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09-04 投稿



hounding 发音

英:[?ha?nd??]  美:[?ha?nd??]

英:  美:

hounding 中文意思翻译




hounding 常用词组

hound dog ─── 猎狗,猎犬;猎犬乐队

basset hound ─── 矮腿猎犬

afghan hound ─── 阿富汗猎狗

hounding 词性/词形变化,hounding变形

动词过去式: hounded |动词第三人称单数: hounds |动词过去分词: hounded |动词现在分词: hounding |名词: hounder |

hounding 相似词语短语

1、rounding ─── n.凑整;制圆;发圆唇音;v.绕行;使变圆;凑整(round的现在分词)

2、wounding ─── adj.伤人感情的;v.伤害;使受伤(wound的现在分词)

3、sounding ─── n.水深测量;测得的水深;意见调查,调查结果(常复数);(铃或号的)发声;adj.发出声响的;虚夸空洞的,冠冕堂皇的;回响的,回荡的

4、founding ─── adj.创办的,发起的;n.创办,发起;铸造;溶解;v.创办(组织);建立(国家);以……为基础;熔化(found的现在分词)

5、abounding ─── adj.丰富的;大量的;v.大量存在;盛产(abound的ing形式)

6、mounding ─── n.肌耸起;v.把…拢成堆(mound的现在分词形式)

7、pounding ─── n.重击;重击声;(非正式)大败;有节奏的跳动;遭重创的情景;adj.巨大的;重重的;v.捣碎;向……猛打;重敲;彻底击败(对手);把(动物)关进官设畜栏(pound的现在分词)

8、bounding ─── v.跳跃;(使)弹回;成为……的界限(bound的现在分词)

9、-sounding ─── n.水深测量;测得的水深;意见调查,调查结果(常复数);(铃或号的)发声;adj.发出声响的;虚夸空洞的,冠冕堂皇的;回响的,回荡的

hounding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He fetched his horse from the stable and called to his hound. ─── 他从厩里牵出马来,又唤来了猎狗。

2、He might hunt her out at the show and hound her in that way. ─── 他可能去戏院找到她,就那样追着她不放。

3、Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout. ─── 充裕并不意味多余。猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书。

4、Listen to this one. Thinks we can be scared off by a hound. ─── 听听这位的,还以为我们会被一头猎狗吓住。

5、To give forth a deep, prolonged sound similar to the bay of a hound. ─── 发出深沉悠长的声音发出深沉的,绵长的声音,和猎犬捕食时发出的吠声相似

6、The hound had run on the grass,so it left no footprints,ex cept the one found by Dr Mortimer. ─── "那猎犬是在草地上跑的,于是便没有留下什么爪印,除了摩梯末医生发现的那一个之外。

7、I was shocked from the sudden loss and left with the hounding questions: “why me” and “why her”, with an overwhelming pit of despair. ─── 她突然的离去对我是一个沉重的打击,在那些日子里我脑海中一直绝望的问着:“为什么是我?”

8、They hound you any time of day and night. Saturday morning, Sunday morning, at 8am I had somebody calling me. It's ridiculous. ─── 他们白天晚上随便什么时间都追捕你。星期六的早上,星期天的早上,早上8点钟就有人给我打电话。这太荒谬了。

9、But after 12 years of intense study, the commission issued a wishy-washy report that blamed 'certain persons' for hounding Galileo and steered clear of a full mea culpa. ─── 不过历经12年的缜密调研之后,委员会仅仅发表了一份空泛的报告,谴责“某些人”迫害了伽利略,却只字未提道歉之事。

10、Developed in England to hunt hare in packs, Harriers must have all the attributes of a scenting pack hound. ─── 在英格兰发展起来的群猎犬,用于捕猎野兔,哈利犬必须具有嗅觉群猎犬所有的特征。

11、He came to her, his black face as forlorn as a lost and masterless hound. ─── 他走进来时那张黑脸像丧家的狗的脸一样难看。

12、Karay was an old, misshapen, muddy-coloured hound, famous for attacking an old wolf unaided. ─── 卡拉伊是一只难看的、一身乱毛的老公狗,它因单独地捕获一只大狼而闻名。

13、I've got to finish the work so I don't have him hounding me all the time. ─── 我得把工作做完,这样才不会让他老是逼着我。

14、They are hound to fail/lose. ─── 他们注定要输。

15、There is an old house on an island in the middle of the marsh,**she said.**He kept his hound there. ─── “在泥潭中央的一个小岛上有一栋古老的房子,”她说道。“他以往把猎犬安置在那里。

16、When he met Sir Charles,he heard the story of the hell hound. ─── “他遇见查尔斯爵士时听到了有关魔狗的故事。

17、Where's the faithful hound today? ─── 今天你的狗呢?

18、As hard as the ore mined in his foreboding but beloved Asturias, he never stops attacking, tackling and hounding . ─── 像他热爱的奥斯图里亚斯出产的矿石一样坚硬,他在场上从未停止进攻、铲球和追逐。

19、All of them hoped he would put up a fight for his hound . ─── 他们都希望他会为自己的猎狗力争一番。

20、In addition, it has the advantage that the Cramer-Rao lower bound can be used as an uncertainty hound on the estimation. ─── 另外最大似然估计的一个优点是用于不确定度计算的克拉美-罗下限值更易于获得。

21、Let the leading hound lose the scent, then another shall give tongue. ─── 只要为首的一条猎犬失去嗅觉,另外一条就会叫起来。

22、She knew about the hound,and when Selden died she guessed that the hound had killed him. ─── 她知道那只猎犬的事情,塞尔登死去时她猜到是猎犬害死了他。

23、The country's media pack is now hounding the central-bank governor as if he were another celebrity rogue. ─── 现今,全国的媒体都聚焦到了这为央行行长身上,仿佛其将是又一个欺世名人。

24、He is hound out of his job by jealous rival. ─── 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。

25、She sounded like a hound baying. ─── 她象猎狗似的吠叫。

26、To hound or harry persistently;worry. ─── 使苦恼不断地折磨或打扰;使烦恼

27、Nothing could escape his look, which is more like the scent of a hound than the sight of an eye. ─── 可什么也逃不过他的眼睛。哪是什么眼睛,简直是猎狗的鼻子。

28、He must realize that he can not run with the hare and hunt with the hound. ─── 他必须意识到他不能两面讨好。

29、He confessed that he sometimes felt like a hound or a panther, and, if born among Indians, would have been a fell hunter. ─── 他承认自己有时就像一头猎犬或猎豹,如果出生在印第安人中间,将会是一名非常凶悍的猎手。

30、How did Selden know that the hound was following him? ─── 塞尔登如何知道那猎犬跟在他后面呢?

31、You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hound. ─── 不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)。

32、Forelegs--Straight, with plenty of bone in proportion to size of the hound. ─── 前腿:直,骨量充足,与猎犬的整体尺寸比例恰当。

33、His friends and colleagues from Enron say that he took his life because the newspapers were hounding him so much . ─── 他的朋友和同事都说是报纸把他迫死,但我相信他自杀的原因是失去盼望。

34、A gossip journalist is hounding her for details. ─── 一个八卦周刊的记者正在紧追着她调查细节。

35、Ronnie is going through a rough patch at the moment. The media are always hounding him. ─── 罗尼经历了一段非常艰难的路程,媒体总是抓住他不放。

36、The hounding of homosexuals, he says, is the “opposite of Christlike”. ─── 他说鼓励同性恋就是“和基督作对”。

37、He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound. ─── 两条短短的罗圈腿,一头又长又乱的姜黄色头发,一双肿胀充血的眼睛,使得他看上去像一只短腿猎狗那样愁苦。

38、A troubled hound was baying the moon. ─── 一条受惊不安的猎狗正在对月狂吠。

39、Animated Blackarachnia, Prowl, Jazz, Lockdown, Starscream, Shockwave, Blitzwing, Cyb Op prime, Universe Hound, Cyclonus. ─── 就系佢哋啦,五只系树上,其他下面。无次序。。

40、Become an English news hound . Watch CNN or listen to the news on ICRT to keep up-to-date. ─── 做一个英语新闻迷,看CNN或听ICRT以获得最新消息。

41、Experts point out that many corrupt cases of Chinese officials are transnational and cooperation from the international society is necessary in hounding these malfeasants. ─── 专家指出,在中国的官员腐败案件中,有不少是跨国腐败案,围堵、捉拿这些贪官离不开国际社会的配合。

42、If he knows about the hound,he will find it harder to face the dan gers of tomorrow. ─── 如果他知道了猎犬的事情,他就会发现很难面对明天必须经受的种种危险了。

43、He exploded into a run, flying over the field like a grey hound, his hooves barely touching the ground. ─── 它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎腾空。

44、Whether it's hounding CP3 or trying to win a game on the Hornets' floor, if necessary, Denver has a lot to do to reach the second round for the first time since 1994. ─── 不管是因为保罗还是想在黄蜂主场拿下比赛,掘金都必须做得更多,只有这样他们才能在1994年以后重新杀进第2轮。

45、You are how to fly into my caponizing to give up of, do you not see the station in two hound morpholines of your in front? ─── 你是怎么飞进我的鸡舍的,你没看见站在你面前的两只狗吗?

46、The Ibizan Hound is even-tempered, affectionate and loyal. ─── 依比沙猎犬的性格冷静,友善而忠诚。

47、If this bullish divergence gets aborted, the market will give a Hound of the Baskervilles signal and fall out of bed. ─── 如果看涨背离失败了,那么市场就要给出巴斯克维尔猎犬信号,开始下跌。

48、Individual professors inflate grades after consumer-conscious administrators hound them into it. ─── 个别教授在“重视顾客”的行政负责人的唆使下,抬高分数。

49、Everywhere the land was flat, the horizon hound only by trees. ─── 举目四望,都是平展展的,远处地平线才有树木。

50、Odom didn't fare any better in the third, and Gasol and Bryant combined for just 10 points as Spurs' defender Bruce Bowen continued to hound this year's league MVP. ─── 在第三节,奥多姆表现不怎的,加索尔和科比两人共得10分。马刺队的防守球员布鲁斯-鲍文继续防守本年度的MVP。

51、Cem, his hound dog, came up to him then and nuzzled his hand before lying down at his feet. ─── 他的猎犬赛姆过来用鼻子蹭了蹭他的手,卧在了他的脚边。

52、The Basset Hound moves in a smooth, powerful, and effortless manner. ─── 后腿及臀部非常丰满并呈圆形,大约与肩同宽。

53、To hound or harry persistently; worry. ─── 使苦恼不断地折磨或打扰;使烦恼

54、His creditors were hounding him for money. ─── 债主们逼着找他要钱。

55、But facts are facts,and I had heard a hound. ─── 但是,事实总归是事实,我本人也听到了猎犬的声音。

56、He slipped the hound from the leash. ─── 他解开皮带放掉猎狗。

57、Week of Hellhound: Double growth for Hell Hound and Cerberi. ─── 地域犬周:地域犬产量加倍。

58、As hard as the ore mined in his foreboding but beloved Asturias, he never stops attacking, tackling and hounding. ─── 像他热爱的奥斯图里亚斯出产的矿石一样坚硬,他在场上从未停止进攻、铲球和追逐。

59、By the time I went to Devonshire I knew that there was a real hound,and I knew we were looking for a man and a wom an. ─── "在我去德文郡之前我已知道那儿有只活生生的猎犬,还知道我们将要寻觅一位男子和一位女士。

60、Abundance doe 't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout. ─── 充裕并不意味多余.猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书.

61、The scandal continued to hound Reps.Jesse Jackson Jr. and Rahm Emanuel, Obama's choice for chief of staff. ─── 丑闻继续猎犬众议员小杰西杰克逊和拉姆伊曼纽尔,奥巴马的选择参谋长。

62、Neither he nor the hound had touched Sir Charles so there was no sign of murder. ─── 他带着他的妻子,可是他不敢肯定她会保守他的秘密,因此他没有告诉她实情。

63、His Don't Be Cruel, Hound Dog, Love Me Tender, All Shook Up and Jailhouse Rock enjoyed great popularity. ─── 他的《别太残忍》、猎犬》、温柔地爱我》、大家动起来》和《监狱摇滚》都是脍炙人口的作品。

64、So the hound followed the scent and bunted this man. ─── 如此一来猎犬就循着气味搜寻这个人。

65、The following description is that of the ideal Pharaoh Hound. ─── 下面所描述的是一个理想的法老王猎犬。

66、The old story of the supernatural hound probably gave Stapleton the idea of using phosphorus. ─── 关于那只魔狗的那个古老的故事使他萌发了使用磷的念头。

67、There shall be no work as long as this hound is giddily scampering about the school yard. ─── 只要那条野狗依然在学校操场上乱跑,就不会再有学习和功课。

68、The Cerex UV Hound is a point-monitor that uses ultraviolet light to continuously examines the air to detect, identify, and quantify airborne threats. ─── Cerex 紫外 猎犬是一个点监测仪,它使用紫外光连续检查空气来检测、识别和量化空气中的危险物。

69、I'm not an apple-polisher, or an autograph hound, I just speaked my mind, is that wrong? ─── 不要那么紧张嘛,大家都是闹着玩的,大家都不说话不是就没得笑了吗?

70、Is your hound round Too much flab on your Lab Is your husky, well, husky A new drug may provide some help. ─── 你的猎犬圆滚滚?你的拉不拉多犬全身松垮垮的肥肉?你的哈士奇犬,块头实在太大了?一种新药可能可以提供一些援助。

71、Ever wonder if that whiskery fellow walking his jowly Scottish terrier or that leggy, long-haired blonde jogging with her Afghan hound were just flukes? ─── 你有否觉得,那个长着山羊胡子的家伙遛着他那只皱皮疙瘩的苏格兰梗,或者那个长腿的金色长发美女跟她的阿富汗猎犬一起慢跑的时候,他们简直就是一对?

72、His friends and colleagues from Enron say that he took his life because the newspapers were hounding him so much. ─── 他的朋友和同事都说是报纸把他迫死,但我相信他自杀的原因是失去盼望。

73、Why, the dirty low-down hound, sneaking around spying into other people's business like that. ─── 好一只卑鄙下流的猎狗,竟如此鬼鬼祟祟的刺探别人的私事。

74、The Huckleberry Hound Show won an Emmy Award in 1958 for outstanding achievement in the field of children's entertainment,the first cartoon ever to receive this honor. ─── 1958年该动画因在儿童娱乐领域的突出成就,而获得"埃米"奖,并成为获此殊荣的第一部卡通片。

75、When it was a matter of merely hounding celebrities, the general response was apathy. ─── 当事态仅限于那些名人的曝光时,大众的反应比较冷淡。

76、While serving as the commander-in-chief of FOX- HOUND, Big Boss also ran a mercenary dispatch company utilizing his connections and capital from his years as a merc. ─── 在大首领作为猎狐犬的总指挥官服役的同时,他还凭借着他在当雇佣兵时建立起来的关系和积累下来的财富,运作着一支雇佣兵军团。

77、He was not unlike a hurried animal, deftly pursued by hunter and hound. ─── 他正象一只困兽,给猎人猎狗追得紧紧的。

78、Why do you hound me as God does? Will you never have enough of my flesh? ─── 你们为何如同天主一样逼迫我,吃了我的肉还不知足呢?

79、He insisted that his political opponents were trying to hound him down. ─── 他坚持认为,他的政治对手们是在设法逼他就范。

80、They argued about the hound that evening,and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons. ─── 他们在那个傍晚因猎犬的事情吵了起来,争吵时斯台普顿告诉了她有关莱昂斯太太的事情。

81、Dev Hound is a Web based project management system designed for bug tracking, tracking projects, development teams, software releases, clients, support ca. ─── 基于网络的项目管理系统软件。用于跟踪问题,项目,开发小组,软件发布,客户,支持电话和知识库。

82、The police are always hounding me. ─── 警方一直在追捕我。

83、Together the three royals are given to the breeze, that follows out to see like the baying of a hound. ─── 三支最高的桅帆给轻风吹动,轻风像猎犬的吠声一路跟着我们。

84、Accidentally, my Dachshund and Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel. ─── 一不留神, 我家的腊肠和巴吉度生出了一个混血种。

85、But the fact that her father Neil's brother is the U.S. President had the press hounding her in Milan after her runway debut in a design by Gai Mattiolo. ─── 但是她的伯父是美国总统这一事实,使得她在米兰为盖·马修罗设计的服装进行了首场表演后,被新闻界紧追不放。

86、It expatiate thinking about the hound of figuring virtual experimental model accurately, and bring the principle about definition of virtual experiment. ─── 基于静电跳球虚拟实验的开发,阐述了关于精确表示虚拟实验模型限度的思考,并提出确定虚拟实验精确度的原则。

87、Newcomers are constantly hounding them for advice. ─── 新来的人老是缠着他们问这问那的。

88、Hocus Pocus Hound turns great but Marvo gets greedy on the back of HPH's success. ─── 以事件为纬,内容涵括政治、文化、社会生活;

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