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09-04 投稿



disappointing 发音

英:[?d?s??p??nt??]  美:[?d?s??p??nt??]

英:  美:

disappointing 中文意思翻译




disappointing 网络释义

adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的v. 令人失望(disappoint的ing形式);辜负…的期望

disappointing 反义词


disappointing 短语词组

1、very disappointing ─── 非常令人失望

2、sorely disappointing ─── 非常令人失望

disappointing 同义词

disenchant | let down | fail |dissatisfy | thwart | dishearten | down | displease | sadden | shame | disillusion | let | belie | frustrate | upset

disappointing 词性/词形变化,disappointing变形

副词: disappointingly |

disappointing 相似词语短语

1、disappointed ─── adj.失望的,沮丧的;受挫折的

2、disappoints ─── vt.使失望

3、disjointing ─── v.打散;拆开;(使)关节脱离;adj.不连贯的;(两个集合)不相交的

4、disappointment ─── n.失望;沮丧

5、disappoint ─── vt.使失望

6、undisappointing ─── 不伤感的

7、disanointing ─── vt.不再把…奉为神明;取消神圣尊号

8、appointing ─── v.任命;指定;约定;装备(appoint的ing形式);adj.委任的

9、disappointingly ─── adv.令人失望地

disappointing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unrighteous gains are sure to disappoint the getter. ─── 不正当的获得一定令获得者失。

2、Students will never fail to disappoint. ─── 学生从来不会有什么可以满意的。

3、His latest novel does not disappoint. ─── 他最近发表的这部小说没有使人失望。

4、"It would be very disappointing if they were to revisit the investment agreement, " said Andrew Driscoll, analyst at CLSA. ─── “如果他们要重新考虑投资协议的条款,会非常令人失望,”里昂证券(CLSA)分析师金安德(AndrewDriscoll)指出。

5、Another disappoint ing result was in history. ─── 另一个使人失望的结果是在历史课上.

6、In consequence, most of his plays are disappointing to read. ─── 因而,他的剧本,大部分读起来令人失望。

7、How can you disappoint the children? ─── 你怎么忍心让孩子们失望呢?

8、Don't disappoint me by being late again. ─── 别再迟到了, 不要叫我失望.

9、Midfielder Elliott has shown disappointing form recently. ─── 中场队员埃利奥特近来表现令人失望。

10、Loath to disappoint the children, he was ready to climb the tree. ─── 当中的一个人从包里拿出一双“耐克”跑鞋,开始穿上。

11、He is building me up too much -- I may disappoint him . ─── 他将我捧上了天,我可能令他失望。

12、Unfortunately, it's also a tad disappointing. ─── 不幸的是,这还是有点令人失望。

13、She couldn't help recalling those disappointing moments. ─── 她总是忍不住去回忆那些让人失望的时刻。

14、People will disappoint you, you will disappoint yourself. ─── 周围的人会让你失望,你自己也会对自己感到失望。

15、To fail to meet the expectations of;disappoint. ─── 使失望没有达到所期望的;使沮丧

16、Don't build him up too much. He may disappoint you. ─── 不要过分夸奖他。他可能使你失望的。

17、I'm sorry to disappoint you. ─── 不好意思,让你失望了.

18、Our holiday was so disappointing. ─── 假期真让人败兴。

19、You are disappointing because you are unable to tell what's good or bad. ─── 你好坏不分,太让人失望了。

20、He's building me up too much; I may disappoint him. ─── 他将我捧上了天,我可能令他失望。

21、He found his job disappointing / unsatisfactory. ─── 他觉得他的工作令人失望/对他的工作不满意。

22、Annie : That tennis final was a bit disappointing. ─── 安妮:那场网球决赛有点令人失望。

23、Someone you think is wonderful will probably disappoint you. ─── 你认为很好的人有可能让你失望。

24、I'm sorry to disappoint you,but I can't come after all. ─── 使你失望我心里不安,不过我实在是不能来。

25、The disappointing result of the experiment did not make the scientist disappointed. ─── 那个令人失望的实验结果并没有使那个科学家失望。

26、It's hard to disappoint them. ─── 令他们失望是不好受的。

27、The performance of the two principals is disappointing. ─── 两位主角的表演令人失望。

28、People will disappoint us and fail for after all they are only human. ─── 别人会让我们失望,因为必竟他们是人不是上帝。

29、The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing. ─── 那部戏被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。

30、We'll be expecting you on the sixth so don't disappoint us! ─── 到6号那天等待着你到来,千万别让我们失望。

31、Should I ever disappoint you, I hope you'll tell me immediately. ─── 如果我有令你失望的地方,请立刻告诉我。

32、In this regard, I promise not to disappoint you! ─── 在这点上,我保证不会让你们失望。

33、Despite the media hype, I found the film very disappointing. ─── 尽管媒体对这部电影进行大量的吹捧,我还是觉得它很令人失望。

34、A disappointing qualifying session for the team. ─── 对车队来说这是场令人失望的排位赛。

35、So, I was really just super excited to go and then, it was just really disappointing when I got to the corner. . . ─── 所以我对能来超级激动,然后我只得到一个角落的位置真的失望…

36、Inside, the car definitely does not disappoint. ─── 内,汽车肯定不会令人失望。

37、You said you would come to our party;do not disappoint us. ─── 你说过愿来参加我们的晚会,请不要让我们失望。

38、Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans. ─── 她决定取消这场音乐会,肯定会使她的歌迷失望。

39、Jolly and I are looking forward to seeing you,so don't disappoint us! ─── 乔利和我盼望你们来,千万不要使我们失望!

40、Cosher up your son and he will disappoint you in the future. ─── 如果你溺爱儿子,他将来是会让你失望的。

41、It was disappointing not to be able to see her. ─── 不能见到她真令人失望。

42、The number of ticket sell is disappointing . ─── 售票额叫人失望。

43、He attributes the disappointing results to softness in the economy. ─── 他把令人失望的结果归咎于经济的疲软。

44、"I too don't wish to disappoint them. ─── " / "我也不愿使他们失望" 。

45、I pointed out the joint on the coin at the disappointing appointment. ─── 在令人失望的约会上,我指出了硬币上的接头。

46、I'm sorry to disappoint you,but I can't agree with you there after all. ─── 使你失望我心里很不安,不过我实在是不能同意你的意见。

47、I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't agree with you there after all. ─── 使你失望我心里很不安,不过我实在是不能同意你的意见。

48、The weather was bad and the food dreadful. Altogether the holiday was very disappointing. ─── 天气又坏,吃的又糟。总而言之,这次假日很扫兴。

49、It is very disappointing that his speech skirted around all the main questions. ─── 他的演说回避了所有主要的问题,令人非常失望。

50、conclusion of the book was disappointing. ─── 这部书的结尾令人失望。

51、Something disappointing; a letdown. ─── 使人失望的事;沮丧

52、The weather this winter has been disappointing. ─── 今年冬天的天气一直令人失望。

53、Last month the company warned that profits would be disappointing. ─── 上个月公司就预测利润会有所下降。

54、The grief-stricken father split up with the disappointing son. ─── 万分悲痛的父亲和儿子断绝了关系。

55、Do you think his answer disappointing? ─── 你认为他的回答令人失望吗?

56、I'm sorry to disappoint your hope. ─── 对不起, 我使你失望了。

57、Their behaviors made the deviser feel disappointing . ─── 他们的行为,让这个发明家感到很失望!

58、It was very disappointing that his speech skirted around all the main questions. ─── 他的演说回避了所有主要的问题,令人非常失望。

59、Progress has been particularly disappointing. ─── 进展一直格外令人失望。

60、She makes man disappoint. ─── 她使人失望了。

61、In summary , this was a disappointing performance. ─── 总的来说,这场演出令人失望。

62、Not producing the desired outcome; disappointing. ─── 令人失望的没有产生所期望的结果的;令人失望的

63、I'm sorry.to disappoint your hope. ─── 对不起,我使你失望了。

64、She looks to disappoint very much. ─── 她显得很失望。

65、It was disappointing not to be able to see her. ─── 不能见到她真令人失望。

66、Something disappointing;a letdown. ─── 使人失望的事;沮丧

67、He feels his friend to let him disappoint. ─── 他觉得他的朋友让他失望了。

68、So you really disappoint me by bad-mouthing me among my classmates. ─── 可是,你在我的同学当中说我的坏话。这使我非常失望。

69、I'm sorry to disappoint your hopes. ─── 害的你希望落空,真抱歉。

70、"Another fan said: " Although he's a little out of control behavior, but on the court, he never disappointing . ─── 另一名球迷说道:“虽然他的行为有点失控,不过在球场上,他从不让人失望。”

71、To fail to satisfy; disappoint. ─── 使不满意;使失望

72、We shall expect you tomorrow. Your won't disappoint us, will you? ─── 希望您明天能来,您不会使我们失望吧?

73、It would be disappointing if you see the ugly building as a work of art. ─── 如果你把这幢丑陋的建筑当作艺术品来看的话,你可能会失望的。

74、The hippy couple the boys idolise is bound to disappoint. ─── 两个少年崇拜的那对嬉皮士夫妇注定是要失望的。

75、Her exam result was disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it. ─── 她的考试成绩令人失望,但却装出若无其事的样子。

76、Did I disappoint you or let you down? ─── 你的离开让我失望?

77、What disappointing news it is! ─── 多么令人失望的消息!

78、We shall expect you tomorrow. you will not disappoint us , will you ? ─── 希望您明天能来,您不会使我们失望吧?

79、How can you have the heart to disappoint your parents? ─── 你怎能忍心使你父母失呢?

80、We hope our reply is not disappointing. ─── 希望我们的答复不令贵方失望。

81、His refusal to come to our English evening was most disappointing . ─── 他拒绝参加我们的英语晚会,令人非常失望。

82、Your examination marks are rather disappointing; I hoped you would do better. ─── 你的考试成绩是相当令人失望的,我原来还希望你能考得好一些呢。

83、It's disappointing to find that at heart you are sentimental. ─── 发现你心里还是人情味十足让我失望。

84、He said in a disappointing voice. ─── 他以令人失望的语气说。

85、But so far this strategy has been disappointing. ─── 但迄今为止这种尝试是令人失望的。

86、You don't have to worry that I'll freak out every time you disappoint me. ─── 你不必担心每次你令我失望时,我会反常的举动。

87、To fail to meet the expectations of; disappoint. ─── 使失望:没有达到所期望的;使沮丧。

88、Your opinion is very important to him, so don't disappoint him. ─── 他很在意你对他看法,但是千万别老打击他的积极性。

89、I am sorry to disappoint you, but I dislike wearing such dress. ─── 对不起,让你失望,我不喜欢穿这种服装。

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