的美观之外,还有一些是具有避邪和有利家居风水的作用。

6、Geomantic Omen theory is concerned as one of three old architecture theories together with gardening theory and construction theory. ─── 同时风水学和造园学、营造学一起作为古代三大建筑理论。

7、The Exploration of the Relationship Between the Su Clan of Meishan in the Song Dynasty and Geomantic Configuration ─── 宋代眉山苏氏家族与风水试探

8、The geomantic omen here is just fantastic. ─── 这里的风水就是好。

9、A Trial Thesis of the Geomantic Cause of the Six Dynasties'Making Jiankang the Capital ─── 试论六朝定都建康的风水因素

10、And they even protected massive virgin forests with the reason of “geomantic omen”. ─── 他们并以“风水”为理由 ,保护了大片原始森林。

11、Just can reach southwest to just be put in northwest marry according to, for geomantic on extremely suffer commendatory lucky decoration. ─── 能在西北方及西南方摆放结婚照,为风水上极受推荐之吉祥摆设。

12、Yanggong geomantic omen ─── 杨公风水

13、And they even protected massive virgin forests with the reason of "geomantic omen". ─── 他们并以“风水”为理由,保护了大片原始森林。

14、Sung Dynasty is the most prosperous period of geomantic omen in history, which is the base of the theories, categories and schools of the later ages. ─── 宋代风水是中国风水史上发展的鼎盛时期,后世风水的理论、范畴乃至流派差不多都在宋得以确立。

15、Chapter two classifies and denominates for the geomantic documents, in which the classification of the mixed copy of Wuxing Yinyangzhai gives special prominence to the characteristic of such category. ─── 第二章为敦煌写本宅经葬书文献分类定名,尤其是分出一个敦煌写本宅经中的五姓阴阳宅杂抄类,让读者更清醒的认识“杂抄类”的特性。

16、The geomantic omen doctrine was very current in North Song dynasty and had much influence on the mausoleum system then. ─── 宋代阴阳堪舆术影响甚盛,陵寝制度深受其影响。

17、Discussion on geomantic omen of folk house in north Hunan ─── 以岳阳张谷英村为例探讨湘北民居风水

18、See if there is any big buildings or obstacles to you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake. ─── 看看是否有任何大的建筑物或是障碍物对着你,并且产生风水学中所指的“暗箭煞”。

19、geomantic culture of Huizhou ─── 徽州风水文化

20、The site of this house is of high geomantic quality. or This house is favourably sited in terms of geomantic quality. ─── 这栋房子风水好。

21、As a characteristic part of Chinese traditional culture, the Geomantic Omen had a long history, covered extensive contents and its theories foundation was strong. ─── 摘要风水作为中国传统文化的一个特色,发展历史悠久,涵盖内容广泛,理论基础雄厚。

22、The door is YangZhai carbon monoxide to household geomantic effect is significant. ─── 木门大门是阳宅的气口,对家居风水影响重大。

23、I gave a high respect to him for his strong interest in geomantic and his hard work on it. ─── 我非常敬重他对学问的兴趣和认真。

24、The Relationship between the Choice of Village Location and Geomantic Pattern in Ancient Chinese Agricultural Society ─── 中国古代农耕社会村落选址及其风水景观模式

25、Discussion of the Dwelling Environment Outdoors and Geomantic Omen ─── 论风水与居住外部环境

26、architectural geomantic omens ─── 建筑风水

27、Watch Out the Gods Created from Geomantic Fanaticism ─── 警惕风水热造神

28、Astrological geomancy An enhanced form of the traditional western style of geomancy, more closely involves Astrological practice and theory into the Geomantic charts. ─── 星座风水 加强形式的西方传统风格的风水,更密切地涉及星座理论与实践的风水图表。

29、The geomantic omen,as the elite of the ancient architecture theory,is not complete mentalism. ─── 作为古建筑理论的精华,风水学不完全是唯心主义,风水学也存在科学合理的成分。

30、According to his describe, it is Janpan and Korea's demand to add a geomantic advisor into the group. ─── 据他介绍,这是由于日本和韩国要求在评审组中加入一位风水顾问。

31、var menuEN = new Array("Home", "Company", "News", "Corpora", "Fitment", "Opus", "Geomantic", "Job", "Refer", "Bbs"); ─── "首页","商务新闻","商品信息","投资信息","人才信息","企业咨询","工业园入驻","会展信息","会员天地","留言本");

32、It selects sutra city and mausoleum of the past dynasties, analyses their geomantic situation, opens out their connotations. ─── 本章选取历代经典阴宅(墓葬)、阳宅(城市),分析他们的风水格局,揭示他们所体现的风水内涵。

33、Pisciculture is blocked evil spirit, it is geomantic in have its effect truly, place in what azimuth nevertheless, cannot despise absolutely, have a mistake a bit, kill a person not shallow. ─── 养鱼挡煞,是风水中确有其功效的,不过摆在什么方位,绝不能轻视,稍有错误,害人不浅。

34、Application of Architectural Geomantic Omen in Traditional Folk Buildings ─── 建筑风水学在传统民居中的运用浅析

35、Marry to feel very set according to what give a person, marry after all according to have geomantic implication? In my research, the answer is affirmative. ─── 结婚照给人的感觉很老套,到底结婚照有没有风水的含意?在我的研究中,答案是肯定的。

36、Nowadays the ancient yews can be found in many Chinese geomantic forests and medieval churchyards. ─── 现在,这些古老的红豆杉仍然生长在中国的风水林和中世纪的寺院里。

37、Normally a geomantic division can divide the building into 8 or nine area, in life of every district director specific part, be like healthy, love, career or finance affairs. ─── 通常一个风水师会把房屋分成八或九个区域,每个区域主管生命中特定部分,如健康、爱情、事业或财务。

38、The civilian houses architecture is a part of Chinese traditional culture, which reveals the concept of" the syncretism of nature and human", patriarchal clan system, and" geomantic omen" in the Chinese traditional culture. ─── 民居建筑是民族文化的一部分,我国传统文化的内敛性、天人合一"观、法观念、风水"观念在我国古民居中都有所体现。

39、Elementary Discussion of Geomantic Omen and Residential Buildings ─── 浅谈风水与居住建筑

40、Abstract: top class Motor Corporation of deepness clew world runs quickly the company is in China there is expect when investment builds a plant, oneself chose " geomantic treasure ground " . ─── 正文:深度提醒全球特级轿车企业弛骋企业在华注资健厂时并没料到,自已选取了一块"风水宝地"。工地内两回发觉士葬和古物,首都弛骋企业却如何同样开心不起来。

41、Have already practical, have again geomantic and of convenient sex think. ─── 既具有实用性,又有风水以及方便性的考量。

42、Accordingly, we must the footing with oneself, will consider the good or ill luck with geomantic residence, the room that seeks to suit oneself to live most lives. ─── 因此,我们必须以自己的立场,来考虑住宅风水的吉凶,找最适合自己居住的房子住。

43、The gourd is extremely close to shape and tai chi Yin and Yang, is in geomantic go up to also have the evil spirit. ─── 葫芦的形状与太极阴阳极为贴近,在风水上也有化煞之用。

44、geomantic engineering specialty ─── 测绘专业

45、Professor Zhang comments on: Ancient time is geomantic think to just represent stability, look from psychological angle, just want than the circle sedate. ─── 张教授点评:古代风水认为方代表稳定,从心理角度看,方比圆要稳重。

46、Fengshui (geomantic omen) culture is an important content of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. ─── 摘要风水文化是中华民族传统文化的重要内客。

47、So, in the space occupying the home that gives priority to with the female, how to apply geomantic the love that yields oneself, economy and health more perfect? ─── 厨房属阴,卧室属阳,厨房的门不可以直接对着卧室,否则如此犯冲的格局,对身体健康很不好。而女性本质也属阴,为了与厨房相配,这里的清洁工作必须做好才行。

48、Of all ages, geomantic omen is always embraced by people, form royal palace to ordinary people's apartment; they all believe this kind of philosophy. ─── 古往今来,“堪舆学”素为国人所信奉,大到皇家宫殿、贵显府邸,小到平民瓦房,皆信为天道且遁之而行,以纳天地之灵气,日月之精华,富乐祥和,人贵体安。

49、"Geomantic gentleman " express, the house is in hillside position, it is overland all round, need has water to allocate the balance of the five elements, because this suggests his pisciculture. ─── “风水先生”表示,房子处于山坡位置,四周都是陆路,需要有水来调配五行的平衡,因此建议他养鱼。

50、As is known to all, Geomantic people are different from other people since birth: yellow hairs, blue eyes, tall in statue and so on. ─── 有件事情 大家都知道:日耳曼人生来和别的人有些不同:黄头发、蓝眼睛、大高个儿,等等。

51、If does not want to put wooden cabinet, can put a lofty and shock evergreen in pointed horn, the influence with pointed geomantic to the sitting room horn of pare of this Yi Ke. ─── 倘若不想摆放木柜,则可把一盆高大而浓密的常绿植物摆放在尖角位,这亦可消减尖角对客厅风水的影响。

52、Because of the actuate of washing machine, also be geomantic! ─── 因为洗衣机的开动,也是风水!

53、It has long been regarded as an ideal place with a good geomantic omen by the geomancy experts. ─── 被历代勘舆家视为最理想的风水宝地。

54、traditional geomantic omen ─── 传统风水学

55、Since a king and a prime minister once lived here, it must be a place with auspicious geomantic omens. ─── 商王和宰相都住过这里,这里一定是一块风水宝地。

56、Nevertheless, the decoration of mascot is in geomantic go up to also have exquisite, if be being put in disorder, not only action do not come lucky, offend possibly still come dispute oh. ─── 不过,吉祥物的摆设在风水上也有讲究,乱放的话,不但招不来好运,还可能惹来是非哦。

57、Our work includes: house selecting, house receiving, geomantic omen, designing, construction, decoration and post-sale service. ─── 我们的工作包括:选房、收房、风水、设计、施工、配饰、售后等全程服务!

58、The Ancient Chinese Ecological Geomantic Theory and Habitation Environment ─── 中国古代风水理论的生态化与人居环境美

59、Why do they believe Geomantic Omen? ─── 为什么信风水?

60、The Science Character of "Geomantic and Treasured Site" Environmental Pattern and Its Current Significance ─── "风水宝地"环境模式的科学性及现实意义

61、If, a geomantic and admirable residence, after your occupy goes, always feel all over uneasy; Or feel no-go momently, very difficult habit. ─── 假如,一间风水极佳的住宅,你住进去后,总觉得浑身不安闲;或时时刻刻觉得不方便,很难习惯等。

62、2.In China geomantic learn to go up, smallpox represents a day, the floor represents the ground, wall is representing a person. ─── 2.在中国风水学上,天花代表天,地板代表地,墙壁则代表着人。

63、geomantic configuration ─── 家居风水

64、geomantic philosophy ─── 堪舆

65、Lie between a day to tell a boss this thing in the morning, at it is the boss asks a geomantic division to see that room. ─── 隔天早上将这件事告诉老板,于是老板请一位风水师来看那间房间。

66、One of the Shenzhan Hakka cultural charactristics is "no respect to God" and less building of temples but more stress on respect to fathers and geomantic omen cultures. ─── 摘要深圳客家文化特色之一,就是“淡泊神明”,淡泊偶像神明,少建寺庙,却比较重视祖先崇拜和风水文化。

67、Discussion on aesthetic feature of Chinese traditional geomantic omen theory ─── 论中国传统风水理论中的美学特征

68、It is a geomantic omen precious place, where climate is mild, land is fecund and golden walls surround. ─── 这里气候温和,土地肥沃,金城环抱,是藏风聚气的风水宝地。

69、Modern City Landscape Influenced by the Geomantic Consciousness ─── 受风水意识影响形成的现代城市景观

70、This paper, from the economic geography point of view, expounds the relationship between geomatic omen and economic construction, it also elabrates the essential factors and law of the development of geomantic omen. ─── 本文从经济地理角度出发,阐述了风水学与经济建设的关系,以及风水文化的要素与发展规律.

71、Then Mr Liu complies with " geomantic gentleman " proposal, a small aquarium was placed on the desk of the unit, two are raised to view and admire a fish inside. ─── 于是刘先生服从“风水先生”的建议,在单位的办公桌上摆了一个小鱼缸,里面养了两条观赏鱼。

72、There are many old chinese geomantic tests. ─── 姓名测试

73、Radial zephyr, can produce an effect to the atmosphere of household, affect the person's mood and health thereby, this is geomantic. ─── 光线和风,会对家居的氛围产生影响,从而影响人的心情和健康,这就是风水。

74、The geomantic pattern malady of this case is more, it is itself builds pattern to have some of drawback, the 2 pattern that are interiorly have small accident on arrangement. ─── 此案的风水格局弊病较多,一是本身建筑格局有些缺陷,二是在内部的格局安排上有纰漏。

75、An enhanced form of the traditional western style of geomancy, more closely involves Astrological practice and theory into the Geomantic charts. ─── 加强形式的西方传统风格的风水,更密切地涉及星座理论与实践的风水图表。

76、Geomantic culture is a part of Chinese traditional culture. ─── 风水文化是中国传统文化的一部分。

77、Imperial feng shui emphasizes on holistic analysis, integration of multiple geomantic perspectives and convergence of various layers (stratums) of the truth with hold strongly on Yijing principles. ─── 帝皇风 水强调整体的分析,整合多个风水观点和各个层次的融合(阶层)的普遍真理同持有超强的易经原则。

78、Application: They suit to install on television background walls,bedrooms, study rooms, geomantic omen,hotels, beauty parlors, leisure clubs etc. ─── 用途:专业电视背景墙主题墙面,卧室书房、玄关及酒店、美容院、休闲会馆等的特色墙面使用。

79、This also accords with geomantic within, gules, aureate content driving movement had better want didymous idea. ─── 这也符合风水里头,红色、金色开运物最好要成对的概念。

80、From geomantic on tell, a few plants are put to be able to give really in the home life is added in the home, some rise to change even evil spirit action. ─── 从风水上讲,家中摆放一些植物确实能给家里增添生气,有些甚至起到化煞的作用。

81、18. Archaic ideologist Confucius, Mencius is right geomantic the theory that has a maturity. ─── 古代思想家孔子、孟子对风水都有一套成熟的学说。

82、His grandfather made a scanty living by watching geomantic omen for people. ─── 他的祖父靠给人看风水勉强维持生计。

83、In addition common lacy flower, plastic flower also can be put at indoor, these decorations do not have life at all actually, to the geomantic influence in house also not quite. ─── 此外常见的丝带花、塑胶花亦可放于室内,这些摆设其实根本并没有生命,对于屋里的风水影响亦不大。

84、Deconstruction of the Geomantic Omen Imago of Langzhong of Sichuan and the Significance of Its Planning ─── 四川阆中风水意象解构及其规划意义

85、With respect to porch geomantic will tell, the mirror cannot is opposite gate. ─── 就玄关风水来讲,镜子不可正对大门。

86、In this paper, the author uses two cases to analyze the complex relationship of the view of geomantic omen and the community of the Gannan Hakka people. ─── 本文希望通过探讨三僚曾氏在清代的两次坟墓纠纷,分析赣南客家人的风水观念以及风水观与地域社会的复杂关系。

87、With the Yellow Sea to the south and Shanghai across the Yangtze River, it is known as "Rivers and Seas Pearl, Geomantic Treasure Land" . ─── 东频黄海,南临长江,与上海市隔江相望,被誉为“江海明珠,风水宝地”。

88、From geomantic angle for, messy space can produce a lot of is illogical the gas field of free, this is not a business that should encourage. ─── 从风水的角度来说,凌乱的空间会产生许多不通畅的气场,这不是一件应该鼓励的事情。

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