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09-04 投稿



hud 发音

英:[?e?t? ju? ?di?]  美:[?e?t? ju? ?di?]

英:  美:

hud 中文意思翻译



hud 网络释义

abbr. 平视显示器(Head Up Display);住房和城市发展部(Housing and Urban Development)

hud 词性/词形变化,hud变形

名词: hucksterism |动词第三人称单数: hucksters |动词过去式: huckstered |动词过去分词: huckstered |动词现在分词: huckstering |

hud 短语词组

1、curtailment hud ─── 限功率hud

2、hud mode hud ─── 模式

3、HUD MOOD ─── 抬头显示器模块

4、ar hud ─── 移除十个黑桃。

hud 相似词语短语

1、cud ─── n.反刍的食物

2、aud ─── abbr.审计(audit);听者(auditor);n.(Aud)人名;(挪)艾于德

3、khud ─── n.(印)悬崖;峡谷

4、Bud ─── n.芽,萌芽;蓓蕾;vi.发芽,萌芽;vt.使发芽;n.(Bud)人名;(英)巴德;(中)布特(蒙语·汉语拼音);(罗、匈)布德

5、hood ─── n.头巾;覆盖;兜帽;vt.罩上;以头巾覆盖;n.(Hood)人名;(英)胡德;(德、荷)霍德

6、haud ─── n.豪德飑;[气象]哈特飑

7、Jud ─── n.石面截槽;n.(Jud)人名;(德、捷)尤德

8、hued ─── adj.有某种色调的;v.给…着色(hue的过去式)

9、thud ─── n.砰的一声;重击;vi.砰的一声掉下;发出砰声;vt.砰地击中

hud 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper gave the design of HUD test system based on IVI and explained the structure of software and hardware of test system. ─── 摘要设计了一种基于可互换虚拟仪器的平显测试系统,说明了系统的软硬件结构;

2、Ergonomic Experimental Research of the Display Format of HUD Ground-Air Data Transferring Command in New Fighter ─── 新型歼击机平显地空数传指令显示方案的工效学实验研究

3、Taylor: Mass can only be detected by special construction units, and using a HUD (Heads-Up Display) directs the player to build a sophisticated mine structure at the designated location. ─── 物质只能被特定的工程单位探测到,并使用一个HUD指导玩家在标记的地点建造复杂的矿井结构。


5、Often the only roadblock to innovation in New York, he found, was HUD. ─── 他发现,住房和城市发展部常常是纽约革新的障碍。

6、But the real Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) called the performance a scam. ─── 但是真正的住宅与都市发展部称这次表演为一场骗局。

7、Design of HUD test system with interchangeable virtual instrument ─── 一种可互换虚拟仪器的平显测试系统设计

8、When helicopters cany out a special task, it has great use potentialities and information as much as standard HUD. ─── 它在直升机执行特殊任务时,具有很大的使用潜力,而且和标准平视显示器有同样的信息。

9、Suggestions on improvement of HUD design ─── 关于平视显示器的改进意见

10、I cannot just fly it off of the data I am receiving in the HUD. ─── 我不能够只依靠平显上显示的数据来飞行。

11、If the holding manager doesn't accept, the order is deleted in both HUD's. ─── 如果不接受控股经理,都被删除,以便显示器的。

12、HUD with IR system extends pilot vision ─── 装备有红外线系统

13、And HUD is trying to seize it. ─── 并且住房与城市发展部正在努力抓住机会。

14、Once I became comfortable with it, I could look outside instead of staring at the HUD. ─── 在我的姿态回复正常的那个时候,我就可以不用盯着平显而是转头看看舱外。

15、Hud and Cool Hand Luck ─── 冷手卢克

16、Squeezing his hands into fists to keep his blood flowing, he checked the mission clock in his visor's heads-up display (HUD). ─── 他看了一下面罩显示器(HUD)的任务时钟。

17、The test of HUD fire-control equipment only can be finished infield at the present time and each equipment must match a special test instrument. ─── 目前平显火控设备的测试一般只能在内场完成,而且每种设备都要配备专用的测试设备,通用性较差。

18、But "in crisis, there is opportunity" , says Mr Donovan. And HUD is trying to seize it. ─── 但是多诺万先生说“危机存在机会”,美国住房与城市发展部试图抓住这个机会。

19、Wide-Angle Raster HUD ─── 大角度光栅平视显示器

20、o Deactivation of the temple's Hud OK button (grayed button) before the level 20. ─── o在玩家20级以前塔的界面中OK按钮(灰色按钮)将不会被激活。

21、Modification of texts in the Fortress HUD. ─── 修改了堡垒界面中的文字。

22、head up display(HUD) ─── 平显

23、Cloning,Expression and Purification of Neural Specific HuD cDNA ─── 神经系统特异表达基因HuDcDNA的克隆、表达与纯化

24、A quick glance at my head-up display (HUD) verified I was on course for Steerpoint 12. ─── 很快地看了一下位于头顶上的显示器(HUD)就核实我正向着转向点12飞行。

25、The Software Design and Implement of HUD Simulation System ─── 平显模拟系统的软件设计与实现

26、As can be seen by the above description, this system could be regarded as the ancestor to the modern HUD (head-up display). ─── 从上面的描述可以看得出来,这个系统可以看作是现代HUD(平时显示器)的鼻祖。

27、"From providing shelter to those displaced by Katrina to giving help to those facing the loss of a home to revitalizing our cities and communities, HUD's role has never been more important. ─── “从向卡特里娜灾民提供避难所,到帮助那些面临失去住房的人,到重新振兴我们的城市和社区,住房和城市发展部的作用从来没有这些重要过。”

28、They said: "O Hud! ─── 他们说:“呼德啊!

29、Prior to joining HUD, he was research fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts.Mr. ─── 在进入美国住宅与城市发展部前,他在位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的林肯土地政策研究所工作。

30、The issue before the Court was whether HUD was required to file an EIS. ─── 法院所面临的问题是:是否要求“住房和城市开发部门”提供“环境影响报告书”。

31、hud jex niangs geud jant gul rel jidjint. ─── 喝不尽把它收藏于十个邻近的仓廪。

32、- :* Your HUD indicates which round is loaded. ─── + :* HUD会显示你当前的弹药种类。

33、Study on The Expression of HuD protein in Hirschsprung's Disease ─── 先天性巨结肠HuD蛋白表达的实验研究

34、But despite these false statements, the real HUD said the agency is "working with the local community to redevelop C. ─── 尽管假的声明如此称述,真正的住宅与都市发展部表示,正在和当地社区一起努力重建C.

35、The Notebook would only work in the car while driving as a HUD (head up display) with the projector, for a safe driving. ─── 笔记本只会工作,在车上驾驶,而作为一个平视显示器(头部显示器),投影机,为安全驾驶.

36、The HuD positive rate was 87.1% in SCLC with extensive stage higher than those of limited stage. ─── SCLC广泛期骨髓HuD阳性率 (85 .7% )高于局限期 (2 8.6% ) ,P

37、So I have to play without critical PvP AddOns like Afflicted or graphical idiosyncrasies like HUD and fun stuff like ShaderMod. ─── 男人渐渐支撑不住了,终于,他耗尽了最后一丝力气倒下了。失去知觉前,他想,女人的食物还够吗?还能撑住吗?醒来后,男人发现自己躺在救援队的帐篷里。

38、Design of Automatic Test System of HUD Based on PXI ─── 基于PXI的平显自动检测系统的设计

39、Fault diagnosis system of XX-Aeroplane HUD based on knowledge base ─── 基于知识库的某型飞机平显故障诊断系统

40、Complete thawing of the Fortress HUD. ─── 完成了堡垒界面中的融合。

41、Now we have this fund, Asian Evergreen building will be able to continue operate during those periods when HUD funding is delayed. ". " ─── 现在我们有了必要的基金,它将保证在HUD的补助款不到位的情况下亚洲常靑公寓能够正常运转。

42、But "in crisis, there is opportunity", says Mr Donovan. And HUD is trying to seize it. ─── 但是多诺万先生说“危机存在机会”,美国住房与城市发展部试图抓住这个机会。

43、Now we have this fund, Asian Evergreen building will be able to continue operate during those periods when HUD funding is delayed.". ─── 现在我们有了必要的基金,它将保证在HUD的补助款不到位的情况下亚洲常靑公寓能够正常运转。

44、More than any other HUD secretary, Mr Donovan is sitting "at the table" with the president and Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary. ─── 超过了其他任何美国住房管理部部长,多诺万是坐在桌在旁与总统和蒂姆盖特纳,财政部长进行谈判。

45、The president-elect says the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, is especially important when so many families' homes have been jeopardized in the subprime mortgage crisis. ─── 当选总统奥巴马表示,在目前这么多家庭的住房因次级房贷危机而陷入危境的情况下,联邦住房和城市发展部(即HUD)显得尤为重要。

46、An Ameliorative Design Research for the Teaching Simulator of HUD ─── 平视显示器教学模拟器改进设计研究

47、Both cases involved the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). ─── 两个事例都是关于住宅和城市发展部的。

48、An Ameliorative Design for the Character Function Board of HUD ─── 平视显示器字符功能板电路改进设计

49、I dial my altimeter until it reads zero feet in the HUD so I have above-ground-level readings during the routine. ─── 在平显上,我使用的是标准的平显数据,并没有试飞时所包含的侧滑角的显示。

50、Prevalence of HuD in bone marrow in SCLC was higher than that in benign patients(57.1% vs 16.7%,P

51、HUD said relief could include, for example, suspending or reducing mortgage payments long enough to allow a borrower to catch up on missed payments. ─── 住房及城市发展部说,救助可能包括在足够长的时间内暂停或减少抵押贷款还款,以便让贷款人能补上逾期未还的贷款。

52、The participants were all part of a long-term housing study by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). ─── 参加者都是住房和城市发展部进行的长期住房研究的一部分。

53、Modification of the size of the Settings Tabs in the Hud of the Guilds, Exploitations and fortresses. ─── 修正了设置按钮在公会,矿产和堡垒界面中的大小。

54、HUD, Department of Housing and Urban Development ─── 住宅及都市发展部

55、With the virtual HUD, pilots can look in different directions to find key tactical and flight information in their line of sight. ─── 在虚拟的抬头显示器帮助下,飞行员可以朝不同方向观察以寻找视线范围内关键的战术机会和飞行信息。

56、Hud: Hey Rob, how am I gonna survive without you? ─── 派对客人:没有罗布你怎么能活呢?他似乎是你最重要的伙伴。

57、The Court held that no EIS was required because the statutory 30-day deadline applying to HUD was too short to permit preparation of an EIS. ─── 法院认为,没有必要提供“环境影响报告书”,因为给“住房与城市开发部门”法定的30天限期太短,来不及准备一份环境影响报告书。

58、Correction of the positioning of the camera in the HUD of avatar creation when no character has been previously created. ─── 修正了当玩家并没有创建前一个角色时视角在人物创造界面中的分布。

59、I'll see the cue in my HUD when it starts sliding. ─── 我可以从平显上的指示看到尾滑是否开始了。

60、An available superwide FOV provides a HUD (Head-Up Display) image that can be used in low altitude flight at night. ─── 在夜间低空飞行时,还可以超大视场角提供抬头显示图像。

61、HUD fire-control equip ─── 平显火控设备

62、Numerous HUD fixes to prevent issues with cameras, inventory screens and resupply. ─── 修正了大量视角、武器目录显示以及补给时出现的HUD问题。

63、(HUD)(Housing and Urban Development Act) ─── 国会通过了“住房与城市开发法案”

64、Player nicknames are now correctly shortened to fit Ghost leader HUD in coop. ─── 在合作模式中玩家的称谓的缩写在幽灵队长的HUD中被正确显示。

65、Head-Up Display(HUD) ─── 平视显示器

66、In an initiative sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to foster integration of races in new housing projects, such a Plan is required before a project becomes eligible for certain U.S. programs. ─── 住房和都市开发署倡导的促进种族融合的新建住宅区,须有促进种族融合的计划后才有资格进入某些政府项目。

67、Design of automatic test system of HUD fire-control equipment ─── 平显火控设备自动测试系统的设计

68、Complete thawing of the Siege HUD. ─── 完成了围攻界面中的融合。

69、Modified pilot anims for crew in cocpits with HUD ─── 修改飞行员动作

70、This article introduces structure of miniature HUD, advantages, use and development ─── 本文介绍了微型平视显示器的结构、特点、应用和发展。

71、Study on adjustment and correction of HUD parallax ─── 平视显示器的视差调校研究

72、A head-up display(HUD) on the inside of the windshield, just below my line of vision, suddenly comes alive wit white human silhouettes. ─── 挡风玻璃内侧有一架平视显示器,正好在我的视线下方,突然屏幕上出现活动着的白色人影。

73、The pitch scale is positioned in the central portion of the HUD and is linked with the velocity vector indicator. ─── 俯仰角度表位于HUD的中间和速度矢量相联系。

74、S.Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Based in Bayside, NY. ─── 网站简介 : Housing management consultants specializing in multifamily housing under the U.

75、The Head Up Display (HUD) available in the Buick LaCROSSE 3.0 Flagship model allows one to actually experience the thrill of being inside a fighter plane cockpit. ─── 别克 LaCROSSE 君越 3.0 旗舰版上的 hud 飞航式前风挡显示系统能使驾驶者感受如处飞机驾驶舱的顶级体验。

76、The crash, when toggling between all the windows when the trade Hud is opened, is fixed. ─── 当在开启了全部窗口后交易界面被打开时产生的掉线错误已经被修复。

77、We've had HUD in past Zelda games, and you've always had the option to turn it off with a button. ─── 在过去的塞尔达游戏里面,我们也有各种各样的提示界面,但是你都可以通过一个按键关掉它。

78、Incorporated (with permission) Vilhjalmr's blood particles, Moss's Minimalist HUD, plus some items from the OSP. ─── 结合(已批准)了Vilhjalmr的血滴细节,Moss的最低配置HUD,加上从一些OSP拿来的新物品.

79、The holding manager can see the orders for their holding in their HUD and decide to accept them or not. ─── 举办经理可以看到其控股的显示器订单,并决定接受与否。

80、Wishek Nursing Home - Skilled long term care facility with low income Hud assisted housing. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

81、[WT5"BZ]There is relation between abnormality of HUD and LTP and impairment of brain function development of rat fetus induced by microwave radiation. ─── HUD及 L TP异常与微波导致的胎鼠脑功能发育障碍有联系。

82、The applied software design ofHUD simulation system is analyzed, the implement of the communication between two computers and the display of HUD image are discussed. ─── 分析了平显模拟系统应用软件设计,重点讨论了双机通信、平显画面显示的实现。

83、Hud: Hey Rob how am I gonna survive without you? ─── 派对客人:没有罗布你怎么能活呢?他似乎是你最重要的伙伴。

84、Fixed a bug that was causing the HUD to not display unless the refresh rate was 0. ─── 固定的一个错误,这是造成住房和城市发展部,以不显示,除非刷新率为0。

85、6、The icon on the HUD for a person calling for Medic will now give more information to the medic (if the target is low on health, on fire, etc. ─── HUD增加了新的图标使得医生能够得到更多关于呼叫医疗的人的信息(如果目标低血,被烧着,等等。)

86、Hud: Hey Rob, how am I gonna survive without you Rob: I don't know. I'm like your main dude. ─── 派对客人:没有罗布你怎么能活呢?他似乎是你最重要的伙伴。哈德:我也不知道。

87、To do this, they will have a list of holding managers in their HUD, as well as the quantities, the prices and the distances of the holdings. ─── 为此,他们就要在他们的名单控股管理者显示器,以及数量价格与距离的控股。

88、Hud: I don't know. ─── 哈德:我也不知道。

89、Diffraction Characteristics of HUD Holographic Combiner ─── 平显全息组合镜的衍射特性研究


通过OBD读取显示的信息、然后反向显示、通过玻璃反光、或者贴反光膜、映射出HUD那个模块上的图像。OBD直**式HUD抬头显示器+TPMS胎压胎温监测,以下简称OBD+HUD+TPMS,是台湾一家公司最先开发出来的新型汽车安全装备。 OBD就是英文On-Board Diagnostics的缩写,中文翻译为“车载自动诊断系统”,OBD直**式的意思就是这套装备接入汽车时使用安全OBD如果是后装的话,有两类HUD,一类是连汽车OBD接口的,可以显示车速、转速,油耗、车况信息等等,这类产品以方正、四季风等等为代表,产品基本雷同,一个VFD屏,一块反射膜,对用户实际帮助不大;




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