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09-04 投稿



neophyte 发音

英:['ni??(?)fa?t]  美:['ni?fa?t]

英:  美:

neophyte 中文意思翻译



neophyte 网络释义

n. 新信徒;新入教者;初学者

neophyte 词性/词形变化,neophyte变形


neophyte 短语词组

1、neophyte meaning ─── 新词义

2、neophyte synonym ─── 新手同义词

3、neophyte dj ─── 新手dj

4、neophyte receiver ─── 新手接受者

5、neophyte definition ─── 新手定义

6、neophyte crossword ─── 新手填字游戏

7、neophyte redglare ─── 新生红光

neophyte 相似词语短语

1、neophytes ─── n.新引入植物类(neophyte复数)

2、geophyte ─── n.[植]地下芽植物(指休眠芽深在土层中的多年生植物)

3、aerophyte ─── n.附生植物

4、geophytes ─── n.[植]地下芽植物(指休眠芽深在土层中的多年生植物)

5、mesophyte ─── n.[植]中生植物(在中等湿度条件下生长的植物)

6、gnetophyte ─── 片麻岩

7、endophyte ─── n.[植]内生植物;内部寄生植物;体内寄生菌

8、entophyte ─── 植物内寄生菌

9、helophyte ─── n.[植]沼生植物(指芽在水下越冬的沼泽植物)

neophyte 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、neophyte pilot ─── 新飞行员

2、There were seven degrees of initiation, these degrees allowed the neophyte to proceed through the seven celestial bodies.Allowing the reversing of the human soul's descend into the world at birth. ─── 开始的时候有七个级别,这些级别允许新信徒通过七个天体来进行下去,承认人类灵魂的回动使之出生时下降到这个世界。

3、From Neophyte to Sovereign. ─── 从新手的主权。

4、Scripting language A high-level language that offers neophyte programmers a chance to developtheir own hy-permedia programs. ─── 脚本语言 一种高级语言,向新手程序员提供一种开发其自己的超媒体程序的机会。

5、neophyte n. ─── 新信徒;

6、It is said that there was an immortal neophyte once passed over this place by ridding a yellow crane, therefore it is named this way. ─── 古代传说,有仙人子安,乘黄鹤过此,故名。

7、When you sand I first met, I would have done anything to join the Earthen Ring. I'm not a neophyte anymore! ─── 当我和你第一次相会时,我是真的愿意做任何事情来加入陶土议会的,但我现在已经不是个新手了!

8、Mr Obama is a "transformational figure" , he mildly said, and his old friend John McCain had erred in choosing a neophyte as a running-mate. ─── 奥巴马是一位变革型的领袖,鲍威尔温和地说道,而他的老朋友麦凯恩却错误地选择一位没有政治经验的新手作为竞选伙伴。

9、The importance of psychological regulation for the neophyte at job market ─── 初涉职场做好心态调整至关重要

10、Mr Obama is a “transformational figure”, he mildly said, and his old friend John McCain had erred in choosing a neophyte as a running-mate. ─── 奥巴马是一位变革型的领袖,鲍威尔温和地说道,而他的老朋友麦凯恩却错误地选择一位没有政治经验的新手作为竞选伙伴。

11、At this stage the neophyte dies and is re-born into a spiritual path. ─── 在这个阶段上,新信徒在灵性的道路上死亡和再次重生。

12、neophyte operation ─── 新手操作

13、From Neophyte to Sovereign, conquer the vast empire of Dungeon Quest through wild adventures, brutal fights, and strategic alliances. ─── 从新手的主权,征服了庞大的帝国的地牢探索野生冒险通过,残酷的战斗,并结成战略联盟。

14、He's not quite a novice, but Andrew Bynum is really a neophyte when it comes to experiencing the postseason. ─── 他不算是个菜鸟。但作为季后赛球员,他也大概算个雏鸟了。

15、The neophyte wears a veil and carries a lamp in his hand. ─── 新信徒戴着面纱,手上拿着一盏灯。

16、We are going to refocus on CCs,ACs ,DCP &DDP programs.Whether you are a neophyte or veteran officer, these strategies &tips will help you get the job done. ─── 台湾总会将于5月25日(星期日)早上11时至下午3时,假中坜市(凡是美)召开总会特别会议,将针对目前CC,AC,DCP&DDP进行特别研讨及策略指导,欢迎各级干部踊跃报名参加.

17、Seven years ago New Orleanians swooned for Mr Nagin, a neophyte who ran the local cable-TV monopoly. ─── 七年前,新奥尔良的人民为初次经营当地独占有线电视的纳金而欢呼雀跃。

18、These neophyte speculators overtrade. ─── 这些投机新手过度交易。

19、A good occasion for neophyte and wine lover to understand better Loire Valley wines (in Chinese only). ─── 葡萄酒的外行和内行有个好机会多了解卢瓦尔河谷的葡萄酒,都是中文版的。

20、But Mr Edwards is no longer a policy neophyte. ─── 但爱德华兹也不再是一名政治新手。

21、And even though many of them are neophyte gamblers, they often bet thousands of dollars on a single hand. ─── 尽管他们中很多是新手,但往往一注就下数千美元。

22、Master Foo turned back to the neophyte. ─── 无名师转向新门徒.

23、This condition allowed a neophyte senator from Illinois to seize his party's nomination from the jaws of the formidable Clinton machine. ─── 正因为如此,这个伊利诺洲的资浅参议员才能从实力雄厚的克林顿领导集团中虎口余生,获得民主党总统候选人提名。

24、The neophyte must not despair of mastering the rules and procedures. ─── 初学的人不必在熟悉规则和程序中感到失望。

25、Mr Obama is a neophyte by comparison (he was an angst-ridden schoolboy in Hawaii when Mrs Clinton was getting her first taste of Washington during the Watergate affair). ─── 奥巴马先生相较之下则是一位新人(当克林顿夫人在水门事件期间第一次领略到华盛顿时,他还只是夏威夷一位青春躁动期的学生罢了)。

26、This month, I introduce a neophyte framework that makes great strides toward easing the pain of testing GUIs. ─── 本月,我将介绍一种新的框架,它极大地减轻了GUI测试的痛苦。

27、The neophyte judge may start his career as a magistrate in a province and slowly work up within the civil service to the larger cities and more impressive post. ─── 新法官一般会以在一个省当一名地方文职人员开始他的职业生涯,然后逐渐成为大城市里行政机构的一员,担任重要的职位。

28、Not a neophyte: lest being puffed up with pride, he fall into the judgment of the devil. ─── 不可是新奉教的,怕他妄自尊大,而陷于魔鬼所受的判决,

29、The neophyte began to stammer out a reply, but fell silent. ─── 新门徒嗫嚅了两句,然后沉默了.

30、At this stage the neophyte starts the real battle against his lower self, a solider is one actively struggles with the real enemy. ─── 在这个阶段,新信徒会开始真正的战役,去对抗较低的自我,一位士兵活跃地与真正的敌人作斗争。

31、On reaching Miles (solider) under Mars, the neophyte had to kneel (submission to religious authority, naked (casting off old life), blindfolded with hands tied. ─── 到达火星(玛尔斯)下的士兵(迈尔斯),新入教者必须跪下(屈从于宗教权威),裸体(丢弃旧的生命),绑上了眼罩。

32、A neophyte at politics. ─── 初涉政界的人

33、TWO months ago, Yingluck Shinawatra was a run-of-the-mill businesswoman and a political neophyte. ─── 两个月前,英拉.西那瓦还是一个平凡的商人,一个政界新人。

34、"Tell me", he asked the neophyte, "of the code you have written and the works of design you have uttered". ─── "告诉我,"他对新门徒说,"你写过什么代码,有过什么突出设计."

35、A neophyte with a record of going along to get along could find it impossible. ─── 一个唯唯诺诺的新人就更不可能了。

36、The neophyte judge may start his career as a magistrate in a province and slowly work up within the civil service to the larger cities and more impressive posts. ─── 新法官一般会以某个省的地方文职作为职业生涯的开始,慢慢就会在大城市里的行政部门中工作,担任比较重要的职位。

37、A political neophyte compared with his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, Mr Bernanke made that a strength when he pleaded with politicians to bail out the system. ─── 这从其它央行采取的类似策略上也可见端倪。

38、Chamberlain, the 21-year-old neophyte reliever, drew attention on two counts.First, he was asked to work two innings without having two days' rest for the first time. ─── 张伯伦,这位21岁的后援投手新生,在本战中有两件事引起注目,第一件就是他第一次在未休息两天的状态下被要求出赛两局。

39、At this stage the neophyte dies and is re-born into a spiritual path. ─── 在这个阶段上,新信徒在灵性的道路上死亡和再次重生。

40、Idea generation values a neophyte perspective; vision building is based on research and deep understanding. ─── 创意提供了全新的视角,而愿景建设依靠研究和深刻理解。

41、This stage symbolized death of neophyte. ─── 这个阶段象征着新入教者的死亡。

42、"Realist , " That neophyte patriot must have not only smoked pot, but he just sniffed crack " zztoo. " ─── 整个世界都知道中国是一个超强大国,只有骆驼鸟不知道,和说愚蠢的事情.我们不责怪你,这是驼鸟的本质.

43、how does the neophyte collector find his or her way through this jungle? ─── 收藏新手们如何在这重重森林中找对路子呢?

44、The idea is that he should always continue to act as a neophyte devotee as long as his material body is there. ─── 意思是只要他有物质身体,他便应继续充当初习奉献者。

45、On balance, even the most venal political neophyte may decide it is easier to make money by getting a proper job. ─── 总的来说,对于初入政界的人来说,即使是最唯利是图的人也可能做出这样的判断:从事一个适当的职业更容易赚钱。

46、Frontlines aims to discourage such reckless neophyte abandon in a variety of ways. ─── 决战火线:燃料战争打算用各种各样的方阻止鲁莽的初学者。

47、Alarmingly, at least for a container-ship neophyte like myself, the world's biggest ship seems to have a crew of only 19. ─── 令人担忧的是,至少像我这样的集装箱船的新手,全球最大的船似乎只有19个船员。

48、8. Gaffer was no neophyte and had no fancies. ─── 老头儿不是新手,他不会胡思乱想。

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