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09-04 投稿



excised 发音

英:[?k?sa?zd]  美:[?k?sa?zd]

英:  美:

excised 中文意思翻译



excised 词性/词形变化,excised变形

动词第三人称单数: excises |动词过去分词: excised |动词现在分词: excising |名词: excision |动词过去式: excised |

excised 短语词组

1、surgically excised ─── 手术切除的

2、excised leaf ─── 切除的叶子

3、excised root ─── 离体根

4、excised roots ─── 切除的根

excised 相似词语短语

1、excise ─── n.消费税,货物税;v.切除;删除;收税,征税

2、excided ─── vt.切开;切除

3、excises ─── n.消费税,货物税;v.切除;删除;收税,征税

4、exercised ─── adj.可执行的;v.运用(exercise的过去式及过去分词);练习

5、excited ─── adj.兴奋的;激动的;活跃的;v.激动;唤起(excite的过去分词)

6、-cised ─── 被割礼的

7、excursed ─── v.偏离,离题;远足,短程旅行

8、excused ─── 赦免

9、exorcised ─── (用祈祷等)驱除(恶魔)(exorcize的过去式和过去分词)

excised 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a perfusion chamber the creams were applied to freshly excised human skin. ─── 在一灌注室,药膏被涂抹于新鲜的离体人类皮肤。

2、Washing 6-day old young excised roots of wheat in aerated de-ionized water or 0.1 mAf CaSO_4 solution for 24 hours induced an increase in K~+ uptake rate. ─── 小麦离体根在通气的去离子水中或0.1mM CaSO_4溶液中浸洗24小时,显著地增加K~+的吸收速率。

3、For more minor ailments, bad loan books may be excised and the rest of the bank restored to health with a transfusion of new capital. ─── 对于情况不那么严重的银行则可以先剥离不良贷款,再向其余部分注入新资本来重塑健康。

4、seedling-raising with excised roots ─── 切根育苗

5、CD138 polyclonal antibody was used to conduct immunohistochemistry in paraffin section of excised renal tissues, and then detect the expression of CD138. ─── 应用CD138多克隆抗体对肾组织标本石蜡切片行免疫组织化学染色,检测CD138在两组中的表达情况;

6、Effect of Microwave Treatment on Root Formation and Root Activity of Excised Cucumber Cotyledon ─── 微波处理对离体黄瓜子叶生根和根活力的影响

7、The in vitro transdermal behavior in excised rat skin of imiquimod cream and its SLN were investigated. ─── 分别考察了自制咪喹英特乳膏及其SLN的体外透皮情况。

8、He blanked Joseph Jackson from his life and excised him from his face, but could not forget his father's exhortation to be “a winner, not a loser”. ─── 他把父亲从生命中隔离,从脸部消除,却从未忘记父亲的劝诫:“要做胜者,不做弱者”。

9、Cysticerci were excised, pressed between two microscopic slides for microscopical observation.Sections were also made for histological study. ─── 剥离囊尾蚴作压片及组织切片 ,显微镜下观察其形态。

10、polyps in ileal pouch were found in 2 patients and excised endoscopically. ─── 2例吻合口附近发现息肉经内镜电灼切除。

11、In this report, we describe a 53-year-old woman presenting as an enlarging subcutaneous nodule in the right thigh for 3 months, which was excised in the belief that it was a lipoma. ─── 我们在此报告一个53岁的女性病人主诉近3个月来在右大腿发现一个逐渐增大的皮下结节,它在被认为是脂肪瘤的诊断下接受手术切除。

12、Although surrounded on three sides, Tai Long Wan is excised from the Sai Kung East Country Park. ─── 大浪湾虽然三面接连西贡东郊野公园,却不属于郊野公园范围。

13、The local strip of palmar aponeurosis was excised. ─── 均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。

14、The excised specimen should be x-rayed, and the x-ray compared with the prebiopsy mammogram to determine whether the lesion has been removed. ─── 切除的标本须拍X线片,并将其与活检前X片作比较,以确定此病灶已被切除。

15、Sectioning through a lobe of excised thyroid gland reveals papillary carcinoma. ─── 手术切除的甲状腺一侧叶的横断面可见甲状腺乳头状癌。

16、Results In the male specimens, the average percentages of the excised sacroiliac joint surface area at the level of the supe... ─── 2例(9.09%)经第3骶后孔上缘可切除约9%的关节面。结论经第3骶后孔上缘水平切除骶骨对骶髂关节的稳定性影响不大。

17、Even if the overwhelming majority can pass through the rescue to be out of danger, but the trouble side's oviduct is excised frequently, patient's health will also receive the very big harm. ─── 即使绝大多数都能经抢救而脱险,但患侧的输卵管常常被切除,患者的健康也会受到很大损害。

18、In conclusion, the use of sleeve lobectomy and angioplasty in the treatment of bronchial lung cancer not only can excis tumors but also can keep normal tissue, it also can prlong the su... ─── 初步研究结果提示,肺叶袖状切除和肺动脉成形术治疗支气管肺癌既可切除肿瘤,又能最大限度保留正常肺组织,改善患者的生存质量,远期疗效良好。

19、Late barrier light cuts method: Late barrier is to show cataract is excised after art hind or eye are traumatic, the bursa after crystal is muddy with remain coriaceous formation opaque film. ─── 后发障光切术:后发障是指白内障摘除术后或眼外伤后,晶体后囊混浊与残留的皮质形成的不透明膜。

20、At laparotomy, the tumor was widely excised and the right kidney was successfully preserved. ─── 患者接受手术治疗,术中肿瘤被完整切除并成功保留患者的右肾。

21、I was not too gentle, slightly watched on excised. ─── 我当时并没有太过在意,略略看了一下就删掉了。

22、Title: Plant Regeneration from Excised Immaturate Embryos of Peach (Prunus persica L. ─── 关键词:桃;体细胞胚;发生;子叶;再生

23、It is unclear whether the items sourced from Easton for Anglomania have now been excised from the collection. ─── 尚不清楚这些产自伊斯顿要送到盎格鲁曼尼亚的物品是否已从收藏品中移除。

24、Offensive scenes were excised from the film. ─── 影片中会引起不快的镜头都被删除了。

25、The Hungarian water polo contestant breathed out Rasche's to win his 3rd medal, because although his leg below the traffic accident knee the part already is excised in fact. ─── 匈牙利水球选手哈拉希赢得了他第3枚奖牌,尽管事实上他的一条腿因车祸膝盖以下部分已经被切除。

26、In laparoscopic internal marsupialization, a 3- to 4-cm peritoneal window is excised, and the periphery of the peritoneum is cauterized. ─── 在腹腔镜内部袋形缝术中,术者会切开3-到4-cm的腹膜创口,并将这个创口的周边腹膜烧灼。

27、SOR of TX623A and TX623B were 18.1% and 24%, 18.1% and 15.1% higher than the controls respectively. Marked inhibition to the opening of spikelets were observed when excised panicles immersed in 10 and 1 mmol/L SA after treated with MeJA. ─── 其中 30 4 2A和 30 4 2B的开颖率分别为 14 .8%和 16 .1% ,比对照增加 13%和 2 .6% ,而TX6 2 3A和TX6 2 3B的开颖率分别为 18.1%和 2 4% ,比对照增加 18.1%和 15 .1%。

28、The animals were sacrificed at 8,16 and 20 weeks postoperatively.The external femoral condyle was excised and prepared for the scanning electron microscopic study. ─── 分别于手术后8、16、20周取材,取股骨外髁进行扫描电镜观察。


30、The researchers then took neurons from the excised brain matter and placed them in a blood-rich culture medium. ─── 研究人员随后从切除的脑组织中提取神经元,并将其置于富含血液的培养基中。

31、It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful, and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be excised without being oppressive. ─── 当你的孩子们已经长大,他们就要地他们自己的生活,如果你还是像他们小时候那样对他们关心备至,你就可能成为他们的包袱,除非他们特别麻木不仁。

32、With a penknife, he peeled the apple and excised the wormy part. ─── 他用小刀去苹果皮并切离虫蛀的部分。

33、Under the direction of Dr. Marion Levy, surgeons excised the liver of a genetically altered pig named Sweetie Pie and placed it next to Robert in a saline bath. ─── 在马龙 - 利维博士的指导下,外科医生们把一只名叫“甜饼”的遗传上有改变的猪的肝脏放在罗伯特旁边的盐水容器内。

34、Postoperation of LEEP excluded invasive cervical cancer, then the wombs were excised, no invasive cervical cancer was found in the sample of womb. ─── LEEP术后排除浸润癌,再行子宫切除,子宫标本未发现浸润癌。

35、Full thickness cicatrix was excised and deformtied joints were repositioned under local tumescent anesthesia. ─── 在局部肿胀麻醉下全层切除手背瘢痕并作关节畸形复位。

36、When the adventitious buds grew to 2-3 cm in height, they were excised and inoculated on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.2 mg/L. After cultured for two weeks, the plantlets rooted. ─── 当不定芽长2-3cm高时,将其切下,转入1/2MS附加NAA0.2mg/L的生根培养基上,两周后试管苗基部生根成苗。

37、With these deviations, only the obstructive elements should be excised and preservation of cartilage should always be prioritized. ─── 在解决这些偏曲时,只需切除引起阻塞的部分,而软骨的保留要始终放在首位。

38、The rate of prostate tissue had been excised was higher in PKVP than in TURP (P

39、The heart was excised rapidly, the left ventricle was weighed and then subjected to collagen content analysis. ─── 天狼星红染色分析心肌胶原形态与含量;

40、Excised or rejected material, such as film that has been cut in editing. ─── 废弃物,下脚料用过的或丢弃的材料,如剪辑时弃置的废胶片

41、Mechanism of the relaxation of Salvia miltiorrhiza on excised thoracic aorta annulation in rats ─── 丹参对离体大鼠主动脉环舒张作用的机制

42、The censors rarely bother him, he said, unlike political journalists who spend their careers having their work excised and redacted. ─── 审查员很少打扰他,他说,不像政治类新闻记者的工作就是将事实切割再造。

43、The excised tumor was malignant.Medulloblastoma is a childhood cancer, rare in adults. ─── 切除的肿瘤是恶性的,脊髓胚胎瘤是一种儿童癌症,在成人中极为少见。

44、Cysts should be excised and sterilized to avoid ingestion by the definitive host. ─── 应该切除包囊并予以销毁,以防止被最终宿主食入。

45、Certain passages were excised from the book. ─── 书中某些段落已删去。

46、On cystoscopy,no tumor occurrence has been found at the site of the excised ureteral orifice. ─── 平均随访20.7个月,膀胱镜复查未发现环切口肿瘤种植。

47、A Study on Quick Reproduction by Excised Culture of Hippophae rhamnoides L. ─── 俄罗斯大果沙棘离体快繁研究。

48、This is an example of an excised osteochondroma that has a broader base, but still consists of cancellous bone capped by cartilage. ─── 一例切下的有较宽基底的骨软骨瘤,但仍然由带软骨帽的多孔骨组成。

49、Doctor said,In her throat steadily a lump,Although has excised,Destroyed the vocal cord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech. ─── 医生说,在她的喉咙里长了一个瘤子,虽然已经切除,但也破坏了声带。很可能再也无法说话了。

50、The two “liberal” parties excised that word from their names this year, in effect disavowing the creed that challenges the size of the state. ─── 两党于今年同时从名字中删除了“自由”二字,实则为了洗清自己对现行国家体制表示异议的嫌疑。

51、Torment my long " venereal " the cap was excised eventually, but subsequently and come " cancer " however more make me dumbfounded. ─── 折磨我很久的“性病”帽子终于摘除了,但随之而来的“癌”却更让我目瞪口呆。

52、Tai Long Wan is located on the northeastern side of Sai Kung but is excised from the Sai Kung East Country Park. ─── 大浪湾位于西贡东北部,却不属于西贡东郊野公园。

53、Forcing the spliceosome to trans-splice could allow a mutated region of pre-mRNA responsible for disease to be precisely excised and replaced with a normal protein-coding sequence. ─── 强迫剪接体进行交叉剪接,可准确切除转录子上造成疾病的突变区,并换成正常的蛋白质密码序列。

54、This article has in review summarized patients' whole nurse by 35 cases that prostates are excised through bladder pubes, and inquired into nurse methods after the operations. ─── 对35例经膀胱耻骨上前列腺摘除术后患者的整体护理进行回顾性总结,探讨前列腺摘除术后的护理方法。

55、The in vitro penetration behavior of the optimized preparation through excised mouse skin was investigated by sinomenine hydrochloride gel as the control. ─── 并以盐酸青藤碱凝胶为对照,考察优化处方的体外透皮行为。

56、Application of Gross Pathologic Specimen Excised in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated by Embolization with Lipiodol ─── 原发性肝癌碘油栓塞组织石蜡大切片制作应用

57、This is an excised porcine bioprosthesis; ─── 图示离体猪人工生物瓣膜。

58、The surgeon excised the lump from her breast. ─── 外科医生切除了她乳房的肿块。

59、However, caution is advised if the alar base has been previously excised, if the alar base incisions extend more than 2 mm above the alar groove, and the lateral nasal artery is damaged bilaterally. ─── 但是对那些在术前已做过鼻翼基底部切除,鼻翼基底切口在鼻翼沟上方超过2毫米和双侧外鼻动脉受损的病例仍要提出警告。

60、Certain passages were excised from the book. ─── 中某些段落已删去。

61、Similarly, any pigment nevus that is chronically irritated should be excised ─── 同样,凡是经常受慢性刺激的各种色素痣切勿予以切除。

62、excised an organ from the body ─── 切除身上的器官

63、Doctor said, In her throat steadily a lump, Although has excised, Destroyed the vocal cord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech. ─── 医生说,她喉咙里长了一个瘤,虽然切除了,却破坏了声带,可能再也讲不了话了。

64、excised the tumor; excised two scenes from the film. ─── 切掉一个肿瘤;切掉电影中两个场景

65、Immature zygotic embryos of Quercus variabilis Bl. were excised and cultured on MS basal medium containing 0.25 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyace-tic acid and 0.5 mg/L 6-benzyl aminopurine. Callus was initiated from these embryos within 6 weeks. ─── 以栓皮栎未成熟合子胚为外植体,在添加0.25mg/L 2,4-D和0.5mg/L 6-BA的MS培养基上6周可诱导产生2种类型的胚性愈伤组织,一种表面具光泽、白色;

66、Clinic analysis of synovial plica excised operation treat 52 cases of synovial plica syndrome by arthroscope ─── 关节镜下滑膜皱襞切除术治疗滑膜皱襞综合征52例临床分析

67、If caught early, when it is still a small, visible tumour on the skin (as illustrated above), melanoma can be excised completely. ─── 如果发现得早,在黑素瘤很小在皮肤上可见时(见上图)发现,肿瘤可以被彻底切除。

68、Early stage nursing care of patients with excised wrists (fingers) soaking in ice water underwent retransplantation ─── 冰水浸泡断腕(指)再植的早期护理

69、The success criteria of the surgery were complete or part retinal reattachment, and failure of retinal reattachment, eye-ball atrophy or excis ion of the affected eye were the failure criteria. ─── 以视网膜完全或部分复位视为手术成功;2次以上手术后视网膜未复位或眼球萎缩、甚至眼球摘除视为手术失败。

70、The affected perichondrium was carefully excised along the margins. ─── 以常规方式缝合切口后,再作贯穿耳郭的双侧钮扣缝合固定。

71、The previously recurred tumors were all excised, while we removed the metastatic lesion by radical neck dissection. ─── 病患之前局部复发的头皮肿瘤以手术切除方式处理,而本次左颈转移病灶则接受根除性淋巴廓清术治疗。

72、Wu Kau Tang is enveloped by but excised from the Plover Cove Country Park. ─── 乌蛟腾给船湾郊野公园环抱,但不属于郊野公园范围。

73、Below what kind of circumstance should be the uterus excised? ─── 什么样的情况下要切除子宫?

74、Art is excised in lumbar interverbebral disc in, whether to need rachis confluence? ─── 在腰椎间盘摘除术中,是否需要作脊柱融合呢?

75、After auditory nerve tumour is excised, although maintained facial nerve successional, but the heavy paralysis that spend a face still appears after art. ─── 听神经瘤切除后,虽然保持了面神经的连续性,但术后仍出现重度面瘫。

76、Expression of chemokine receptors in wart tissues excised from patients with condyloma acuminatum and its significance ─── 尖锐湿疣患者疣体组织趋化因子受体的表达及意义

77、Their very names needed to be excised from the history books. ─── 他们的名字必须从历史书上删除掉。

78、Among 28 patients,21 testiculars were excised,because they were ischemic necrosis,7 testiculars recoveried well,because the blood circulation recoveried well after reposition and fomentation. ─── 7例手术复位,热敷后睾丸、附睾血运恢复良好,予以固定,保留睾丸恢复良好。

79、Five cases were excised via paranasal-improved pterional approach, two via extended subfrontal extradural approach, one via subfrontal approach.All patients were operated through microscope. ─── 5例行鼻旁-改良翼点人路,2例行扩大额下硬脑膜外人路,1例行额下人路,均于显微镜下行肿瘤切除。

80、The length of rectum excised from the cases lower fringe of cancer was 3?0 cm in 18 cases, 3?5 cm in 24 cases and 4?0 cm in 36 cases. ─── 切断直肠的长度距癌灶下缘3.0cm者18例,3.5cm24例,4.0cm36例。

81、The osteochondroma should be excised if it is symptomatic. ─── 如果骨软骨瘤有症状,就应该切除掉。

82、He then sends what he has excised to a laboratory, where technicians sample all around the outside of the extracted mass to see if it is encapsulated by healthy tissue. ─── 接下来他会将切离的瘤体提交至实验室,在那里技术人员将对切除体外层组织进行取样以检视是否切除肿瘤外层包裹的都是健康组织。

83、Tree seedlings with ectomycorrhizae or excised ectomycorrhizae have also been used as an inoculum source for new seedling crops. ─── 具有外生菌根的苗木,或剪下的外生菌根,也曾被用作新苗木的接種源。

84、During adventitious root formation in excised cucumber cotyledons, the activities of POD increased whereas the contents of soluble protein and mnucleic acid decreased continuously all the time. ─── 在不定根发生过程中,过氧化物酶活性呈上升趋势,可溶性蛋白和核酸含量则降低。

85、Hepatomas localized to one lobe of the liver have been excised successfully on several occasions. ─── 局限于肝一叶的肝癌,曾有数例切除成功。

86、Traditionally, bladder diverticulum was excised by the open method.However, the laparoscopic technique has been widely used to treat many urologic diseases, including bladder diverticulum. ─── 传统上膀胱憩室切除是利用开刀的方法,然而腹腔镜内手术的技巧己经广泛使用在许多泌尿系统的疾病,包括膀胱憩室的切除。

87、Skin from other parts of a patient's body was carefully excised and replanted on the wound using all sort of medical tricks. ─── 先从病人身体其它部分小心地割出一些皮肤,然后用一切办法移植到伤口上。

88、Antituberculosis treatment for months is effective on LIT no matter the lesion is excised or not. ─── 对于大肠结核,不论病灶切除与否,6个月的抗结核治疗是有效的。

89、Study on the Container Seedlings with Excised Roots ─── 容器苗切断胚根的试验研究

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