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09-04 投稿



elate 发音

英:[??le?t]  美:[??le?t]

英:  美:

elate 中文意思翻译




elate 网络释义

vt. 使…欢欣;使…兴高采烈adj. 得意的

elate 反义词


elate 词性/词形变化,elate变形

第三人称单数--elates;现在分词--elating;过去式--elated;过去分词--elated;比较级--more elated;最高级--most elated。

elate 短语词组

1、your elate ─── 你的兴高采烈

elate 同义词

animate |uplift | exalt | lift up | pick up | exhilarate | intoxicate | brighten | thrill | lift | excite

elate 相似词语短语

1、elates ─── vt.使…欢欣;使…兴高采烈;adj.得意的

2、belate ─── 迟到

3、elated ─── adj.兴高采烈的;得意洋洋的;v.使兴奋(elate的过去式和过去分词)

4、relate ─── vt.叙述;使…有联系;vi.涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系

5、-late ─── adj.晚的;迟的;已故的;最近的;adv.晚;迟;最近;在晚期

6、elater ─── n.[植]弹丝;叩头虫

7、delate ─── vt.告发,控告

8、gelate ─── v.形成胶体;联手共事;起作用;上发胶于(同gel)

9、velate ─── adj.有缘膜的;vt.发软腭音;使软颚化

elate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beyond it, in Elat, off-duty firefighter Shachar Zaid emerged from a movie theater where he and his wife had just watched an American film about firefighters. ─── 在边界那头的埃拉特,非值勤中的消防员夏卡.扎伊尔德从电影院出来;他刚和妻子看了一部和消防队员有关的美国片。

2、Keywords Link with arc tooth Key segment Elat link; ─── 关键词弧齿环;关键环节;扁平接链环;

3、When elate on a subject, he could not avoid talking about it. ─── 如果他有什么自以为得意的事情,他总按捺不住;要把它说出来。

4、Gastrodia elate Blume medicinal wine has extensive applied prospect. ─── 天麻药酒具有显著的抗血凝作用。

5、Arrive elate once more and you're fired. ─── 迟到一次,你就会被开除。

6、The tiding of victory elate the whole nation. ─── 胜利的消息使得举国欢悦。

7、First, I smiled to myself and felt elate; ─── 我先是暗自发笑,感到十分得意。

8、One elate night, he suffered from diarrhea and had to wake up his younger brother. ─── 有一次,他因肠胃不好,半夜起来要上厕所,于是他叫醒了弟弟。

9、I know how popularity and prosperity have a tendency to elate and exalt self, if the heart is not humble before God. ─── 我知道如果人心不在上帝面前谦卑,高举自我和洋洋自得会大行其道。

10、Ring the song with joy elate ─── 得意地唱这首歌

11、First Report of Artificial Cultivated Gastrodia Elate Using Apple Branch in Low Elevation Region ─── 低海拔地区苹果枝人工栽培天麻研究初报

12、To fill with sublime emotion; elate. ─── 鼓舞使充满崇高的感情,鼓舞,使心满意足

13、narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substituted for the world-redeeming creed of Christ. ─── 表面现象不应误以为是真理,那些狭隘的世俗教条只会使少数人得意洋洋,自我膨胀,但决不应该用来代替拯救世界的基督教义。

14、Ecologically Climatological Condition and Yield Increment Technique for Gastrodi a Elate ─── 天麻种植生态气候条件及增产技术

15、Results: The obtained DNA fingerprints of G. elate were clear with high resolution. ─── 结果:得到了清晰的天麻AFLP指纹图谱。

16、First Report of Artificial Cultivated Gastrodia Elate Using Apple Branch in Low Elevation Region ─── 低海拔地区苹果枝人工栽培天麻研究初报

17、Don't let your sober face elate you, however; ─── 不过,别因为你那张清醒的面孔而得意。

18、The slain elate and alive again, the dust and debris alive, ─── 难忘得意你我当时事,如今骸骨化尘埃,

19、The method includes:The Chinese medicine,the acupuncture and moxibustion,moxibustion and so on,in the daily life certain plants,vegetables fruit(for example elat... ─── 手段包括:中草药、针灸、艾灸等,日常生活中某些植物,蔬果(如苦瓜素)等也可成为有用的药物。

20、narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substitued for the world-redeeming creed of Christ. ─── 表面现象不应该误以为是真理,那些狭隘的世俗教条只会使少数人得意洋洋,自我膨胀,但决不应该用来代替拯救世人的教义。

21、gastrodia elate blume medicinal wine ─── 天麻药酒

22、His eye, elate with happiness, was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haide, when suddenly the door opened ─── 当他那洋溢着幸福的眼睛正在急切地探索海黛那一对润湿眼睛里的所表达的意思的时候,房门突然打开了。

23、The drug is the dried tuber of Gastrodia Elate BL. (family Orchidaceae).It is a famous herb, which and been recorded.In the “ Shengnong Materia Medice ” 2000BC. ─── 本品为天然野生干燥天麻茎.天麻是一种名贵的中药材,早在2000年前的中就将其列为上品,用以平肝息风,镇惊止痛。

24、When she got home elate last night she found her mother waiting up for her. ─── 当她昨晚深夜回家时,他发现他母亲仍然在等她。

25、There are some problems in China"s economic life.These problems elate to low-level management of business, especially in bigger enterprises.Enterprises are th( important parts of national economy. ─── 尤其是我国经济、财政和物价和市场诸方面所出现的许多问题,都同企业特别是大中型企业没有充分搞活有关。

26、The mission of Shanghai International Finance Human Resources Service Center is to accumulate elate of the world and, to construct international highland of financial talent. ─── 上海国际金融人才服务中心的宗旨是:汇聚天下英才,筑就国际金融人才高地。

27、To lift the spirits of; elate. ─── 振奋激发精神;使兴奋

28、gastrodia elate ─── 天麻

29、Obsolete To fill with sublime emotion; elate. ─── 鼓舞:使充满崇高的感情,鼓舞,使心满意足

30、OBJECTIVE To study the extraction conditions of active ingredients in Gastrodia elate. ─── 目的考察影响天麻中有效成分的提取因素。

31、Objective: To study the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of total saponins from Aralia elate root bark in rats. ─── 目的:探讨龙芽葱木皂苷的抗炎镇痛作用。方法:镇痛实验选用热板法和醋酸扭体法;

32、IOri R,Healy W,Lemos D,et al.Displaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly.outcomes and cost effectiveness[J].Clin Orthop R elat R es,2001 ;384(1):229. ─── 范丰川,荣国威,翟桂华.人工股骨头置换治疗股骨头骨折远期随访结果[J].中国骨科杂志,1997;17(2):96.

33、Keywords saponins/pharmacology;oleanolic acid/pharmacology;Aralia elate;disease models;animal;hepatitis;alcoholic; ─── 皂苷类/药理学;齐墩果酸/药理学;龙牙葱;疾病模型;动物;肝炎;酒精性;

34、If one thing could stir his temper or excite his contempt more than another, it was to see a man be fooled by flattery, or elate with popularity ─── 如果说有什么最惹起他的脾气,最能激起他的轻蔑的事情,那就是看到一个人被当成傻瓜大捧特捧,或者因为声望而趾高气扬。

35、Despising archers, rides the storm elate. ─── 你出没于暴风雨中,嘲笑弓手;

36、Although English was not the official language in America in the 20th century, any elate governments have established it as state state official language by law. ─── 惟英语运动提倡将英语定为美国官方语言。

37、Technique measures of improving the culture effects of Aavlia elate ─── 提高龙牙楤木栽培效果的技术环节

38、an english gentleman should play where the fashion is play , but should not elate or depress himself at the sport. ─── 一位英国绅士在风行赌博的地方,不妨逢场作戏,可是不能为了这种游戏忘乎所以,或者灰心丧气。

39、news to elate the hearer ─── 使听众欢欣鼓舞的消息

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