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09-04 投稿


abdominous 发音

英:[[?b'd?m?n?s]]  美:[[?b'd?m?n?s]]

英:  美:

abdominous 中文意思翻译



abdominous 短语词组

1、abdominous crossword clue ─── 腹填字游戏线索

2、abdominous medical term ─── 腹部医学术语

3、abdominous definition ─── 腹式定义

4、abdominous rex ─── 腹獭

5、abdominous people ─── 腹人

abdominous 相似词语短语

1、albuminous ─── adj.含白朊的;多胚乳的;含白蛋白的

2、acuminous ─── adj.敏锐的;锐利的;尖的

3、abdominal ─── adj.腹部的;有腹鳍的

4、aluminous ─── adj.铝的;明矾的;矾土的

5、dominos ─── n.接龙;多米诺骨牌(domino的复数)

6、ominous ─── adj.预兆的;不吉利的

7、abdominals ─── n.腹肌(abdominal的复数)

8、dominoes ─── n.多米诺骨牌(效应);牙齿;骰子(domino的复数)

9、abdomens ─── n.腹部;下腹;腹腔

abdominous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、9 see joke: A little girl when park amuse oneself, see one is holding out abdominous pregnant woman, the gut that goes by to pointing to pregnant woman asks: "What be inside? ─── 9看笑话: 一个小女孩儿在公园玩耍时,看见一个挺着大肚子的孕妇,便走过去指着孕妇的肚子问道: “里面是什么?”

2、"Exceeding lofty or great " white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make. ─── “通天”的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。

3、The subordinate symptoms are fe ver,retching,thirst,choking,dif ficulty in urination,lower abdomin al fullness and ede... ─── 结论:小青龙汤证症状的多样性主要表现在或然症上,在主症上表现不突出。

4、My father is a cozy volumes, thick black, red vinasse nose, abdominous middle-aged men. ─── 我的爸爸是个有着卷卷的、茂密的黑发,红色酒糟鼻子,大肚子的中年男人。

5、white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make. ─── 白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。

6、Pail waist, abdominous, these true influences love the state of mind of beautiful MM, but if master certain little skill, these can conceal completely. ─── 水桶腰,大肚子,这些真影响爱美MM的心情,但是假如把握一定的小技巧,这些统统都可以掩饰的.


肚子英语(腹部)abdomenpaunchtummy tripestomachbauchbelly短语肚子好痛 Stomach It hurts ; Stomach hurts ; It really hurts my stomach踩肚子 Security stomach ; Step on the stomach满肚子 bellyful肚子推杆 belly putter饿肚子 Nothing肚子白米 White Belly Rice肚子僵尸 squashes zombies熟肚子 tanked tripes肚子痛 stomachache ; bellyache ; Stomach pain ; sakit perut例句1、他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。

His stomach bulged out over his belt. 2、刀子刺穿了敌人的肚子。

The knife penetrated enemy's stomach. 3、一杯又一杯的酒灌进了他的肚子。

Much wine was swizzled down into his belly.


胃:stomach 胃痛:stomachalgia/gastralgia 肚子:belly/abdomen/stomach 肚子痛:stomachache/haveapaininthebellyorabdomen

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