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09-04 投稿


discovering 发音

英:[d??sk?v?r??]  美:[d??sk?v?r??]

英:  美:

discovering 中文意思翻译



discovering 词性/词形变化,discovering变形

动词过去分词: discovered |形容词: discoverable |动词第三人称单数: discovers |动词现在分词: discovering |动词过去式: discovered |名词: discovery |

discovering 反义词


discovering 短语词组

1、discovering shapes puppet show ─── 木偶戏

2、discovering colors ─── 发现颜色

3、discovering synonym ─── 发现同义词

4、discovering your own beauty ─── 发现自己的美丽

5、discovering mars ─── 发现火星

6、re-discovering (re-discover ─── 的现在分词) vt. 重新发现;再发现

7、keep discovering ─── 不断发现

8、discovering voice ─── 发现声音

9、discovering yourself ─── 发现自己

10、discovering myself ─── 发现自己

11、discovering shapes ─── 发现形状

12、discovering useful words and expressions ─── 发现有用的单词和表达式

13、discovering the legend ─── 发现传奇

discovering 同义词

light upon | break | observe | overhear | hit | pick up | distinguish | attain | turn up | get word | realize | key out | perceive | name | uncover | expose | detect | encounter | come across | fall upon | hear | strike | give away | see |learn | notice | determine | discern | find out | ascertain | locate | unwrap | get wind | find | bring out | identify | originate | let on | chance on | catch | unearth | dig up | key | disclose | happen upon | chance upon | reveal | come upon | divulge | get a line | describe | let out

discovering 相似词语短语

1、disconcerting ─── adj.令人不安的;打扰人的

2、discoloring ─── v.(使)变色,褪色,损坏……的色彩(discolor的现在分词)

3、discandering ─── 卸料

4、dissevering ─── vt.使分离;使分裂;vi.分开;割裂

5、discoverist ─── adj.发现教学法的

6、discouring ─── 折扣

7、rediscovering ─── vt.重新发现;再发现

8、discoveries ─── n.发现(discovery的复数)

9、codiscovering ─── 共同发现

discovering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To date I am discovering that this region of domain as an ancestor is far more emotional. ─── 到目前为止我所发现的是,这一作为祖先的领域是远远更为情绪化的。

2、Three years after their marriage, Marie and Pierre became famous for discovering radium. ─── 他们婚后的第三年,居里夫妇因为发现了镭而闻名于世。

3、He claimed with convincing evidence that America would outrun Europe in discovering the Higgs boson. ─── 他作出了人类在未来可以找到这种玻色子的著名预言。

4、Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. ─── 只有发现自己的专长,我们才有希望达到自己的目标。

5、Both Adams and Leverrier are honored for discovering Neptune. ─── 亚当斯和勒威耶两人都因发现了海王星而名垂青史。

6、Neutralization of all geopathic lines is first accomplished by discovering the lines through dowsing. ─── 中和所有的风水线首先实现了依靠发明这能量线用于探寻水源和找矿。

7、They are already discovering how to colonise Venus and to irrigate the moon. ─── 他们正在探索如何殖民于金星,和如何灌溉月球。

8、He adores going out with friends and has begun discovering restaurants, bars and clubs in Turin's centre. ─── 他热衷于和朋友一起外出,并且已经开始在寻找都灵市中心的餐馆、酒吧和俱乐部。

9、Inachus recognized it,and,discovering that his daughter whom he had long sought in vain was hidden under this disguise,mourned over her. ─── 伊那刻斯辩认出这个名字,发现他寻找多日而未得见的女儿原来竟被伪装失去了原形,他不禁悲恸起来。

10、He took her to the surface and there he opened her mouth, discovering the beautiful pearl to the light of day. ─── 他把她带到海面,然后打开了她的嘴,在日光下发现了那颗美丽的珍珠。

11、Upon discovering books, the child delved into the written word, turning out weekly book reports for her father. ─── 但是,在她三年的时候,便开始在教堂的讲道坛背诵演说,在发现了书籍的之后,她便钻研上面写过的句子,每周向她的父亲作一次书籍汇报。

12、Failure to report or disclose smuggled or untaxed cargoes after discovering them. ─── 三发现船上有走私或未依规定完税之货物而不报告或举发者。

13、Discovering just one extraterrestrial civilization would have profound significance. ─── 仅仅发现一个地外文明世界就会具有很深的意义。

14、The Fox on her return, discovering what had happened, was less grieved for the death of her young than for her inability to avenge them. ─── 狐狸回来时发现了这件不幸的事,它悲痛小狐狸的死,还不及痛恨自己没有报仇的能力。

15、He spent more hours discovering amazingly complex creatures looking like scorpions and water spiders and even frogs. ─── 他又花了几个小时去了解令人惊叹的复杂生物,它们看起来就像蝎子、水蜘蛛甚至青蛙。

16、Good at summarizing experience anddrawing on the wisdom of the masses is the important condition for discovering truth. ─── 善于总结经验,集中群众智慧是发现真理的重要条件;

17、They are consigned to a life of fiddling with contraptions in the hopes of somehow discovering a way of pleasing their overbearing mate. ─── 他们平时的生活就是制作精巧的设计来取悦自己傲慢的配偶。

18、But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed hero chose to spend his last days or his last hours. ─── 但我们总是想要知道,注定将要离世的人会选择如何度过自己最后的时光。

19、Discovering a chosen card by tearing the pips out of a piece of newspaper has always been interesting to an audience. ─── 发现一张选上的卡片由撕毁小核在报纸外面片断总是有趣对观众。

20、They are discovering ways to make logos reflect their roots. ─── 他们正在学会如何使标志反映其根源。

21、Traditional Gene Expression Programming(GEP) is bare of discovering recursive functions. ─── 传统基因表达式编程(GEP)无法发现递归函数。

22、Upon discovering books , the child delved into the written word, turning out weekly book reports for her father. ─── 一经发现书籍,儿童深入探讨了文字,把每周报告书,她的父亲。

23、Meanwhile, someone else is discovering that his or her spouse has methodically concealed an affair. ─── 同时也会有人刚发现了自己的配偶精心策划掩盖了风流韵事。

24、She said "Heaven is constantly searching/looking for, discovering, corrupting and ruining by man. ─── 主题:她说,人们不断的寻找天堂,发现天堂,玷污天堂,毁灭天堂。

25、Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering america. ─── 北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。

26、But upon discovering our very first independent form, we may assume it is the forever one and cling to it obstinately. ─── 但是当我们去发现那第一种独立的形式的时候,我们会假定这是永久性的一种,所以会倔强地去坚持。

27、I tried many jobs in different fields and had a very hard time discovering independence and security anywhere. ─── 以往曾尝试不同的工作,但发觉其保障性都不大,又缺乏自主权,而且是真的手停口停。

28、Discovering maximum frequent itemsets is a key problem in many data mining applications. ─── 发现最大频繁项目集是多种数据开采应用中的关键问题 .

29、Discovering a scientific fact isn't equivalent to seeing a empirical fact. ─── 发现科学事实并不等于看见经验事实。

30、After discovering the Herma mausoleum, a workman uncovered the first mention of Peter. ─── 在发现了赫尔马陵墓之后,一个工人首次发现了涉及伯多禄的古物。

31、He made a fortune by discovering a good mine. ─── 他发现了一个金矿,发了大财。

32、Discovering the causes of human belief was his key principle. ─── 关键原则就是发现引起人们信念的原因。

33、Within six months of discovering his affair, I lost weight and had a fling with his best friend. ─── 在发现他的事后六个月内,我减肥成功,并和他最好的朋友疯狂了一把。

34、Different vendors process the SOAPAction field differently, so discovering this information is a good idea. ─── 不同的供应商处理SOAPAction域的方式不同,所以发现该信息是个好主意。

35、The back after after why basking to come back after why basking to come back, discovering itchs again ached again? ─── 为什么晒一天太阳回来后发现后背又痒又疼了?

36、German physicist. He won a1914 Nobel Prize for discovering the diffraction of x-rays passing through crystals. ─── 劳厄,马克斯·狄奥多尔·菲利克斯·冯1879-1960德国物理学家。因发现X光通过水晶而衍射的现象获1914年诺贝尔奖

37、He shared a1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a subatomic particle. ─── 他因发现了一种亚原子粒子而与人分享1976年诺贝尔奖。

38、After discovering these problems, changjiang Delta spring decides to defer to cooperate greenly with Zhao Song. ─── 在发现这些问题后,江南春决定暂缓与赵松青的合作。

39、Going to interesting cultural events and discovering new restaurants refreshes both of you. ─── 去有趣的文化活动和发现新餐厅刷新这两个你。

40、They enjoyed discovering the life of the nomad s but not the 126-degree Fahrenheit heat, thirst, sandstorm s and scorpions. ─── 他们一探游牧民族的生活,乐在其中,但对高达华氏一百二十六度的高温、口乾舌燥、沙尘暴及蝎子则不敢恭维。

41、Discovering frequent itemsets is a key problem in data mining association rules. ─── 发现频繁项目集是关联规则数据开采中的关键问题。

42、We must place particular stress on nurturing talent and break with routine ways of discovering,selecting and training outstanding people. ─── 在人才的问题上,要特别强调一下,必须打破常规去发现、选拔和培养杰出的人才。

43、The shoppers walk hesitantly from one stall to the next, discovering what each shop sells. ─── 买东西的人从一个摊位寻寻觅觅到另一个摊位,瞧瞧每处都卖些什么。

44、You have to live your life independently. You have to develop your own way of living and your own way of discovering the wisdom of the universe. ─── 你们要独立自主地过活,要发展自己的生活方式,以自己的方式去发掘宇宙的智慧,要真实地活着。

45、We note that as you rise up in consciousness there has been a sudden jump in the number of people discovering they have psychic abilities. ─── 我们注意到你们意识的提高产生了一种突然的跳跃性,在一定数量的人群中发掘出了自己的精神能力。

46、Half the fun of going west is discovering, along the way, how much the past is still with us. ─── 我们向西旅行,一半的乐趣在于边走边看,看看过去的东西还留存多少。

47、Pippo is the usual one, we are not discovering him now. ─── “皮波很是和往常一样,我们并没有挖掘他。

48、Discovering the shortcomings is the beginning of overcoming them. ─── 发现缺点是改进的开端。

49、The art or process of discovering and ascertaining the meaning of a statute, will, contract, or other written document. ─── 发现和查明制定法、遗嘱、合同或其他文书之意图的方法或程序。

50、We lived in mortal dread of him discovering our secret. ─── 因为害怕他发现我们的秘密,我们终日惶恐不安。

51、Two scientists who played a crucial role in discovering the mechanism won the Nobel Prize in 2006. ─── 两个主要的科学家发现了这个机制而获得了2006年的诺贝尔奖金。

52、Meanwhile,"Percina tanasi" has been discovering the world. ─── 同时,“田纳西淡水镖鲈”正在走向世界。

53、Goody left Bigg Boss to return to the UK after discovering during filming that she had cancer. ─── 古蒂在拍摄期间发现自己患了癌症之后离开“名人老大哥”返回英国。

54、Discovering a cure for AIDS would be a major medical advance. ─── 发现治疗艾滋病的方法将是医学上的一大进展。

55、One may wonder if the secrecy with which the fraternity surrounds its gatherings is designed to keep the layman from discovering. ─── 人们也许会纳闷他们聚会时讳莫如深,是否不想让外人发觉。

56、Discovering this, the mischievous boy wrote Meg a passionate love-letter, purporting to be from Brooke. ─── 劳里这个淘气的孩子,发现了这个秘密,就以布鲁克的名义给梅格写了一封热情洋溢的情书。

57、You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. ─── 你并不是在发现你自己,而是在重新创造你自己。

58、But an increasing number of companies are discovering just how much value there is in a strong corporate brand. ─── 不过,愈来愈多的公司正意识到在一个强大的公司品牌里所蕴含的巨大价值。

59、Examines for the purpose of discovering resemblance or differences. ─── 以发现共同或不同之处为目的的检查。

60、He found the time better employed in searching than in discussing, in discovering than in discoursing. ─── 他认为与其把时间花费在你争我辩和高谈阔论上,不如用在研究和发现上。

61、Thgether,they spend theit time discovering adult life, enjoying the company of good frends ang being in love. ─── 他们一起体验成年生活、享受好友围绕身边的快乐,共同打造两人的爱情世界。

62、II. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. ─── 要发现某件事情是否可能的界限,唯一的途径是跨越这个界限,从不可能跑到可能中去;

63、They are discovering, as others before them, the resolve of a great country and a great democracy. ─── 与以前其他狂热分子一样,他们将发现一个伟大民族和伟大民主国家的决心。

64、Meanwhile, it has been discovering the world. ─── 同时,它正在走向世界。

65、We lived in mortal dread of him discovering our secret. ─── 害怕他发现我们的秘密,我们终日惶恐不安。

66、American physicist. He shared a1976 Nobel Prize for discovering a subatomic particle. ─── 丁肇中,塞缪尔·赵钟生于1936美国物理学家。他因发现了一种亚原子粒子而与人分享1976年诺贝尔奖

67、SAS Text Miner provides a rich suite of tools for discovering and extracting knowledge from text documents. ─── SAS的文本矿工提供丰富的工具套件,用于发现并从文本文件中提取知识。

68、Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii. ─── 发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。

69、But people can take the mark of ageing exquisitely rarely however, when when discovering, the case has fitted serious. ─── 可是人们却很少能敏锐地捕捉到老化的痕迹,等到发现的时候,情况已经相当严重。

70、That's the wonder of poetry—you're always discovering something new. ─── 这就是诗的奇妙之处,你总有新的发现。

71、The Biot consolidation of spherical soil-sample is one of the famous examples in discovering the Mandel-Cryer effect. ─── 圆球土样固结是发现Mandel-Cryer效应的一个著名例子。

72、Discovering a line in front of the payroll clerk's window one day, Frankie companionably joined it. ─── 一天,弗兰基发现发工资的窗口前面有人排着队,它也跟着人们排队。

73、The bonus to all this research is discovering that shorter exercise sessions will allow you to hold on to more muscle. ─── 好消息是,这些所有的研究指出,短的运动时间可以帮助你保留更多的肌肉。

74、Liu C.Y. (1997). Discovering Taiwan's New Hot Springs, Taipei: Yongsheng Culture Co. ─── 刘川裕,发现台湾新温泉,台北县,咏圣文化事业股份有限公司,1997.

75、Discovering obsolete applications usually reveals deserted servers hosting data and functionality. ─── 发现废弃的应用程序通常会说明出现保存数据和方法的废弃服务器。

76、Imagine our surprise on discovering that the parachutists were all womem. ─── 你想想我们发现那些跳伞员全是妇女时是多么惊奇。

77、But now, after discovering the true extent of the injury, Foster says it's a price he's willing to pay. ─── 但福斯特认为,看到手术成果后,这个代价是值得的。

78、So what we've been discovering is that there's a real huge paper wall that stops the poor from actually being able to develop private legal enterprise. ─── 因此,我们已经发现的是:存在着一个实际的、巨大的纸墙阻挡着穷人,使他们不能发展合法的私有企业。

79、Discovering that place is the first step toward sculpting your masterpiece, your life. ─── 发现那个“交汇处”在哪里是“雕刻出杰作品“---你的生活--的第一步。

80、Good at discovering others'good qualities itself is a good quality. ─── 善于发现别人的长处,这本身就是一个很了不起的长处。

81、Discovering association rules is an important data mining problem. ─── 关联规则的发现是数据开采的一个重要方面 .

82、He set about discovering the truth. ─── 他开始着手发现真相。

83、Discovering the meaning of life in each other's eyes. ─── 作个好邻居。在对方的眼里发现生活的意义。

84、"Discovering rare, hydrophilic for" ideological construction, that is, people respected for the highest water. ─── “稀世大宅,亲水为上”的建筑思想,即是人们对于水的无上尊崇。

85、Ehud Olmert, Israel's inexperienced new prime minister, is discovering the old truism that wars are easier to begin than to end. ─── 以色列那没有经验的新总理胡德?奥尔默特即将发现那古老的命题,发动战争比结束要容易。

86、The act of discovering or expressing the quantity of something. ─── 发现或表达某物数量的行为。

87、Discovering the DNA differences that matter is one of the most important pieces of unfinished, business for the human genome project. ─── 发现DNA差异是人类基因组工程未完成工作的最重要的一个部分。

88、Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii. ─── 人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。

89、R. Siamwalla, R. Sharma and S. Keshav. Discovering Internet Topology IEEE INFOCOM99. ─── [2] 张斌等基于园区网络的多层拓扑发现算法的研究华中理工大学学报1998.11.

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