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09-04 投稿


demonstrates 发音

英:[?dem?nstre?ts]  美:[?dem?nstre?ts]

英:  美:

demonstrates 中文意思翻译




demonstrates 词性/词形变化,demonstrates变形

动词过去分词: demonstrated |动词过去式: demonstrated |动词现在分词: demonstrating |动词第三人称单数: demonstrates |

demonstrates 短语词组

1、this demonstrates that ─── 这表明

2、convincingly demonstrates ─── 令人信服地证明

3、this demonstrates ─── 这表明

demonstrates 相似词语短语

1、demonstrators ─── 游行示威者;示范者(demonstrator的名词复数)

2、remonstrated ─── vt.责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议;vi.抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

3、demonstratives ─── 指示词(demonstrative的复数)

4、remonstrate ─── vt.责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议;vi.抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

5、demonstrator ─── n.示威者;论证者;指示者;证明者

6、demonstrate ─── vt.证明;展示;论证;vi.示威

7、remonstrates ─── vt.责备,告诫;抗议;表示异议;vi.抗议,反对;进谏;告诫

8、demonstrations ─── n.示范,展示(demonstration复数)

9、demonstrated ─── v.证明;证实;论证(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式)

demonstrates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The following code example demonstrates how to call this method. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何调用此方法。

2、This symmetrically small thyroid gland demonstrates atrophy. ─── 双侧甲状腺体积对称性缩小发生萎缩。

3、It demonstrates how much information the site offers users about the products they're customizing. ─── 它演示了站点能够向用户提供的与他们定制的产品有关的信息。

4、The Egyptian crisis demonstrates that they cannot avoid being caught up in political battles which are now fought over the internet. ─── 埃及危机展示出他们难以避免地陷入了如今在网上如火如荼的政治纷争之中。

5、His sudden departure demonstrates that he's unreliable/how unreliable he is. ─── 他突然离去表明他不可靠[他多麽不可靠]。

6、The show demonstrates how glamorous ballroom dancing is. ─── 这个节目展示了交际舞是多么迷人。

7、He demonstrates how the pencil is the perfect medium for drawing the portrait. ─── 他演示了铅笔是怎样作为画肖像最理想的工具的。

8、At the very least, Mr al-Suri demonstrates considerable prescience. ─── 可再怎么样,这也足以体现阿尔苏里的远见卓识。

9、The following code demonstrates drawing a circle on a form at run time. ─── 下面的代码演示如何在运行时在窗体上绘制圆。

10、The following code example demonstrates how to add a property to a master page. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何向母版页添加属性。

11、Here is a benign serous cystadenoma that demonstrates multiloculation. ─── 图示良性卵巢浆液囊腺瘤,呈多囊性。

12、The application demonstrates that this component possesses favorable commonality and flexibility. ─── 应用实例表明该组件具有良好的通用性和灵活性。

13、The following example demonstrates interface implementation. ─── 下面的示例演示了接口实现。

14、It demonstrates that the fuel element is still safe under this level of burnup. ─── 在该燃耗下,元件仍具有一定的安全裕度。

15、The following example demonstrates using goto to break out from nested loops. ─── 下面的示例演示了使用goto跳出嵌套循环。

16、This demonstrates how to make a CD Player with API and classes. ─── 一个CD播放器的类模块。

17、I hope this message demonstrates my feelings to the students. ─── 我希望这个祝词能表达出我对学生们的感情。

18、of his essays and journalism amply demonstrates his commitment to democracy. ─── 他的这部散文和新闻报道集充分地证明了他对民主的奉献。

19、Keep in mind that this GUI is simple for a reason: It demonstrates three of TestNG-Abbot's fixture classes and a few test cases to boot! ─── 记住该GUI之所以简单只有一个原因:它演示了TestNG-Abbot的三个fixture类以及一些要引导的测试用例!

20、The following code example demonstrates enumerating through a collection. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何对集合进行枚举操作。

21、The exhibition itself demonstrates the rapid progress you have made. ─── 展览会本身就表明你们所取得的进步是很快的。

22、Thomas Edison demonstrates his phonograph for the first time. ─── 1877年,托马斯·爱迪生首次公开展示了他的留声机。

23、This breast biopsy demonstrates a carcinoma. ─── 乳腺活组织检查显示为癌。

24、The following code example demonstrates incorrect exception handling. ─── 下面的代码示例演示的异常处理是不正确的。

25、One of Patterson's favourite stories demonstrates Koko's sense of humour. ─── 从佩特森最喜欢讲的一个故事可以看出科科的幽默感。

26、George's career record also demonstrates just how reliable he was in the goal. ─── 乔治的职业履历也显示了他对目标是多么的忠诚。

27、This radiograph demonstrates a chondrosarcoma involving the right pelvic wing. ─── 右髂骨翼(图左上角)的软骨肉瘤X线片。

28、The following code example demonstrates how to create a tree top down. ─── 下面的代码例子论证了怎样创建一颗上下结构的逻辑树。

29、Her lack of commitment demonstrates she is not capable of managing this group. ─── 她缺乏承诺的行为表明她还无法胜任管理这个团队的工作。

30、CT demonstrates the calcification, and the "scalloped" ventricular wall can also be seen well with T1-weighted MR. ─── CT显示脑室壁有钙化改变,磁共振T1加权像上可清楚看到“干贝样”变化。

31、Demonstrates your high school three year English accumulation. ─── 把你高中三年的英语积累展示出来。

32、The downloadable code demonstrates how to create a thread that uses different account rights as the parent process. ─── 下载的代码演示了如何创建一个线程来使用不同的帐户权力作为父进程。

33、This trichrome stain demonstrates the light blue connective tissue in the wall of an organizing cerebral abscess. ─── 三色染色显示出亮蓝色的机化的脑脓肿壁的结缔组织。

34、The SNAPVW sample demonstrates how to use property pages in a form view. ─── SNAPVW示例阐释如何在窗体视图中使用属性页。

35、The Lab Activity demonstrates how to measure resistance and continuity. ─── 实验活动示范如何测量电阻和连续性。

36、The instructor demonstrates how to belay and safety knots used. ─── 指导员蒋示范如何把绳索拴在系绳索和系安全扣等。

37、Demonstrates the fine tradition of respecting teachers. ─── 就说明了这里尊重老师的风气。

38、As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, a story should be told in a way which demonstrates YOUR high status. ─── 我在本文的开头已经说过,你要用能够展现你高价值的方式来讲故事。

39、The fact that we published the amount of our deficits demonstrates that we still have some sort of self-confidence. ─── 我们敢于公布财政赤字,表明我们还有某种自信。

40、What proof demonstrates that Jesus accomplished his mission? ─── 什么证据显示耶稣完成了他的使命?

41、The following example demonstrates the OnLoad method. ─── 完全信任立即呼叫者。

42、The following example demonstrates the Start method of a Timer object. ─── 下面的示例阐释了Timer对象的Start方法。

43、The following code demonstrates drawing a line on a form at run time. ─── 下面的代码演示如何在运行时在窗体上绘制线条。

44、This demonstrates how to print data from a database. ─── 数据库应用。

45、The small intestinal mucosa demonstrates marked hyperemia as a result of ischemic enteritis. ─── 小肠黏膜显示明显充血,是局部缺血性肠炎的结果。

46、The following ASP.NET code example demonstrates this. ─── 以下ASP.NET代码示例阐释了这一点。

47、Loop in this example demonstrates how to avoid this problem. ─── 循环演示了如何避免此问题。

48、The following example demonstrates integer division. ─── 下面的示例演示如何进行整除。

49、I hope this demonstrates to you how I feel. ─── 我希望这能向你表明我的感受。

50、Their success further demonstrates that this new field is progressing nicely. ─── 他们的成功进一步显示这个新领域正稳健成长。

51、Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility. ─── 他写的一切都显示出其感受力之深切。

52、They say this demonstrates how language can alter the way we see the world. ─── 他们说,这证明了语言是如何改变我们对世界的观察方式的。

53、The surface of the heart with hemorrhagic pericarditis demonstrates a roughened and red appearance. ─── 出血性心包炎的心脏表面呈红色粗糙状。

54、In malignant nephrosclerosis, the kidney demonstrates focal small hemorrhages. ─── 恶性肾硬化时,肾脏出现局灶性出血。

55、The Duplex sample demonstrates how to define and implement a duplex contract. ─── “双工”示例演示如何定义和实现双工协定。

56、The worksite practice demonstrates that the system works normally. ─── 实践表明 ,系统现场运行效果良好。

57、The following example demonstrates some of the main members of the File class. ─── 下面的示例演示了File类的一些主要成员。

58、ZHU Shu-zhen demonstrates her endless tragic inner world in her poetry. ─── 摘要朱淑真的诗作展示了其感情世界的无尽的悲凉。

59、I hope this message demonstrates my feelings to them. ─── 我希望这个信息能表达出我对他们的感情。

60、The war demonstrates the duality of the anti-terrorism campaign and the strength of superpowers. ─── 战争显示了超级大国反恐的两重性及力量的两重性。

61、The CCI interface demonstrates some of the benefits of this new flexibility. ─── CCI接口展示了新的灵活性的一些好处。

62、He demonstrates me how to change the fuse. ─── 他给我示范怎样换保险丝。

63、This program demonstrates basic functionality of the USART. ─── (译):这项计划表明基本功能USART 。

64、But if the aborted AT&T deal was a setback for Huawei, the history of the company and its founder demonstrates a determination to prevail. ─── 但是如果说与AT&T交易的流产对华为来说是一次挫折的话,这个公司和该公司发起人的历史则是决心战胜一切的最好展示。

65、PESA demonstrates good performance and can be applied widely in RO system. ─── 实验证明PESA阻垢性能良好,在反渗透系统中具有广泛的应用前景。

66、Ukrainian Photographer Demonstrates UnderwaterCamera Work. ─── 乌克兰摄影师展示水下摄影技巧。

67、This action demonstrates how easily body language can be misinterpreted. ─── 你需要重视的是体态和语言信息的不一致时的情况。

68、This example demonstrates how to use WEKA s SVMs classifier in Matlab. ─── (译):这个例子演示了如何使用WEKA县支持向量机分类器在Matlab 。

69、This sample demonstrates how to write/delete entries in the registry. ─── "此脚本显示如何创建和删除注册表项。"

70、The following code example demonstrates how to put a computer into hibernation. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何将计算机置于休眠模式。

71、His analysis demonstrates a good control of the topic. ─── 他的分析显示了对了这个主题的良好掌控。

72、The experiment also demonstrates that mucor racemosus is... ─── 且实验证明:总状毛霉比根霉的产率高。

73、Demonstrates how to calculate CRC32 checksums using the same method as WinZip. ─── 展示了如何计算crc32校验用的方法一样,先解压缩。

74、The case analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of this method. ─── 实证分析表明了该方法的有效性。

75、Jane demonstrates that her theory is true. ─── 例句:简证明她的理论是正确的。

76、The following example demonstrates use of a high-level property. ─── 下面的示例说明如何使用高级属性。

77、The patient nods as the nurse demonstrates. ─── 当护士示范操作时,病患点头。)

78、The following code demonstrates drawing a dotted line on a form at run time. ─── 下面的代码演示如何在运行时在窗体上绘制虚线。

79、Make sure you use the same paper as you used for your CV; it demonstrates professionalism. ─── 确保你用的纸张与简历用的纸张是一样的。这是专业性的体现。

80、The following code demonstrates drawing a diagonal line on a form at run time. ─── 下面的代码演示如何在运行时在窗体上绘制对角线。

81、Demonstrates automatic completion functionality in a. ─── 中的自动完成功能。

82、Stephan Macchi, a French chef living in Zagreb, demonstrates creative cooking with olive oil. ─── 住在札格拉的一位法国厨师史戴芬,示范如何用橄榄油作创意料理。

83、In this case, this is a minor benefit at best, but it demonstrates the feature. ─── 在这个例子中,这至多是一个很小的好处,但它显示了这个特性。

84、This high power microscopic view demonstrates intraductal carcinoma. ─── 导管内癌高倍放大图。

85、The following example demonstrates how to use the Point type in table creation. ─── 下面的示例演示如何在创建表的过程中使用Point类型。

86、A closer view demonstrates the focal area of dilated bronchi with bronchiectasis. ─── 支气管扩张症显示扩张支气管病灶。

87、The following code example demonstrates implementing the Union method. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何实现Union方法。

88、Shaun Ellis demonstrates the howling technique he has learned from his direct study of wolves. ─── 埃利斯在展示他从狼群中学到的狼嚎本领。

89、The following code example demonstrates reading binary data from a file. ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何从文件中读取二进制数据。


翻译如下:Native Name本地名称例句:The following code example demonstrates several methods andproperties that specify date and time format patterns, native calendarname, and full and abbreviated month and day names. 下面的代码示例演示多个方法和属性,这些方法和属性用于指定日期和时间格式模式、本地日历名称以及月份和日期的全称和简写。

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