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09-04 投稿



exclusionism 发音


英:  美:

exclusionism 中文意思翻译



exclusionism 相似词语短语

1、exclusion ─── n.排除;排斥;驱逐;被排除在外的事物

2、exclusionist ─── adj.排外主义的;n.排外主义者

3、exclusivism ─── n.排外主义;独占主义

4、exclusivist ─── n.排他主义者,排外主义者

5、exclusions ─── n.除外(exclusion的复数形式);排除给付;除外条款

6、evolutionism ─── n.[进化]进化论;adj.进化论的

7、exclusionary ─── adj.排他的

8、exclusionists ─── adj.排外主义的;n.排外主义者

9、exclusioner ─── 除外责任;

exclusionism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His exclusion from the club hurt him very much. ─── 俱乐部赶他出来,他很伤心。

2、His poor standard of play fully justifies his exclusion from the team for the match next Sunday. ─── 他那拙劣的表现足以证明不让他参加下星期的比赛是正确的。

3、The explanation for the exclusion of requirements of ISO9001:2000, if any, shall be provided. ─── 如对ISO9001:2000标准进行了删减,提供删减合理性的说明

4、Boats in the area shall be kept well beyond the 3-chimney height exclusion zone. ─── 区内的船只应保持在远离3枝烟囱高度的限制区外。

5、Is Taiwan exclusion from the UN FAIR? ─── 台湾被排除在联合国外,公平吗?

6、He studied history at the university, to the exclusion of other subjects. ─── 他大学里专门攻读历史,未学其他科目。

7、Limited exclusion order. Applies only to named respondents. Most common type of exclusion order. ─── 大多数情况下禁令只对被告有效。

8、Never concentrate all your attention on one or two problems, to the exclusion of others. ─── 切勿把注意力只集中在一两个问题上而不顾其它问题。

9、He spent his spare time gardening,to the exclusion of all other interests. ─── 他把空馀时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好.

10、Mutual Exclusion - not required for sharable resources; must hold for nonsharable resources. ─── 互斥:共享资源不是必须的,必须保持非共享资源。

11、You will be able to concentrate 100% of your attention, on one task, to the TOTAL exclusion of everything else. ─── 你就能够100%地将你的注意力集中于一件事上,把其它一切完全置之度外。

12、She study world history at the university, to the exclusion of all other subject. ─── 她在大学里专攻世界历史,其他课未修。

13、In consequence of mutual exclusion, radio buttons always come in groups of two or more, and one radio button in each group is always selected. ─── 因为相互排斥,所以单选按钮总以两个或多个成组出现,而且每组中只有一个单选按钮可被选中。

14、This is not however a more general exclusion of people with infectious diseases from the protection of the DDA. ─── 但是,这并不意味着把更多的患有传染病的人排除在法案的保护之外。

15、Mutual exclusion is the rule in both discrete and contiguous selection. ─── 互斥对离散选择和连续选择都适用。

16、Check boxes are also very clearly disassociated from any hint of mutual exclusion. ─── 和所有好的习惯用法一样,它掌握起来极其容易,复选框也清晰地区分于任何相互排斥的提示。

17、Don't revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others. ─── 不要修改少数论题以致排除所有其他的。

18、As to criminal procedure, exclusion of evidence probably leads to termination of criminal proceeding itself. ─── 从刑事诉讼程序的角度看,证据的排除可能导致刑事诉讼程序自身的终止。

19、However, the emotional poles, does not show that each of the opposite sentiment among the absolute exclusion. ─── 不过,情绪的两极性,并不完全表明每一对相反的情绪之间的绝对排斥。

20、To preoccupy the mind of to the exclusion of other thoughts or feelings. ─── 使先充溢(某种想法或感情)脑海中先具有了某种想法或感情,从而杜绝了其他想法。

21、You can use exclusion dictionaries to force the spelling checker to flag words you want to avoid using. ─── 可以使用排除词典强制拼写检查标记您希望避免使用的词语。

22、His exclusion principle states that no two electrons in an atom can exist in the same quantum state. ─── 他的不相容原理规定:一个原子中不能有两个电子处于同一量子态。

23、You can create unlimited permutations in this way, including the inclusion or exclusion of external information. ─── 可以用这种方法创建无限的排列,包括外部信息的包括或排除。

24、Therefore, the values in the exclusion list must be customized to the data set you are working with. ─── 因此,排除列表中的值必须按照正在使用中的数据集进行自定义。

25、No road tankers containing liquid LPG or oil products shall be present within the 3-chimneys height exclusion zone. ─── 在该3枝烟囱高度的限制区内,不可停泊载有液化石油气的运油车或放置任何燃料产品。

26、At one beach officials have set up an exclusion area to keep swimmers away. ─── 官方已经在一处海滩划出了隔离区隔开游客。

27、Edge Exclusion, Nominal (EE) - The distance between the fixed quality area and the periphery of a wafer. ─── 名义上边缘排除(EE)-质量保证区和晶圆片外围之间的距离。

28、If the stress is solely on resistance to the exclusion of unity and progress, then such "resistance" will be neither dependable nor enduring. ─── 如果单单强调抗战而不强调团结和进步,那末,所谓“抗战”是靠不住的,是不能持久的。

29、The ability of one parent, variety, or strain to transmit individual traits to an offspring, apparently to the exclusion of the other parent, variety, or strain. ─── 优先遗传父母一方的某些品种或品系具有的将自身特点传给后代的能力,并明显地排斥了父母另一方,另一种品种或品系的作用

30、Which the elation of liberty and the pain of exclusion were indistinguishably mingled. ─── 她既为自由而洋洋得意,又因未能参加而不胜伤心,两种感情难分难解地纠集在一起。

31、The relationship between subjectivism and objectivism is not that of exclusion, but that of integration. ─── 两者不是相互排斥而是相互融合的关系。

32、A leading member should never concentrate all his attention on one or two problems, to the exclusion of others. ─── 一个领导人不能把全部注意力只集中在一两个问题上而不顾其他问题。

33、See the OpenVMS Guide to System Security manual for more information: Section "Setting the Exclusion Period". ─── 为帮助我们改进内容,请提供以下反馈意见和附加评论。如果有需要立即关注的问题或疑问,请提交呼叫,或与您的惠普响应中心联系。

34、The outer of the two membranes around a chloroplast could be regarded as the host exclusion membranes. ─── 围着叶绿体的外面两层膜,可以看作寄主排斥的膜。

35、"We found that the experience of social exclusion literally feels cold," Zhong said. ─── “我们发现社会排斥的经历实实在在的让人感到寒冷。”

36、His exclusion from the tennis club hurt him very much. ─── 他未被吸收进网球俱乐部,这使他的自尊心大受伤害。

37、Research on the Exclusionism in Reorganizing Enterprise ─── 企业重组中的排异反应研究

38、Interest in one's environment or in others as opposed to or to the exclusion of oneself. ─── 外倾对环境或其它的如与自身相反的或自身以外的事物的兴趣

39、An insurance document may PDF created with contain reference to any exclusion clause. ─── 保险单据可以援引任何除外条款。

40、Memories of the past filled her mind to the exclusion of all else. ─── 她满脑子全是对过去的回忆,其他事情都不想了。

41、A healthy diet does not mean total exclusion of any food group or food type from your diet. ─── 一健康饮食不意味从您的饮食里排除任何食物群或食物种类。

42、You can file even if you're in the U-S illegally, or in deportation or exclusion proceedings. ─── 即使你非法滞留美国或者正处于被驱逐或拒绝入境的情况中,你也可以提出申请。

43、It blames lack of relationships, absence of support and discrimination for feelings of social exclusion. ─── 乏人际关系,缺少支持和歧视是导致人们感觉被社会排斥的主要原因。

44、Blocks, which provide both mutual exclusion and visibility guarantees. ─── 块,它既提供了互斥又提供了可见性保证。

45、If no inclusion lists are present on the command line, exclusion lists are applied against all kinds of log entries. ─── 如果命令行中不存在包含列表,将对所有类型日志项应用排除列表。

46、Some states in america do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so these limitations may not apply to you. ─── 在美国的某些州,不允许对于事故及其后果所造成的损失加以排除和限制,所以在这些州,不适用于这些除外条款。

47、Angel Island was built to help enforce the Chinese Exclusion Act, and other Federal laws restricting immigration. ─── 安吉岛的建立是为了协助排华法案及其它限制移民的联邦法律的实施。

48、"Selection for mutual exclusion" is another, preferable designation. ─── “互斥选择”,是另一种更为可取的叫法。

49、Mutual exclusion is the method of serializing access to shared resources. ─── 互斥是一个线性访问共享资源的方法。

50、Most discrete-selection systems implement mutual exclusion by default and allow additive selection only by using a meta-key. ─── 多数离散选择系统默认情况下采用互斥机制,只有使用元键时才允许添加选择。

51、Two TV crews, encamped in the hotel lobby had protested their exclusion to Teresa Van Buren. ─── 两个电视小组呆在饭店走廊里,已经因为被排除在外向特丽萨·范·伯伦抗议过了。

52、The exclusion of people from the area was for their safety. ─── 不让人们进入这片区域是为了他们的安全。

53、The urban poor are the end result of a process of economic exclusion. ─── 城市的贫穷是经济隔离过程的最终结果。

54、The effective expression and integration with mdr1 gene were tested by PCR,IC and DNR exclusion method in vivo. ─── PCR、免疫组化、柔红霉素排出试验证实mdr1基因在体内有有效整合及表达。

55、Tar showed no cytotoxicity to granulocytes by Evans blue exclusion. ─── Evans蓝排斥试验表明,烟油没有显著的细胞毒性,说明上述抑制现象是粒细胞氧合作用活性,免疫功能受到烟油抑制所致。

56、Mutex exclusion semaphore is implemented for avoiding the priority inversion. ─── 实时内核采用了互斥信号量避免优先级反转;

57、The key to making code reentrant is to ensure mutual exclusion whenever accessing global variables or shared registers. ─── 使代码可再入的关键在于确保在访问全局变数或共用寄存器时互斥现象发生。

58、First of all, there is the "mode of exclusion". ─── 其一是“排除模式”。

59、First, America has a big problem with what people now call “social exclusion”. ─── 其一,美国面临一个人们今天称为“社会排斥”的大问题。

60、Neither is it something used by exclusion. ─── 他也不是生意人所专用的东西。

61、He spends his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests. ─── 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。

62、Methods The number of viable cells was ascertained by trypan blue dye exclusion test. ─── 人们逐渐认识到肿瘤的生成是细胞增殖和凋亡平衡失调的结果。

63、You may be subject to exclusion or deportation if you fall into one or more of the statutory cla es. ─── 如果你陷入一起或多起法律问题,可能导致你被拒绝入境或者是驱逐出境。

64、He spent his spare time gardening to the exclusion of all other interests. ─── 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。

65、The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad. ─── 妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。

66、Both kinds of exclusion would be harmful. ─── 两种关门都不行。

67、Use reasonable judgment regarding the inclusion or exclusion of relevant factors in research reports. ─── 在决定研究报告中相关因素之取舍时作出合理的判断。

68、An insurance document may contain reference to any exclusion clause. ─── 保险单据可以援引任何除外责任条款。

69、But it claims that Intel's discounts and rebates were often conditional on the exclusion of its rival, AMD. ─── 但是它声称英特尔的折扣和返款经常以排除它的竞争对手AMD为条件。

70、The lower curve marks the exclusion threshold for data pairs. ─── 下部曲线标志出对数据对的排除域。

71、From Chinese Exclusion case, we can drow a conclusion: national interest is not a stable one, but a variable. ─── “排华法案”作为美国特定时期国家利益,其实质则是加州工会组织、美国工会联盟以及移民局等特定集团的利益。

72、Mutual exclusion can be achieed with the use of a semaphore or mutex. ─── 互斥现象能由使用信号灯或互斥完成。

73、Mutual exclusion: only one process at a time can use a resource. ─── 互斥:一次只有一个进程可以使用一个资源。

74、You may be subject to exclusion or deportation if you fall into one or more of the statutory classes. ─── 如果你陷入一起或多起法律问题,可能导致你被拒绝入境或者是驱逐出境。

75、Any access to a collection of events is guarded by a mutual exclusion object. ─── 任何对一组事件的访问都由一个互斥对象来保护。

76、He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports. ─── 他专打高尔夫球,其他运动一概不参加。

77、The key to ** code reentrant is to ensure mutual exclusion whenever accessing global variables or shared registers. ─── 使代码可再入的关键在于确保在访问全局变量或共享寄存器时互斥现象发生。

78、Edge Exclusion, Nominal( EE)- The distance between the fixed quality area and the periphery of a wafer. ─── 名义上边缘排除(E)-质量保证区和晶圆片外围之间的距离。

79、Mutex Provides mutual exclusion for thread synchronization. ─── 为线程同步提供互斥。

80、The exclusion principle is a statement of this empirical finding. ─── 不相容原理是这个实验发现的表述。

81、She studies world history at the university, to the exclusion of all other subjects. ─── 她在大学里专攻世界历史,其他课未修。

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