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09-04 投稿



untainted 发音

英:[?n'te?nt?d]  美:[?n'tent?d]

英:  美:

untainted 中文意思翻译



untainted 短语词组

1、untainted market ─── 未受污染的市场

2、untainted love ─── 纯洁的爱情

untainted 相似词语短语

1、undaunted ─── adj.勇敢的,无畏的

2、untalented ─── adj.缺乏才能的,没有才干的;没有天赋的;不聪明的

3、unattainted ─── 未完成

4、undinted ─── 无痕

5、unpainted ─── adj.无复层的;未上漆的

6、attainted ─── v.通过死刑或律权益剥夺的审判,判处剥夺财产和公民权;受到(疾病或腐败的)侵袭,感染(attaint的过去式和过去分词)

7、untaintedly ─── 纯洁的

8、tainted ─── adj.污染的;感染的

9、unsainted ─── 未上漆

untainted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Appointing Mr Loscher, an untainted outsider, was an effort to draw a line under the scandal. ─── 任命loscher先生,一个没有被污染的空降兵,就是为了与这个丑闻划清界限。

2、Their tone is untainted by the mechanics of “professionals” but emanate from their soul. ─── 除源自内心之外,还有专业的演唱技巧,使得他们的音调一尘不染。

3、Increasingly, I find it is Lara alone who remains untainted by academic dogma and open-minded enough to see this truth. ─── 渐渐地,我发现只有劳拉,尚未被学术教条所侵染,并且拥有足够开明的思想领悟这个真相。

4、He is untainted like a spotless lotus, ─── 他纯净得像一朵白莲

5、Memories of the previous evening came back into my mind, untainted, unimpeded and gaily escorted by my hopes for the night to come. ─── 在我的脑海里清清楚楚地浮现出昨晚的景象,接着又甜滋滋地做起了今晚的美梦。

6、Distilled from the purest essence of Primus himself, untainted by unidivision, the process by which Transformers replicated, they were the elite, the heralds of the Matrix of Leadership. ─── 他们从天尊最纯净的精华中筛选而出,采用隔绝污染的单体复制技术打造而成,他们是精英战士,是领导模块的护卫圣使。

7、Increasingly, I find it is Lara alone who remains untainted by academic dogma and open-minded enough to see this truth. ─── 渐渐地,我发现只有劳拉,尚未被学术教条所侵染,并且拥有足够开明的思想领悟这个真相。

8、Iceland's voters seem to want politicians who are largely untainted by the country's grave economic crisis. ─── 冰岛选民似乎想要政客在很大程度上能够解决该国严重经济危机。

9、Untainted by corruption, he is appealing to ruling-party and oppositionsupporters alike, especially the urban middle class and the young. ─── 辛巴?马科尼没有腐败的污点,他同时受到执政党和反对党支持者的欢迎,特别是城市中产阶级和年青人。

10、McDonald’s said the ice cream in its restaurants in China was untainted, and Kraft said its Oreo cookies did not contain dairy fillings from China. ─── 麦当劳则宣布其冰淇淋没有被三聚氰胺污染;而卡夫食品则说奥利奥饼干中没有包含任何来自中国的奶类成分。

11、Few modernisers are untainted by the past. ─── 有现代思想的人很少没有前科的。

12、"In terms of humility, he's a different animal in today's world," Spurs general manager R.C.Buford said."I'm not sure the systems that are in place now allow someone to grow up that untainted. ─── “从谦逊这方面来说,他是当今社会里的异类,”马刺总经理布福德说,“我不敢肯定目前的社会体制下是否还能培养出象他那样完美无缺的人。

13、I'm trying to keep myself “untainted” by bad porno. ─── 我是在尝试使我自己不受差劣的电影所“污染”。

14、It is possible, still, to breathe an air untainted and to hear the whispered passage of time. ─── 你可能仍然可以吸一口未经污染的空气,并聆听时光流逝所发出的嘶嘶絮语。

15、Causing disorder to the social system for the sake remaining untainted. ─── 只想洁身自好,却扰乱伦常纲纪。

16、While animals joyfully live in nature,human happiness lies in the expectation of an untainted future and of pleasure in all that they do in the now. ─── 当动物们安于大自然的生活时,人类则沉浸在对纯净生活和如今做每件事的愉悦的期望中。

17、It was little consolation, however, that he will be replaced by Peter Kurer, the bank's general counsel, rather than an outsider untainted by the mess. ─── 然而现任集团首席法律顾问彼得-克鲁尔取代他的位置也并不令人安慰,因为他并不是一个无涉这次危机的人。

18、These earlier folks (and the remnants of indigenous peoples today) are perceived as true humans, untainted by the artificial contraptions of technology. ─── 这些早期人类(和本土人群在今天的残留)被视为真正的人类,没有被技术的人造物所污染的人类。

19、Untainted by Iraq, France may be able to help in places where America and Britain are unwelcome. ─── 在伊拉克事务上的清白也许可以让法国在英美不受欢迎的地方发挥作用。

20、So, here, for the aid of those hammering one another in the debate, is some unbiased, non-slanted, untainted raw knowledge about the AK, the AR, and the Mosin Nagant. ─── 所以,在这儿的,是为了给在辩论中互相捶打的人们以参考的,一些不偏不倚的、平衡的、未经污蔑的关于AK、AR与莫辛纳甘的知识。

21、Untainted by Iraq, France may be able to help in places where America and Britain are unwelcome. ─── 在伊拉克事务上的清白也许可以让法国在英美不受欢迎的地方发挥作用。

22、A human-rights lawyer, he had spent much of his career abroad, so was untainted by the country's partisan politics. ─── 作为一名人权律师,他在海外工作多年,所以没有收到国内党派政治的玷污。

23、Unable to guarantee that the minerals they acquire are untainted by conflict, some have stopped buying from Congo altogether. ─── 为了保证购买的矿产不因冲突而遭受损失,许多公司完全放弃了从刚果购买矿产资源。

24、As if that's not enough, Mo has thrown in Sun Honglei, China's leading man who has also an untainted record from both his TV and film work. ─── 而如果这还不能满足您的胃口,在电影和电视领域都有着突出贡献的一线演员孙红雷想必不会让人失望。

25、That England have fresh, new players untainted by the disappointments of the past.If they fail, there is probably no way back, certainly not for the manager. ─── 英格兰队有一些和过去失利没有关系的新球员,如果他们失败,那么将重新走回老路,当然除了主教练。

26、He laughed at the ordinary things in life -- a butterfly fluttering on a leaf, a ball rolling across the asphalt -- but his laughs always rang joyously, untainted by worry. ─── 他嘲笑生活中一些平淡的事,比如一只在一片叶上摆动的蝴蝶, 一个球横过柏油的旋转,但他的笑总是充满着快乐,而不是烦恼和忧伤。

27、When love is pure and untainted the giver seeks nothing in return and the receiver has no greed; both giver and receiver are free of afflictions. ─── 清净无染的爱是---付出者无所求,接受者不贪婪,施与受者皆无烦恼。

28、I have learned that presenting a viewpoint that is descriptive and untainted by emotions is all that is necessary. ─── 在接下来的几个月里他有很多的设计都没能成功实现。

29、it is possible , still , to breathe an air untainted and to hear the whispered passage of time. ─── 你可能仍然可以吸一口未经污染的空气,并聆听时光流逝所发出的嘶嘶絮语。

30、One finds good and bad smells in the air, but the air itself is untainted. ─── 人可以从空气的气味中发现好与坏,但空气本身却不受好与坏的影响。

31、I watched thousands of Changsha citizens overcome with a genuine patriotism, untainted by hatred or resentment or grief or any of the emotions that have crossed Chinese faces in these last few months. ─── 我目睹了成千上万的长沙市民带着纯粹的爱国心和民族激情涌上街头,过去几个月那些伤心、愤懑、低落的脸已荡然无存,有的只是自信和骄傲洋溢脸庞。

32、Of course, the purest water is the most untainted and unclouded. ─── 当然,最纯净的水是最无污染与清澈的。

33、My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside. ─── 我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言飞语和造谣中伤。

34、A human-rights lawyer, he had spent much of his career abroad, so was untainted by the country's partisan politics. ─── 作为一名人权律师,他在海外工作多年,所以没有收到国内党派政治的玷污。

35、In an actual market, no one would trust these fools to rate anything anymore; new, untainted agencies would be born to replace them. ─── 在实际的市场,没有人会相信这些东西进行评分傻瓜了,新的,玷污机构将出生取而代之。

36、Let them rest, untainted by her life now. ─── 让他们休息, 没被污染的现在藉著她的生活。


38、Her body's stain her mind untainted clears; ─── 说她无垢的心灵,淘洗了皮肉的垢污;

39、First, the opposition has been revitalised by a new and vigorous student movement, untainted by the past. ─── 首先,新兴的强有力的学生运动构成了反对派的主体,他们在过去并没有什么污点。

40、" Talking about Yu Zhong and Yi Yi:"They live as recluse and have free rein of their words, they kept their reputation untainted by giving up public office. ─── 只有这样罢了。”谈到虞仲、夷逸:“避世隐居,放言高论;人格清高,辞官合乎权益。

41、By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them, you reinforce it. ─── 通过关注他们内在的完整和纯洁,你强化了它们。

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