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09-04 投稿



ditties 发音

英:[?d?tiz]  美:[?d?tiz]

英:  美:

ditties 中文意思翻译




ditties 词性/词形变化,ditties变形

名词复数: ditties |

ditties 相似词语短语

1、chitties ─── 奇蒂

2、kitties ─── n.小猫,猫咪

3、dimities ─── n.凸花条纹布

4、ditsiest ─── adj.愚蠢的;杂乱的;粗心大意的(ditsy的变形)

5、titties ─── n.乳房,乳头(等于teat)

6、bittiest ─── adj.片断的,零碎的;细短的(bitty的变形)

7、dainties ─── adj.美味的;讲究的;秀丽的;挑剔的;n.美味

8、dittanies ─── n.白藓,白藓属的植物;岩薄荷(薄荷花的一种)

9、dirties ─── adj.下流的,卑鄙的;肮脏的;恶劣的;暗淡的;vt.弄脏;vi.变脏

ditties 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your own Memory may suggest to you many other lamentable Ditties of the same Nature, in which the Musick is wonderfully languishing and melodious. ─── 第二天,那一带所有的纸片火柴贩子一个接一个到他门口叫卖,指望那位先生以同样方式拿钱出来把他们支走。

2、Status update: Not enough songs?! Do they want quality or quantity? I don't do 3 minute pop ditties! ─── 啊啊啊...我爱死抽雪茄是吞云吐雾的滋味了,而且这支尝起来简直棒极了!

3、Some ditties appear in both the original language and English; unfortunately, rhythm is sometimes sacrificed in translation. ─── 此外,可惜的是,虽然有些短的童谣同时以原文与英文呈现,但是译文却很难译出原文的韵律。

4、Noble are his ambitions indeed . Hopefully , his hard work transcends the realm of short -lived disposable ditties . ─── 力宏的抱负当然是崇高的。他希望,自己的努力能超越那些昙花一谢的歌曲范畴。

5、Locals say that they also cut out the vocal cords of a singer who had warbled improvised anti-regime ditties in previous weeks. ─── 据当地人称,安全部队前几个星期还禁止播放一位歌手即兴演唱的反政府歌曲的声带。

6、Miriacu_it Regolta de poesias, ditti, mutti e foli,canciones de sa Gaddura, bibbiografia. (In italianu e gaddurese). ─── 天津亚威达电子有限公司专业从事高性能图像和视频处理,开发可编程逻辑处理。

7、Mochow would not countenance the singing of such love ditties in their room, and even Mulan disapproved because of the associations. ─── 贞节一事,约略说来,未嫁之女十人中有九个多人遵守。贞节是一种爱;

8、Songs were sung and ditties were played on the guitar; ─── 看大师拉菲尔,教皇崇敬他,全世界羡慕他;

9、Hunan Huagu opera originated from local folk songs and ditties. ─── 湖南花鼓戏起源于当地民歌和小调。

10、Hopefully, his hard work transcends the realm of short-lived disposable ditties. ─── 他希望,自己的努力能超越那些昙花一谢的歌曲范畴。

11、"Not to the sensual ear, But, more endear'd, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:" ─── 不是奏给耳朵听,而是更甜,它给灵魂奏出无声的乐曲;

12、This article analyses the different styles and lingering charm represented in three ditties on the basis of artistic characteristics. ─── 文章主要从艺术特点方面,来分析比较三首《绣荷包》小调所表现出的不同风格、韵味。

13、Noble are his ambitions indeed. Hopefully, his hard work transcends the realm of short-lived disposable ditties. ─── 力宏的抱负当然是崇高的。他希望,自己的努力能超越那些昙花一谢的歌曲范畴。

14、Occasionally he burst out with "Peg in a Low- backed Car" and other Irish ditties or the more lugubrious lament for Robert Emmet, "She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps." ─── 有几回他忽然哼起了《矮背马车上的佩格》和其他爱尔兰小曲,或者更加阴郁的"罗伯特 - 埃米特挽歌","她距离年轻英雄的长眠之地很远。

15、The "Nan and Bei Verses", Ming and Qing Ditties, and Folk Songs: Reflections on the Combination of Nan and Bei Verses in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi ─── "南北曲"、明清小曲和聊斋俚曲--从聊斋俚曲"南北合套"曲的唱腔说起

16、Besides this, cases in real life , story literary quotation , news hot spot , verses , ditties , odes and songs, experiments, student's mistakes etc. can also be chosen to create problem contexts. ─── 地理教学中创设问题情境时应遵循以下原则:最近发展区原则、一贯性原则、针对性原则、主体性原则、挑战性原则、以及情感驱动原则。

17、She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience. ─── 她声嘶力竭对听众唱出她那无意义的小曲。

18、The Europeans invented numerous sayings or ditties to convey their sense of superiority over the Chinese. ─── 欧洲人编造了许多口头禅或小调表达他们胜过华人的优越感。

19、In the Music Mode, each coin drop will play one of five short ditties. ─── 按压小猪的鼻子可以听到一首关于数字,颜色和大小的歌曲。

20、To begin with he read some Tyrolese ditties, and as he read on he would now and then hum one or other of the lively melodies. ─── 他便开始读了几首梯罗利地方的歌谣,他一路读下去之时,时而哼出一两首轻快的调子,一种普遍的欢悦感觉充满这小团体。

21、I hate it when they ask you to write a few ditties about yourself ,it feels like you are placing an ad for a used car!! ─── 我很讨厌他们让我写简介,感觉就像在为一部二手车做广告。好吧,那就当一回二手车!

22、The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well. ─── 本文有关南北曲同明清小曲、聊斋俚曲的关系的论述,对明清小曲、聊斋俚曲研究也有普遍的意义。

23、My father will sing ditties when he is happy. ─── 父亲高兴的时候会唱一些小调。

24、The melodies of Henan operas originates from the folk ditties , whose modes, types of metre and melodies are quite familiar to people. ─── 河南地方戏的唱腔音乐来源于民间小调,群众十分熟悉那亲切的乐调、板式和旋律。

25、She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience. ─── 她声嘶力竭对听众唱出她那无意义的小曲。

26、a multiplicity of bands, styles and vernaculars appeared on eclectic, free-form playlists that were leavened liberally with B sides, live versions, alternative recordings and obscure ditties. ─── 60年代末与70年代的广播是音乐多样性的黄金时期:各种不同的乐团、风格与方言出现在兼容并蓄、形式自由的电台曲目中,而且还有B面收录曲、现场版本、特殊版本与冷僻民谣。

27、The melodies of Henan operas originates from the folk ditties, whose modes, types of metre and melodies are quite familiar to people. ─── 摘要河南地方戏的唱腔音乐来源于民间小调,群众十分熟悉那亲切的乐调、板式和旋律。

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