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09-04 投稿


denunciation 发音

英:[d??n?nsi?e??n]  美:[d??n?nsi?e??n]

英:  美:

denunciation 中文意思翻译



denunciation 短语词组

1、denunciation defined ─── 退约定义

2、denunciation form ─── 退约书

3、denunciation of house-breach ─── [法] 不准侵入住宅

4、denunciation definition ─── 退出定义

5、denunciation synonym ─── 退约同义词

6、denunciation hindi ─── 谴责印地语

7、unilateral denunciation ─── [经] 单方宣告无效

8、denunciation act ─── 退约法

9、denunciation define ─── 退约

10、denunciation against verres ─── 对verres的谴责

11、denunciation of treaties ─── 退出条约

12、scathing denunciation ─── 严厉谴责

denunciation 词性/词形变化,denunciation变形


denunciation 相似词语短语

1、denunciator ─── 谴责者

2、Annunciation ─── n.天使报喜节;报喜

3、denunciations ─── n.谴责,斥责;告发

4、renunciations ─── n.放弃;脱离关系;拒绝承认;抛弃;弃权

5、renunciation ─── n.放弃;脱离关系;拒绝承认;抛弃;弃权

6、enunciation ─── n.阐明,表明;清晰的发音

7、denunciating ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

8、denunciative ─── 谴责的

9、annunciations ─── n.天使传报;圣母领报节;天使报喜画;告示

denunciation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The eventual denunciation of a failed withdrawal, even after consecutive solicitations from the clients, will be considered as proof with regards to the bank's unsuitability to operate. ─── 如有告发现金不足,就算是有客户恳求,将会以有足够的证据证明此银行不能正常作业。

2、We were amazed to hear the witness's denunciation of the accused. ─── 听了证人对被告的指责,我们大为惊异。

3、be in for criticism and denunciation ─── 挨整

4、and yet this total abstaining does not exempt us from the charge and the denunciation. ─── 可是尽管我们毫无牵连,还是免不了受到攻击和责难。

5、Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the instrument of denunciation it takes effect upon expiration of such longer period after its deposit with the depositary. ─── 凡退出文件中规定退出生效的更长期间者,则退出在向保管人交存该退出文件后该更长期间届满时生效。

6、To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds like an invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender. ─── 对于宗教狂热者,这一指控就像是邀请他出去残杀这异端分子,并宣称是上天的恩赐。

7、A verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often insulting language; a tirade. ─── 抨击性演说、痛斥以尖锐的、常是侮辱性的语言为特征的口头上的公开指责;长篇的弹劾性演说

8、Chiang's book China's Destiny, which he wrote during the war, was a bitter denunciation of alien interference in his country. ─── 战争期间,蒋在《中国之命运》一书中,颇为苦涩的谴责了外国人对其国家的干涉。

9、a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh,often insulting language ─── 以尖锐的、常是侮辱性的语言为特征的口头上的公开指责

10、Denunciation shall take effect three years after the end of the year in which it has been notified. ─── 废除应于发出通知当年年底起三年后生效。

11、In the event of one of the Contracting States wishing to denounce the present Convention, the denunciation shall be notified in writing to the Belgian Government. ─── 如有缔约国欲退出本公约,应以书面通知比利时政府。

12、Mo Zi's Aesthetics in the Visual Field of Life--Inspiration from Mo Zi's "denunciation of music as a wasteful activity" ─── 生命视界中的墨子美学--墨子"非乐"的启示

13、denunciation of treaty ─── 废除条约

14、unilateral denunciation ─── 片面废约

15、Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered. ─── 此项退出应自登记之日起一年后发生效力。

16、Yet, the viewpoint of fabrication did not come out as a positive notion, but arose in the criticism and denunciation. ─── 但是,虚构不是作为一个积极的概念问世的,而是在一片批评和谴责声中出现的。

17、In 1992, Pope John Paul said the church's denunciation of Galileo's work had been a tragic error. ─── 1992年,当时的教皇保罗二世称,教会对伽利略学说的批判是“悲剧性的错误”。

18、unilateral denunciation of treaty ─── 条约单方面废除

19、Although the artistic achievements of Li Po's poetry are generally recognized by the later generations, they often incur the denunciation that he lacks the care for this world. ─── 摘要李白诗作的艺术成就虽为后人所公认,却也往往招致入世关怀不足的诟病。

20、"And to me and after a denunciation of UNITA, A8 music album will also upload and download songs to other SP business operators. ─── “而且在我和创盟解约之后,A8音乐还将专辑歌曲上传和下载业务转给其他SP运营商。”

21、In a sweeping negation (much like Khrushchev's denunciation of Stalin), they were told that the nearly century-long Soviet period had been completely useless. ─── 在彻底否定过去的过程中(正如赫鲁晓夫全面否定斯大林一样),俄罗斯人被告知,苏联时期是毫无意义的。

22、official denunciation of the enemy ─── 檄文

23、To issue(a denunciation,for example)thunderously. ─── 大声发出大声地发出(如谴责)

24、To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds like an Atlantica online gold invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender. ─── 在宗教狂热者看来,这样的谴责如同是号召人们行动起来,杀死罪人以执行天谴。

25、A formal denunciation. ─── 威吓,警告正式的斥责

26、September 24, he wrote a stinging denunciation of his critics. ─── 9月24号,他写了一篇针对他的批评者的言辞犀利的谴责书。

27、He seized the floor for a violent denunciation of our tactics. ─── 他抢着发言,对我们的策略进行猛烈的谴责。

28、After Senator Erwin's denunciation of the funding polices, LEAA announced that it would no longer fund medical research into behavior modification and psychosurgery. ─── 在Erwin参议员谴责该项目的资金政策后,LEAA宣称将不在资助行为修正及精神外科学中的药物研究。

29、He ranted out his denunciation. ─── 他大声发出责难。

30、He saw that the spy was fearful of his drinking himself into a fit state for the immediate denunciation of him. Seeing it, he poured out and drank another glassful. ─── 他看出那密探很怕他真喝醉了马上去揭发。看明白了这一点,他又倒了一杯酒灌下去。

31、The United States Chamber of Commerce, the most venerable of corporate lobbies, had been fierce in its denunciation of proposed cap-and-trade laws. ─── 最受尊敬的当局游说团体美国商业工会,激烈地谴责被提议的限额交易法案。

32、become an object of public denunciation ─── 为世所病

33、His denunciation of Stalin exposed the credulity of fellow-travellers ─── 他对斯大林的指责暴露了同路人的轻信。

34、Denunciation Characteristics Environmental Illegal Activities and Countermeasures ─── 现阶段环境违法行为的举报特点及解决途径

35、Closer to the election, on September 16, Holmes would issue a more detailed denunciation questioning my patriotism and integrity and saying again that I had deceived him. ─── 9月16日,选举日更加临近的时候,霍尔姆斯发布了一个更详细的谴责声明,对我的爱国之心和正直情操提出质疑,再次声称是我花言巧语糊弄了他。

36、In 1992, Pope John Paul said the church's denunciation of Galileo's work had been a tragic error. ─── 1992年,当时的教皇保罗二世称,教会对伽利略学说的批判是“悲剧性的错误”。

37、Unfortunately, the real estate industry has not yet reached the level of profitability in the industry average social realities, but had been on "profiteering" suspicion and even denunciation. ─── 令人遗憾的是,房地产行业的盈利水平在尚未达到全社会各行业平均水平的现实状况下,却已经受到了关于“暴利”的嫌疑甚至谴责。

38、Denunciation of Music as a Wasteful Activity ─── “非乐”

39、The denunciation decoration is evil by Adolph Luce, the pioneer of modernism design art, appeared at the beginning of last century and soonbecame powerful slogan of modernism. ─── 上世纪初,设计艺术的现代主义先驱阿道夫·卢斯檄文《装饰与罪恶》问世不久便成为现代主义的有力口号之一。

40、denunciation to the police ─── 向警方告发

41、The leading pastor, Cotton Mather, represented the other ministers when he wrote an open denunciation of the proceedings. ─── 牧师领导人CottonMather代表其它的牧师公开发表了对进行审判的书面批评。

42、The public denunciation of Berlusconi that ensued wasn't the first time the usually private Lario openly complained about her husband's reported flirtations. ─── 之后,一向隐秘低调的拉里奥就此事公开谴责贝卢斯科尼,这已经不是她第一次公开谴责丈夫的调情行为了。

43、Yet, the viewpoint of fabrication did not come out as a positive notion, but arose in the criticism and denunciation. ─── 但是,虚构不是作为一个积极的概念问世的,而是在一片批评和谴责声中出现的。

44、denunciation clause ─── 废弃条款

45、her fierce denunciation(s) of her enemies ─── 她对仇敌的强烈谴责.

46、A fiery denunciation. ─── 激烈的控诉

47、His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy. ─── 他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。

48、Analysis of the Complaints and Denunciation Received by Ningxia Drug Administration ─── 宁夏区药监局受理投诉、举报情况分析

49、an angry denunciation of the government's policies ─── 愤怒谴责政府的政策

50、To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds like an invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender. ─── 在宗教狂热者看来,这样的谴责如同是号召人们行动起来,杀死罪人以执行天谴。

51、The product price of direct selling is become an object of public denunciation, while the direct selling enterprises get satisfactorg marketing achievements. ─── 直销产品的价格一直为社会各界诟病,直销产品的市场表现同样令人刮目相看。

52、On Wednesday, by contrast, the State Department issued its sharpest denunciation of China since Mrs.Clinton assumed her post as the nation's top diplomat. ─── 但与这一态度形成鲜明对比的是,美国国务院周三发表了自希拉里担任国务卿以来它对中国的最尖锐批评。

53、"I think your denunciation of my plan demonstrates your ignorance of the problem, " said the church bishop. ─── 我认为你谴责我的计划证明了你对问题的无知。

54、In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a scathing denunciation of US hegemony, fearing the shield would stoke an "inevitable arms race". ─── 作为回应,俄国总统普京对美国霸权行为发表了措辞严厉的谴责。他担心这将引发“不可避免的军备竞赛。”

55、This denunciation shall take effect one year after the date onwhich not ification thereof has been received by the Belgian Government; ─── 此项退出应在比利时政府收到关于此事的通知一年后生效。

56、the denunciation of a traitor ─── 斥责叛徒

57、At this week's NATO conference in Brussels, Washington can only hope for a strongly Worded denunciation of Poland's martial law and perhaps individual commitments to action. ─── 本周北约将在布鲁塞尔开会,华盛顿所能够指望的不过是一份措词强烈谴责波兰军管的声明,以及也许由个别国家自行决定采取的行动。

58、His hatred of them knew no bounds, and he excelled Martin in denunciation when he turned upon them. ─── 他对他们怀着无穷的仇恨。一提起他们他的谴责的风暴便超过了马丁。

59、Seven Knotty Voluntary Denunciation Affirmation in the Judicial Practice ─── 司法实践中七种疑难自首的认定

60、The denunciation shall only operate in respect of the State which madethe notification, and o n the expiry of one year after the notificationhas reached the Belgian Government. ─── 此种退出仅对递交通知的国家生效,自上述通知送达比利时政府之日起一年以后生效。

61、denunciation of house-breath ─── 不准侵入住宅

62、It was precisely at this moment that I forwarded my denunciation to the Prefecture in Paris. ─── 我正是在那时,把揭发您的公事寄到了巴黎的警署。

63、To issue(a denunciation, for example) thunderously. ─── 大声发出大声地发出(如谴责)

64、Stockmann sums up Ibsen's denunciation of the masses, with the memorable quote "...the strongest man in the world is the man who stands most alone. ─── 总结了易卜生对群众的斥责。

65、Denunciation was becoming Mrs Thatcher's stock in trade. ─── 痛骂成了撒切尔夫人的本钱。

66、There were few finer moments in Monday's leaders debate than Paul Martin's indignant denunciation of personal attacks in politics. ─── 周一的领导人辩论中,没有多少比马丁对政治斗争中人身攻击的愤怒谴责更精彩的部分了。

67、Effective denunciation of a crime, with the aim of evoking a law enforcement response, must be made formally to the police. ─── 对一件罪行的有效地指控告发,带有唤起执法响应的目的,必须正式通报给警察局。

68、A. assurance : doubt B. adulation :admiration C. evaluation : preference D. denunciation : avowal E. ─── slander :insincerity 答案选E, 我也不赞成, 这是一个程度类比吧.

69、Period under the Trust Deed, denunciation or refund shall not be the principal, nor shall additional investment. ─── 信托契约期限未满,不得解约或退回本金,也不得追加投资。

70、In all countries the bourgeoisie was sweeping in its denunciation of this revolution and had never a good word for it ─── 对这个革命,国际资产阶级不管三七二十一,骂的多,总是说不好。

71、The right of denunciation provided by this Article shall not be exercised by any country before the expiration of five years from the date upon which it becomes a member of the Union. ─── 任何国家在成为本联盟成员国之日起五年届满以前,不得行使本条所规定的退出权利。

72、His speech be a head - on denunciation of the unpopular new policy ─── 他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥

73、Under the storm of denunciation Brissenden complacently sipped his toddy and affirmed that everything the other said was quite true, with the exception of the magazine editors. ─── 布里森登心满意足地啜着他的柠檬威十忌甜酒,面对着谴责的风暴。他承认对方的活每一句都对,只是关于杂志编辑的活不对。

74、When they heard of the sweeping denunciation of Stalin, they felt good and swung to the other side, cheering and saying that Khrushchov was right in everything and that they themselves had been of the same opinion all along. ─── 他们听了把斯大林一棍子打死,舒服得很,就摇过去,喊万岁,说赫鲁晓夫一切都对,老子从前就是这个主张。

75、Every denunciation of existing law tends in some measure to increase the probability that there will be violation of it. [n3] Condonation of a breach enhances the probability. ─── 每一种对现行法律的谴责都会在某种程度上增加违犯它的可能性。对违法行为的宽容提高了这种可能性。

76、A denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the deposit of the instrument of denunciation with the depositary. ─── 3.退出声明在保管人收到退出文件之日起六个月后的那个月的第一日生效。

77、A verbal denunciation characterized by harsh,often insulting language;a tirade. ─── 抨击性演说、痛斥以尖锐的、常是侮辱性的语言为特征的口头上的公开指责;长篇的弹劾性演说

78、In fact, in 1979 the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, a normally moderate body, felt the pressure sufficiently to include a denunciation of “humanistic secularization” in its proceedings. ─── 事实上,属于一般温和团体的圣公会大会,也于1979年感到有必要将谴责“人文主义世俗化”纳入他们的议程中。

79、Exclaimed Caderousse,who,by a last effort of intellect,had followed the reading of the letter,and instinctively comprehended all the misery which such a denunciation must entail. ─── 卡德鲁斯喊道,他凭着最后一点清醒已听到了那封信的内容,知道如果这样一去告密,会出现什么样的后果,“不错,一切都解决了,只是这样做太可耻了,太不名誉了!”

80、"Where a longer period for the denunciation to take effect is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary." ─── 凡通知内订明了退出生效的一段更长时间,则退出于保管人收到通知后该段更长时间期满时起生效。

81、2. His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy. ─── 他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。

82、Her denunciation of Communism was itself denounced by Bemard Levin as a means of getting a "cheap cheer". ─── 她对共产主义非难这件事遭到伯纳德?莱文谴责,说这是搏

83、A verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often insulting language; a tirade . ─── 他词不达意地发表了一通激烈言论攻击因循守旧的人们。

84、Hume discusses the "validity" of commercial society, through the denunciation of "the model of Sparta" and the appraisal of "the model of modern commercial society". ─── 正是从对前一模式的批判和后一模式的颂扬中,休谟论证了商业社会的“合法性”。

85、your denunciation of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence; ─── 你们对专制的谴责是厚颜无耻的胡扯;

86、denunciation from the two leaders of the government of Zimbabwe. Both expressed concern about the outlook for the upcoming for runoff presidential election. ─── 两位领导人也对津巴布韦政府做出了联合谴责.他们均对即将结束的总统选举结果表示了担忧.

87、All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the terrorists. ─── 所有党派同仇敌忾地痛斥恐怖主义者。

88、denunciation of house-breach ─── [法] 不准侵入住宅

89、But, once the denunciation is done, what are we gonna burn then? ─── 但是,谴责完了以后,我们烧什么呢?

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