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09-04 投稿



sleds 发音

英:[sledz]  美:[sledz]

英:  美:

sleds 中文意思翻译




sleds 词性/词形变化,sleds变形

动词第三人称单数: sleds |动词过去式: sledded |名词: sledder |动词现在分词: sledding |动词过去分词: sledded |

sleds 短语词组

1、dog sleds n. ─── 狗拉的雪橇

sleds 相似词语短语

1、sleys ─── n.筘座

2、sled ─── n.雪橇;vi.乘雪橇;用雪橇运;vt.用摘棉机摘;用雪橇运

3、slebs ─── slebs系统

4、gleds ─── adj.高兴的;令人高兴的;感激的;乐意的(等于glad);n.鸢(等于glede)

5、slews ─── v.杀害(slay的过去式);(使)突然转向,急转;(使)侧滑;打滑;猛拐;(电子仪表)旋转;n.大量,许多;猛烈的侧转,回转;沼地

6、seeds ─── n.种子;种子选手(seed的复数);种子状物;子孙后代;v.播种;取出…的核;催化(seed的第三人称单数);n.(Seeds)人名;(英)西兹

7、sneds ─── vt.砍掉;修剪

8、sledges ─── n.雪橇;大锤;v.乘雪橇;用雪橇搬运;用大锤打;(板球比赛中对对手)讽刺挖苦;n.(Sledge)(美、英)斯莱奇(人名)

9、sheds ─── n.棚屋;[建]棚式建筑物(shed的复数);v.把…放在棚内;在棚内养(shed的三单形式)

sleds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sled-racing using a small sled (luge) that is ridden in a supine position and steered with the feet and a hand rope. ─── 一种小雪橇运动,运动员仰卧在雪橇上,用双脚和一根手挽绳来控制方向。

2、While mushing a dog sled across an Alaskan glacier, I learned firsthand that if you’re not the lead dog, the view from the rear never changes. ─── 坐着狗拉的雪橇在阿拉斯加的冰天雪地里长途旅行,我亲身感受到如果你不是领头羊的话,在后面看到的景象永远一样。

3、Therefore, the sled close to turn over, a lot of gifts are also falling down. ─── 因此,雪橇几近于翻过来,很多的礼物也掉落下来了。

4、The still of a winter scene is enlivened by jingling silver bells as horses pull a sled through New England woods. ─── 几匹马拉着雪橇穿越新英格兰森林,它们所挂的的银铃叮当作响,使得这幅冬季的照片充满了生气。

5、Throat harnesses have been used throughout the world to harness horses to carts and sleds. ─── 咽喉马套在全世界都广泛用于驾驭马拉车和雪橇。

6、Do they pull sleds very fast? ─── 他们拉雪橇非常快?

7、On their way many of the men became so weak and hungry that they had no strength to pull the sleds any more. ─── 在他们的方法,许多人变得如此虚弱和饥饿,他们没有力量再拉雪橇。

8、Many scientists suspect workers first would have put the blocks on sleds. ─── 许多科学家怀疑工人会先把石头放在雪橇上。

9、A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled. ─── 下滑的斜坡可以乘雪橇顺着滑下的小山或斜坡

10、One who rides a sled or toboggan. ─── 乘雪橇的人一个乘雪橇或平底雪橇的人

11、Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled. ─── 一个雪下得非常大的冬天,一个贫穷的男孩不得不出去用雪橇运些木材回来。

12、For instance, you're not likely to come across any Seeing Eye cats, guard cats or sled cats. ─── 例如,你不太可能会遇到什么导盲猫、看家猫或是拉雪橇的猫。

13、The mail in the north used to be delivered by dogsled, but the success of airplane delivery leaves Balto and the other sled dogs feeling neglected. ─── 一直以来,北方的邮件都是经由狗拉的雪橇来递送,但空运方式的成功与普及让贝鲁托和其它的雪橇狗感到被冷落了。

14、These young pups on Herbert Island, Greenland, will grow up to be powerful, thick-furred sled dogs conditioned to survive long periods of exertion in subzero temperatures. ─── 在格陵兰的赫伯特岛上,这些小狗崽将成长为强健有力,皮厚毛长的雪撬犬,它们能够适应在长期零度以下的环境中生活。

15、Because the traditional wooden sleds can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several children being injured. ─── 塑料雪橇事故多,雪橇危险的变形题,改成水上游乐设施,答案大同小异。

16、A long racing sled with a steering mechanism controlling the front runners. ─── 大雪橇一种长的竞赛用雪橇,有一控制机构控制其前面的滑雪者

17、Breed of hunting and sled dog found near the Arctic Circle. ─── 产于北极圈附近的猎犬和雪橇犬。

18、Any of a breed of powerful dogs developed in Alaska as a sled dog and having a thick gray, black, or white coat. ─── 北极犬一种产于阿拉斯加用来拉雪橇的强壮有力的狗,长有厚厚的灰色、黑色或白色的毛

19、He was living in San Francisco when he was kidnapped because of his size and his strength and taken to Alaska where they could use him to pull sleds. ─── 它住在三藩巿,因著它的体型和力气,它在那儿被绑架,被运到阿拉斯加,用来拉雪橇。

20、Assuming that the maximum up/down angle that you'll push/pull the sled is 20 degrees. ─── 假设最高向上/向下的角度来看,您推/拉的雪橇是20摄氏度。

21、They even have dogs pull sleds in races! ─── 他们甚至会举行狗儿拉雪橇比赛!

22、Connecting with knowledgeable mushers, joining your Local Sled Dog Club, handling for other mushers at races can all be very educational. ─── 与在这方面非常有经验的人交流,参加一个雪橇狗俱乐部,或者与其他人比赛都是非常有教育意义的方法。

23、Children are playing in a sled. ─── 孩子们正乘着雪橇玩。

24、Santa Claus rides a big sled full of gifts. ─── 圣诞老人乘坐雪橇大充分的礼物。

25、A sled dog howls as torchbearer Lukasi Tukkiapik prepares to carry the Olympic Flame on a dogsled in Kuujjauq, Canada, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009. ─── A作为火炬手卢卡斯鲍斯Tukkiapik雪橇的狗叫声准备携带奥运圣火在狗拉雪橇在Kuujjauq,加拿大,星期二,09年11月10日。

26、Well, that is what some people do every year in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in Alaska. ─── 但对那些参加阿拉斯加的艾迪塔罗德 越野狗橇赛的人来说,他们每年都是这麽渡过的。

27、You find yourself in the middle of the snowy place. Before you can escape with Santa's sled you need to find some things which are missing. ─── 你发现你在一块白雪覆盖的空地,这里零散杂乱摆放着一些雪撬,地地车等,四处查看一下,你会发现你被困在这里了,试着找一些物品和线索离开此地

28、The rocket sled test was carried out for overall investigatingthe dynamic process of missile turbojet engine starting and accelerating. ─── 为了研究弹用涡轮喷气发动机动态启动加速过程,开展了发动机火箭橇试验研究。

29、In the Minnesota north woods, it's easy to fall in love with sled dogs. ─── 在明尼苏达北部森林里很容易爱上雪橇狗。

30、Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled. ─── 他们开始动手拆帐篷,装雪橇,巴克在一旁担心地看着他们。

31、If that doesn't work, you may have to get off your cart or sled and reprimand each and every dog on the team with a snap on their tuglines or a thump of the jingler. ─── 如果这行不通,你可能要下车,你的车,雪橇和谴责每个狗团队抓拍他们tuglines或噔的jingler.

32、She handled with it with her typical optimistic attitude, running behind the sled to get warm. ─── 她用她那一贯的乐观态度泰然处之,在雪橇后面跑来跑去来取暖。

33、When does he get off the sled and help Kathleen? ─── 他何时离开雪橇来帮凯萨琳?

34、The ATD calibration technician services for the sled lab, static deployment lab and OOP lab, who is responsible for the calibration and maintenance for the dummies. ─── 假人标定工程师为滑车试验和静态点爆试验以及OOP实验室服务,其职责是对假人进行及其传感器进行标定,维护等。

35、Sitting or lying on a sled or toboggan, people coast whooping down to the very middle of the river, getting a lot of excitement and fun out of the experience. ─── 人们或坐或卧在冰橇上,沿着冰道向下俯冲,风驰电掣般地滑向江心,既惊险又有情趣。

36、OPI A05 All A-Bordeaux the Sled! ─── ----这支为: 特价颜色5元包税!

37、But in Australia there are six boomers to pull the sled. ─── 但是,在澳大利亚有六个潮来拉雪橇。

38、Before the race starts, the luger sits up on the sled. ─── 在比赛开前,滑雪者坐在雪橇上。

39、The rocket sled test was carried out for overall investigating the dynamic process of missile turbojet engine starting and accelerating. ─── 为了研究弹用涡轮喷气发动机动态启动加速过程,开展了发动机火箭橇试验研究。

40、In parts of Greenland,Canada,and Siberia,dogs are still used to pull sleds. ─── 在格凌兰、加拿大、西伯利亚的部分地区,狗仍然被用来拖雪橇。

41、It received cold, starve, pulled sleds, dogs involved in group struggle to deal with over wolf attacks. ─── 它受过冻,挨过饿,拉过雪橇,参与过群犬之争,对付过野狼的袭击。

42、Referred to American Holloman sled technical index,this paper introduces the estimate of Chinese XB rocket sled test track and gives the measuring results. ─── 介绍了我国XB火箭橇试验滑轨参照美国霍洛曼滑轨有关技术指标进行评估的情况,并给出测量结。

43、Dave had bitten through both of Sol-lek's traces, and was standing directly in front of the sled in his proper place. ─── 他叫过同伴们来看,原来达弗咬断了套在索勒克斯身上的缰绳,站在雪橇前面他原来的位置上。

44、About a quarter later, without any consideration, I took off my sleds, carry them on my shoulder, started to the peak piont. ─── 大约一刻钟之后,没作任何思考,我脱下雪橇,扛在肩上,开始向顶峰进军

45、SLED module is coupled out and sealed with standard single mode fiber(SMF) or polarization maintaining fiber(PMF) and 14pin-DIL or 8pin-BTF package. ─── SLED组件采用8脚蝶形式或14脚双列直插式管壳全金属化气密性封装,标准单模光纤(SMF)或保偏光纤(PMF)耦合输出。

46、"It's not that I care a whoop what becomes of you, but for the dogs' sakes I just want to tell you, you can help them a mighty lot by breaking out that sled. ─── “你们怎么样我倒不在乎,但看在狗的份上,我想告诉你们,滑板冻住了。

47、The makers asked for permission to bring in 12 reindeer to New Zealand to pull the Ice Queen's sled. ─── 制作人员申请许可带12头驯鹿进入纽西兰用来拉“冰雪女皇”的雪橇。

48、In parts of Greenland, Canada, and Siberia, dogs are still used to pull sleds . ─── 在格凌兰、加拿大、西伯利亚的部分地区,狗仍然被用来拖雪橇。

49、A racing sled for one or two people that is ridden with the rider or riders lying supine. ─── 一种单人平底雪橇供一个人或两个人的竞赛雪橇,滑时滑行者需仰卧

50、I was delighted to sit in a sled hauled by a horse. ─── 坐在一只马拉的雪橇上,心情多欢畅。

51、They trekked towards the North Pole with sleds and skis. ─── 他们乘坐雪橇和雪板向北极艰难跋涉。

52、You can coast downhill on a sled or a bicycle. ─── 你可以乘雪撬或骑自行车向山脚下滑行。

53、Despite precaution, 20 minutes after beginning to traverse the bottom, the huge sled smashed into the rocky sea floor. ─── 尽管采取了一些预防措施,但是在横越海底20分钟以后,那个巨大的橇状装置还是撞进了多岩石的海底。

54、Coasting on ice in a sled is a favourite sport of holiday-makers. ─── 坐冰橇是最受旅游爱好者喜爱的一项活动。

55、Another mode of dogsled racing is the freight race, in which a specified weight per dog is carried in the sled. ─── 另一种雪橇犬比赛形式为拉货比赛,这类比赛中每一只犬所拉的雪橇载有特定重量的货物。

56、At Killington Snowmobile Tours in Plymouth, Vt., nobody pulls the throttle on a rented "sled" before watching the 10-minute video. ─── 在美国佛蒙特州普里茅斯市的吉灵顿雪车观光公司,你一定要先看完10分钟长的录影带才能跳上雪车,拉动引擎。

57、Luge athletes race by lying on their backs on sleds with steel runners. ─── 小型撬运动员把他们的背靠在雪橇上通过冰刀来滑行比赛。

58、It is a world of ice and snow in winter, there are many interesting items such as sled pulled by dogs, motor in snowfield, and so on. ─── 冬季的冰天雪地,狗拉爬犁,雪地摩托等项目,可尽情领略北国风情。

59、The jerks perceptibly diminished; as the sled gained momentum, he caught them up, till it was moving steadily along. ─── 后来,颤动明显地消失了,当雪橇有了足够的动量后,巴克便控制住了震动,平稳向前行进。

60、But in some very cold parts of the world, people use dogs to pull sleds as a way to get around. ─── 不过在世界上某些寒冷的地区,人们会用狗来拉雪橇,做为到处趴趴走的方式。

61、From the second sled came Jim-Jim with his hands tied in front of him. ─── 从第二只雪橇上下来的是吉姆吉姆,双手绑在胸前。

62、Luge is the French word for sled. ─── 小型撬在法语中是雪橇。

63、He invented after his old sled fell apart. ─── 他的旧滑板散架之后,大卫就发明了这东西。

64、A little sauce, some salad, then they put it into this specially-designed, well, let's just call it a food sled. ─── 加点酱汁,加点色拉,然后将它放进这个特制的,呃,就让我们称它为食物雪橇吧。

65、The snow was soft and deep outside. If only he could get out to try his new sled. ─── 外头的雪下得柔软又深厚,如果他能出去试试他的新雪橇该多好。

66、In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars. ─── 在过去,大多数冬天去弗兰玩雪橇的孩子都是用配有滑橇和转向杆的木制雪橇。

67、Inflatable boats, inflatable water cycling, windsurfing, fishing boat, Water sled and banana boat ,whichever Deya you choose it will be virtually indestructible! ─── 充气船、充气式水上单车、风帆、钓鱼艇,水橇、香蕉船等,无论您选择哪一种德雅产品,它都是无可挑剔的。

68、Slopes under 25 degrees are too general. The danger zone comes between 30 and 45 degrees, just where people like to ski and sled. ─── 低于25度的山坡也太普通。危险的区域是在30-45度之间,正好是人们喜欢滑雪和滑雪橇的地方。

69、People of all ages come to enjoy it on their skates or sleds. ─── 大人小孩都喜欢在上面溜冰或玩雪橇。

70、Across Marsh, Tagish, and Bennett (seventy miles of lakes), they flew so fast that the man whose turn it was to run towed behind the sled at the end of a rope. ─── 他们飞一般穿越麻什、塔杰什和笨乃(一连串长达七十英里的湖泊),速度之快,使得走路的人只好拉住雪橇后面的绳子,被拖着朝前跑。

71、But behind him was Dave, likewise straining backward, and behind the sled was Francois, pulling till his tendons cracked. ─── 他后面的达弗同样的后拖,雪橇后面的福楼沙也在用劲拉,拉得腱子肉啪啪直响。

72、As they swung on the turn the sled went over, spilling half its load through the loose lashings. ─── 于是拐弯时雪橇就翻了,载物从松松的缰绳下散落了一半。

73、He was able to dimly distinguish forests of thickly clustered conifers and deciduous trees in a dappled, dazzling, endless sea of trees as they flashed by his sled on both sides. ─── 他目不暇接地看着密密的针叶林和阔叶林,以及斑驳闪幻的茫茫林海正从爬犁两侧滑过。

74、Do they think of a way to stop the sled or change its direction? ─── 他们会想出让雪橇停下来或转向的方法吗?

75、Breed of sled dog developed in northeastern Siberia,they resemble the larger Alaskan malamutes. ─── 在西伯利亚北部培育的雪橇狗,与阿拉斯加雪橇狗形似但较大。

76、Native to Siberia (duh), this breed was used for centuries by the Chukchi people to pull sleds and herd reindeer. ─── 这个品系的狗原产于西伯利亚,几世纪来都被楚克其人用来拉雪橇以及放牧鹿群。

77、Besides, his hands were full with his sister, or his arms, rather; while Buck was too near dead to be of further use in hauling the sled. ─── 他的手,或者确切地说他的胳膊被他的姐姐抓住了,再说,巴克已奄奄一息,再让他拉雪橇,也没什么用处了。

78、A mouse told his mother, “I'll drive sled dogs through a blizzard.” “You may need an extra blanket,” Said his mother. ─── 一个小鼠对他的妈妈说,“我将驾着雪橇狗冲破大风雪。”“也许需要一个特别大的毯子。”小鼠妈妈说。

79、He is not intended as a racing sled dog designed to compete in speed trials. ─── 他并不打算作为一个赛车雪橇狗设计的竞争,在加快审判。

80、The crackling turned into a snapping, the sled pivoting and the runners slipping and grating several inches to the side. ─── 先是咯吱咯吱,而后猛地发出劈啪一声,雪橇旋转着,滑板打滑,摩擦着向旁边移了几尺。

81、He thought his new motor-sleds could pull most of the supplies, but the motor-sleds quickly broke down in the cold temperature. ─── 他本以为新的摩托雪橇车足够拖着他的装备,但由于冰冷的气温,摩托雪橇车很快就抛锚了。

82、A hundred yards farther on, Buck came upon one of the sled dogs Thornton had bought in Dawson. ─── 向前一百码的地方,巴克发现桑德在道盛买的一只雪橇狗。

83、Yet the ideas for the first roller coasters came from winter sled rides in Russia during the18 th century. ─── 但云霄飞车最早的概念来自十八世纪俄国冬季滑雪橇的活动。

84、Soft, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear. ─── 他背着背包、拖着装运食品和工具的雪橇在雪地上跋涉,松软厚实的积雪导致旅途更加艰难。

85、She dropped the sled to the snow and jumped on. The broken steel runner spread apart. ─── 她把雪橇放在雪上,然后跳到上面去,原先断裂的滑行钢片一下就分开了。

86、Kristof and his crew used a submersible search vehicle and a towed sled with still camera to record the wreckage. ─── 克里斯托夫和他的船员用了一个潜搜索与相机记录的残骸。

87、Go you men with dogs and sleds. Follow my footsteps. ─── 你们男人带上狗和雪橇,顺着我的脚印去吧。

88、A hill or other slope down which one may coast,as on a sled. ─── 下滑的斜坡可以乘雪橇顺着滑下的小山或斜坡。

89、A tall, powerful man in a foxskin cap cracked a long whip at the spirited dogs, and the sled flew lightly on to the frozen surface of the river. ─── 一个戴着狐皮帽子的魁梧大汉用长鞭子打着精神抖擞的狗,雪撬轻灵地滑上了冰冻的江面。

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