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09-04 投稿



initiatory 发音

英:[??n??i?t??ri]  美:[??n?????t?ri]

英:  美:

initiatory 中文意思翻译



initiatory 网络释义

adj. 入会的;最初的;起始的

initiatory 相似词语短语

1、initiators ─── n.发起者(initiator的复数形式);倡议者

2、initiations ─── n.启蒙;开启(initiation的复数形式)

3、inclinatory ─── adj.有偏向的;趋向的;偏爱的

4、insinuatory ─── 含蓄的

5、intimidatory ─── adj.威胁的;恫吓的

6、ingratiatory ─── adj.逢迎的;讨好的

7、invitatory ─── adj.邀请的;n.请祈祷的赞美诗;宣召

8、initiator ─── n.发起人,创始者;教导者;[计]启动程序;引爆器

9、initiatorily ─── 主动地

initiatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An Initiatory Analysis of "Generals Born in Ba, While Scholars Born in Shu" ─── "巴出将、蜀出相"成因浅析

2、Initiatory textbooks are important vehicles of traditional culture. ─── 蒙学教材是传统文化的重要载体。

3、Oraimono continuously draws lessons from and assimilates the Chinese initiatory reading materials during its development. ─── 往来物在发展中不断对中国蒙学读物进行借鉴和吸收。

4、The East Indian Gotheborg despite its claim of never trafficking opium to China, was actually the initiatory bootlegger. ─── “哥德堡”号商船的主人瑞典东印度公司,虽然号称从未向中国贩运过鸦片,但其实是中国贩运鸦片的始作俑者。

5、None of the races of mankind can have been spared the cruel experience of this initiatory stage; ─── 没有任何一个人类种族能被这种初始阶段的残酷经历赦免;

6、On the method of initiatory flow distribution considering pipe length ─── 考虑管长因素的初分流量方法探讨

7、Some initiatory testing results show that the investigation and related results obtained are of significance to improve the performance of the mass flowmeter. ─── 初步试验研究表明:得到的研究结果与提出的技术措施具有较好实用效果,对提高该传感器的性能有重要意义。

8、Zou, one of the authors of the famous initiatory reader Colleted Stories for Children, was a well-known person in the Qing Dynasty. ─── 邹氏是著名的启蒙读物《幼学故事琼林》的作者之一,在清代是位家喻户晓的人物。

9、The Initiatory Stage of the Ultimate State Theory ─── 元态理论初步

10、Used to initiate;initiatory. ─── 起初的,初步的用来开始的;初步的

11、It is initiatory that Hu Yinglin constructs Chinese fiction development history with the history viewpoint of "Each generation possesses its own fiction". ─── 胡应麟秉持“一代有一代小说”的小说史观,构建了中国小说发展史,此亦是开创之举。

12、We have seen students in our channels own organization compare themselves based upon initiatory status, amount of DNA embodied, or the role that they play within the group. ─── 我们已看到在我们通道自己机构内的学生们比较他们的提升状况、已收录的DNA数量,或他们在团队内扮演的角色。

13、Used to initiate; initiatory. ─── 起初的,初步的用来开始的;初步的

14、And now, the domestic market has ended the initiatory stage and stepped into the new fleetness development stage. ─── 如今,国内经济型饭店市场已经基本结束了开始成长阶段,步入了新的快速发展阶段。

15、An Initiatory Analysis for Fatigue Crack in Pressurized Parts of Boiler ─── 浅析锅炉受压部件出现的疲劳裂纹

16、It was an initiatory 'mystery religion,' passed from initiate to initiate, like the Eleusinian Mysteries. ─── 它是一个入会的“神秘宗教”,经历了由传授到传授,就像古代希腊Eleusis市的神秘主义。

17、The Chinese pedagogy experienced four periods of development.They are initiatory pedagogy period, saving-pedagogy period, ideology pedagogy period and non-ideology pedagogy period. ─── 20世纪中国教育学经历了四个阶段,即启蒙教育学阶段、救亡教育学阶段、意识形态教育学阶段和非意识形态教育学阶段。

18、The initiatory program has been introduced according tothe tendency of development of water protection and the corresponding statuteof water protection. ─── 针对现状,结合国内外水环保技术及产业发展趋势,以及我国和湖北省的相关政策法规,提出了湖北省水环保技术与产业发展的初步规划。

19、So may you contribute by transcending, by ascending, and your contribution shall be no more or less than our channel regardless of initiatory status. ─── 因此你可以通过超越、通过提升来贡献,而不管你的提升状况是如何,你的贡献都不会比我们的通道更多或更少。

20、When a natural gas network is done off-line numerical simulation,every pipeline needs be distributed initiatory flow as the initiatory value of iterative computation. ─── 在对天然气管网进行离线数值模拟计算时,需要给各管段分配初始流量,并作为迭代计算的初始值。

21、an initiatory step toward a treaty; ─── 走向谈判的开始一步;

22、In the condition that there are some initiatory information elements, we can utilize fully the parallel, feedback and the high solving efficiency. ─── 因为有初始信息素的分布,具有并行、有反馈性和高效的求解效率。

23、The optimized immersion gold plating bath contains an organic additive which can slow down initiatory deposition rate,result in a slow dissolution of Ni-P substrate. ─── 此工艺含有能够减缓镀金初始时沉积速率,又能降低对镍层腐蚀的添加剂。

24、Initiatory Flow Distribution of Natural Gas Network ─── 天然气管网的初始流量分配

25、Course of initiatory architecture ─── 建筑初步课

26、2.Hindley is a detestable substitute - his conduct to Heathcliff is atrocious - H. and I are going to rebel - we took our initiatory step this evening. ─── 欣德利是一个非常讨厌的替代品??他对希斯克利夫的态度非常粗暴??希和我准备反抗??我们今天晚上会进行第一步。

27、Program exchanging : communicate with customer for the initiatory design and optimize it. ─── 方案交流:与客户交流初步设计方案并做调整修改;

28、At the same time the author used the means of statistics to find out the various degrees of influence from the different initiatory kinematics parameters and gives the primary and secondary order. ─── 同时根据正交试验的思想,分析了不同的初始运动学参数对于下沉弹道的影响程度,并且给出了这些因素的主次顺序。

29、Our present initiatory results possibly have potential implications for modernization of medical teaching and medical educational reform in our country. ─── 随着科学技术的飞速发展,知识的时效性越 来越强,知识更新的周期也越来越短。

30、Then the author optimize the initiatory kinematics parameters of the segregator of the submarine launched missile carrier by the way of Monte Carlo and simplex. ─── 然后利用蒙特卡罗法和复合形方法相结合的优化方法进行了分离体初始运动学参数的优化设计,同时对分离体下沉弹道的各项指标进行了优化计算。

31、The Comparison Between Chinese and Japanese Traditional Initiatory Textbooks ─── 中日传统蒙学教材比较

32、Program exchanging: communicate with customer for the initiatory design and optimize it. ─── 方案交流:与客户交流初步设计方案并做调整修改;

33、On Initiatory Education of Ancient Poems and the Characteristics of Chinese Subject ─── 古代诗歌启蒙教育与语文学科的性质

34、The trace, that the feathers had left throughout the initiatory travel, became the Road of Silk, connecting the East to the Occident and allowing the exchange and the sharing of the knowledge. ─── 在整个旅行过程中羽毛所留下的轨迹就构成了丝绸之路,将东方与西方紧紧相连,让文化得以传播与交流。

35、Its result is to produce the initiatory distribution of information elements. ─── 它的结果是产生信息素的初始分布。

36、initiatory textbook ─── 蒙学教材

37、The result is to produce the initiatory distribution of information elements. ─── 的结果是产生信息素的初始分布。

38、In reality, the sexual energy should run 100% of capacity if one is going to sustain one's vibration let alone continue to ascend upwards mastering the next initiatory level. ─── 事实上,如果要维系振动的话你的性能量就已必须运作100%,更何况要继续提升以掌握下一个水平。

39、Hun Sen completed his initiatory education in a temple and he only accepted a normal education only for less than 10 years. ─── 不但是工作上勤奋,而且在学习上勤奋。

40、Mr.Yao joined the Great Wall Foreign Economic Law Office as an initiatory lawyer. ─── 姚律师于1985年加入长城律师事务所,为创始律师之一。

41、Chemokine MCP-1 might play an initiatory role in the course of EAN. ─── MCP-1可能对EAN发病起始动作用。

42、This is why the intent to have a complete ascension is so important, as it allows for greater fulfillment and joy at a lower initiatory level. ─── 这就是为什么意想来获得一个完整提升是如此重要的原因,因为它在一个更低的提升水平上允许了更大的满足与喜悦。

43、The optimized immersion gold plating bath contains an organic additive which can slow down initiatory deposition rate, result in a slow dissolution of Ni-P substrate. ─── 此工艺含有能够减缓镀金初始时沉积速率,又能降低对镍层腐蚀的添加剂。

44、Non-physical harm is generated through electricity that often runs through humans at low initiatory levels, and such energy mutilates the field of another. ─── 非物质层面的伤害通过电而被引起,这些电通过在低提升级别的人而运行,而这些能量会伤害另一个人的场。

45、None of the races of mankind can have been spared the cruel experience of this initiatory stage; or can have escaped the effects of that experience on its character and customs. ─── 没有任何一个人类种族能被这种初始阶段的残酷经历赦免;或者能够摆脱基于它的特点和习俗的经验的烙印。

46、The Initiatory Flow Distribution of Natural Gas Network ─── 管网最小平方和法初始流量分配

47、An Initiatory Comment on Opening and Compatible Modern Educational View ─── 试论开放、兼容的现代教育观

48、63. Therefore it is no mystery to earth at what initiatory level any given initiate may rest, as the symbols in the field show clearly this truth. ─── 因此任一提升者所停留的提升层面,对地球而言并不神秘,因为场内的符号清晰地展现出真相。

49、An initiatory step toward a treaty. ─── 走向谈判的开始一步。

50、initiatory design ─── 设计启蒙

51、There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures. ─── 针对启蒙程序,金字塔有两个主要功能。

52、initiatory education ─── 启蒙教育

53、Initiatory designing: Focus on the real condition of the customer, design the project initially. ─── 初步设计:根据客户的实际情况,进行项目的初步设计;

54、the initiatory date of soil thawing comes earlier, but the initiatory date of soil freezing comes later. ─── 土壤表面开始解冻日期趋势提前,而土壤表面开始冻结日期趋势推迟。

55、Initiatory Discussion on Management Research Objective of Enterprise Strategy ─── 企业战略管理研究目标初探

56、The Initiatory Study on the Influence of Fuel Additive on Fuel Consumption of Railway Diesel Engine ─── 燃油添加剂对铁路用柴油机油耗影响初探

57、the initiatory date of soil thawing comes earlier, but the initiatory date of soil freezing comes later. ─── 土壤表面开始解冻日期趋势提前,而土壤表面开始冻结日期趋势推迟。

58、then one will contribute more chi after transcendence when one peaks at the new vibration and energy flow, and after one has mastered the next initiatory level. ─── 当你超越之后处于新振动与能量流顶峰时,开始掌握下一个阶段之后,你将贡献更多的气。

59、Program exchanging : communicate with customer for the initiatory design and optimize it. ─── 方案交流:与客户交流初步设计方案并做调整修改;

60、Initiatory Research on Existing Spot of Male Species Antigen in Newborn Mule hemolysis ─── 新生骡驹溶血病的父系种属性抗原存在部位的初步研究

61、Interfluve of National Power Theory Between the European Initiatory Thinkers: Montesguieu and Jeen- Jacques Rousseau ─── 论孟德斯鸠与卢梭国家权力理论之分野

62、Our pods of mapmakers include other dolphins and whales of lower vibration and initiatory status. ─── 我们荚果体的切割者们包括较低振动和开始阶段的其它海豚鲸鱼。

63、Its result is to produce the initiatory distribution of information elements. ─── 它的结果是产生信息素的初始分布。

64、1.This product is a new-generation initiatory toy for baby; ─── 本产品是新一代的幼儿启蒙玩具;

65、Keywords Marketing Management;Bakery Industry;Initiatory Firm; ─── 市场营销;烘焙食品;创业管理;

66、and i are going to rebel - we took our initiatory step this evening ─── 希和我要反抗了今天晚上我们要进行第一步。

67、I really appreciated my initiatory teacher. ─── 我很感激我的启蒙老师。

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