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09-04 投稿


amateurism 发音

英:[??m?t?r?z?m???m?t??r?z?m]  美:[??m?t?r?z?m; ??m?t??r?z?m]

英:  美:

amateurism 中文意思翻译



amateurism 词性/词形变化,amateurism变形

副词: amateurishly |名词: amateurishness |

amateurism 短语词组

1、amateurism quote ─── 业余语录

2、amateurism means ─── 业余意味着

3、amateurism radio ─── 业余无线电

4、amateurism law ─── 业余法

5、amateurism 0 ─── 业余0

6、amateurism bill ─── 业余汇票

7、amateurism ncaa ─── 业余ncaa

amateurism 相似词语短语

1、auteurism ─── n.导演个人风格(由个人风格导演执导影片);导演主创论(等于auteurtheory)

2、amerism ─── n.分音节不能;不分节

3、shamateurism ─── 冒牌业余选手的身份;使用冒牌选手参赛

4、amateur ─── n.业余爱好者;生手,外行;adj.业余爱好的;业余的;外行的;不熟练的

5、amateurs ─── n.业余爱好者;非专业人员(amateur的复数)

6、aneurism ─── n.动脉瘤

7、apterism ─── 适应主义

8、amateurishly ─── 外行地,生手地

9、amateurish ─── adj.业余的;不熟练的;外行的

amateurism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Characteristic of an amateur; not professional. ─── 业余的带有业余特点的;非专业性的

2、Ray plays flamboyant parts in amateur theatricals. ─── Ray是一个杰出的业余演员。

3、Chinese Amateur Boxing Association. ─── 中国业余拳击协会。

4、It was the job of the amateur athlete to find his way to the games at his own expense. ─── 业余运动员要自己花钱去参加奥运会。

5、Whoever fixed your car must have been an amateur. ─── 修理你车子的人一定很不专业(没有专业精神)。

6、Amateur and winter sports included. ─── 业馀及冬季运动保障。

7、He is an amateur photographer. ─── 他是个业余摄影爱好者。

8、Olympic amateur boxing bouts are 5 rounds of 2 minutes. ─── 奥林匹克业余拳击赛有5个回合,每回合2分钟。

9、He is only an amateur athlete, but he is the best one. ─── 他只是一位业余运动员,但他是最好的。

10、Acting with an amateur theatrical group can be fun. ─── 和业余戏剧团一起演出可能是有趣的。

11、He moulded a talented amateur into a brilliant actor. ─── 他将一个有才华的业余艺术爱好者培养成了卓越的演员。

12、You are a professional, but I am an amateur . ─── 你是专职的,我是业余的。

13、The amateur bouts are equally impressive. ─── 业余拳击比赛也同样精彩。

14、He made an amateur attempt to build a cupboard. ─── 他很外行地试做了一个碗柜。

15、You are an expert,I am an amateur. ─── 你是内行,但我是外行。

16、Characteristic of an amateur; inexpert. ─── 不在行的为一名业余爱好者的特征的;非专家的

17、More than 355,200 Americans hold licenses as amateur radio operators. ─── 355200名美国人持有业余无线电台工作执照。

18、His success in amateur theatricals led him on to think he could tread the boards for a living. ─── 他业余演戏很成功,他因此觉得自己可以以演戏为生。

19、You are a professional, but I am a amateur. ─── 你是专业的,我是业余的。

20、Of, relating to, or performed by an amateur. ─── 业余爱好者的业余爱好者的,与其相关或由其制作的

21、What are the weight divisions in amateur boxing? ─── 业余拳击运动员如何按体重分级?

22、Amateur actors often overact. ─── 业余演员往往表演过火。

23、Even so, there do not seem to be many amateur artists. ─── 即使如此,业余画家似乎仍然为数不多。

24、New rules on amateurism allow payment for promotional work. ─── 新的业余工作条例规定,做促销工作可获得报酬。

25、An amateur acting group that evolved into a theatrical company. ─── 一个发展成为戏剧公司的业余演出团体

26、Amateur astronomy should be calming and fun. ─── 业余天文学应该是平静的、充满乐趣的。

27、He is one of the nation's top amateur lensmen. ─── 他是国内最隹业馀摄影师之一。

28、He is an amateur in philosophy. ─── 他是一个哲学的生手。

29、I hear from your father you want to be an amateur boxer. ─── 听令尊说,你想成为一名业余拳击手。

30、He is a staunch supporter of amateurism in intercollegiate athletics. ─── 他坚决支持把学院之间的体育活动业余化。

31、The amateur astronomer will be well able to fulfill these. ─── 业余天文学家是可能做到这些的。

32、Don't let yourself be beaten by an amateur. ─── 不要让自己给一个业余运动员打败了。

33、The AIBA lays down the rules for international amateur boxing. ─── 国际业余拳联负责制定业余国际拳击比赛规则。

34、What does Amateur Class mean in reference to Junior Showmanship? ─── 业余手课对新手课意味着什么?

35、Low power amateur radio transceiver is in urgent need to radio amateur. ─── 低功率业余无线电收发信机是业余无线电爱好者们急需的低功率通信设备。

36、As a result, the Olympics shifted away from pure amateurism, as envisioned by Coubertin, to allow participation of professional athletes. ─── 因此,奥运会转移,从单纯的业余性,由顾拜旦的设想,让参加职业运动员。

37、The Olympic boxing is not a pro bout; rather it is amateur. ─── 奥运会的拳击比赛不是职业拳击赛而是业余的。

38、They can already beat virtually any amateur player. ─── 他们已经可以击败任何几乎是业余选手。

39、Professional athletes were fully embraced, finally ending the tradition of amateurism at the games. ─── 专业运动员被完全接受,终于在比赛结束的业余传统。

40、Characteristic of an amateur;inexpert. ─── 不在行的为一名业余爱好者的特征的;非专家的

41、other words, Voltaire's amateurism in science "was a source of his contemporary appeal, demonstrating for the first time the accessibility of Newton's ideas to nonspecialists". ─── 句话说,伏尔泰在科学上的业余性“是他当时吸引力的一个来源,第一次证明了牛顿的思想对非专业人士的可接受性”。

42、Later,they were divided into two kinds: professional clubs and amateur clubs. ─── 后来,就分为了专业俱乐部和业余俱乐部两种。

43、He is bracketed in the amateur group. ─── 他被划归为业余组。

44、You can even operate Amateur radio while receiving FM broadcasts! ─── 也可以在操作业余电台之余守听FM广播。

45、After he won the amateur championship he turned professional. ─── 他获得业余赛冠军后就转为职业运动员了。

46、Any amateur would be skinned alive competing against the world champion. ─── 一个业余爱好者向世界冠军挑战肯定要被彻底打败。

47、An amateur biologist invites them to gather creepy-crawlies from a nearby pond. ─── 一位业余的生物学家邀请孩子们从池塘里收集爬虫。

48、He is an amateur painter. ─── 他是一个业余画家。

49、Could you suggest some books for an amateur gardener? ─── 你能向园丁业余爱好者推荐几本书吗?

50、Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment. ─── 大多数无线电业余爱好者都是自己装机子。

51、The amateur, semi professional and professional. ─── 即业余的、半专业的和专业的。

52、He is the high priest of amateur basketball in this country. ─── 他是本国业余篮球头面人物。

53、Amateur riders can take part as well as professional jockeys. ─── 业余骑手和专业骑手都可以参加。

54、A wealthy amateur sportsman, especially an amateur yachtsman. ─── 业余运动家富裕的业余运动者,尤其指业余驾驶快艇的人

55、He has that je ne sais quoi that distinguishes a professional from an amateur. ─── 他有那种难以言表的特质,体现出他是专业而非业余的。

56、The fashion for amateur riders to won a stallion goes in waves. ─── 业余骑手挑选公马的风潮越来越盛行。

57、What kind of photographer is he,amateur or professional? ─── 他是什么性质的摄影师,业余的还是专业的?

58、You have been matched with one of the best amateur fighters. ─── 你被安排和最好的业余拳击手进行比赛。

59、It is an amateur woodworker club in Kaohsiung. ─── 于台湾高雄的一群木工爱好者。

60、Stop arguing with tons of paperwork and amateur people. ─── 停止争论与吨文书工作和业余的人民。

61、Olmpic Amateur Boxing Bouts. ─── 奥运会业余拳击赛。

62、And the amateur astronomers out there RSVP’d with 50 million responses so far. ─── 到目前为止这些业余天文爱好者已经做出了5千万次的回复。

63、Certainly amateur theatrics had helped his legal career. ─── 业余的戏剧表演艺术确实有助于他的法律职业。

64、No professionals may participate in the amateur tennis tournament. ─── 专业选手不得参加业余选手的网球联赛。

65、Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically. ─── 去年夏天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。

66、You're a professional, but I am an amateur. ─── 你是专业的,而我是业余的。

67、There are three rounds in an amateur boxing bout. ─── 一场业余拳击比赛打三个回合。

68、Gained valuable experience in amateur theatricals. ─── 在业余表演戏剧中获得宝贵的经验。

69、A rank amateur; a rank stranger. ─── 一个地道的业余者; 十足的陌生人

70、How many rounds are there in an amateur boxing bout? ─── 业余拳击比赛打几个回合?

71、What is BPL, and why is it a possible threat to Amateur Radio? ─── 什么是BPL,为什么它可能会影响到业余无线通信?

72、He is an avid amateur astronomer. ─── 他也是个狂热的业馀天文学家。

73、Do you think it necessary John's joining the amateur drama group ? ─── 你认为约翰参加业余剧团有必要吗?

74、He used to be an amateur boxer in his early days. (Not surprising is it? ─── 在他的早年时代他曾是一位业余拳击手。(这并不奇怪对吧?

75、The tale of two toads shows that amateur mistakes may be amusing. ─── 双头蟾蜍的故事告诉我们,非专业人士所犯的错误可能非常好笑。

76、Everyone who wishes to participate in the Olympics must be an amateur. ─── 任何想参加奥运会的人都必须是业余选手。

77、Soon after his election, Samaranch worked towards the abolition of amateurism at the Olympic Games. ─── 不久,在萨马兰奇当选之后,他致力于废除奥运会非职业化的规定。

78、You are a professional, But I am an amateur! ─── 你是专业的,偶我的业余的。

79、Samaranch made a reform in the tradition of Olympic amateurism being practiced over since the start of the modern Olympic Movement. ─── 萨马兰奇对自现代奥林匹克运动开始以来就一直保持的业余运动的传统进行了改革。

80、He pointed it out that intellectual should intervene into the actuality actively so that he proposed two modes----exile and amateurism. ─── 他主张知识分子应该积极地介入现实,并提出了两种介入的方式---流亡和业余性。

81、Next time I will not miss it even if it is amateur. ─── 下次比赛,即便是业余的,我也不会放过。

82、Don't let yourself be eaten by an amateur. ─── 别让你自己别业余的人吃掉。

83、The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographer. ─── 业余的和职业的摄影者均可参赛。

84、Noctilucent clouds were first observed in 1885 by an amateur astronomer. ─── 1885年,一位业余天文学爱好者最早观察到夜光云。

85、You should not waste your amateur time. ─── 你不该浪费你的业余时间。

86、At the national amateur song-writing contest, it wona first-class award. ─── 在全国业余作曲比赛中,它获得了一等奖。

87、They are audibly the work of an amateur experimenting with a new machine. ─── 他们听力测试工作的一个业余试验的一个新的机器。

88、Amateurism is a brand new perspective and an effective mode to represent intellectuals. Literary criticism should be rooted in secularism. ─── “业余性”是知识分子再现的全新角度和有效手段,文学批评应该立足于“世俗性”。

89、He is an amateur tennis player. ─── 他是一个业余的网球运动员。

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