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09-04 投稿


canalization 发音

英:[?k?n?l??ze??n]  美:[?k?n?la??ze??n]

英:  美:

canalization 中文意思翻译



canalization 短语词组

1、canalization effect ─── 渠化效应

2、canalization of funds ─── [经] 引进资金

3、canalization theory ─── 渠化理论

4、canalization growth ─── 渠化生长

5、canalization project ─── 河道渠化工程

6、cement canalization ─── 水泥渠化

7、continuous canalization ─── 全河道渠化

8、canalization lock ─── 通道锁

9、canalization of river ─── 河流的运 ─── 河化

10、canalization genes ─── 渠化基因

11、river canalization ─── 河道渠化

12、canalization artery ─── 渠化动脉

13、canalization army ─── 渠化军

canalization 词性/词形变化,canalization变形


canalization 相似词语短语

1、canalisation ─── n.管道形成;开凿运河;运河网

2、banalization ─── 平庸化

3、banalizations ─── 平庸化

4、tantalization ─── n.逗弄;使干着急;难熬

5、vandalization ─── n.破坏;摧残

6、analyzation ─── 分析

7、recanalization ─── n.重通(指结扎后的输精管或输卵管等的再疏通)

8、scandalization ─── 减小(帆)的迎风面;使(帆)漏风;令人愤慨;令人觉得可耻

9、casualization ─── n.转为雇用临时工制;雇用临时工制

canalization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A small stream, bayou, or canal. ─── 小溪、支流、运河

2、He had the disease of alimentary canal. ─── 他患了消化道疾病。

3、How many man-days will be needed to construct this irrigation canal? ─── 修这条渠道要多少人工?

4、The external auditory canal makes a slightly S-shaped curve. ─── 外听道形如一S型的曲线。

5、It grew day by day under the nurture of the old Grand Canal. ─── 它在古老运河的孕育中一天天地崛起。

6、Comparison of plastic and RC pipes for outdoor canalization line ─── 室外排水工程采用塑料管和钢筋混凝土管的比较

7、In 1869, the Suez Canal opened in Egypt. ─── 1869年,苏伊士运河在埃及开放。

8、Commitment: a proper canalization of one's energy, enthusiasm, talent and thoughts into completing a given project or thoughts is commitment. ─── 承诺:正确投入个人的能量,热情,才能及思考去完成一个项目或实现一个想法就是承诺。

9、For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! ─── 一个人、一个计划、一个运河、巴拿马!

10、A man, a plan, a canal, Panama! ─── 一个人、一个计划、一个运河、巴拿马!

11、The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin. ─── 大运河在天津与海河汇合。

12、The Panama Canal joins two ocean. ─── 巴拿马运河连接两大洋。

13、Plenty of steam appeared on the canal . ─── 大量蒸汽出现在运河上方。

14、A duty or charge per ton on cargo,as at a port or canal. ─── 吨税在如港口或运河等地,每吨货物必须缴纳的税款或费用。

15、A ship was denied entry to the canal. ─── 一艘船未获奖进入运河。

16、The absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage such as the anus, intestine, or external ear canal. ─── (先天性)闭锁,无孔正常的身体孔或管道,如肛门、肠或外耳道的缺失或闭合

17、He pilot a ship through the Panama Canal. ─── 他引导一艘船通过巴拿马运河。

18、The Panama Canal connects the Atlanticwith the Pacific. ─── 巴拿马运河连接了大西洋和太平洋。

19、They dragged the canal for the missing children. ─── 他们用拖网沿运河打捞那些失踪的孩子。

20、His decapitated body was found floating in a canal. ─── 人们发现他被斩首的尸体漂浮在一条水渠里。

21、Here the Erie Canal was constructed. ─── 就在那里修建了一条伊利运河。

22、The canal has burst its banks. ─── 大渠决了口子。

23、Yes , It's in downtown manhattan between Mott St. and Canal St. ─── 可以,它是在曼克(应该是“哈”字吧,书是否印错了字呢?)顿商业区模特街和水渠街之间。

24、Drop warm ear drops in external canal. ─── 将加过温的药液滴入外耳道。

25、One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal. ─── 一个样本甚至在产道中被保存了下来。

26、The two towns are linked by a canal. ─── 两个城镇有运河相连。

27、What medicaments to snorty most is the canal used? ─── 什么药物对于流鼻涕最管用?

28、A new canal has been opened up. ─── 一条新运河已经挖成。

29、They dragged the canal for the missing child. ─── 他们用拖网沿运河打捞失踪孩子的尸体。

30、They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it. ─── 他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航。

31、A city of northeast Egypt on the Suez Canal. ─── 伊斯梅利亚埃及东北部城市,在苏伊士运河岸边。

32、The set of opinion was toward building a new irrigation canal. ─── 大家的意见倾向于修建一条新灌溉渠。

33、What is ligule canal jams? To the body He Ying rings? ─── 什么是小舌管堵塞?对身体有何影响?

34、His job is to watch the canal and see if anything is wrong. ─── 他的工作就是看水渠,看哪儿有问题。

35、Sensing that the edge of the canal thaws. ─── 他感到运河边的冰已开始融化。

36、He said that they were digging a canal last winter. ─── 他说他们去年冬天在挖-条水渠.

37、The Grand Canal links up five big rivers. ─── 大运河贯通五大河流。

38、The canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder in most mammals and through which semen is discharged in the male. ─── 尿道大多数哺乳动物自上尿液从膀胱中排出体外的管道,雄性的精子可从中排出

39、The other ship was denied entry to the Panama Canal. ─── 另一条船没有获准进入巴拿马运河。

40、The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary. ─── 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。

41、It is actually connected with Asia at the spot where the Suez Canal was dug. ─── 它实际上是在开凿苏伊士运河的地方与亚洲相连。

42、Neanderthal skulls also show evidence of a large hypoglossal canal. ─── 尼安得特人头盖骨也证明了存在大量的舌下神经管。

43、A soft mass of chewed food within the mouth or alimentary canal. ─── 一团咀嚼过的食物嘴中或消化道中的一团软的咀嚼过的食物

44、They worked round the clock and completed the canal in six days. ─── 他们昼夜不停地干,6天就把水渠修成了。

45、Refers to the well-known Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal. ─── 就是著名的京杭大运河呀。

46、The caudal portion of the embryonic alimentary canal in vertebrates. ─── 后肠脊椎动物的未发育全的消化道的尾部

47、Canalization Design of Crossing with Saturation Condition ─── 饱和状态下路口的渠化设计

48、Otherwise the canal would have had to cut through their land. ─── 否则水渠就得从他们地里穿过了。

49、I tn the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas. ─── 在运河里,那个加拿大人化验了香蕉.

50、One hundred windows overlooking the Grand Canal. ─── 一百个窗口朝向威尼斯大运河。

51、Asia is connected with Africa at the Suez Canal. ─── 亚洲与非洲在苏伊士运河相连。

52、The Grand Canal began to build in the Sui Dynasty. ─── 大运河是在隋朝开始修建的。

53、In July, 1956, Egypt had seized the Suez Canal. ─── 一九五六年七月,埃及占领了苏伊士运河。

54、Also, they were favor for further explanations and canalization. ─── 也有利于对辐射状况的进一步说明和分析。

55、Objective: to observe that action of motor function on was improved with up-date promoting - canalization technique in cases of severe cerebral injury of recovery. ─── 目的:观察现代促进技术改善恢复期严重脑损伤患者运动功能的作用。

56、The boat chugged along the canal. ─── 小船稳稳地顺著运河突突地航行。

57、An instrument for examining visually the interior of a bodily canal or a hollow organ such as the colon, bladder, or stomach. ─── 内窥镜,内视镜一种目测检查身体通道或中空器官,如结肠、膀胱或胃的内部的仪器

58、The Panama Canal joins the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. ─── 巴拿马运河把大西洋和太平洋连接起来了。

59、The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tianjin. ─── 大运河在天津和海河汇合。

60、Hendrik and Willi are the owners of a canal barge. ─── 亨利与威利驾船航行在柏林哈维尔河,行经一座又一座的桥。

61、The Panama Canal joins two oceans. ─── 巴拿马运河连通着两大洋。

62、Glyphosate, as a transition state inhibitor of EPSP synthase, inhibit the canalization of the enzyme as an EPSP synthase·EPSP·glyphosate ternary complex. ─── 草甘膦与EPSP合成酶、EPSP形成三元复合物而阻断了EPSP合成酶的催化作用;

63、The Root Canal Therapy of Maxillary Third Molar. ─── 上颌第三磨牙的根管治疗。

64、A Greek merchant ship is making for the Panama Canal. ─── 一艘希腊商船正向巴拿马运河驶去。

65、The opening to any cavity or canal in an organ or a bodily part. ─── 出口处器官或身体某部位上通向任何洞腔或通道的开口处

66、The uterine canal;uterine contractions. ─── 子宫道;子宫收缩

67、The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation. ─── 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。

68、A raised bank or path, such as one along a canal. ─── 堤岸,小路高出的堤岸或小路,如沿着一条沟渠的堤岸或小路

69、In 1867, the Suez Canal was opened. ─── 1867年,苏伊士运河开航了。

70、Their next objective is to gain control of the canal zone. ─── 他们的下一目标足获得运河区的控制权。

71、He piloted this ship through the Canal. ─── 他引导这艘船通过巴拿马运河。

72、A new canal is being dig in that province. ─── 一条新的运河正在该省开凿。

73、A duty or charge per ton on cargo, as at a port or canal. ─── 吨税在如港口或运河等地,每吨货物必须缴纳的税款或费用

74、In the Middle East, there was that Suez Canal incident. ─── 在中东,出了一个苏伊士运河事件。

75、It was named the Youth Canal. ─── 它被命名为青年渠。

76、The construction army that built the Panama Canal. ─── 修建巴拿马运河的建筑大军

77、Figure 19. Lipoma of the inguinal canal. ─── 图19,腹股沟管脂肪瘤。

78、Code for geologic investigation in canalization engineering ─── 渠化工程地质勘察规范

79、The Grand Canal runs through the city of Wuxi. ─── 大运河横穿无锡城区。

80、They took soundings along the canal. ─── 他们沿运河测量了水深。

81、Code for design of general layout of junctions in canalization engineering ─── 渠化工程枢纽总体布置设计规范

82、Furuncles of the auditory canal should be allowed to resolve. ─── 应能使耳道疖消退。

83、They can canal the natural forces. ─── 他们能疏导大自然的力量。

84、The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific. ─── 巴拿马运河连结了大西洋和太平洋。

85、In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas. ─── 在运河里,那个加拿大人化验了香蕉。

86、Influence on the Channel Protections of Jialingjiang River Canalization Project and the Countermeasures ─── 嘉陵江渠化工程对航道养护的影响及对策

87、The third is the canal culture industry group. ─── 三是运河文化产业群。

88、Digging the canal was a Herculean task. ─── 开凿运河是项极其艰巨的工程。

89、Why is atrioventricular canal a concern? ─── 为什么房室通道受到关注?

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