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09-05 投稿


dyeing 发音

英:['da???]  美:['da???]

英:  美:

dyeing 中文意思翻译




dyeing 网络释义

n. 染色;染色工艺adj. 染色的v. 染色(dye的ing形式)

dyeing 词性/词形变化,dyeing变形

现在分词:dyeing 名词复数形式:dyeings 原型:dye

dyeing 短语词组

1、basic dyeing ─── [机] 碱性染色

2、degree of dyeing ─── [化] 上色率

3、continuous dyeing ─── [建] 连续染色

4、acid dyeing ─── [化] 酸性染色

5、beater dyeing ─── [机] 打浆机(中)染

6、dope dyeing ─── [化] 原浆着色

7、empty dyeing ─── [化] 上色浅淡

8、bobbin dyeing ─── [机] 筒染

9、dyeing solution ─── [化] 染色溶液; 染料溶液

10、azo dyeing ─── [机] 偶氮(染料)染色法

11、chromic dyeing ─── [建] 铬染(料)

12、electric dyeing ─── [电] 电染法

13、dyeing assistant ─── [化] 染色助剂

14、cross dyeing ─── [建] 交染, 一浴数染法

15、exhaust dyeing ─── [化] 浸染

16、dyeing auxiliary ─── [化] 染色助剂

17、cloudy dyeing ─── [化] 染色云斑

18、dip dyeing ─── [化] 浸染

19、brush dyeing ─── [机] 刷染法

dyeing 相似词语短语

1、dyeline ─── n.重氮法复印品;重氮复印法

2、deleing ─── 德林

3、-eeing ─── eeing公司

4、ageing ─── n.(材料自然或人为的)老化;变老,衰老;adj.变老的,上了年纪的;到了使用寿命的;v.变老;使……苍老;成熟(age的现在分词)

5、dreeing ─── v.忍耐;忍受;adj.凄凉的;沉闷的;使人意志消沉的,令人沮丧的(同dreich)

6、eyeing ─── vbl.注视

7、dieing ─── vi.死亡;凋零;熄灭;vt.死,死于……;n.冲模,钢模;骰子;n.(Die)(法、美、德)迭(人名)

8、daeing ─── 肉

9、deeing ─── n.D形物;D(英语字母);学位;n.(Dee)人名;(英)迪伊

dyeing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maybe you could dye that skirt to match your blouse. ─── 也许你可以给那条裙子染色,使之与你的衬衫相配。

2、Either dye or paints are used to colour cloth. ─── 不论是染料还是颜料都是用来染布的。

3、Serving to fix colors in dyeing. ─── 媒染在染色中用于固定颜色的

4、Our school stipulates that students are not allowed to dye hair. ─── 学校规定不允许学生染发。

5、She has been dyeing her hair black for years. ─── 几年来她一直把头发染成黑色。

6、He is a villain of the deepest dye. ─── 他是个穷凶极恶的恶棍。

7、Why don't you dye it deep blue? ─── 你干吗不把它染成深蓝色?

8、A purple may be made by dyeing a blue over a red. ─── 在红颜色上面染上蓝色就可得到紫色。

9、Da Cheng Spinning Weaving & Dyeing Co. Ltd. ─── 大成纺织染股份有限公司

10、Soak the cloth in the dye for an hour . ─── 把布放进染料里泡一小时。

11、Gordon: Maybe I should dye my hair too. ─── 戈登:也许我也应该把我的头发染了。

12、Easy to dyeing and color of the flower through provisioning dyes and heating rate reaches level dyeing effect. ─── 对容易染花的颜色可通过调配染料和升温速度达到匀染效果。

13、This paste contains dye, thickener, water and other chemicals. ─── 印花浆含有染料,增稠剂,水和其它的化学品。

14、Changzhou Jinshang Dyeing and Finishing Co. Ltd. ─── 常州金商染整有限公司。


16、Spontaneous apoptosis of cells was detected by AO/EB dyeing. ─── 丫啶橙/溴化乙锭(AO/EB)染色法检测细胞凋亡;

17、What color will you dye your coat? ─── 你的衣服要染成什么颜色?

18、The worker is dyeing cloth in a vat. ─── 工人正在一个大桶里染布。


20、They dipped the fabric in a vat of dye. ─── 他们在染缸中浸染织品。

21、If I want to dye my hair pink,what's wrong with that? ─── 如果我想把头发染成粉红色的话,那有什么不对呢?

22、I want to dye my hair but dont dye too thick. ─── 我想在挑染,但不要太密。

23、You can dye your own original patterns on silk. ─── 可以亲自在绢织布上进行染色。

24、The Greek dye was subdued in me, I suppose. ─── 我想,大概是希腊的色彩在我身上黯淡了。

25、It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter. ─── 在复活节染鸡蛋壳已成为习俗。

26、SHANGHAI XIN HONG DYEING CO., LTD. ─── 上海新鸿染态有限公司。


28、Listen to the rain sound, drop a child, say, the wind landing, into a pond willow wind, graceful, river with light overflow dyeing. ─── 倾听雨落声,落一子嗔言,风声起落,惹一塘风荷,杨柳婀娜,染一江春水盈盈轻漾。

29、Used mainly for cellulosic-based textile printing and dyeing. ─── 主要用于纤维素类纺织品的印花和染色。

30、Our dream is to dye the world more beautiful. ─── 我们的梦想是将世界渲染的更加多彩.

31、Mexican red scale insect that feeds on cacti; the source of a red dye. ─── 墨西哥红色小介壳虫,吃仙人掌;是红色染料的原料。

32、Your mother will have a seizure if you dye your hair pink! ─── 如果你把你的头发染成粉红色,你妈妈看了会发作的。

33、The coatings with dye are rinsed in water for 10 seconds. ─── 含有染料的涂层用水洗10秒钟。

34、A solution called a modent mordant is used in the dyeing process. ─── 在染色过程中会用到叫做媒染剂的方法。

35、described has accurate structure and distinctive nuance of dyeing. ─── 其描绘的物象结构透视准确,染色层次清晰。

36、It would be better if we readorn or dye them. ─── 国际上日本采用较多。

37、Allan: Maybe I should dye my hair too. ─── 也许我也应该把我的头发染了。

38、Shanghai Dansk Dyeing and Printing Co., Ltd. ─── 上海坦斯克印染有限公司。

39、I'm thinking of dyeing my hair. ─── 我想要染头发。

40、You can dye your hair whatever colour you like. ─── 你的头发你想怎么染就怎么染。

41、Perform red dye penetration inspection. ─── 完成涂红渗透检测。

42、I want to rotate with you! We happen to dye the same color. ─── 我要同你双双,旋转不约而同,染上颜色一种颜色,蓝色。

43、They used only natural pigments to dye the wool. ─── 他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。


45、Remove the skins after the dye cools. ─── 在染料冷却后把洋葱皮去掉。

46、She dunked a piece of white cloth in the dye. ─── 她把一块白布浸入染料中。

47、The index of both pretreatment and dyeing were ideal. ─── 大生产应用试验表明,其前处理及染色各项指标均较理想。

48、Soak the cloth in the dye for one hour. ─── 把布放在染料里泡一个小时。

49、He invented a new process of dyeing. ─── 他发明了印染的新工艺。

50、Allan: What did you dye your hair for? ─── 你为什么要把它染成金色呢?

51、cold-bed batch type steam dyeing process for woolen yarn by reactive dyes is described in this book. ─── 本书介绍了羊毛纱线活性染料的冷床间歇式蒸染色方法。

52、Practical operation indicates that this high technology can be widely used in any equipment of dyeing and printing words. ─── 实际运行情况表明,这项高新技术可以推广应用到印染厂中的任何机台上。

53、Stock dyeing is used more often than before. ─── 原料染色比以前用的多。

54、Dye penetrant examination of the completed weld. ─── 对已完成的焊缝进行着色渗透检测。

55、Jet dyeing is good for knitted fabric. ─── 喷染适合于针织布。

56、Shanxi huajin textile printing and dyeing co., Ltd. ─── 山西华晋纺织印染有限公司。

57、Veneer dyeing technology of the hardwood species. ─── 几种阔叶树木材单板的染色工艺研究。

58、How long have you been colouring(= dyeing)your hair? ─── 你染发有多长时间了?

59、Notable among these are wastes from dyeing operations in the textile industing. ─── 在这些废水之中值得注意的是来自纺织工业的印染作业。

60、Dye intermediate, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. ─── 固体染料中间体,腐蚀,

61、How does the fleetness wash out a hair dye? ? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>生活>怎样快速洗掉染发剂??

62、Butter and margarine may be colored by the addition of a dye. ─── 奶油和人造奶油可以通过添加染色剂进行着色处理

63、We are specialized in exporting dye intermediates. ─── 公司介绍:我们是专业从事染料中间体出口的公司。

64、And if I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy and ask no man's permission. ─── 如果我想染头发,想晚睡或早起,我就随自己的心意去做,不征求任何人的同意。

65、He caught me gazing at the thick black spiky forest matting his head. "I've been dyeing it for years " he said. ─── 看到我注视着他头上又黑又密的直发,他说:“我染发已经有很多年了。”

66、She suddenly took it into her head to dye her hair green. ─── 她突然心血来潮要把头发染成绿色.

67、Must Over 5 years Working Experience in Dyeing or Printing Mill. ─── 必须具有5年以上的工作经历在染整或印花厂。

68、However, dyeing materials, the special nature of the products retained so far is also the first produced during the Sassanid dynasty. ─── 但由于染织材料的特殊性,留存至今的制品最早的也是萨珊王朝时期生产的。

69、The most user friendly dye stuff, easy to use. ─── 常用的染色方法,简单。

70、What color do you want to dye, red or yellow? ─── 您要染什么颜色,红色还是黄色?

71、After that, father wouldn't let any of us dye one colour only. ─── 从这起,爹爹就说不许某个人专染红的;

72、Zhonggen (Fuzhou) Textile Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. ─── 宗根(福州)纺织印染有限公司。

73、A hairdresser who specializes in dyeing hair. ─── 善于染发的理发师

74、The dye from any of these plants. ─── 从这些植物中提炼出来的染料

75、Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes. ─── 把布在染液里浸20分钟。

76、The indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it. ─── 假蓝靛靛蓝植物或从这种植物中提取的蓝色染料

77、My graduation thesis was on the application of computer to printing and dyeing. ─── 我的毕业论文是关于电脑在印染业中的应用。

78、And so, he thought of a way to dye his body grey. ─── 于是他想了个办法,将自己的身体染成灰色。

79、One colour he'd never dye his hair is green. ─── 他还未曾把头发染成绿色过。

80、The maker guarantees this hair dye to stay on three weeks. ─── 制造商保证染发剂使用后的有效期间为三星期。


82、Brian: Now put the egg in the bowl and dye it. ─── 布莱恩:现在把蛋放进碗里并染上颜色。

83、My skirt is wet and the red dye has come out on to my legs. ─── 我的裙子湿了,裙子上的红染料染红我的腿了。

84、Place the wool into the dye and heat the mixture. ─── 将呢绒放入染料中并加热混合物。

85、My mother won't let me dye my hair until I'm older. ─── 我得等到年纪更大一些,妈妈才同意让我染头发。

86、First soak the cloth in the dye for about one hour. ─── 先把布在染料里浸泡约一小时。

87、The dyeing behavior of blended fiber is directly conn... ─── 共混丙纶的染色性与纤维的形态结构有直接关系。

88、Reactive dyes is one of the main dyestuffs usually used for cotton knits dyeing. ─── 活性染料是棉针织品染色的主要染料之一。

89、A modent mordant helps fix the dye to the material. ─── 媒染剂有助于将染料附着于材料。

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