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09-04 投稿



erasion 发音

英:[??re???n]  美:[??re???n]

英:  美:

erasion 中文意思翻译



erasion 短语词组

1、erasion of a joint ─── [医] 关节刮术

erasion 相似词语短语

1、elision ─── n.元音省略

2、abrasion ─── n.磨损;磨耗;擦伤

3、basion ─── n.底穴(枕骨大孔缘的中点)

4、erasions ─── n.擦掉,消除;擦抹

5、derision ─── n.嘲笑;嘲笑的对象

6、erosion ─── n.侵蚀,腐蚀

7、evasion ─── n.逃避;回避;借口

8、cerasin ─── n.角苷脂

9、pervasion ─── n.渗透;扩散;普及;流行

erasion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With its step, the broad masses are entering a cash-less era. ─── 小市民也随着它的脚步迈入无现金缴费的时代。

2、The Christian era starts with the birth of Christ. ─── 基督教时代从耶稣诞生起算。

3、Justinization has ushered in a new music era. ─── 侧田引入了一个新音乐时代。

4、People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery. ─── 在早期的年代,人们的周围存在着潜在的不幸。

5、Change the fate of a team of the era is over. ─── 一个人改变一支球队命运的时代已经结束了。”

6、S. naval buildup in interwar era? ─── 主题: Re: Prospect of greater U.

7、An entirely new era, the era of knowledge economy, is beckoning us on. ─── 一个崭新的知识经济时代正在召唤我们继续前进。

8、Since then, the company has entered a new era. ─── 从此,公司进入了一个崭新的里程。

9、The act of attributing, especially of establishing a particular person, place, or time as the creator, provenance, or era of a work of art. ─── 归属指归属的行为,尤指将一艺术作品的创作者、地域或时代归属为一特定人物、地点或时间

10、The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras. ─── 万古地质时期中最长的分段,包括两个或两个以上的代

11、Female: Is this new cohabitational era? ─── 女:这就是新同居时代吗?

12、The miraculously happy ending seems like an erasion of complexities that the book itself has raised. ─── 奇迹般的圆满结局象是在躲避小说本身提出的复杂问题。

13、It's an era of the miniskirt in the seventies. ─── 七十年代是超短裙时代。

14、Why not call itthe Big Chill or the Nippy era? ─── 为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“冷冻时代”

15、She envisages an era of great scientific discoveries. ─── 她展望一个伟大的科学发明的时代。

16、An era has passed and only Beckham remains. ─── 一个时代过去了,只有贝克汉姆还留着。

17、Observation on therapeutical effects of skin erasion operation for face burn of patients with inlaid foreign body ─── 皮肤磨削术治疗面部异物嵌顿的临床观察

18、An era is usually divided into two or more periods. ─── 地质学上的一个“纪”通常被划分为两个或多个“期”。

19、He is one of the intellectual leaders of this era. ─── 他是这个时代的知识领导人之一。

20、The gaslit era was over. ─── 使用煤气灯的时代已经过去了。

21、The era of space travel has begun. ─── 太空旅行的时代开始了。

22、Rekindling a memory from the pre-antibiotics era. ─── 外文期刊 Bacteriophage therapy for bacterial infections.

23、It was a confusing, yet lively era. ─── 它是混乱的,也是活跃的年代。

24、Peace and development are the major themes of the present era. ─── 和平与发展是当今时代的主题。

25、Try to find the effect of a new treatment of skin-erasion operation for treating patients with face superficial scar. ─── 去表皮后铁皮刷打磨结合切除缝合等综合措施治疗面部浅表瘢痕的疗效。

26、Metroplex was a towering mass of Autobot back in the G1 era. ─── 在G1时期,大都市是汽车人高耸的基地。

27、Is your stock adequate for the Harmonic Era? ─── 你的库存能撑过河蟹时期么?

28、Egli era sacerdote dell’Iddio altissimo. ─── 他是至高 神的祭司。

29、After the dream is a cruel era vocabulary. ─── 后梦幻时代是一个残酷的词汇。

30、I participated in the transformation of my era. ─── “我参与了我所处时代的转变。

31、Stealing salt was considered a major crime during some eras of history. ─── 在历史上某些年代,偷盐被视为弥天大罪。

32、Zhanghua is an important writer of Tai Kang era. ─── 张华,是太康时期的重要作家。

33、Mendes reached its heyday during the ancient Greek era. ─── 孟狄斯在古希腊时代达到全盛期。

34、Wang is now 19-6 with a 3.63 ERA. ─── 小民目前战绩为19胜6负、3.63ERA。

35、Most think it nonsense to get to know things far away from our daily life, whereas we constantly dispute the erasion of emptiness. ─── 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。然而,我们也在不停地抗拒着我们的无知。

36、"The PC era is in its infancy," he says. ─── 他说:“个人电脑时代才刚刚起步。

37、Pandas have existed since the dinosaur era. ─── 大熊猫的历史可以追溯到恐龙时代。

38、It gained underground popularity in particular during the punk era. ─── 在著名的朋克音乐时期中,它在地下圈内赢得了相当的口碑。

39、China City Entered the Brand Era? ─── 中国城市进入品牌时代?

40、Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. ─── 天齐是一个古老的人类国家。

41、E si ridevano di lui, sapendo ch’era morta. ─── 他们明知女孩已经死了,就嘲笑他。

42、The era of cheap money is nearing an end. ─── 低息贷款的时代已接近尾声。

43、Mammals arose from a fairly primitive reptile in the Mesozoic era. ─── 哺乳类起源于中生代宛若原始的爬虫类。

44、He tardily understands that the different era. ─── 他慢慢地才认识到时代不同了.

45、It is a memorable portrait of an era. ─── 它是时代不朽写照。

46、Peace and development remain the themes of our era. ─── 和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题。

47、Primal eras before the appearance of life on earth. ─── 地球上出现生命之前的原始时代。

48、Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? ─── 为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“冷冻时代”?

49、One of the same era or period; a contemporary. ─── 同时代的人,同年代的东西相同时代或时期某物;同时代的人

50、The I Century is considered a Classical Era. ─── 一世纪被视为古典时代。

51、He is the preeminent tenor of the modern era. ─── “他是现代杰出的男高音”

52、Talents Hunting in Internet Era? ─── 传统人才招聘会将被网络取代?

53、Per fortuna la ferita non era gravissima. ─── 幸运的是伤口不是那么非常地严重.

54、Why now, instead of the era of Renaissance or World War II? ─── 为什么活在现在,而不是文艺复兴或第二次世界大战的时代?

55、It signalled the ushering in of a new era. ─── 它预示新时代的到来。

56、"NO freedom of speech" as a label is an anachronism in this era of Internet. ─── 在这互联网时代,"抑制言论"这个标签显得与时代气息格格不入。

57、A new era of human liberation is beginning . ─── 一个人类解放的新时代正在开始。

58、In my opinion, this is the beginning of a new era. ─── 在我看来,这是一个新时期的开始。

59、They are that era culture the mark of newest tide. ─── 它们是那个时代文化最新潮流的标志。”

60、Enjoy the era! Enjoy the technology! ─── 享受时代,享受科技!

61、There is usually a trend to conservatism in prosperous eras. ─── 在繁荣时期常趋于保守。

62、Emphasis upon belletrism is an educational luxury in this chaotic era. ─── 在这混乱的时代,纯文学至上主义的强调是教育上的奢侈。

63、Peace and development remain as the main theme of the present era. ─── 和平与发展仍然是时代的主题。

64、Octavian became the first emperor of a new era. ─── 屋大维成为了一个新时代的开国皇帝。

65、His death marked the end of an era. ─── 他的死标志著一个时代的结束。

66、Augustus age was an important era in Rome empire. ─── 奥古斯都时代可以说是罗马历史的一个非常重要的时代。

67、The Dust Bowl era will return. ─── 尘暴的时代将卷土重来。

68、How about "Investigation of Internet Era"? hehe... ─── "互联网时代的调查"怎么翻译啊?

69、The custom can be traced back to the roman era. ─── 付小费这种习俗这种风俗追溯到古罗马时代。

70、Cause of Color Erasion of Anodic Electrophoretically Painted Parts ─── 阳极电泳涂漆零件表面掉色故障的排除

71、His rise to power herald the end of the liberal era. ─── 他的掌权预示著自由主义时代的结束。

72、Today should be saluted as the beginning of a new era. ─── 应把今天看作是一个新时代的开始来庆祝。

73、Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours. ─── 在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。

74、The Statistical analysis of Forest cover rate and Soil erasion and Desertification ─── 森林覆盖率与水土流失及荒漠化的数学模型

75、His death marked the end of an era . ─── 他的死标志著一个时代的结束.

76、Neo-conservatism prevailed in the Reagan era. ─── 在雷根当政期间,新保守主义盛行。

77、How to do academia appraisal well is one era topic. ─── 如何搞好学术评价是一个时代话题。

78、In an information era technology develops rapidly. ─── 信息时代,电子技术以迅跑之势发展。

79、Duke Hsiang of Sung ruled in the Spring and Autumn Era. ─── 宋襄公是公元前七世纪春秋时代宋国的国君。

80、Different era emerged different way of addressing. ─── 不同的时代形成不同的称谓。

81、Objective Try to find the effect of a new treatment of skin-erasion operation for treating patients with face superficial scar. ─── 目的:探讨高速钢轮去表皮后铁皮刷打磨结合切除缝合等综合措施治疗面部浅表瘢痕的疗效。

82、Of,relating to,or belonging to the era before recorded history. ─── 史前的历史记载之前的、与之相关的或属于之的

83、A Greek, especially of the Mycenaean era. ─── 希腊人希腊人,尤指居住在迈锡尼时代的希腊人

84、DTP of hand-made before the era of gradient method. ─── DTP时代之后之手工制息不突变色办法。

85、The burial of the king means the end of the old era. ─── 埋了国王,结束了一个旧的时代。

86、A new era is now dawning upon the world. ─── 世界正进入一个新时代。

87、World is welcoming the come of bionics era. ─── 世界正在进入仿生学时代。

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