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09-05 投稿



cooperate 发音

英:[k??'?p?re?t]  美:[ko'ɑp?ret]

英:  美:

cooperate 中文意思翻译



cooperate 短语词组

1、cooperate meaning ─── 合作意义

2、cooperate with sb ─── 同某人合作

3、willingness to cooperate ─── 愿意合作

4、cooperate with somebody ─── 与某人合作

5、cooperate with others ─── 与他人合作

6、cooperate with me ─── 与我合作

7、to compete or to cooperate ─── 竞争或合作

8、cooperate with ─── 与...合作

9、cooperate with you ─── 与你合作

10、cooperate thesaurus ─── 合作词库

11、cooperate with sb in doing sth ─── 与某人合作做某事

12、cooperate with each other ─── 互相合作

cooperate 词性/词形变化,cooperate变形

动词过去分词: cooperated |名词: cooperator |动词过去式: cooperated |动词现在分词: cooperating |动词第三人称单数: cooperates |

cooperate 相似词语短语

1、co-operate ─── vi.合作,配合;协力

2、cooperages ─── n.桶;制桶工场;制桶业

3、cooperage ─── n.桶;制桶工场;制桶业

4、cooperates ─── 配合;协作;合作

5、co-operates ─── 配合;协作;合作

6、cooperative ─── adj.合作的;合作社的;n.合作社

7、cooperated ─── 合作;配合;协作

8、co-operated ─── 合作;配合;协作

9、cooperator ─── n.合作者;合作社社员

cooperate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cooperate and innovate; serve the teachers and the students. ─── 协作创新、服务师生。

2、Is this the way how you cooperate with me? ─── 你这是特意配合我是吧?

3、Team player, Should be able to cooperate department members. ─── 具团队精神,可和部门同事协同合作。

4、Is Troy Cooper a danger to the insect community? ─── 对于卓伊?库珀是危害昆虫界的罪人这一罪名是否成立。

5、These domains are for sale or rent or cooperate ! ─── 以上域名正在出售、出租或合作!

6、Kitty: Sorry. Mr. Cooper is occupied at the moment. ─── 凯蒂:对不起,库柏先生现在很忙。

7、If we all cooperate, we' ll soon finish. ─── 如果我们大家合作,很快就能完成。

8、Cooper Shanghai Power Capacitor Co., Ltd. ─── 上海库柏电力电容器有限公司。

9、I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time. ─── 只要及时告诉我,我就会合作

10、Workers' leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate. ─── 工人领袖们表达了合作的意愿。

11、Talent is the 1st asset of Cooper. ─── 人才是库柏最大的财富。

12、Troy Cooper, at last. Now you're where you belong. ─── “卓伊?库珀,现在你就是这里的了。

13、We hope we can cooperate even more closely in the future. ─── 希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。

14、Cooperate with mining engineer very osculation. ─── 密切配合采矿工程师的工作。

15、Cooperate with customer on PCM and yield improvements. ─── 在PCM和产量改进方面同客户协作。

16、Don't cooperate with this guy, he is an egomaniac. ─── 不要与这个人合作,他是个利己狂.

17、It is in your best interest to cooperate. ─── 合作对你有最好的利益。

18、Why Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea? ─── 先生这么累?你知道吗?

19、NO. Refuses to cooperate in war crime investigation. ─── 否。拒绝合作调查战争中的罪行。

20、Balance and cooperate different departments. ─── 协调,配合各部工作。

21、She showed reluctance to cooperate with us. ─── 她表示不愿与我们合作。

22、He is several years junior to Mrs Cooper. ─── 他比库珀太太小几岁.

23、He behaved like a petulant child and refused to cooperate. ─── 他像个任性的孩子,拒不合作。

24、He hesitated he would cooperate with the police. ─── 他不情愿地表示他愿和警方合作。

25、To join forces with others;help or cooperate. ─── 协力,做贡献配合他人;帮助或合作

26、They are the Ashley and the Cooper rivers. ─── 它们就是阿什利河和库珀河。

27、They cooperate in a peaceable spirit. ─── 他们本着和平的精神协作。

28、To join forces with others; help or cooperate. ─── 协力,做贡献配合他人;帮助或合作。

29、We appreciate it if you can cooperate with us. ─── 如果贵方能与我方合作,不胜感激。

30、If they are to cooperate, they'll have to mend fences. ─── 一个妻子出于误会地把丈夫大骂一顿。第二天她说

31、I suppose so, if you cooperate with us. ─── 如果你能与我们合作,我看可以。

32、To my surprise, he refused to cooperate with us. ─── 令我吃惊的是,他不肯与我们合作。

33、Speciality: Product structure: tinning cooper etc. ─── 产品构造:由镀锡铜等成分构成。

34、Cooper objected to its solemnity and selfrighteousness. ─── 库珀反对它那付道貌岸然、自以为是的样子。

35、This domains are for sale or rent or cooperate ! ─── 以上域名正在竞价出售、出租或合作!

36、He is much too peremptory to cooperate with others. ─── 他太蛮横,没法跟人合作。

37、Thank for your support and cooperate. ─── 同时也感谢各位家长的支持与合作。

38、Is this Troy Cooper?@ asked the guard. ─── “他是卓伊?库珀吗?”守卫的蚂蚁问道。

39、You are welcome to visit and cooperate with CIRA! ─── 协会热忱欢迎各界人士前来联系与洽谈合作!

40、Mr. Cooper is occupied at the moment. ─── 库柏先生现在很忙。

41、I suppose so ,if you cooperate with us . ─── 如果妳能与我们合作,我看可以。

42、But why should we cooperate internationally in the field of basic science? ─── 但是,我们为什么要在基础科学领域开展国际合作呢?

43、He said if Pakistan did not cooperate, he would refer the matter to the United Nations. ─── 他说,如果巴基斯坦不配合,他将把问题交给联合国。

44、The council's chief executive said that he had been trying to resolve the students' complaints but that they had refused to cooperate. ─── 委员会的首席执行官说他已经正试图解决学生的抱怨问题,但他们拒绝合作。

45、Are you going to cooperate or do we have to get physical? ─── 你是合作呢,还是要我们动手?

46、They will not cooperate with him. ─── 他们不愿和他合作。

47、Attention, ancon joint does not get prolapse, antebrachium is become " one " glyph, hold out a bosom to look up, cooperate deep breathing. ─── 注重,肘关节不得下垂,前臂成“一”字形,挺胸抬头,配合深呼吸。

48、If he won't cooperate, we'll just have to tighten the screws a bit. ─── 如果他不肯合作,咱们必须得用点手段。

49、Her unwillingness to cooperate put me in a quandary. ─── 她不愿合作,这使我陷入困境。

50、They also anticipate to cooperate with our enterprises. ─── 他们也期待和我们的企业合作。

51、They will begin to cooperate in the apprehension of these gangster. ─── 他们将合作捕捉这些歹徒。

52、If they refuse to cooperate with us they will be cutting off their noses to spite their faces. ─── 如果他们拒绝与我们合作,到头来吃亏的是他们自己。

53、Welcome to cooperate with Sunup Company happily! ─── 合作盛福,合作幸福!

54、In the days to follow, Fisher's continued failure to cooperate put him in danger of getting kicked out of the Army. ─── 接下来的日子中,费舍尔拒绝配合军队的劣迹,使他处在了被部队开除的危险境地中。

55、Cooper wants to get a dagger for her! ─── 准备短剑,为她设想的哥哥?!

56、If you follow my advice, you will not cooperate with that company. ─── 如果你听从我的忠告,你就不会与那家公司合作。

57、You know, normal people are eager to cooperate with me when I'm trying to keep someone from killing them. ─── 你知道的,通常我在保护人们免得他们被害时,他们的合作都很积极。

58、From now on the British and Chinese governments need to cooperate more closely. ─── 今后中英两国要更好地合作。

59、He indicated his willingness to cooperate. ─── 他暗示愿意合作。

60、How can you cooperate in other areas of your life? ─── 在你生活的别的领域,你可以如何开展合作?

61、This was not your first offence, Troy Cooper. ─── “卓伊?库珀,这并不是你第一次犯罪了。”

62、Mr. Cooper failed to reach the green through underclub. ─── 库柏先生因为使用射距过短的球杆而未能打到果岭。

63、I su ose so ,if you cooperate with us . ─── 如果你能与我们合作,我看可以。

64、Cooperate with the QC team to deal with the aftersale problem. ─── 和品管配合,处理客诉的问题。

65、Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick? ─── 你是否讨厌阿里斯·库柏,是否也认为他是病态?

66、But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise. ─── 但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。

67、Are you going to cooperate or do we have to get physical? ─── 你是合作呢,还是要我们动手?

68、If they can cooperate with each other, everything should run smoothly. ─── 如果你们能互相配合,一切都会顺利的。

69、OK, I'll do my best to cooperate with you. ─── 好的,我一定配合。

70、How to Harmoniously Cooperate with Architect? ─── 如何与建筑师愉快地合作?

71、Gary Cooper was one of the few who were noticed. ─── 加里?库珀就是为了数不多的几个受人注意的人之一。

72、Cooperate with others oftenly, and get fun from it. ─── 常常和别人保持合作,并从中获得乐趣。

73、He began to cooperate with the well-known Beijing painter Pu Xinyu. ─── 他开始和著名的北京画家溥心诋合作。

74、Candid and willing to cooperate. ─── 坦率的,乐于合作的

75、I hope that we can cooperate happily. ─── 希望我们合作愉快。

76、'There was no case that I felt we have been frustrated and unable to do our job because of an unwillingness to cooperate, ' said Wheatley. ─── 韦奕礼说,没有发生过由于不愿合作而让我们倍感挫折、无法开展工作的事。

77、She stubbornly refused to cooperate. ─── 她顽固地拒绝合作。

78、He avowed that he would never cooperate with them again. ─── 他声明他决不再与他们合作。

79、Why is Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea? ─── 为什么库柏先生这么疲倦?你怎么想?

80、Cooperate to handle clerical work. ─── 协助处理公司行政事务。

81、No, I don't know who this Troy Cooper is. ─── “不,我不知道你所说的这位卓伊?库珀是谁。”

82、We're looking forward to being to cooperate with you. ─── 对方认为与你们合作很有前途。他们说,希望扩大贸易关系

83、Just cooperate and everything will be fine. ─── 你只要跟我们合作,一切都会正常。

84、Do you like to cooperate with others? ─── 你喜欢与人合作吗?

85、Don't worry about his obstinate refusal to cooperate; he'll come to himself before long. ─── 不用担心他现在不肯合作;很快他会恢复理智的。

86、He agreed to cooperate with the police investigation. ─── 他同意配合警方调查。

87、They would not cooperate with him . ─── 他们不愿与他合作。

88、During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate. ─── 在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。

89、He stated further that he would not cooperate with the committee. ─── 他进一步指出他不愿与委员会合作

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