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09-04 投稿


columbine 发音

英:[?kɑ?l?mba?n]  美:[?k?l?mba?n]

英:  美:

columbine 中文意思翻译




columbine 网络释义

adj. 鸽的;似鸽的;鸽色的n. 耧斗菜

columbine 短语词组

1、columbine massacre ─── 科伦拜恩大屠杀

2、columbine kiss ─── 而所谓斑鸠式的接吻

3、fan columbine ─── 扇形斜纹夜蛾

4、columbine high school massacre ─── 哥伦拜恩高中大屠杀

5、complimental plants for columbine northeast ─── 向日葵东北部的辅助植物

6、columbine football ─── 哥伦宾足球

7、columbine flower ─── 鸡冠花

8、columbine foretees ─── 科伦宾先驱者

9、columbine shooters ─── 科伦拜恩射击运动员

10、blue columbine ─── [网络] 蓝色哥伦比亚

11、columbine high school shooting columbine ─── 高中枪击案

12、columbine high school ─── 科伦拜恩高中

13、columbine shooting ─── 科伦拜恩射击

columbine 词性/词形变化,columbine变形


columbine 相似词语短语

1、columbines ─── n.耧斗菜,蓝花耧斗菜;科隆比纳(意大利传统戏剧中的女角);耧斗菜属,毛茛科;adj.鸽的;似鸽的;鸽色的

2、columbic ─── adj.含铌的;铌的

3、combine ─── vt.使化合;使联合,使结合;vi.联合,结合;化合;n.联合收割机;联合企业

4、columbite ─── n.钶铁矿;铌铁矿

5、colubrine ─── adj.蛇的;蛇似的;无毒蛇的

6、Columbine ─── n.科隆比纳(英国喜剧中的定型角色)

7、colamine ─── n.胆胺(cholamine);2-羟乙胺;氨乙醇

8、columbate ─── n.铌酸盐

9、columbium ─── n.铌

columbine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Columbine incident, while deplorable, is a perfect example of this lack of accountability of the nation's parents. ─── 在感到惋惜之余,我们不得不承认哥伦比亚事件确实是证明父母不负责任的一个完美的例子。

2、Four months after two gunmen sent them fleeing in horror, students reclaimed Columbine High School in Colorado for the start of the school year. ─── 个月以后,两个持枪歹徒陷入了极端惊骇之中,学生们新学期开始时也回到了科罗拉多的科隆比纳高中!

3、Does a game like Super Columbine, or a movie like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, supply that final push to those people already on the edge? ─── 一个像“超级科伦拜”的游戏,或者像“德州电锯杀人狂”的电影,会不会把已经在崩溃边缘的人彻底推下去?

4、The Columbine killings of 1999 failed to provoke any shift in Americans' attitudes to guns. ─── 1999年的哥伦比亚枪击案未促使美国人改变对枪支管理上的态度。

5、As we were choosing flowers from the florist for Grandpa's funeral, I slipped away to Grandpa's garden and walked with my memories of columbine and Sweet William. ─── 当大家在花店为爷爷的葬礼选择葬花时,我悄悄地离开来到爷爷的花园。

6、Brady lives near Columbine, the scene of last year's school shooting which left 14 children and a teacher dead, and said the tragedy prompted thousands of inquiries from worried parents. ─── 布雷迪住在哥伦拜恩附近,去年发生在这里的校园枪击案造成14名儿童和一名教师身亡。 他说,这场悲剧招致了忧心忡忡的父母提出的数以千计的盘问。

7、Cho Seung-hui does not stand for America's students, any more than Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris did when they slaughtered 13 of their fellow high-school students at Columbine in 1999. ─── 赵承辉代表不了美国学生,1999年在哥伦比亚屠杀了13位高中同学的迪兰.克里鲍德和艾里克.哈里斯也不能代表美国学生。

8、This was after the (Columbine) High School shootings in (Colorado). ─── 在此之前,科罗拉多的Columbine中学发生了枪击案。

9、columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers ─── 北美东部一种具有长花距红花的耧斗草

10、The memorial became simpler, and the community, in rallying to pay for it through fund-raisers and the sales of Columbine High memorial pins by local businesses, came together. ─── 纪念会更加简约,通过基金会筹款人整个社区的成员捐款给追悼会,同时当地商业制造的哥伦比亚高中纪念徽章也在销售中。

11、Relatives of a slain teacher mark the tenth anniversary of the Columbine shooting tragedy by standing vigil at the Columbine Memorial near Littleton, Colorado. ─── 一名遇害教师的亲属在美国科罗拉多州利特尔顿市哥伦拜恩中学枪击事件十周年之际以守夜形式悼念他们的家人。

12、The shootings, which took place in two locations on campus, came just four days before the eighth anniversary of the Columbine High School bloodbath near Littleton, Colo. ─── 在死亡的三十三人中,除凶手之外的三十人全部都死在该校名为诺里斯的工程学院大楼。

13、smallflower columbine herb with root ─── 漏斗菜

14、Columbine matches the purple of delphiniums under the cherry tree. ─── 斗菜配着樱桃树下紫红的飞燕草。

15、A lot of people denounce breeding to him columbine experience and beg buy kind columbine. ─── 很多人向他讨教养鸽经验和求购种鸽。

16、In 1999, he wrote in middle school about killing himself and others. This was after the Columbine by High School shootings in Colorado. ─── 在1999年,他在中学写下了自杀和杀别人的想法。这是在美国克罗拉多州科隆比纳中学发生枪击事件之后写下的。

17、There are some big clumps o' columbine in th' garden. ─── 花园里有几大丛漏斗花。

18、Small-sized flesh is used special birds basically shows columbine, flesh uses the meat chicken of quail, pheasant (pheasant, 7 colour pheasant) , Chinese francolin. ─── 小型肉用特禽主要指肉鸽、肉用鹌鹑、雉鸡(山鸡、七彩山鸡)、鹧鸪等。

19、The guy who shot up Dawson College in Quebec last year played Super Columbine. ─── 那个去年在魁北克Dawson College校园枪击凶手曾经玩过“超级科伦拜”。

20、I am Pierrot, lovelorn Pierrot, seeking Columbine! ─── 我是皮埃罗,为爱情苦恼的皮埃罗,苦苦追寻柯伦巴因!

21、At last we know why the Columbine killers did it. ─── 至少,我们知道了为什么那两个克伦坂中学的学生会杀了那么多的同学。

22、When students buckle under that weight, tragedies happen (the Columbine shootings; the recent spate of suicides among gay teenagers). ─── 当学生突然被这些压力压垮,悲剧就发生了(比如哥伦拜恩枪击事件;以及最近大量的青少年同性恋者自杀事件)。

23、(Soup of 4) breast columbine medlar. ─── (4)乳鸽枸杞汤。

24、What rhe Columbine killers needed Manson suggests was for someone to listen to them. ─── 但至少我们必须停止站在凶手的立场上为他们解释。

25、5. common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States. ─── 具有各种花色(白、蓝、紫或红)的短花距的欧洲耧斗草;原产美国。收藏指正

26、This effect can easily be demonstrated in many other plants as for example tropaeolum, cane, or columbine, and in certain animals (as for many insect wings). ─── 这样的效果可以很容易地显示出许多其他植物,例如旱金莲,甘蔗,或科伦,并在某些动物(如许多昆虫翅膀) 。

27、Aura Dione [Columbine]. ─── 专辑的歌词?

28、To its champions the game is a landmark example of how video games can explore deeply disturbing material, and a powerful condemnation of the culture that produced the Columbine tragedy. ─── 支持这套游戏的人认为,它是有标竿意义的范例,说明电玩能深入探讨令人不安的题材,并对造成科伦拜恩悲剧的文化大力呛声。

29、Accordingly, american roc is columbine have raise value higher. ─── 因此,美国鹏鸽具有较高饲养价值。

30、While many pundits claimed that the Web helped push the Columbine High School shooters to the edge, I figure that it may have prevented many other such situations. ─── 许多专家声称科伦芭茵中学的枪击事件有互联网的因素,因为互联网使这些学生走上极端,但是我认为互联网可能已经拯救了许多类似情况的青年。

31、By far the loudest message came earlier from director Michael Moore,he won the Oscar for Best Documentary for Bowling for Columbine. ─── 显然,最响亮的信息先来自以《科伦拜恩的保龄》获得最佳记录片奖的导演迈克尔·穆尔。

32、In Littleton, a year ago, the two teenage shooters stood apart, alienated from the 10)jock culture that infused Columbine High School. ─── 一年前在小顿城的哥伦拜中学,同伴圈子的孤立将两名少年变为杀手。

33、Kristi Mohrbacher will stand with friends this afternoon at the Columbine Memorial to remember the day 10 years ago when her high school changed forever. ─── 克里斯蒂 莫赫巴克尔今天下午将与朋友们一起站在科伦拜恩纪念台的前面,纪念 10 年前永远改变她的高中的那个日子。

34、columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers. ─── 北美东部一种具有长花距红花的耧斗草。

35、Desk, sit the colour of chair, appearance wants elaborate design, accomplish sitting position columbine it is comfortable, operate convenient nature. ─── 写字台、坐椅的色彩、外形要精心设计、做到坐姿鸽是舒适,操作方便自然。

36、If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they. ─── 如果让你和科伦拜恩事件的当事人面对面的交谈,你会说些什么呢?假设他们此刻就在这里。

37、If answer force gym shoes, fly radio of sewing machine of pen of columbine bicycle, Venus, flying person, panda, Yingnage the brand such as watch gets the welcome of common people. ─── 如回力球鞋、飞鸽自行车、金星钢笔、飞人缝纫机、熊猫收音机、英纳格手表等品牌就深受百姓的欢迎。

38、This was after the (column by) Columbine high school shootings in Calorado. ─── 此次事件是发生在卡罗拉多州哥伦比亚高中枪击事件之后。

39、The Columbine incident, while deplorable, is a perfect example of this lack of accountability of the nation's parents. ─── 在感到惋惜之余,我们不得不承认哥伦比亚事件确实是证明父母不负责任的一个完美的例子。

40、9 see joke: One primary school teacher is in analytic " breast " child meaning: Breast is small meaning namely, be like: Breast columbine, porket, deciduous teeth. ─── 9看笑话: 一小学老师在解析“乳“子的含义:乳即是小的意思,如:乳鸽、乳猪、乳牙。。。

41、It was ten years ago today that two students killed a teacher and twelve of their classmates at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. ─── 十年前的今天,2名学生在科罗拉多州科特比顿,科隆比纳高中杀害了一位老师和12名同班同学。

42、Next fleshy columbine nutrition is rich, the flesh is tender delicious, since high protein is low adipose good food, it is curiosa of tall nourishing nutrition. ─── 其次肉鸽营养丰富,肉嫩味美,既是高蛋白低脂肪的理想食品,又是高滋补营养珍品。

43、Susan P. Douglas, C. Samuel Craig, "Evolution of Global Marketing Strategy: Scale, Scope and Synergy", Columbin Journal of World Business, Fall 1989. p50. ─── 环球企业家--与26位世界级商业领袖对话启示录>,第210页,辽宁人民出版社,2002年.

44、common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States. ─── 具有各种花色(白、蓝、紫或红)的短花距的欧洲耧斗草;原产美国。

45、Columbine basket in the dove of Bai Yu of a pair of red chew, from time to time gives out a frisky sound of a " of cluck of " cluck cluck, call a person to love indeed. ─── 走进琼山市红旗镇的村庄农舍,呈现在眼前的是农家庭前屋后那一排排整然有序的鸽舍。鸽笼里一对对红咀白羽的鸽子,时而发出一阵阵"咕咕咕"的欢闹声,着实叫人喜爱。

46、Columbine Garden ─── 科隆比纳花园

47、Of course we went on to the subject of films, and I can't remember all of the films we discussed, but Dan's favourite film for the year 2003 is Bowling for Columbine. ─── 当然,我们也谈到了电影,我记不清我们都讨论了哪些电影,但是丹最喜欢的2003年度电影是“科伦拜恩的保龄”。

48、They knew that though there had been several school shootings before theirs, it was Columbine that had finally pierced the soul of America. ─── 他们知道,尽管在这之前发生过几起学校枪击事件,但是,是这起枪击事件最终打动了美国人民的心灵。

49、They raise management main method is: Columbine to the youth adopt medicinal powder raise, facilitating freedom marries, dove freedom writtens guarantee the each other after be opposite is not harmed. ─── 他们饲养治理主要方法是:对青年鸽采取散养,便于自由婚配,鸽子自由结对后互不伤害。

50、The freedom of gun ownership is one such right.The story happened in Oklahoma and Columbine high school. ─── 和他的外貌一样,他在电影制作上也像个调皮的顽童,总是试图打破传统陈旧的制作程式和惯常思维。

51、common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States ─── 具有各种花色(白、蓝、紫或红)的短花距的欧洲耧斗草;原产美国

52、Soon afterward, Hillary and I flew to Colorado to meet with students and families from Columbine High School. ─── 不久之后,我和希拉里飞到科罗拉多州与来自科隆比纳高中的学生及受难者的家人会面。

53、columbine innocence ─── 鸽子一样纯洁无邪的

54、spurless columbine root or herb ─── 野前胡

55、Attacks such as that in Columbine (listed in great detail in Wikipedia) truly shocked America and led to a great deal of research. ─── 像“科伦拜恩”(在维基百科上有详细的记载)这样的校园枪击案令美国人着实震惊并引发了大量的研究。

56、Siberian columbine meadowrue herb or rhizome and root ─── 翅果唐松草

57、Breast is columbine 1, medlar 30 grams, saline a few. ─── 乳鸽1只,枸杞30克,盐少许。

58、Yellow chicken of duck of tungsten snipe, pheasant, mallard, an affectionate couple, ostrich, La Kongqiao, palace, blame with the flesh columbine growth is the rapiddest. ─── 钨鹞、山鸡、野鸭、鸳鸯鸭、鸵鸟、蓝孔雀、宫廷黄鸡,尤以肉鸽增长最快。

59、In Littleton,a year ago,the two teenage,shooters stood apart,alienated from the jock culture that infused Columbine High School. ─── 一年前在小顿城的哥伦拜中学,同伴圈子的孤立将两名少年变为凶手。

60、columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers. ─── 落基山脉一种开蓝花的长花距耧斗草。

61、Events are being held to mark 10 years since the massacre at Columbine High School, where two former pupils killed 12 students and a teacher. ─── 人们举行活动纪念克伦拜校园时间发生10周年,当年一个学生在这里杀害了12位学生和1位老师。

62、Flix rash market, include guinea fowl, Bai Yu chicken of black chicken, Hei Yu black, crane is columbine. ─── 毛皮鲁市场,包括珍珠鸡、白羽乌鸡、黑羽乌鸡、鹤鸽。

63、If Shapingba center to go home Tao Ran.Locations in the new century's Columbine Department Store (by the elevators); ─── 如果在沙坪坝中心可去陶然居.地点在新世纪百货耧上(乘电梯上);

64、Rocky Mountain columbine ─── 落基山耧斗花,科罗拉多州州花

65、European columbine ─── 欧洲耧斗菜

66、Will breed columbine go wool and splanchnic and sundry, abluent, put water and medlar are added to be stewed in all inside boiler, ripe when a few that add salt. ─── 将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。

67、Chinling mountain columbine root ─── 银扁担

68、Pheasant, flesh the price of market of columbine, partridge is certain in have litre. ─── 山鸡、肉鸽、鹧鸪市场的价格稳中有升。

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