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09-04 投稿



experiential 发音

英:[?k,sp??r?'ent?(?)l; ek-]  美:[?k'sp?r?'?n??l]

英:  美:

experiential 中文意思翻译



experiential 网络释义

adj. 经验的;经验上的;根据经验的

experiential 词性/词形变化,experiential变形

副词: experientially |

experiential 反义词


experiential 短语词组

1、experiential function ─── 经验功能

2、experiential view ─── 经验观

3、experiential and logical metaphor ─── 经验和逻辑隐喻

4、experiential learning is one ─── 体验式学习就是其中之一

5、experiential learning ─── 经验学习,实践学习

6、experiential learning theory ─── 经验学习理论,体验式学习理论

experiential 同义词

see | happening | skill | event | understanding | acquaintance | suffer | perceive | live through | encounter | come across | taste | resource |incident | get | feeling | feel | have | know | involvement | episode | occurrence | receive | endure | face | practice | knowledge | ordeal | know-how | technique | sensation | brook | thing | sustain | background | undergo | live | emotion | adventure | equipment | go through

experiential 相似词语短语

1、experientialist ─── 经验主义者

2、experientialism ─── n.经验主义;经验至上论

3、expedientially ─── 权宜之计

4、experimental ─── adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的

5、expediential ─── adj.权宜之计的;为利益或便利起见的

6、experiencing ─── n.体验;v.体验(experience的现在分词)

7、experientially ─── 根据经验地;经验地

8、experimentist ─── 实验主义者

9、experimenting ─── adj.乐于尝试的;v.[试验]实验;尝试(experiment的ing形式)

experiential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Not only would their work provide a great service to the city but also offer a matchless opportunity for hands-on experiential learning for the students. ─── 他们的工作不仅为北京提供了很好的服务,也为学生们得到亲手操作的实验性知识提供了无与伦比的机会。

2、In modern manufacturing, decision and control must be made under a great deal of uncertain information and experiential knowledge. ─── 在现代制造研究中,要在大量不确定性信息和经验知识下进行决策与控制。

3、Long life is alt-ring our society, of course, but in experiential terms. ─── 当然,长寿正改变着我们的社会,但这只是经验论。

4、Internet service, management consultant and experiential training, art works. ─── 互联网服务,管理咨询,团队培训,艺术品。

5、By contrast, the experiential view sees concepts as a product of individual and collective human experience.Thought does not exist without a thinker. ─── 与之对照,经验论把概念看作是人类的个体或集体经验的一个产品,没有思考者就没有概念存在。

6、Rogers considers positive interpersonal relationship, teacher's trust and respect to the student, and "empathic understanding" as the conditions to promote "experiential learning". ─── 他认为在教育过程中积极的人际关系是促进经验学习的关键,要求教师信任和尊重学生,要有“移情理解”的能力。

7、Experiential Learning and Language Awareness ─── 体验学习与语言意识

8、Keywords Bromoalkane;Surface tension;Experiential formula; ─── 关键词1-溴代正烷烃;表面张力;经验公式;

9、Gestalt Therapy combines three methodologies into a unified vision of psychotherapy: the experiential, the experimental and the existential. ─── 完形治疗是体验、实验和实存这三大方法的统一体。

10、Compare the experiments of the AIF tube and its bald tube, we get the heat exchange experiential formulas.At last, we'll discuss ... ─── 实验结果表明,AIF管确实有优良的换热效果,为新型翅片管的研究开发提供理论依据。

11、The key to the approach is the design of experiential scenario. ─── 体验式教学的关键在于体验情境的设计。

12、Application of inquiry learning and experiential learning to medical psychology teaching ─── 体验式、探究性教学在医学心理学教学中的应用

13、I had a chapter I'd written, and at the time it was called "Experiential Psychotherapy: The Essence of Client-Centered, Gestalt, and Existential Approaches. ─── 以前我有本书的一章叫“体验:人本、完形与存在主义治疗法的本质”。

14、The principle research methods include action research method, investigatory research method ,experiential summary method ,historical documents research method, etc . ─── 主要研究方法有:行动研究法,调查研究法,经验总结法,文献研究法等。

15、The main learning strategy will be through the provision of challenging work situations, experiential assignments, cross-functional movement, job rotation and performance feedback. ─── 主要学习策略是向员工提供富于挑战性的工作,外派工作,部门之间的调动,工作轮换以及员工业绩回馈。

16、accumulation of experiential data ─── 以往的经验数据积累

17、Combining with scientific decisions, we should apply experiential decisions correctly and make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages in police ad-ministration. ─── 在公安管理中,要合理运用经验决策,注意扬长避短,使之与科学决策有机地结合。

18、Phil: And would you characterize the program in which you teach now as continuing those humanistic, experiential lines? ─── 你会认为你现在讲授的课程在延续人本、验之路吗?

19、Participate in experiential learning projects. ─── 参加经验的学习的项目。

20、The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning ─── 成人与实验教育委员会

21、Situated at Fort Canning Park, the academy offers a leisurely and fun environment for experiential learning for tourists, business travellers, culinary and hospitality college students and locals alike. ─── 位于福康宁公园的这间学院为游客、商业旅行者、厨艺与旅游业学院学生以及本地人提供了一个休闲和愉快的环境,非常适于实践学习。

22、In the end, collecting 78 housing data in 20 cities, the paper carries on with an experiential research by using the expanding housing hedonic model. ─── 应用扩展住宅特征价格模型,论文搜集整理了我国20个大中城市的78个住宅小区资料进行了实证分析。

23、The experiential differentiation between chuan-bei-mu and it's counterfeit ─── 川贝母及其伪品的经验鉴别

24、A Depth Development of Wutaishan Mountains'Tourism from an Experiential Economic Perspective ─── 体验经济视角下五台山旅游的深度开发

25、experiential teaching method ─── 体验式教学法

26、But the methods used in the traditional psychologies rooted in native Chinese culture are experiential methods rather than experimental ones. ─── 在中国本土文化中的传统心理学所运用的方法并不是实验的方法,而是体验的方法;所运用的方法并不是实证的方法,而是体证的方法。

27、Multi-intelligence Learning Strategies: These sessions include diverse learning modes to facilitate interactive and experiential topics, enhancing the connection between and integration of experience and reflection. ─── 多元学习策略:运用多元智能引导互动与体验式的主题,促进经验与省思的连结。

28、But, not only use function and quality demands are important, but also aesthetic, emotional, and other experiential factors, some of which are hard or impossible to express measurably and materially. ─── 但除了使用功能和产品质量很重要外,审美、情感和其他经验上的因素也十分重要,而且这其中有些因素是很难或者说不可能定量的、具体的表现出来。

29、Themes consist of simple theme, multiple theme, and clause theme, and have three metafuntions: textual metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and experiential metafunction. ─── 功能语法学派普遍认为,主位可分为简单主位、多重主位和句式主位,同时主位具有语篇纯理功能、人际纯理功能和经验纯理功能三大纯理功能。

30、According to information science, traditional Chinese medical case record data are complicated and intricate experiential data. ─── 从信息科学角度来看,中医医案数据是混乱而又复杂的经验数据。

31、From the point of view of experiential marketing,the interactive relationship(bet)-ween the corporate image and experiential marketing is theoretically studied. ─── 从体验营销的角度,阐述了珠宝体验营销对珠宝企业形象战略的影响。

32、By analyzing the results of the test the authors obtain a experiential curve about the coefficient of seepage, volumetric stress and pore pressure. ─── 并经过分析可知,若其埋藏深度较浅,可以通过增加孔隙压来改善它的渗透性;

33、Experiential English Language Teaching ─── 体验式英语教学

34、experiential pragmatic perspective ─── 体验认知语用观

35、E. Experiential family therapy encourages open self-expression and negotiation to develop personal grower and healthy family sanctioning. ─── 如果你对他的教育方式,是要求他转过来用正面看你,那就表示他必须要用他的背看他的未来。

36、The big warning is that this process must be experiential not just cognitive to be successful. ─── 一个重要警告,就是这个历程必须是体验式的,而不仅是认知上的达成。

37、The Allometric Growth of Urban Land Use and Population and Its Experiential Research ─── 城市用地与人口的异速增长和相关经验研究

38、Experiential Function of Clause and Translation ─── 小句经验功能与翻译

39、Experiential language learning and teaching ─── 体验式教学

40、Assignments of each Year from Freshman Year to Senior Year will include two parts: Theory assignments and Experiential Learning Practicum assignments. ─── 从大一到大四,每一年的作业都包含两部分:理论作业部分和体验作业部分.

41、In the business world, experiential value is usually more highly compensated than potential value mainly because experience is easier to quantify. ─── 在商界,经验价值的薪酬通常高于潜在价值,主要在于经验比较容易量化。

42、Experiential activity: Who is the robber? ─── 体验活动:谁是盗贼?

43、He encourages participants to take part in the intellectual as well as the experiential learning process. ─── 他鼓励参加者参与讨论及学习,使参加者能在他讲座中取得有价值的经验。

44、infiltration experiential index ─── 入渗经验指数

45、Approximately 70% of class time is devoted to casework and experiential learning. ─── 大约70%的课时是研习案例和经验。

46、Classification is to predict the class label of unknown data with supervisor obtained from experiential data , which is a basic problem in pattern recognitionx machine learning and statistics, as well as in data mining. ─── 分类即通过由经验数据训练得到的分类器预测未知数据的归属,是模式识别、机器学习、统计分析等领域的一个基本问题,也是一种最常见的数据挖掘任务。

47、Association for Experiential Education Home Page ─── 实验教育协会主页

48、An experiential extensibility model of two suitable ATR systems is built in the paper. ─── 分别得到了两个适合空地背景的ATR系统扩展性的经验模型。

49、For the respective level of the three dimensions, the competency of teaching reflection is relatively high followed by competence of experiential reflection and willpower alone as the bottom level. ─── 在三个维度中,理论反思能力维度水平较高,经验反思技能次之、毅力最低。

50、The mechanism of flocculation dewatering was discussed,a primary experiential formula of predicting wet content of filter cakes was proposed bas... ─── 对絮凝脱水机理进行了探讨,在实验数据的基础上提出可以预测滤饼含湿量的初步经验公式。

51、During one intensive week of experiential learning, you'll learn cutting-edge people management strategies and examine the latest concepts and evidence that driv... ─── 在一个密集的一周经验学习,您将学习先进的管理战略和人的最新研究的概念和证据表明,推动人力资源的领导力发展。

52、Answering either or both of these questions might provide some new understanding about how to improve the learning gained from experiential activities. ─── 如同体能训练,受训的人需要靠条件反射来刺激肌肉的活动。

53、But the usual critiques fail to recognize its potential for experiential learning. ─── 一般来说,这种经验通常不会被当成一个有潜力的经历。

54、Experiential Formulas for Neutron Porosity and Lithology Corrections and Their Application. ─── 中子测井孔隙度受多方面环境因素的影响。

55、It will be exciting, absorbing and experiential and will totally transform your understanding of him as an artist. ─── 它会让人目眩神迷、激动不已,彻底颠覆你对于霍克尼作为一个艺术家的了解。

56、An Empirical Study of Customer Experiential Influencing Factors in Large Department Stores ─── 大型百货商场顾客体验影响因素的实证研究

57、Companies must realize that positive experience in one channel does not create total experiential branding: The sum of all of the customer touch points, if properly managed and aligned, do. ─── 企业必须认识到来自一个渠道的积极的体验并不能创造完整的体验品牌。只有通过对所有的顾客触点进行正确管理和组合,效果才能达到。

58、If the higher vocational education wants to develop moral and advaneed talents, the acquisition of moral education must be strengthened, and experiential study should be advocated. ─── 商职教育要培养有道德的高级应用型人才,必须要加强道德能力培养,提倡体验学习。

59、This paper presents the experiential study on cavitation inception abilities of cone-shaped nozzle, self-resonating cavitating nozzle and dual-jet nozzle under various ambient pressure. ─── 开展喷嘴空化起始能力研究,对增大射流破岩效果,提高深井钻井的速度具有非常重要的意义。

60、Experiential formulas are established on the relationships between strain rate and strength, strain at peak stress and modulus. ─── 对强度、峰值应力处应变、弹性模量分别给出了反映应变速率影响的经验公式;

61、It belongs to an international network of over 40 schools in different countries. Outward Bound world-wide has more than 50 years of professional experience in outdoor experiential education. ─── 国际外展训练学校网络遍布全球,在不同国家设立40多所学校,在户外体验教学方面具有超过50年的专业经验。

62、experiential tourist product with participation ─── 参与体验式旅游产品

63、Moreover, it points that creating the right experiential plat and customer touchpoint is essential important for real estate enterprises during experiential marketing management. ─── 同时建立体验平台与客户接触面在体验营销中也具有必要的意义。

64、Experiential Model of Partition Curve applied in Prediction and Optimization ─── 分配曲线经验模型在预测和优化中的应用

65、Learning has got to be active and experiential. ─── 学习得是主动且来自经验的。

66、Prescient Marketing is a fast growing, industry leading experiential marketing consultancy agency, specializing in consultancy (branding, marketing communication and sport marketing), project management and strategic selling. ─── 弘景营销策划有限公司是一家发展迅速,在行业中处于领导地位并有着丰富经验的咨询公司,主要从事顾问咨询(品牌、市场交流和体验营销)、项目管理和策略性销售的业务。

67、Not only a future hope, but a presently reality, and an experiential thing. ─── 不只是未來的盼望。而是現今的事實,是我們現今所經歷到的事實。

68、The positivist rights not oily include the experiential institutional things such as nation, with the contract, but also include the realistic ideal things such as freedom, with the habit. ─── 实证性权利既包括制度性的经验事物如国家和契约,也包括观念性的现实事物如自由和习惯。

69、Experiential Learning Environments for Business Education ─── 商业教育中的体验学习环境

70、Phil: Well, that clarifies the term "experiential," and you seemed to be talking at the Gestalt writer's conference about that, but what would you say is Gestalt? ─── 你已经说清楚了“体验”,你在完形作家会议上也说到了,那么今天你认为完形是什么?

71、Based on the data of Tarim River basin, this paper combines experiential and academic methods to calculate the irrigation quota of representative crops, and develops relevant calculation system. ─── 利用塔里木河流域相关数据,采用经验与理论相结合的方法计算研究区代表作物的灌溉定额,并开发相应的计算系统。

72、Worship is an experiential meeting of your soul with the heart of God through Christ. ─── 敬拜乃是你的心借着基督,与神的心相遇的经历。

73、Experiential learning from others. ─── 其他人学习经验。

74、Based on the data of Tarim River basin,this paper combines experiential and academic methods to calculate the irrigation quota of representative crops,and develops relevant calculation system. ─── 利用塔里木河流域相关数据,采用经验与理论相结合的方法计算研究区代表作物的灌溉定额,并开发相应的计算系统。

75、Review of the Learning Style Based on Experiential Learning Theory ─── 基于经验学习的学习风格研究述评

76、Maybe we might as well exange our job,you have more experience than mine.(you are more experiential than I am. ─── 也许我们的工作还是对换一下好,你比我更有经验。

77、The effects are behavioral and experiential. ─── 这些效应是行为和体验方面的。

78、When conventional story telling retreats, you will encounter a mysteriously wonderful world of theatre that is both experiential and hypnotic. ─── 当传统的故事全身而退,你将会遇见一个视觉、听觉以及经验式的剧场异想世界。

79、A Self-Adjusting Shot-Clustering Technique Without Experiential Parameters ─── 一种不需经验参数的视频镜头自校正聚类方法

80、Essential Elements of Experiential Programming ─── 体验活动的本质元素

81、Verifying calculations on experiential formulas of penetration and scabbing limit thickness of conc ─── 刚性弹丸撞击下混凝土板侵彻极限深度与痂斑极限厚度经验公式的验算

82、Experiential exercises and videotapes often are used in the training programs to help expose stereotypes and encourage employees to discuss fears, biases, and problems. ─── 实践练习和观看录像带经常在培训项目中被使用,以便帮助暴露问题和鼓励员工对忧虑、偏见和问题进行讨论。

83、An unusually experiential monument, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe invites visitors to walk its evocative labyrinth of concrete slabs, each a unique shape and size. ─── 意译:柏林地标图片。不同寻常的经验的纪念碑,以纪念欧洲被害屠杀犹太人邀请游客行走它的引起回忆的迷宫般的混凝土厚板,每一个独特的形状和大小。

84、The Lean for Healthcare program employs a mix of interactive lectures, hands-on cases analyses, and experiential or computer simulations to learning and understa... ─── 对员工医疗保健计划精益案件的互动讲座,双手混合分析和经验或计算机模拟,学习和理解精益应用在医疗环境。

85、Determination of classic experiential sound speed formulae in multibeam echo sounding system ─── 多波束测深系统最优声速公式的确定

86、"Clearly. . . money does not buy you experiential happiness, but lack of money certainly buys you misery, " he said. ─── 显然…金钱买不到实际意义上的幸福,但是缺钱会导致痛苦。

87、And would you characterize the program in which you teach now as continuing those humanistic, experiential lines? ─── 你会认为你现在讲授的课程在延续人本、体验之路吗?

88、experiential research'approach ─── 体验研究方案

89、Experiential Function and Its Linguistic Realization in a Conversation ─── 会话中的概念功能和语言体现形式研究



体验式经济时代的到来,对企业影响深远,其中最主要的方面在于企业的营销观念上。体验式营销(Experiential Marketing)站在消费者的感官(Sense)、情感(Feel)、思考(Think)、行动(Act)、关联(Relate)五个方面,重新定义、设计营销的思考方式。


弗兰克尔曾指出人生共有三种重要的价值,一是经验价值(the experiential value),来自遭遇;

二是创造价值(the creative value),出自个人独创;

三是态度价值(the attitudinal value),也就是面临困境,如罹患绝症时的反应;这三种价值中,境界最高的是态度价值。依我多年的经验证明,这种说法的确有道理。

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