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09-04 投稿



diametric 发音

英:[?da???metr?k]  美:[?da???metr?k]

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diametric 中文意思翻译



diametric 网络释义

adj. 直径的;正相反的

diametric 短语词组

1、diametric projection ─── 径点互射影

2、diametric connection ─── 直径连接

3、diametric association ─── 直径缔合

4、diametric vs axial ring magnet ─── 径向与轴向环形磁铁

5、diametric voltage ─── 对径电压

6、diametric odds ─── 直径概率

7、diametric defined ─── 直径定义

8、diametric definition ─── 直径定义

9、diametric earth ─── 直径地球

diametric 相似词语短语

1、dimetric ─── adj.四角形的,四边形的

2、dekametric ─── adj.十米波的

3、diametral ─── adj.直径的

4、diametrical ─── adj.直径的;正好相反的;截然的

5、audiometric ─── adj.听力测定的

6、biometric ─── adj.生物统计的;生物特征识别的

7、isodiametric ─── adj.等轴的;等直径的

8、decametric ─── 十公尺的

9、dilatometric ─── 膨胀测定的

diametric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And development of China represents that of a constructive force at no denial of anyone’s fundamental interests, which constitutes another diametric difference with the other powers in history. ─── 这种利益关系的变化是当代中国与历史上大国发展环境的最大区别。

2、Mechanical characteristic of ct is studied. The model of bending, internal pressure strength and external collapse strength, diametric growth and stuck-point of ct is established. ─── 研究了连续油管的工作力学特性,建立了连续油管弯曲、抗内压强度和外部挤毁压力、直径增长、纵向伸长及卡点位置分析计算模型。

3、diametric plane ─── 径面

4、Interrogation for diametric load ─── 径向压力检测

5、in diametric(al) contradiction to sb.'s claims ─── 同某人 的要求截然相反

6、Coal quality characters of four kinds of lignite are analyzed, and the law of technologic parameters for lignite gasification in different diametric pressure fixed-bed gasifiers is summarized. ─── 对4种褐煤的煤质特性进行了分析,总结了在不同直径固定床加压气化炉中,褐煤气化工艺参数的规律。

7、The diametric distribution of average kinetic energy of ions the sheath of cylinder chambers ─── 圆柱形反应器鞘区离子平均动能的径向分布

8、diametric voltage ─── 对径电压

9、suggested that the specific speed would be replaced by diametric ratio, and the new nameplate would be used. ─── 建议比转速应为直径比所取代,并启用水斗式水轮机新铭牌。

10、A quick integrative non-contact method is proposed for measuring diametric size and axial size of shaft work-pieces simultaneously. ─── 以轴直齿类零件为例,提出一种快速、能同时测量轴向尺寸和径向尺寸的非接触、多参数综合测量方法。

11、Computer Aided Testing System for Diametric Windage of Bearing ─── 轴承径向游隙计算机辅助测试系统

12、triple diametric ─── 三倍径向

13、The diametric distribution of average kinetic energy of ions the sheath of cylinder chambers ─── 圆柱形反应器鞘区离子平均动能的径向分布

14、Keywords Centering pressing;uniform tensile stress in diametric;strength of extension; ─── 对心受压;均布径向拉应力;抗拉强度;

15、Abstract: This paper proposes a quick integration non-contact method for measuring diametric size and axial size of shaft work-pieces simultaneously. ─── 文摘:以轴直齿类零件为例,提出一种快速的、同时测量轴向尺寸和径向尺寸的的非接触、参数综合测量方法。

16、Observing vascular morphological and diametric changes of low leg on 30 cases with nodular vasculitis using Duples and Colour Dopplar Ulrtasound, 20 normal people as controls. ─── 对病理活检确诊的30例结节性血管炎患者、20例健康者,采用双功能彩色多普勒超声扫描仪观察其下肢血管的形态和管径。

17、On the basis of the mechanical model of diametric disc test,apreliminary study was made to test indirect tensions properties of seven TATB-based PBXs,including JB9014 etc. ─── 在圆盘试验的力学模型基础上,测定了JB9014等七种TATB基PBX的间接拉伸性能,为进一步完善该方法做了初步研究。

18、Interrogation Technique for Diametric Load on Fiber Bragg Grating[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李岩,徐晓峰,康智慧,雷永庆,高锦岳.

19、in diametric contradiction to his claims; diametrical (or opposite) points of view; opposite meanings; extreme and indefensible polar positions ─── 与他的主张截然相反;相反的观点;相反的含义;极端的无可辩护的对立立场

20、We have smashed this dictatorship,which had nothing in common with the dictatorship of the proletariat but was its diametric opposite. ─── 我们已经粉碎了这种与无产阶级专政毫无共同之点,而且完全相反的专政。

21、Numerical Analysis of Dynamic and Static Stress and Stress Intensity Factors for Disc Specimens under Diametric Compression ─── 径向压缩圆盘试样的动静态应力和应力强度因子数值分析

22、A Preliminary Evaluation of Tensile Properties of Small Plastic Bonded Explosive Sample by Diametric Disc Test ─── 用直径圆盘试验评价小样品塑料粘结炸药拉伸性能的初步研究

23、In addition, another design can be swapped for different diametric capillary tubes.Consequently, this method can be applied quickly and accurately to determine a variety of liquid viscosities. ─── 另外该仪器可调换不同管径的毛细管,因此应用本方法能快速准确地测量多种液体的黏度。

24、diametric rectifier ─── 全波整流器

25、They are in diametric(al) opposition to each other. ─── 他们彼此针锋相对。

26、diametric projection ─── 径点互射影

27、diametric ratio ─── 直径比

28、And development of China represents that of a constructive force at no denial of anyone's fundamental interests, which constitutes another diametric difference with the other powers in history. ─── 中国的发展是一支建设性力量的发展,不挑战任何人的根本利益,这也是与历史上的大国根本不同的。

29、Therefore we point out a new method of testing fragile material's strength of extension.That is to say we can measure the disk's strength of extension by pressing in its diametric. ─── 从而对脆性材料抗拉强度的测定提出了一种新的方法,即通过对圆盘沿直径对心受压试验可测出其抗拉强度。

30、My opinion that nailes made by AMATI is the best, because it's very easy to make from one size several smoller sizes, not only by diametr and by heads also. ─── 我认为,阿玛蒂制造的钉子是最好的,因为它很容易使一个规格有几个较小的尺寸,不仅是以直径还是以钉头。


32、It goes beyond existentialism, thus resulting in the diametric opposition between political existentialism and existentialism. ─── 它“超越”了存在主义,从而导致了政治存在主义与存在主义的根本对立。

33、in diametric contradiction to his claims; diametrical (or opposite) points of view; opposite meanings; extreme and indefensible polar positions. ─── 与他的主张截然相反;相反的观点;相反的含义;极端的无可辩护的对立立场。

34、It is suggested that the specific speed would be replaced by diametric ratio,and the new nameplate would be used. ─── 建议比转速应为直径比所取代,并启用水斗式水轮机新铭牌。

35、This paper proposes a quick integration non-contact method for measuring diametric size and axial size of shaft work-pieces simultaneously. ─── 以轴直齿类零件为例,提出一种快速的、能同时测量轴向尺寸和径向尺寸的的非接触、多参数综合测量方法。

36、diametric connection ─── 径向连接

37、diametric arrangement of brushes ─── 电刷的径向布置

38、Wide-diametric Electric Weledng Steel Pipes for Low-pressure Liquid Transportation Pipeline s Use ─── 低压流体输送用大直径电焊钢管

39、Calculation and measurement of speed of diametric fragments of metal-back blasting caps ─── 金属壳雷管径向破片速度计算及测试

40、diametric ratio of flange ─── 法兰径比

41、Computer Aided Testing System for Diametric Windage of Bearing ─── 轴承径向游隙计算机辅助测试系统

42、in diametric contradiction to ─── 同

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