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09-04 投稿



entomology 发音

英:[?ent??mɑ?l?d?i]  美:[?ent??m?l?d?i]

英:  美:

entomology 中文意思翻译



entomology 词性/词形变化,entomology变形

名词: entomologist |形容词: entomologic |副词: entomologically |

entomology 短语词组

1、medical entomology ─── [医] 医 ─── [学]昆虫学

2、urban entomology ─── 城市昆虫学

3、Glossary of entomology terms ─── 昆虫学术语词汇表

4、applied entomology ─── [昆]应用昆虫学

5、descriptive entomology ─── 描述昆虫学

entomology 相似词语短语

1、enzymology ─── n.[生化]酶学

2、nomology ─── n.法理学;法则论

3、entomologic ─── adj.昆虫学的(等于entomological)

4、enterology ─── n.[内科]肠病学;胃肠病学

5、entomologize ─── v.研究昆虫学;采集昆虫

6、entomologise ─── 昆虫学

7、entomologist ─── n.昆虫学者

8、etymology ─── n.词源,词源学

9、entomophagy ─── 食虫性

entomology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Molecular genetic markers and their application in entomology. ─── 分子遗传标记技术及其在昆虫科学中的应用。

2、of or relating to the biological science of entomology ─── 属于或关于生物科学昆虫学的

3、experimental entomology ─── 实验昆虫学

4、XUE Wan-Qi; WANG Ming-Fu; TONG Yan-Feng Institute of Entomology; Shenyang Normal University; Shenyang 110034; ─── 沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所;沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所沈阳;

5、Institute of Entomology &State Key Lab for Biocontrol, Zhongshan(Sun Yatsen) University, Guangzhou,510275, P.R.China ─── 001蒲蛰龙利翠英华立中古德祥.广东广西及其邻近地区的蝽科昆虫.中山大学学报(自然科学),1962,(1):50-74

6、forensic entomology ─── 法医昆虫学

7、This is the website of Review of Agricultural Entomology. ─── 这是农业昆虫学评论的网站。

8、Insect Physiology and Molecular Entomology ─── 昆虫生理与分子昆虫学

9、International Journal of Industrial Entomology NO. ─── 国际应用昆虫学杂志。

10、International Journal of Industrial Entomology ─── 国际工业昆虫学杂志

11、"Douglas detailed his findings in a "Journal of Medical Entomology" paper.The research is part of his doctoral thesis.He said he was unsure if it will lead to something like a commercial repellant. ─── 他说,虽然具有这方面的潜力,但是同时也要进行更为深入的研究,以确定它对人类皮肤是否安全。

12、applied entomology ─── 应用昆虫学

13、Willard H. Whitcomb, emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Florida, has been singing the praises of spiders for decades. ─── 弗罗里达大学昆虫学名誉教授威拉德 - h - 惠特科姆几十年来一直在为蜘蛛唱赞歌。

14、understand the reason of insect bloom, the relationship between insect and human, study content and mission of Entomology and the achievements and development of Entomology. ─── 了解昆虫繁盛原因、昆虫与人类的的关系、昆虫学研究内容和任务、昆虫学研究方面取得的成就及进展。

15、QUO; F.Institute of Entomology; Academia Sinica; ─── 中国科学院昆虫研究所;

16、Keywords Lucilia sericata;adult;pteridine fluorescence;age;postmortem interval;forensic entomology; ─── 丝光绿蝇;成虫;蝶啶荧光;日龄;死亡时间;法医昆虫学;

17、He decided to specialize in entomology after graduation. ─── 他决定毕业后专攻昆虫学。

18、Introduction to two international forensic entomology conferences ─── 北美、欧洲法医昆虫学学术会议综述

19、Zhang Jingqiang; Ye Qiaozhen; Lai Dejin; Yang Hong Institute of Entomology; ─── 昆虫学研究所;无线电电子学系;

20、department of entomology ─── 昆虫系

21、Original and translated publications appear regularly in such fields as astronomy, computing, botany, entomology, chemistry, law and philosophy. ─── 在天文学、信息学、植物学、昆虫学、化学、法律和哲学等领域都有原著和译著出版物定期出版。

22、Collect paleontology, entomology, zoology, biology, and anthropology. ─── 收藏古生物学、昆虫学、动物学、生物学及人类学。

23、The collections in the National Museum of Namibia are the zoological specimens, entomology, arachnology, ornithology, ethnology, and archaeology. ─── 收藏动物标本、昆虫学、鸟类学、人种学及考古学。

24、The results provide a basis for further research on forensic entomology in different areas of China. ─── 初步明确嗜尸性蝇类在中国的分布情况,为我国各地区法医昆虫学的研究提供有关基础参数资料。

25、To further the scientifically sound study of insects and to publish periodicals and other publications on entomology; ─── 促进对昆虫的科学性研究并出版昆虫学期刊和其他刊物;

26、Keywords entomology;arthropod;bio-indicator;ecological restoration;assessment; ─── 关键词昆虫学;节肢动物;生物指示物;生态恢复;评价;

27、Keywords forensic entomology;sarcosaphagous flies;the constitution and succession of community; ─── 法医昆虫学;嗜尸性苍蝇;生态群落的组成与演替;

28、quarantine entomology ─── 检疫昆虫学

29、general entomology ─── 普通昆虫学

30、Keywords Lucilia sericata;morphine hydrochloride;accumulated degree hour(ADH);postmortem interval(PMI);forensic entomology;forensic entomotoxicology.; ─── 丝光绿蝇;盐酸吗啡;积温(ADH);死亡时间(PMI);法医昆虫学;法医昆虫毒理学;

31、descriptive entomology ─── 描述昆虫学

32、medical entomology ─── 医学昆虫学

33、Forest Entomology in East Africa ─── 东非森林昆虫学:坦桑尼亚森林昆虫

34、Author WANG Zhong Ming GAO Xi Wu ZHENG Bing Zong (Department of Entomology;China Agricultural University;Beijing 100094); ─── 作者汪中明;高希武;郑炳宗;

35、In entomology, the sexually immature form of insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis (e. g. , grasshoppers). ─── 在昆虫学中,昆虫经历不完全变态时,有性发育未成熟的形体(例如蝗虫)。

36、7. His hobby is entomology. ─── 他爱好昆虫学.

37、The BAU maintains a reference file for experts in various forensic disciplines such as odontology, anthropology, entomology, or pathology. ─── BAU为不同领域的专家提供法学相关学科的参考资料,诸如齿科学、人类学、昆虫学或病理学等等。

38、urban entomology ─── 城市昆虫学

39、In this paper,its important roles in entomology are summarized. ─── 本文重点综述了其在昆虫学研究中的作用。

40、Entomology information could be retrieved in agriculture databases of DIALOG international online system. ─── 摘要国际联机DIALOG系统包含的许多农业数据库中可以检索到昆虫学信息。

41、T. Teramato and T. Tanaka, Applied Entomology, Graduate School of Bio-Agricultural Sciences, Na原始页: ─── 2008年.所有权利保留.上海中图文化发展有限公司技术支持.

42、FENG Yan1; XUE Wan-Qi21. Ya an Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Ya an 625000; Sichuan; China2. Institute of Entomology; Shenyang Normal University; Shenyang 110034; China; ─── 四川省雅安市疾病预防控制中心;沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所四川雅安;

43、He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture and a Master of Science degree in Entomology with a minor in Plant Pathology from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas. ─── 他获得了阿肯色州立大学农业学学士、昆虫学理学硕士学位,期间还辅修了植物病理学。

44、He decided to specialize in entomology after graduation. ─── 他决定毕业后专攻昆虫学。

45、Review of current situation of forest entomology research and prospect of its development ─── 世界森林昆虫学研究现状与发展趋势展望

46、Author Bian Dongju Zhu Yu Wang Mingfu Xue Wanqi (Institute of Entomology;Shenyang Normal University;Shenyang 110034;China); ─── 作者边冬菊;朱玉;王明福;薛万琦;

47、Ancient Chinese have made great contributions to the knowledge of cultural entomology during this long period living with insects, especially during the agricultural activities. ─── 在秦汉和唐宋诸代,中国文化曾放出无比的光辉,映照东亚,洒向西域;

48、forest entomology ─── 森林昆虫学

49、of or relating to the biological science of entomology. ─── 属于或关于生物科学昆虫学的。

50、aquatic entomology ─── 水生昆虫学

51、Keywords entomology;Solenopsis invicta Buren;population biology;behavioral genetics; ─── 昆虫学红火蚁;种群生物学;行为遗传学;

52、Applications of the AFLP molecular genetic marker in Entomology ─── AFLP分子标记技术在昆虫学研究中的应用

53、The concepts and practices of applied entomology for the most part date from that Stone Age of science. ─── 应用昆虫学的概念和实践大都发端于那石器时代的科学。

54、YANG Jia-Hou; SUN Fan; LIAO Kun-Hong; WU Wen-Jing; PANG Hong; PANG Yi(State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Institute of Entomology; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China); ─── 中山大学有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室/昆虫学研究所;

55、Leaguer of China entomology academy ─── 中国昆虫学会会员

56、Keywords forensic entomology;time of death; ─── 欧洲;法医昆虫学大会;死亡时间推断;

57、"Somebody needs to come out that's an expert. I would love to see some entomology intern come out and study this," she said. ─── 她说:“有人需要到户外。这样的人要是专家。我会很希望看见某位昆虫学实习生来对这进行研究”

58、Military Entomology Information Service ─── 军事昆虫学情报处

59、entomology in storehouse ─── 仓储昆虫学

60、"Somebody needs to come out that's an expert. I would love to see some entomology intern come out and study this, " she said. ─── 她说:“有人需要到户外。这样的人要是专家。我会很希望看见某位昆虫学实习生来对这进行研究”

61、Willard H . Whitcomb, emeritus professor of entomology at the University of Florida, has been singing the praises of spiders for decades. ─── 弗罗里达大学昆虫学名誉教授威拉德-h-惠特科姆几十年来一直在为蜘蛛唱赞歌。

62、Master of Science in Entomology ─── 昆虫学硕士

63、This paper describes one new species, i. e. Helina altica sp. nov. from Xizang, China. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University. ─── 报道了中国青藏高原阳蝇属1新种,模式标本存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所标本室.

64、The results showed that only a few of entomology journals are included in SCI, and no Chinese entomology journal is indexed by SCI. ─── 上述结果表明:昆虫学期刊被SCI收录的数量偏少,而我国尚无一种期刊被SCI收录。

65、Collect paleontology, entomology, zoology, biology, and anthropology. ─── 收藏古生物学、昆虫学、动物学、生物学及人类学。

66、Douglas detailed his findings in a "Journal of Medical Entomology" paper.The research is part of his doctoral thesis.He said he was unsure if it will lead to something like a commercial repellant. ─── 报道说,这项研究是道格拉斯博士论文的一部分,但目前他也尚不确定这项研究是否会催生某种类似商业驱蚊剂的东西。

67、and L. guizhouensis Zhou et Xue, 1987 is revised to L. pubiseta Emden, 1965. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal College. ─── guizhouensis Zhou et Xue,1987订正为阴鬃池蝇L. pubiseta Emden,1965;

68、Termite research laboratory; Guangdong Institute of Entomology; ─── 广东省昆虫研究所白蚁研究室;

69、agricultural entomology ─── 农业昆虫学

70、Larry, P.P. and M.E. Rice. 2008. Entomology and pest management (6rd.). Prentice Hall Publisher. 816pp. ─── 李孟楼.。2004。资源昆虫学。中国林业出版社。北京。414页。

71、Advances of Forensic Entomology in China ─── 我国法医昆虫学的研究进展

72、The study of plant resistance to insects dates back to earliest days of applied entomology. ─── 早在应用昆虫学发展的初期,就已开始植物抗虫性的研究。

73、veterinary entomology ─── 兽医昆虫学家畜昆虫学

74、ZHANG Wenqing, a professor of entomology at Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University, serves as deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol. ─── 张文庆,男,教授,博士生导师,有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室副主任,中国昆虫学会理事。

75、International Congress of Entomology"," ─── 国际昆虫学大会"

76、International Congress of Entomology,ICE ─── 国际昆虫学大会

77、XXI International Congress of Entomology Iguassu Falls, Brazil.Aug. 2001. ─── 台湾昆虫学会第二十四届年会。

78、His hobby is entomology. ─── 他爱好昆虫学。

79、The types are preserved in the Shanghai Institute of Entomology,Academia Sinica. ─── 模式标本保存于上海昆虫研究所。

80、Author WANG Bei-Xin;YANG Lian-Fang;HU Ben-Jin;SHAN Lin-Na (Department of Entomology;Nanjing Agricultural University;Nanjing 210095;China).; ─── 作者王备新;杨莲芳;胡本进;单林娜;

81、plant pathology & entomology ─── 植物病虫学

82、Study on the Education of Multimedia Assembled for the Agricultural Entomology Teaching ─── 农业昆虫学多媒体组合教学研究

83、The Center has published bibliographies on soybean entomology, and served growers, researchers, and institutions around the world. ─── 该中心出版有大豆昆虫学参考书目,为世界各地的农场主、研究人员和机构提供服务。

84、Topics cover entomology, biological control, integrated pest management, insect species, pesticides and regulations. ─── 标本;机构;害虫综合治理;邮件列表;药物昆虫学;

85、But it is only now that this remarkable discipline, Forensic Entomology, is coming into its own and solving the unsolvable . ─── 但只是在现在,这一不寻常的学科——法医昆虫学才开始发挥重要作用,解决一些无法解决的问题。

86、Entomology Office of the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at Harvard University ─── 按照哈佛大学环境卫生和安全部昆虫学办公室

87、His original undergraduate major was marine biology, but he wound up getting a master's degree in entomology. ─── 他原先大学时候的专业是海洋生物学,但是几经辗转,他获得了昆虫学的硕士学位。

88、Thinking and Discussion about Improving Teaching Quality of Applied Entomology ─── 提高应用昆虫学教学质量的思考与探讨

89、soil entomology ─── 土壤昆虫学


原意在英语中指代物的第三人称单数。另有其他单词的缩写,例如信息技术:Information Technology;即时翻译 instant translation;创新技术innovative technology等。

IT的英文是Information Technology,即信息技术的意思。



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