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09-04 投稿


filching 发音

英:[?f?lt???]  美:[?f?lt???]

英:  美:

filching 中文意思翻译



filching 短语词组

1、filching meaning in english ─── 英语中的词义窃取

2、filching urban dictionary ─── 偷城市词典

3、churlishness underpopulated filching ─── 粗暴无礼人口不足的偷窃

4、filching definition ─── 窃取定义

5、filching me ─── 欺骗我

6、filching define ─── 窃取定义

7、filching brier limping ─── 跛行荆棘

8、filching synonym ─── 窃取同义词

9、filching meaning ─── 窃取意义

filching 词性/词形变化,filching变形

名词: filcher |动词现在分词: filching |动词过去分词: filched |动词过去式: filched |动词第三人称单数: filches |

filching 相似词语短语

1、hilching ─── v.跛行,蹒跚;n.跛行,蹒跚

2、felching ─── 伸出

3、flitching ─── n.腌的猪肋肉;咸肉细片;大比目鱼的肉片;[木]料板;vt.切成鱼块;裁成板

4、cinching ─── n.眼肌折迭术;v.给(马)系紧肚带;紧握住;抓牢(cinch的ing形式)

5、flinching ─── vi.退缩;畏惧;n.退缩;畏惧

6、bitching ─── 埋怨(bitch的现在分词);欺骗;弄糟,弄坏;对...不满

7、filchingly ─── 毛茸茸的

8、belching ─── v.打嗝;喷出……;……冒出(belch的现在分词);n.打嗝;猛烈喷射

9、birching ─── n.桦木;桦树;桦条;vt.用桦条鞭打;n.(Birch)人名;(英、西)伯奇;(瑞典)比尔克

filching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This controller expresses, filch net silver-colored capital already understandable the capital to steal a bank, understandable also the belongings to steal depositor. ─── 该负责人表示,窃取网银资金既可以理解为盗窃银行的资金,也可以理解为盗窃存款人的财产。

2、Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure, ─── 这惯窃的时代会偷他的财宝;

3、Be aimed at the behavior of financing of the bank on net of illegal element filch, the personage inside course of study points out, law convictions to its be necessary to be made clear further. ─── 针对不法分子窃取网上银行资金的行为,有业内人士指出,法律对其定罪有必要进一步明确。

4、Norbert is shipped off from the tallest tower but Harry and Hermione are caught by Filch on their way back to their dorm. ─── 诺伯被运上最高的塔楼送走了,而哈利和赫敏在回宿舍的时候被费尔奇逮到了。

5、Meanwhile some mobsters turn aim to destroy, filch, juggle the important information and make enormous loss for country, corporations and individual. ─── 同时,一些非法犯罪分子也把目光转移到了对信息的窃取、篡改、破坏上,以达到其犯罪目的。

6、55.When I capture the hero, I will make sure I also get his dog, monkey, ferret, or whatever sickeningly cute little animal capable of untying ropes and filching keys happens to follow him around. ─── 当我抓住一个英雄时,我会确定我也抓到他的狗,猴子,雪貂或是其他任何碰巧在身边可以解开绳子或是会偷取钥匙的病态可爱小动物.

7、Filch is a squib, which means that he was born of a wizarding family but cannot do magic. ─── 费尔奇是个哑炮,意思是他出身于巫师家庭但不会魔法。

8、Normally camouflage becomes these websites bank website or website of electronic business affairs, the Zhang bugle call that the person that filch is visited refers and password information. ─── 这些网站通常伪装成为银行网站或电子商务网站,窃取访问者提交的账号和密码信息。

9、How can we fellows who've always worked on a monthly basis for good families filch from them? ─── 咱哥儿们,久吃宅门的,手儿粘赘还行吗?

10、Stone says, this are vermian can ego is duplicate, but won't information of filch user individual. ─── 斯通称,该蠕虫能够自我复制,但不会窃取用户个人信息。

11、These little gadgets pick your pocket while they sit in it, filching many thousands of dollars from you over the years. ─── 小小的手机会趁着呆在你衣兜里的时候“窃取”你的钱财,几年里可以花掉你数千美元。

12、Filching electricity can not only lead to economic losses but also endanger grid operation safety. ─── 窃电不仅造成经济损失,而且危及电网安全运行。

13、I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. ─── 再有,管理员费尔奇先生也要我提醒大家,课间不要在走廊里施魔法。

14、informational data of credit cardl crime of filching ─── 中国

15、Analysis on prevention of electricity filching at kilowatt-hour meter ─── 对电能表防窃电的分析

16、Then the older ones, if they could scrape together a few coppers' capital, would buy or filch some lumps of ice from the ice-carts and resell them. ─── 然后,大一点的要是能找到世界上最小的资本,便去连买带拾,凑些冰核去卖。

17、The party has broadened its appeal from its rural base and is filching voters from all sides. ─── 以乡村地区为基础,正统芬兰人党的影响力正逐渐扩大并吸引了各方支持者。

18、Ginny, whose "ankle had been mended in a trice," relates intervening events to the patients, and gives astute observations on the conditions of Filch and Umbridge (OP38). ─── 金妮的脚脖子“一眨眼的工夫就治好了”,她向病人们讲了这段时间发生的事,而且机敏地评论了费尔奇和乌姆里奇的状况(OP38)。

19、SHANTOU, China - Charges of plagiarism roil China's universities, but they're not about students cheating. They're about professors who filch from one another. ─── 中国汕头--多起对学术剽窃的指控在中国大学中激起波澜。这些指控并非针对作弊的学生,而是那些剽窃他人的教授们。

20、10.Answer: Point to it is a purpose with detinue, take state-private property amount secretly bigger, or for many times secret filch is state-private the behavior of property. ─── 答:指以非法占有为目的,秘密取公私财物数额较大,或者多次秘密窃取公私财物的行为。

21、One of characteristics of Internet are to be in we are daily the metropolis when using stays " electronic dactylogram " , make individual information very easy by other filch. ─── 互联网的特点之一是在我们每日使用时都会留下“电子指纹”,使得个人信息很容易被他人窃取。

22、Argus Filch: Anyone here, my sweet? Come on. ─── 阿格斯·尔奇:这儿有人吗,小甜心?走吧。

23、he knows I m a -I m a -" Filch s face worked horribly. "He knows I m a Squib!" he finished...." ─── 非常喜欢第二部(电影也是),我脑中的哈里,还是那个可爱的小男孩

24、Taiwan authorities attempts to use her young and babyish appearance to cheat the other side just about, information of filch of wait for one's chance. ─── 台湾当局正是企图利用她年轻幼稚的外表来欺骗对方,伺机窃取情报。

25、Once illegal element " record " issued a code, can pass silver of masses edition net with small pay or turn the means filch gold of Zhang. ─── 一旦不法分子“记录”下了密码,便可通过大众版网银以小额支付或转账的方式窃取钱财。

26、7. Filch[/COLOR], the caretaker, is a Squib. He sent for and received the Kwikspell course in October of 1992 (CS8). ─── 管理员费尔奇[/COLOR],就是一个哑炮。1992年十月,他寄信索取并收到了快速咒语课程(密室第8章)。收藏指正

27、In addition, this week filch of date of all sorts of network game Zhang " BMW " a series of familial trojans download implement enter active period. ─── 此外,本周窃取各种网络游戏账号的“宝马”家族的一系列木马下载器进入活跃期。

28、Are Gu Ge and Microsoft become "code filch "of incident the biggest win the home? ─── 谷歌和微软成为“代码窃取”事件的最大赢家?

29、His father caught him filching apples. ─── 父亲撞见他偷苹果。

30、She wanders the corridors of the castle, just like he does, and if she spots anyone putting a toe out of line, Filch is there within minutes. ─── 和费尔奇一样,它也成天在城堡中的各个走道里徘徊着,只要它发现有学生弄出了一丁点的乱子,费尔奇就会迅速赶到事发现场。

31、So, gu Ge is true " filch " the content that is not a website, however the link of all websites, and these websites offer a link freely to give Gu Ge. ─── 所以,谷歌真正“窃取”的不是网站的内容,而是所有网站的链接,而这些网站则免费提供链接给谷歌。

32、The boys were in the habit of filching fruit from the peddler's carts. ─── 那些男孩们有偷小贩车上水果的习惯。

33、The aim is authenticating the identification of both side of communication and preventing illegal users to filch and masquerade genuine users. ─── 尽管通过口令是最方便的身份验证方法,但它也伴随着字典攻击的威胁。

34、A real-time anti-electricity filching system is proposed.The constitution and function principle is introduced.It analyzes the high/low voltage parameter gathering and wireless digital communication. ─── 提出一种实时、系统的电网防窃电系统,介绍了系统组成和工作原理,并对高压采集终端、低压采集终端和无线数字公用通信网的相关技术进行了详细分析。

35、As they stepped into the corridor, Filch's face loomed suddenly out of the darkness. ─── 他们一跨进走廊,费尔奇的脸就突然从黑暗里显现出来。

36、Filch " fryer " the fictitious belongings in computer and commercial secret. ─── 窃取“肉鸡”电脑里的虚拟财产以及商业机密。

37、These ants of honor go crawling about filching scraps of exploits. ─── 有的人像乞丐讨饭一样讨取功名,或像蚂蚁储食一样攒积荣誉。

38、Filch, bribe perhaps gets afore-mentioned information illegally with other method, the clue is serious, the regulation of the money before according to is punished. ─── 窃取、收买或者以其他方法非法获取上述信息,情节严重的,依照前款的规定处罚。

39、Also,our caretaker,Mr. Filch,has asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right aside is out of bounds... ─── 另外,我们的管理员费奇先生也请我提醒大家,不可踏进右手边的三楼走廊.

40、Hermione Granger: Filch is gone. ─── 赫敏·格兰杰:费尔奇走了。

41、to steal; to pilfer; to filch ─── 攘窃

42、Moduoke says, should we allow filch our copyright content? ─── 默多克说,我们应该允许窃取我们的版权内容吗?

43、Filch's office is a small room with a single oil lamping hanging from the ceiling. ─── 费尔奇的办公室是一间天花板上吊着一盏油灯、充斥着烤鱼气味的小屋。

44、To remove without permission; filch. ─── 偷窃,窃取未经允许而拿走;窃取

45、Argus Filch has an entire file drawer devoted to the rule-breaking of Fred and George, and Hagrid says he's spent half his life chasing the twins out of the Forbidden Forest. ─── 阿各思费尔奇有整整一抽屉的关于弗雷德和乔治的违规记录。就连海格也说,他花了半生的精力来把这对双胞胎赶出禁林。

46、hidden trouble of anti-electricity filching ─── 窃电隐患

47、Post says, this employee from June 2008 or earlier moment begins filch these information, its purpose is for " annoy " partial employee. ─── 邮件称,该员工自2008年6月或更早时候开始窃取这些信息,其目的是为了“骚扰”部分员工。

48、filching the electricity ─── 窃电

49、At present he is faced with inbreak illegally 5 accusation such as Cisco company network and password of filch operating system. ─── 目前他面临非法入侵思科公司网络以及窃取操作系统密码等5项指控。

50、Filching electricity can not only lead to economic losses but also endanger grid opertion safety. ─── 摘要窃电不仅造成经济损失,而且危及电网安全运行。

51、I've seen her filching some goods from Nerflin's stock, so keep all loose coin away from her! ─── 我看见过她从耐法林的柜子里偷东西,所以最好把钱放得离她远点!

52、7 it is to stem software flaw. Enter computer filch data to prevent other to exploit software loophole, the client should update relevant software in time, download patch program. ─── 七是堵住软件漏洞。为防止他人利用软件漏洞进入计算机窃取资料,客户应及时更新相关软件,下载补丁程序。

53、Manage not to be pooh-poohed to dangerous article, like the knife, cut, virulent medicaments by person filch, yi Kefa gives birth to accident. ─── 对危险物品管理不善,如刀、剪、剧毒药物被人窃取,亦可发生意外事件。

54、Filch has a pet cat called Mrs.Norris with whom he has an almost psychic connection. ─── 费尔奇养了一只猫叫洛丽丝夫人,它几乎是他全部的精神寄托。

55、Moduoke says: "Do we let Gu Ge continue even filch our copyright content? ─── 默多克说:“我们还要让谷歌继续窃取我们的版权内容吗?

56、Emilia. What will you do with 't, that you have been so earnest To have me filch it? ─── 爱米利娅你一定要我偷了它来,究竟有什麽用?

57、The times of filching mother's medicine for sweets and daily torture for the sake of entrance examinations are things of the 1960s. ─── 偷吃妈妈胃散当零嘴、天天恶补怕联考,已是五十年代的事了;

58、The Russian monopoly provider Gazprom accused Ukraine of filching gas supplies due for Europe. ─── 俄罗斯天然气垄断供应商——Gazprom指责乌克兰偷了供应欧洲的天然气。

59、Early in their career at Hogwarts, Fred and George were in trouble as usual and were in Filch's office when they noticed a drawer marked "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous. ─── 在霍格瓦兹学生生活的早期,弗雷德和乔治照常惹麻烦,在费尔奇的办公室里,他们注意到有个标明为“没收和高度危险物品”的抽屉。

60、Filch[/COLOR], the caretaker, is a Squib. He sent for and received the Kwikspell course in October of 1992 (CS8). ─── 管理员费尔奇[/COLOR],就是一个哑炮。1992年十月,他寄信索取并收到了快速咒语课程(密室第8章)。

61、Contest signs up for dispatch (reporter Zhang Chengguang) this week, filch of date of all sorts of network game Zhang " BMW " a series of familial trojans download implement enter active period. ─── 竞报讯(记者张成光)本周,窃取各种网络游戏账号的“宝马”家族的一系列木马下载器进入活跃期。

62、I've seen her filching some goods from Nerflin's stock, so keep all loose coin away from her! ─── 我看见过她从耐法林的柜子里偷东西,所以最好把钱放得离她远点!

63、Filch speaks longingly about being allowed to suspend guilty students by their wrists from the ceiling for a couple of days (SS15). ─── 费尔奇曾满怀希望地讲过去允许把犯错误学生的手腕悬挂在天花板上吊几天(魔法石,第15章)。

64、And sell on the net " fryer 3389 " trojan program, return the information in computer of the other side of can optional filch. ─── 而在网上出售的 “肉鸡3389”木马程序,还能随意窃取对方电脑中的信息。

65、For all your oxen she will filch, ─── 从牛栏把牛偷走

66、To filch or steal. ─── 窃取或偷

67、Sit in you the person beside is passing network filch probably the other data in your bank account information, address book and your computer. ─── 坐在你身旁的人或许正在通过网络窃取你的银行账户信息、通讯录以及你电脑中的其他资料。”

68、"Information filch break one's promise serious already minatory Internet admits act, and server certificate is safeguard network safety is important defend one of mechanisms. ─── “信息窃取等失信行为已严重威胁互联网发展,而服务器证书则是保障网络安全的重要防护机制之一。”

69、Be in procurable later, wei Mou adopts similar measure to inbreak again this lottery website, filch amended the bank account of the person such as Sun Mou and code. ─── 在得手以后,韦某又采取同样手段入侵该彩票网站,窃取并修改了孙某等人的银行账户和密码。

70、anti -electricity filching ─── 防窃电

71、Filch is the Hogwarts caretaker. ─── 费尔奇是霍格沃茨的看门人。

72、Normally camouflage becomes fishing website bank website or website of electronic business affairs, the Zhang bugle call that the person that filch is visited refers and password information. ─── 钓鱼网站通常伪装成为银行网站或电子商务网站,窃取访问者提交的账号和密码信息。

73、The baleful Cheng ordinal of online game password measured filch to rise steadily 2008: The amount of new play trojan that affirms in this year achieves 100397, 3 times was 2007. ─── 2008年窃取在线游戏密码的恶意程序数量稳步上升: 在这一年确认的新游戏木马数量达到100397个,是2007年的3倍。

74、" the progress that the caused information filch action such as virus, trojan gives enterprise electron business affairs to wait brought serious menace. ─── 病毒、木马等引发的信息窃取行为给企业电子商务等的发展带来了严重威胁。

75、Filch uses non-magical brooms for cleaning, of course, and there are broom closets here and there in the castle. ─── 费尔奇当然是用非魔法扫帚来扫除,并且城堡里到处都有扫帚储藏柜。

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