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09-04 投稿


hawser 发音

英:[?h??z?r]  美:[?h??z?(r)]

英:  美:

hawser 中文意思翻译



hawser 词性/词形变化,hawser变形


hawser 短语词组

1、hawser st ─── 缆索街

2、mooring hawser ─── 系船缆

3、electric hawser reel ─── 电动缆索卷筒

4、hawser tug ─── 缆绳拖船

5、hawser crossword ─── 钢丝绳纵横字谜

6、hawser-laid ─── 正搓

7、hawser bend ( ─── 二根大索间的)单索花结

8、hawser llc llc ─── 更容易

9、hawser spm ─── 锚链spm

hawser 相似词语短语

1、hawse ─── n.锚链孔;艏锚水平距离

2、hawsed ─── 容易的

3、hawses ─── n.锚链孔;艏锚水平距离

4、hawkers ─── n.叫卖小贩;饲鹰者;n.(Hawker)人名;(英)霍克

5、hawker ─── n.叫卖小贩;饲鹰者;n.(Hawker)人名;(英)霍克

6、hawsers ─── n.粗缆;系船索

7、Gasser ─── n.天然气井;夸夸其谈的人;n.(Gasser)人名;(法、德)加塞尔;(英)加瑟

8、hoarser ─── (指声音)粗哑的,嘶哑的(hoarse的比较级)

9、halser ─── 喉咙

hawser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、manila hawser ─── 粗麻大绳

2、Pay out the hawser fast. I don't want that anchor to drag. ─── 快放松粗绳,我不希望那锚被拖走。

3、Each set has an anchor chain lifter, a hawser drum and a warping drum. One spare motor shall be provided for the windlass. ─── 每台设有一个锚链轮,一个系缆筒和一个付缆筒。

4、Design and construction of line-lifted hawser hoist ─── 行吊式缆索起重机的设计与施工

5、One day, when he was plowing with his body tied to a hawser hung under the rock pillar of the waterfall, he heard his mother's voice calling for him. ─── 一个名叫大乘的人,自幼父母双亡,靠采卖蘑菇为生。

6、Hawser guides.Details of vertical and horizontal rollers.Details. ─── 造船工业.导缆器.直式和水平式滚柱的详图.详图Shipbuilding.

7、An opening in the bow of a ship through which a cable or hawser is passed. ─── 锚链孔船首缆索或绳索通过的洞孔

8、A new wireless remote control technology is introduced based on hawser current field The communication theory and the electrical model were illuminated and derived respectively. ─── 一种基于悬索电流场的无线遥操作技术,详细对其原理和电路模型进行了说明和推导,总结基于此原理设计的悬移质采样器的工作情况。

9、shipbuilding . hawser guides . cleat for horizontal rollers. ─── 造船工业。导缆器。水平滚柱用导缆器。

10、towing hawser ─── 拖缆

11、mainly handle in hard surface for seriously wearing and tearing workpieces such as cone pulley、wire roll、string capture、in drawing wire and hawser industrial. ─── 隆德机械制造有限公司坐落在美丽富饶的江南鱼米之乡无锡华庄镇,濒临风景秀美的太湖,地理位置优越,交通便捷。

12、you creaks my last longing. ─── 你身上的绳索叩响我最后的渴望。

13、Anchor chain hawser pipes shall be mounted on the port and starboard of the ship, made of steel plate.A casting anchor bell mouth shall be fitted at the lower end of hawser pipe. ─── 锚链筒布置在船舶左右两舷,由钢板制成,每隔锚链筒的下端有铸钢锚唇。

14、At last the breeze came;the schooner sidled and drew nearer in the dark;I felt the hawser slacken once more, and with a good, tough effort, cut the last fibres through. ─── 终于又吹来一阵海风,大船在黑暗中侧着船身向我靠近了些,我感觉到锚素又松了一下,就用力把最后两股完全割断。

15、The hawser can either be thick,heavy ropes or a thin steel cable use on ships. ─── 缆绳既可以指粗重的绳子,也可以指船上使用的细钢索。

16、3 Uses the steel adhering to wall framework, avoid the hawser to damage the construction site, improve the environment. ─── 3采用钢性附墙架,架体稳固,避免了缆风绳对施工现场带来各种弊病,改善了施工环境;

17、cable hawser laid hawser ─── 电缆敷设索

18、a hawser; a pendant; a pendent; a cable rope ─── 缆索

19、salvage hawser ─── 救助缆援救索

20、warping hawser ─── 系缆拖索

21、waist hawser ─── 腰横缆

22、The Study on a New Wireless Underwater Modern Using Hawser to Communicate the Message ─── 基于缆索通信调制解调器的研制

23、There's a new hawser faked down there. ─── 有条新铁索盘卷在那。

24、It seemed shallow enough, and holding the cut hawser in both hands for a last security, I let myself drop softly overboard. ─── 海水似乎很浅,但我还是割了一段帆索以防万一,然后双手握紧帆索,轻轻翻过船舷滑了下去。

25、Last hawser,in you creaks my last longing. ─── 一无所有,也拥有一切。

26、bow hawser ─── 船首粗绳

27、Constructional Technology Lay Down Cross River Pipeline Engineering of Light Hawser with Non-excavation ─── 非开挖穿河铺设光缆管道工程的施工技术

28、hawser n. ─── 大缆;

29、Double braided polypropylene filament hawser ─── 双层多丝丙伦缆

30、and to my great joy, I felt the hawser slacken in my grasp, and the hand by which I held it dip for a second under water. ─── 我突然感到手中的锚缆松了,握着锚缆的那只手也一下子浸到了水中,我不由得欣喜万分。

31、mooring hawser ─── 系船 缆

32、The hawser was as taut as a bowstring, and the current so strong she pulled upon her anchor. ─── 锚缆像弓弦一样绷得紧紧的,可见船在用多大的力量想把锚拔起来。

33、insurance hawser ─── 保险拖缆

34、wire hawser ─── 钢缆

35、hawser lift ─── 缆索吊

36、Computing Models of Maximum Longitudinal Hawser Force of Ship in Ship Lift Chamber ─── 升船机厢内船舶最大纵向系缆力的计算模型

37、hawser thimble ─── 缆端嵌环

38、hawser bend ─── 单索花结(绳结的一种)

39、The hawser can either be thick, heavy ropes. ─── 缆绳既可以指粗重的绳子。

40、Authorities believe Colleen Hawser fled with her son Monday to avoid him getting chemo. ─── 有关人士认为,其母因不忍心让男孩接受化疗而于周一带其一同消失。

41、Authorities believe Colleen Hawser fled with her son Monday to avoid him getting chemo. ─── 有关人士认为,其母因不忍心让男孩接受化疗而于周一带其一同消失。

42、the hawser fast. I do not want that anchor to drag. ─── 粗绳,我不希望那锚被拖走。

43、but it next occurred to my recollection that a taut hawser, suddenly cut, is a thing as dangerous as a kicking horse. ─── 但我突然想到,绷紧的锚缆一旦被砍断,就会像匹发疯的烈马那样危险。

44、On the other side of the hawser was a hostile knot of young dockers. ─── 在钢缆的那一边,是一伙满怀敌意的码头工人。

45、hose hawser ─── 软管吊绳软管缆

46、Each set has an anchor chain lifter, a hawser drum and a warping drum.One spare motor shall be provided for the windlass. ─── ,每台设有一个锚链轮,一个系缆筒和一个付缆筒。

47、line-lifted hawser hoist ─── 行吊式缆索起重机

48、shipbuilding . hawser guides . details of vertical and horizontal rollers . details. ─── 造船工业。导缆器。直式和水平式滚柱的详图。详图。

49、hawser reel ─── 系缆卷车

50、steel hawser ─── 钢丝索

51、Characteristics of twisted injury by hawser and its first aid ─── 海上缆绳绞伤的特点与院前急救

52、it seemed shallow enough , and holding the cut hawser in both hands for a last security , i let myself drop softly overboard. ─── 水已够浅了,我用两只手抓住断了的锚索以保安全,小心谨慎地翻到船外。

53、Forecastle deck shall be provided on forward deck. Deck structures in way of windlass, mooring fittings, hawser pipes, foremast etc. shall be reinforced. ─── 在首部甲板上安装首楼甲板。锚机,系泊配件和锚链管、艏桅杆处等的甲板结构需要加强。

54、2.The fingers were pinched under a hawser . ─── 手指被夹在大缆绳下面。

55、shipbuilding . hawser guides . assembly. ─── 造船工业。导缆器。组件。

56、I felt the hawser slacken once more, and with a good, tough effort, cut the last fibres through. ─── 我感到手中的锚缆又松了,便鼓起劲割断了最后几股绳索。

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