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09-04 投稿



groundsel 发音

英:['gra?n(d)s(?)l]  美:['ɡra?nsl]

英:  美:

groundsel 中文意思翻译



groundsel 网络释义

n. 千里光;千里光属植物(等于groundsil)

groundsel 短语词组

1、threadleaf groundsel ─── [网络] 狗舌草

2、nodding groundsel ─── [网络] 点点头

3、golden groundsel ─── [网络] 金色的土地

4、groundsel bush ─── [网络] 灌木丛

5、arrowleaf groundsel ─── [网络] arrowleaf理由

6、groundsel tree ─── [网络] 理由树

groundsel 词性/词形变化,groundsel变形


groundsel 相似词语短语

1、grounder ─── n.滚地球

2、groundsels ─── n.千里光;千里光属植物(等于groundsil)

3、groundswell ─── n.(舆论、情绪)迅速高涨;海啸,激涌

4、grounds ─── n.根据,理由(ground的复数形式);基础;地面;运动场地;v.把…放在地上;把…建立在牢固的基础上;上底色(ground的第三人称单数)

5、groundsmen ─── n.球场管理员;大花园的园丁

6、groundsell ─── 地摊

7、grounded ─── adj.理性的;理智的;接触地面的;v.停(ground的过去式);触地

8、groundmen ─── 挖土工

9、groundsill ─── n.地基;基础横木

groundsel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Present Situation and Countermeasure Discussion on Security Research of Climbing Groundsel Herb ─── 千里光的安全性研究现状及其对策探讨

2、Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in Northern northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad. ─── 最近有这样一个新闻,德国北部的一位超市顾客在一袋子混合沙拉中发现了少量的千里光。

3、Genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel. ─── 旧大陆一个草本属,类似千里光。

4、genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel: leopard plants. ─── 旧大陆一个草本属,类似千里光;肯普佛氏橐吾。

5、With the names like coast fiddlenck fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel or all present risks to people and or animals. ─── 沿海提琴颈花,苍耳,燕草和蠹吾等都对人或动物非常危险。

6、oldham groundsel herb ─── 肥猪苗

7、kirilow groundsel ─── n. 狗知草

8、Keywords chinese traditional medicine;groundsel;inhibition of bacterium;potent ingredient;extracting time; ─── 千里光;抑菌作用;有效成分;提取时间;

9、Study on the Bacteriostastic Activity of Different Extract from Groundsel ─── 千里光不同方法提取物抑菌作用的研究

10、With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all president risk present risks to people or animals. ─── 像一些名叫海岸琴颈草,普通苍耳,矮燕草,普通千里光的植物都表现出对人类和动物一定的风险。

11、Recently , there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amount amounts of grounsel groundsel in bags that makes sof mixed salad. ─── 最近有消息称,一名购物者在德国北部的市场上一些装有色拉袋中发现少量蠹吾。

12、shady groundsel herb ─── 黄菀

13、The bamboo here had thinned out a little, and on the heights of the two mountains above we could see the curious productions of the alpine zones, giant heather, giant groundsel and giant lobelias. ─── 这里的竹子长得稍稀了一点,我们可以看见在两山的最高处有高山带的奇特产物:巨型石南、巨型千里光和巨型半边莲。

14、Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad. ─── 最近有消息称,一名购物者在德国北部的市场上发现一些色拉袋中混有少量蠹吾。

15、With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 沿海提琴颈花,苍耳,矮燕草和蠹吾都会对任何动物造成危险。

16、With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common arkspur groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像海岸的提琴颈花,普通的苍耳属植物,低矮的飞燕草和共同的千里光,所有都都对人或者是动物有风险。

17、twinflower groundsel herb ─── 一扫光

18、common groundsel ─── n. 欧洲狗舌草

19、nudicaulous groundsel root ─── 紫背天葵草根

20、With name names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 有了这样海岸名称,共同苍耳,低拉克斯珀和狗舌草所有在场的风险,人或动物。

21、Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad. ─── 近期,有这样一个新闻,德国北部的一位超市购物者在混合沙拉的袋子里发现了少量的千里光。

22、Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in north northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bag bags of mixed salad. ─── 最近有一条新闻,在德国北部的一家超市一个消费者发现在什锦沙拉里发现有少量千里光。

23、rhinitis tablet of climbing groundsel and spikemoss ─── 千柏鼻炎片

24、kirilow groundsel herb ─── 狗舌草

25、kirilow groundsel root ─── 狗舌草根

26、Recently there was news that a sharper shopper at a market in Northern northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of max sallertmixed salad. ─── 最近有条新闻说在德国有个到超市购物的人在混合沙拉的袋子里发现了少量狗舍草。

27、XXX withWith names like coast fiddleneckcommom , common cocklebur, low larkspur and commom common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像海岸提琴颈花、苍耳植物、矮拉克斯珀和狗舌草这类的植物对人和动物都会呈现较高的中毒危险。

28、shady groundsel ─── n. 林阴千里光

29、brevi-liguliflorate groundsel herb ─── 白叶火草

30、rhinitis tablet of climbing groundsel and spikemoss ─── 千柏鼻炎片

31、Present Situation and Countermeasure Discussion on Security Research of Climbing Groundsel Herb ─── 千里光的安全性研究现状及其对策探讨

32、Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 诸如名为coastfiddleneck,普通苍耳属植物,矮飞燕草和普通千里光的植物都对人和动物存在一定风险。

33、argum groundsel herb ─── 斩龙草

34、chrysanthemum-like groundsel herb ─── 土三七

35、Keywords climbing groundsel herb;acute toxicity; ─── 千里光;急性毒性;

36、Weeds weWith names like cost coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common goundsel groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像海边提琴颈花,常见的苍耳,矮翠雀花和常见的千里光都会对人类或动物有危害。

37、coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 最近有消息说,在德国北部的市场购物者发现蠹吾属杂草少量的混合沙拉袋。

38、climbing groundsel ─── 千里光

39、Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad. ─── 最近有消息说,在德国北部的市场购物者发现蠹吾属杂草少量的混合沙拉袋。

40、hempleaf groundsel herb ─── 返魂草

41、Recently there was news that a shopper at a market in northern Germany found a small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed salad. ─── 最近有报道称在德国北部有购物者在便利市场买的袋装什锦沙拉中发现了少量千里光草。

42、Weeds withWith names like coast diddleneckfiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel , all present risks to people or animals. ─── 像是提琴颈花,牛蒡,飞燕草,千里光等植物都对任何动物具有威胁。

43、Ragwort groundsel ─── 美狗舌草

44、Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals. ─── 诸如名为coastfiddleneck,普通苍耳属植物,矮飞燕草和普通千里光的植物都对人和动物存在一定风险。

45、faber groundsel herb ─── 峨眉千里光草

46、Recently , there was news that a shopper at a market in Northern northern Germany found smaller small amounts of groundsel in bags of mixed xsalad. ─── 最近有一则新闻,德国北部的一个超市消费者发现在许多什锦沙拉里有少量的千里光。

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