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09-04 投稿



hunks 发音

英:[h??ks]  美:[h??ks]

英:  美:

hunks 中文意思翻译




hunks 词性/词形变化,hunks变形


hunks 相似词语短语

1、hulks ─── n.废船;笨重的船;船体;vi.庞然大物般出现;赫然显现

2、thunks ─── n.形实转换程序

3、funks ─── n.恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味;vt.害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味;vi.惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味;n.(Funk)人名;(瑞典、德、罗、匈、捷)丰克;(英)芬克

4、hunk ─── n.大块,大片;厚块;(俚语)强壮;adj.好的;行的

5、honks ─── n.雁叫声;汽车喇叭声;v.发雁鸣;按汽车喇叭;(非正式)呕吐;n.(Honk)(瑞、德、美、荷、英、印)洪(人名)

6、bunks ─── n.(轮船等的)铺位(bunk的复数);v.逃学,旷工;就寝(bunk的第三人称单数);n.(Bunks)(美)邦克斯(人名)

7、dunks ─── v.扣篮(dunk的第三人称单数);n.黑色炭质页岩

8、chunks ─── n.大块,矮胖的人或物(chunk的复数形式)

9、hanks ─── n.把数(hank的复数形式);纵帆前缘帆环;n.(Hanks)人名;(英)汉克斯

hunks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、FAMILY: Husband( separated): Dennis Quaid; Son: Jack; father: Harry Hyra( teacher); mother: Susan; siblings: Dana, Annie, Andrew; New Hunk boyfriend: Russell Crowe- star of Gladiator. ─── 家庭:丈夫(分居)丹尼斯·德;儿子:杰克;父亲:哈里·拉(师)母亲:苏珊;兄弟姐妹:达娜,安尼,安德鲁;新男友:拉塞尔·罗,《角斗士》中的明星。

2、First a hunk of metal; ─── 先有一大块金属;

3、She only dates hunks who are smart. ─── 她只和聪明又英俊健硕的人约会。

4、The city is famous for its barbecue restaurants, which take big hunks of beef and slowly cook them over wood or charcoal. ─── 堪萨斯市以其烤肉餐厅享誉全国,它们会将大一块的牛肉厚片,放在木材或木岸上,慢火烘烤;

5、a hunk of bread/cheese/meat ─── 一大块面包/干酪/肉

6、The Hollywood hunk adopted two children with ex-wife Nicole Kidman. ─── 克鲁斯在与妮可·德曼的那段婚姻中就收养了两个孩子。

7、Gordon: I wore a tuxedo to my brother's wedding. Do you think I am a hunk? ─── 戈登:我就是穿黑色无尾礼服去参加哥哥的婚礼的,你觉得我帅吗?

8、I'd like to be able to do that. First a hunk of metal; then a robot. First some wires; then a mind. First some old genes; then a dinosaur. ─── 我愿自己也能够做到。先有一大块金属;然后一个机器人。先有几条电线;然后一个脑。先有一些古久的基因;然后一条恐龙。

9、Consider this hunk of tin beside the Kung Fu Panda. ─── 把这个小锡块和功夫熊猫比比看吧。

10、Thats a huge hunk of the entire mortgage market, and this segment has been responsible for the bulk of overall growth. ─── 主要为中小企业的发展、融资和个人的小额资金贷款提供服务,架起企业与银行之间的桥梁。

11、Of the 250 of so hunks of metal that fall on the land, most will rust away. ─── 250如此性情乖僻属于金属的土地上,多数会生锈了。

12、got hunk on ─── v. 报复

13、You know, that ship saved my life quite a few times.She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. ─── 你知道吗,这只船救了我几次 它是银河系中飞行最快的宝贝!

14、All of these things cost money, so a high quality shoe will likely be more expensive than a flip-flop made in your neighbor's garage from a hunk of rubber with two rubber bands for straps. ─── 所有这些都要花钱的,所以一双高品质的鞋子是应该比在你家邻居后院用橡胶拼凑出来的人字拖要贵的多.

15、Merely rearranging pre-existing matter creates no new hunks, it only changes old hunks. ─── 对物质的重新组合不会创造新物块,只是对旧物块的“改变”。

16、Jay also has a very interesting scene in the movie, at the beach with Anne.For the first time, Jay revealed his torso and posed a hunk look for Ann to take a picture. ─── 周董剧中还有一场十分有趣的戏,与铃木杏在海边游泳,他首次裸露上身,摆出一副猛男的姿势让铃木杏照相。

17、The gym I go to is full of hunks but I am too shy to speak to them. ─── 我去的健身房全是帅哥,不过我太害羞了,没和他们搭上话。

18、hunk of bread ─── 大片面包

19、a hunk of bread, cheese, meat ─── 一大块面包、 乾酪、 肉.

20、OK, headless hunk of fantasy fulfilment. Time to meet your new master ─── 好吧,没有头的大家伙。是时候见你的新主人了

21、A man doesn't borrow hunks of its soul. ─── 一个人并非借用自身的灵魂而存在。

22、Lish: What's that hunk of steel you're carrying? ─── 丽斯:你提的那么一大块破铜烂铁是什么玩意?


24、Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a strong Baptist faith and at least a trillion sit-ups. ─── 布拉德·皮特从密苏里的唱诗班少年到招人喜爱的帅哥的成长之路与其虔诚的信教信仰和至少万亿次的仰卧起坐密不可分。

25、Suddenly I'm taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm? ─── |突然间我见要听从一个鬼魂的?

26、Cary Grant,the screen's ideal combination of reomantic hunk and comedic buffoon,plays flabbergasted Nick. ─── 七年过去了,阿顿准备再婚,政府宣布了“爱伦死亡”,结束了他们的婚姻,同时允许阿顿再婚。

27、He's a real hunk. ─── 他身材真结实。

28、Luau! If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat ─── 如果你们想吃多汁的肉

29、Believe it or not, if males and females in your local area or even country won't give you the time of day, you'll be described as cute and a babe or hunk by people from another country. ─── 信不信由你,当本地,甚至是国内其它地方的男性或女性不与你聊天的话,外国人却会觉得你很可爱,会把你当作一个大男孩或者有魅力的男子.

30、He is one of the world most handsome hunks . His wife is also a famous star (Melanie Griffith). ─── 他是当今世界上最英俊的明星,他的妻子也是一个明星(梅兰妮·格里菲斯)。

31、Flirt with this sweet piece of eye candy - besides, having a hunk by your side makes you look even more enticing. ─── 与此大帅哥调情-有这样一位大帅哥紧随左右会让自己更加光彩照人。

32、-a HANOR the C language program the best there is for major algorithm Thank you Hunks beauty! ─── 1个的汉诺塔的C++语言程序 最好还有程序的主要算法思想,谢谢各位帅哥美女!!!

33、China's hunks should implement strategic alliance in order to improve the core competence of financial circles in our country. ─── 我国银行应实施战略联盟,以提高我国金融业的核心能力。

34、A computer without a program running is just an inert hunk of electronics. ─── 一台没有软件运行的电脑只是一堆发热的电子器件。

35、Encryption-metering chops big expensive data hunks into small inexpensive doses of data. ─── 加密-计量方法是把价格昂贵的大块数据分成便宜的小块来。

36、That is what the rumors say. But this hunk is the strong and handsome Russell Crowe. ─── 小报上也是这么说。但是,她的新男友是健壮英俊的拉塞尔·克罗。

37、Gordon: That is what the rumors say. But this hunk is the strong and handsome Russell Crowe. ─── 戈登:小报上也是这么说。但是,她的新男友是健壮英俊的拉塞尔·克罗。

38、Step on a hunk of quartz in the dirt, and you'll think nothing of it. ─── 当你脚下踩著泥土里的一大堆石英,你可能不会觉得它有什麽了不起;

39、get hunk ─── 报复

40、Returning to the robbery boyfriend and MM Series also meet you, Xiaobian dress failure, not smooth grab Hunks Oh, looking at you! ─── 久违了的抢男朋友系列又和MM们见面了,小编打扮失败,没顺利抢到帅哥哦,看你们的了!

41、a hunk of cheese ─── 一大块干酪

42、A newfound hunk of ice and rock beyond Neptune is larger than most and might contend for the title of the biggest object in the solar system besides the Sun, planets and moons. ─── 在海王星外,一个新发现的冰岩混合的大天体可能将会是我们太阳系里除了太阳,行星及卫星之外,最大的一个天体。

43、A hunk of fresh bread. ─── 一厚片面包

44、The Generate a.rej file for unmerged hunks stores the entries from the patch file that were not applied during the operation. ─── Generate a . rej file for unmerged hunks存放了操作过程中没有被应用的补丁文件的条目。

45、The company is creating beer-tap handles with hunks of amber embedded in the tip. ─── 公司正在制作的商标铭牌上嵌入了大块的琥珀。

46、Referring to an adult as a girl, hunk, doll, babe, or honey. ─── 把一个成年人称作女孩、大块头、娃娃、宝贝或甜心。

47、"Most girls wish they could meet a sensitive hunk, with brains." ─── 大多数的女孩都希望能遇到一位细心、有脑筋又有魅力的健壮美男子。

48、The general public believe he is a hunk. ─── 应该算单数还是复数呢?群众说他虽然坏,但很帅。

49、a piece (or hunk) of bread ─── 一块面包

50、You wouldn't have remained very cerebral, either--not if that hunk of roof had stopped you. ─── 你也不可能会那么理智的--假如那块屋顶挡住你的话,你也不会的。

51、There wwere barbecue mutton-chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal. ─── 午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的。

52、You know, that ship saved my life quite a few times.She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy ─── 你知道吗,这只船救了我几次它是银河系中飞行最快的宝贝!

53、For example, if you like wood, Hyperion is not the biggest tree in the world. By volume, there are bigger hunks of living wood in the California forest. ─── 比如说,如果你喜欢木头,和伯龙神不是最大的树,从体积来看,加州有更大的树……(学会插图片了……)。

54、Hunks of ice, usually hauled from the nearby Songhua River, are built into brightly lit structures that tower into the sky. ─── 大块的冰块,通常从附近的松花江拖过来,被建造成透光的建筑物直耸入云。

55、COM]Hunk Dorm: Muscle Hunks And Gay Male Hunks. ─── 人均页读数:Page Views per user for [HUNKDORM.

56、If you think you've overdone it on the cocktails, and are suddenly seeing twin hunks everywhere, relax. ─── 如果你觉得自己喝鸡尾酒喝多了,突然看到很多大块头,也不要担心。


58、WHAT'S HOT IN TRUNKS FOR HUNKS? ─── 吝啬鬼的汽车后备箱里喜欢装什么?

59、Carol: It feels so good to dump a hunk. ─── 卡罗尔:甩掉一个负担,太高兴了。

60、During Thanksgiving at Chace ’s home in Dallas, the 24-year-old American Idol champ also met up with the 22-year-old Gossip Girl hunk's parents. ─── 从两人的朋友那里得知:“切斯全家都喜欢卡瑞,他们真的是天生一对......他们度过了一个美好的圣诞节”。

61、All of these fairly solid hunks of material are connected and maneuvered by our tendons, ligaments and muscles. ─── 所有这些骨块都非常坚固,他们由腱、韧带和肌肉连接控制。

62、a hunk of meat ─── 一块肉

63、One: What is it like to be the Absolut Hunk? ─── |能当上绝对猛男 你有什么感觉?

64、He pushed his pannikin aside, took up his hunk of bread in one delicate hand and his cheese in the other, and leaned across the table so as to be able to speak without shouting. ─── 他推开菜盘,一只细嫩的手撮起面包,另一只手抓起干酪,身体弯过桌子,好不必喊着说话。

65、She tore off a large hunk of bread. ─── 她撕下了一大块面包。

66、There was shisk-kabob for lunch, huge, savory hunks of spited meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal. ─── 午餐是叉烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端上桌还咝咝作响,就象还在炭火上似的。

67、There where barbecue mutton -chops for lunch , huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal . ─── 午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的。

68、Lish: What's that hunk of steel you are carrying? ─── 丽斯:你提的那么一大块破铜烂铁是什么玩意?

69、shrieked Ho Shen-an, leaping to his feet. One would have thought Li Chuang-fei had just sliced a hunk of flesh off him. ─── 何慎庵跳起来叫着,就好像割了他一块肉。

70、My new boyfriend is also a Latin hunk. ─── 我新的男朋友也是一个拉丁明星。

71、Underwear Power - I believe most of people will agree: Underwear has the magic power, especially when they are on those stunning hunk with handsome angel face and devil body figure. ─── 对很多人来说内裤著实有著难以抵抗的魔力,尤其是穿在天使脸孔魔鬼身材的靓男门身上时,其魔力何止是相加相乘而已!

72、The best way to describe salo is to think of a hunk of bacon the size of a small suitcase, minus the meat, with only the white, stringy fat left behind. ─── “萨烙”就是土豆三明治的夹心,对“萨烙”最好的描述,就是一大块咸肉,有小公文包那么大,没有瘦肉,只有白色油腻的脂肪。

73、A 10,000-line program in one hunk would exhibit 317 faults;when broken into three subprograms, 10,000 lines would total a lesser 265 faults. ─── 一个1万行的程序,如果是一整块,它有317个错误,如果把它拆分为三个小程序,那么总数还是1万行的程序,错误数不到265。

74、Ning Chang also complained to the media that the two hunks was gentleman in the drama but they were playful offscreen, always bullying her. ─── 张钧甯还向媒体抱怨,称两位大帅哥在剧中很绅士,但在私下很会耍宝,总是欺负自己。

75、If we take a hypothetical hunk of DNA as software code, and alter it, there is a consequential body that must be grown before the effects of the alteration can manifest itself. ─── 如果我们把一段假想的DNA当成软件代码,对它做一个改动,那么,在改动的结果能证明自己之前,必须先相应地发育出一个有机实体。

76、Most girls wish they can meet a sensitive hunk, with brains ─── 大多数的女孩都希望能遇到一位细心、有脑筋又有魅力的健壮美男子

77、As with all Korean leading hunks, well-loved by female audiences, he is crafted to be impossibly romantic and dogged in the pursuit of love. ─── 就如所有被女性观众所钟爱的韩剧男主角,他被刻画成不可思议的浪漫,并对爱的追寻毫不畏缩。

78、He is a real hunk. ─── 他是个猛男。

79、There was shisk-habob for lunch, huge, savory hunks of spitted meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal. ─── 午餐是叉烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端上桌还咝咝作响,就象还在炭火上似的。

80、gorgeous hunks and girls ─── 俊男美女

81、They battered the shutters of shops, broke in and seized whatever they could, from hunks of meat to gas canisters and clothing. ─── 他们袭击着关掉的商店,砸烂并抢夺所有东西,从大块的肉到瓦斯罐和衣服。

82、Gordon: You scared me for a moment, I thought you really found a new hunk. ─── 戈登:你吓了我一会儿。我还以为你真的找了一个新的人。

83、Hunks of ice, usually hauled from the nearby Songhua River, are built into brightly lit structures that tower into the sky. ─── 大块的冰块,通常从附近的松花江拖过来,被建造成透光的建筑物直耸入云。

84、Who'd thought my first one would be from a chick instead of a hunk, not me. ─── 哎哎,我的第一块钱可是给了她的。我好冤枉啊。嘿嘿。

85、get hunk on ─── vi. 报复

86、on hunk ─── 处于安全[满意]的状态

87、They spend a lot of time duking it out with giant whirly hunks of metal and lots of flashing, smashing, and of course transforming. ─── 他们花了很多时间打斗,与金属巨人回旋的帅哥出去,大量的闪动,粉碎,当然改造。

88、He's not a total hunk, but he's very sweet and charming. ─── 他并不是个猛男,但他很贴心,也很迷人。

89、An old pal is bringing me a two-carat hunk of ice. ─── 一位老朋友要带给我一颗两克拉重的钻石。

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