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09-05 投稿


mongrel 发音

英:[?m??ɡr?l]  美:[?m??ɡr?l]

英:  美:

mongrel 中文意思翻译




mongrel 网络释义

n. 杂种;混血儿;杂种动物adj. 杂种的;混血儿的

mongrel 词性/词形变化,mongrel变形


mongrel 短语词组

1、mongrel fortnite ─── 杂种狗

2、mongrel sense ─── 杂种意识

3、mongrel crossword clue ─── 混血填字线索

4、mongrel definition ─── 混血儿定义

5、mongrel synonym ─── 杂种同义词

6、mongrel memes ─── 杂种模因

7、mongrel dog ─── 杂种狗

8、mongrel mob ─── 混血暴徒

9、mongrel function mongrel ─── 函数

mongrel 相似词语短语

1、dogrel ─── 多格雷

2、monged ─── 混血儿

3、congree ─── 恭喜

4、Mingrel ─── 明格勒

5、gangrel ─── n.流浪汉;瘦长的人

6、mongrelly ─── 蒙格利

7、monger ─── n.商人,小贩;(不好事物或思想的)散播者,宣扬者;v.(挨家挨户)兜售;贩卖;散播(观点);n.(Monger)(美、英)蒙格(人名)

8、langrel ─── 兰格瑞尔

9、mongrels ─── n.杂种;混血儿;杂种动物;adj.杂种的;混血儿的

mongrel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips.He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question. ─── 在夜晚来临之前,一位德国牧羊人带着混血犬已经进入一个酒吧去乞讨一些薯片,他有点污秽和有点饿并且有一点瘤一样大的还是一个问题。

2、Their short term roadmap includes adding detailed monitoring of other parts of the Rails stack like Mongrel and PostgreSQL. ─── 他们的短期目标包括增加更详细的对Rails栈其它部分的监控,例如Mongre和PostgreSQL。

3、"Nah," my dad said, "she's just a mongrel bitch." ─── “不行”,我爸说,“她不过是一条杂种母狗罢了”

4、A mongrel or cur. ─── 杂种狗或无用之狗

5、ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India. ─── 常见于亚洲乡村特别是印度的没人养的半野生杂种狗。

6、English is a mongrel language that keeps its vitality by absorbing new words, uses and expressions. ─── 英语是一种杂交语言,一直靠吸收新词、新用法和新含义来保持其生命力。

7、Can summon mongrel things that he can cast locust swarm on, which buffs their damage.Outdoor environment now. ─── 也可以将腐蜂施放在他召唤的混合怪物上,增强它们的攻击力。

8、I, not born here, was loving this mongrel city, an innominate root generated from my heart, enlaced me every day. ─── 我,一个异乡人,爱着这混血的城市,我的心中长出了无名的根,每天都在缠绕。

9、Josie : That's not surprising because it's not a thoroughbred, it's a mongrel. ─── 卓喜:那不奇怪啊,因为它不是纯种狗,是混种的。

10、Fear not, you'll still have access to the raw mongrel request if you want to do fancy stuff like streaming or deferred rendering outside the mutex. ─── 不用害怕,如果您想在互斥以外做一些奇特的事情,比如流处理或延迟呈现,您仍然可以访问原始的 mongrel 请求。

11、The local veterinarian25 was still at his office, so I borrowed a pickup truck from my employer and loaded the limp mongrel into the cab. ─── 当地的兽医还在班上。

12、mongrel iron ─── 厚铁头球棒

13、ownerless half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India ─── 常见于亚洲乡村特别是印度的没人养的半野生杂种狗

14、Keywords Amino acid;Nitrogen balance;3-methylhistidine;Mongrel; ─── 氨基酸;氮平衡;3-甲基组氨酸;犬;

15、The English word "television" is a mongrel because "tele" comes from Greek and "vision" from Latin. ─── 英语television是个语源混杂的词,因为tele来自希腊文,vision来自拉丁文。

16、A golf club in southern Wales has awarded lifetime membership to a mongrel dog because of his uncanny knack for finding lost balls from golf shots that have gone off the course. ─── 威尔斯南部的一家高尔夫球俱乐部颁给一只混种狗终身会员资格,因为牠有惊人的本领能捡回被击出球道高尔夫球。

17、Mongrel, our Web server, does not serve static data particularly well, so we use Apache to serve image content. ─── 我们的 Web 服务器 Mongrel 并不能很好地提供静态数据,因此我们使用 Apache 来提供图像内容。

18、IN THIS ARTICLE: Former Mongrel Mob member Martin Hemomo-- who had a bad beginning and a worse middle to his life--tells how the turnaround began for him. ─── 本文简介:前“混合帮”成员马

19、In addition, "Plug phone mongrel " still can engrave when appoint, through " car arrives electrified wire netting (V2G) " the technology loses electric energy return electrified wire netting to go up. ─── 此外,“插电混血儿”还能在指定时刻,通过“车辆到电网(V2G)”技术把电能输回到电网上。

20、(4)Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel[2],that miscegenation[3] is the way forward. ─── 要是有人说华南虎不过普通的杂种虎,而且杂交繁衍才是长远之计,中国人肯定都将无法接受。

21、Glycosaminoglycans in Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Alveolar Bone of Mongrel Dogs after Guided Tissue Regeneration ─── 引导组织再生术后龈沟液和牙槽骨中糖氨多糖的变化

22、Out of that, you mongrel. ─── 放开它,你这杂种!

23、Underneath the wagon, between the hind wheels, a lean and rangy mongrel dog walked sedately. ─── 在马车后轮之间,一条瘦骨嶙峋的长腿杂种狗不声不响地跟着。

24、a snappish mongrel. ─── 咬人的杂种狗

25、My mother's dog is only an old mongrel but she thinks the world of him. ─── 我母亲的狗只是一条杂种的老狗,但是她很喜欢它。

26、The Effect of Adenosine on Ischemia-reperfusion Lung Injury of Mongrel Dog after Extracorporeal Circulation ─── 腺苷对犬体外循环后肺缺血-再灌注损伤的作用

27、The Mongrel Club will also submit our views to AFCD and concern groups attending the meeting. ─── 本会亦将以唐狗会名义,向渔护署及与会团体提交意见。

28、Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with a prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs. ─── 目的:构建胶原涂层记忆合金人工气管,通过动物实验观察其气管重建的初步效果。

29、Mongrel still can have fecundity, ─── 混血儿还会有生育能力么,

30、I cannot divide it now.I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for a league ─── 我只热爱一种国旗,要我把这份热爱匀出一部分给那面为国联而设计的不伦不类的旗帜,也是做不到的。

31、She felt completely innocent about not being able to walk, like a puppy that has no idea if it is a mongrel or champion of the breed. ─── 她没觉得无法走路有什么大不了的,就像一只小狗,完全对自己是杂种还是纯种没有概念。

32、(4) Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel[2], and that miscegenation[3] is the way forward. ─── 要是有人说华南虎不过普通的杂种虎,而且杂交繁衍才是长远之计,那么很多中国人肯定都将无法接受。

33、Mongrel and Bounder or not, he jumped to his own conclusions. He didn't merely walk round them with millions of words, in the parade of the life of the mind. ─── 不论他是不是杂种的下流人,他却一直向目的地走去。他并不仅仅用无限的言词,到处去夸耀精神生活。

34、Study of relationship between MAP and regional cerebral blood flow to pulse volume amplitude under controlled hypotension in mongrel dogs ─── 犬控制性低血压下平均动脉压、脑局部血流与脉搏容积波幅的关系

35、Jon back to a dog called audio, audio is only a very cute mongrel dog, Garfield suddenly feel that they are out of favor status was threatened. ─── 乔恩带回了一条叫欧迪的小狗,欧迪是只非常可爱的杂种狗,加菲猫顿时觉得自己失宠地位受到了威胁。

36、thin-bodied mongrel hog of southeastern United States that is a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds. ─── 美国东南部的瘦体杂种猪,是野猪或半野猪的改良后代。

37、Accidentally, my Dachshund and Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel. ─── 一不留神, 我家的腊肠和巴吉度生出了一个混血种。

38、A mongrel dog is prowling aimlessly along the canal bank. ─── 一条笨狗无目的地在运河岸上闲逛。

39、Instead, a rusty trawler lies on its side on the forecourt, which the workmen eye as though a mongrel dog. ─── 取而代之的是一条锈迹斑斑的拖网渔船,活像只一条腿歪在地上的杂种狗。

40、Being a demon is just like being a human , who should be kind-hearted. With a kind heart , we won't be a demon any longer, but a mongrel. ─── 所以说做妖就像做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖.

41、In a prominent New York hotel last month, a uniformed man strode purposefully through the corridors, a beagle mongrel trotting at his side. ─── 上个月,在纽约一家著名的旅馆,一个穿制服的男子穿过走廊,旁边跟着一只混血小猎狗。

42、Labour MPs know that they cannot win a bidding war on immigration.But they can assert that England is, in Mr Blunkett's words, “evidently mongrel, multi-national and multiethnic. ─── 工党议员们知道他们不能靠移民问题赢得选举战,不过他们宣称英国,用布伦基特先生的话来说,“明显是混血,跨国和多种族的”。

43、Keywords Lipid ultrasound contrast agent Cerebral parenchymal hemorrhage Video analysis Grey scale value Mongrel dog; ─── 关键词脂质体声学造影剂;脑出血;视频分析;灰阶值;实验犬;

44、Our volunteer unfortunately found an abandoned mongrel tied to a fire hydrant outside Langham Place in Mongkok. ─── 但不幸地,义工在旺角闹市也遇到被遗弃的狗狗。

45、MATERIALS: Eight pregnant mongrel dogs were selected to obtain umbilical cord blood for isolation and culture of stem cells. ─── 材料:选取妊娠杂交犬8只,抽取脐血进行干细胞的分离和培养。

46、You can summon a new mongrel (or make an old one explode first) which would then take on tanking duty for the stronger enemy that was closing in. ─── 你可以召唤一个离它近新的宠物让它(或者先让一个之前的宠物自曝)来承担坦克的作用。

47、Josie: That's not surprising because it's not a thoroughbred, it's a mongrel. ─── 卓喜:那不奇怪啊,因为牠不是纯种狗,是混种的。

48、To make mongrel in race, nature, or character. ─── 使种族、性质或特点混合

49、Keywords Shuguan Capsule(Corocalm);myocardial blood flow;myocardial oxygen consumption;mongrel dog; ─── 疏冠胶囊;心肌血流量;心肌耗氧量;杂种犬;

50、A mongrel dog. ─── 杂种狗

51、Being a demon is just like being a human , who should be kind-hearted. With a kind heart , we won't be a demon any longer, but a mongrel. ─── 所以说做妖就像做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖。

52、Even if is compared with common mixture motor vehicle, "Plug phone mongrel " the travel course of development of every gallon oily bad news also wants many at least 30 miles. ─── 即便与普通混合动力车相比,“插电混血儿”每加仑油耗的行驶里程也要多出至少30英里。

53、The mongrel presented his muzzle for scratching. ─── 这只杂种狗探出口鼻挠痒。

54、The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips. ─── 昨天晚上,一只看上去是德国混血的牧羊犬进入酒吧里讨要炸土豆条。

55、Don't make me laugh! You paid two hundred pounds for a scruffy mongrel like that? ─── 我可不相信,你花200英镑买了这样一条不值钱的杂种狗?

56、Twelve mongrel dogs, average about l0 Kg, were used as experimenttalanimal and were divided into six groups for study. ─── 使用12只约10公斤的混血狗,分为六组,每组两只。

57、Methods After fourty mongrel dogs underwent thoracotomy, myocardial ischemia animal models had been established. ─── 方法杂种健康犬40只,建立心肌缺血动物模型;

58、Gradually Spaniards and Indians (and later blacks) blended to create a mongrel nation. ─── 后来,西班牙人和印第安人(即后来的黑人)混杂而居,逐渐形成了混合血统的一个民族。

59、Most people who own a pedigree dog look down their noses at somebody with a mere mongrel. ─── 大多数有纯种狗的人总是瞧不起养杂种狗的人。

60、a mongrel breed ─── 杂种

61、She seemed to find some comfort in Nusch, my plump and bustling mongrel,but was at frist in fear of Winck,my heavy weight Alsatian. ─── 以及一只具行德国狼犬,叫温克。新来的那只狗好像喜欢和努斯奇一起,但最初很害怕温克。

62、9.Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel, and that miscegenation is the way forward. ─── 要是知道华南虎是其貌不扬的杂种,并且只能倚靠混种继而繁衍,许多人中国人定会难以容忍。

63、Many Chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel, and that miscegenation is the way forward. ─── 许多中国人仍然断定老虎是普通的混血动物,而且是以混种的方法来形成的。

64、Experiment on dock silage and microbral silage of Mongrel Rumex ─── 杂交酸模青贮微贮试验

65、And a mongrel race will dwell in Ashdod, And I will cut off the pride of the Philistines. ─── 私生子(或作外族人)必住在亚实突。我必除灭非利士人的骄傲。

66、Protective effect of Yangxin granules on endothelial cells and myocardium in mongrel dogs with myocardial infarction ─── 养心颗粒对急性心肌梗死犬血管内皮细胞及心肌损伤的保护作用

67、In a prominent New York hotel last month, a uniformed man strode purposefully through the corridors, a beagle mongrel trotting at his side. ─── 上个月,在纽约一家著名的旅馆,一个穿制服的男子穿过走廊,旁边跟着一只混血小猎狗。

68、And also it was a little irritating. She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated Bounder of the worst sort. ─── 然而有时也有点令她觉得讨厌。他们一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛气凌人地骂他是杂种的幸进者,是无教育的最贱的下流人,但是康妮却比较尊重他。

69、Objective To investigate the feasibility of tracheal reconstruction with prosthesis made of memory alloy coated with collagen sponge in mongrel dogs. ─── 目的构建胶原涂层记忆合金人工气管,通过动物实验观察其气管重建的初步效果。

70、The mongrel city is noble, proud and gloomy, behind its noises and bloom. ─── 一路推开热浪、沙漠与风雪,穿越时光隧道,我来了。。。

71、A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable;a mongrel. ─── 劣等狗一种被视为低劣的或不受欢迎的狗;

72、Evaluation of left ventricular myocardial regional function in normal and myocardial infarction of mongrel dogs with displacement curve ─── 位移曲线对犬正常及心肌梗死模型左室心肌局域功能的评价

73、My mother's dog is only an old mongrel but she thinks the world of him. ─── 我母亲的狗只是一条杂种的老狗,但是她很喜欢它。

74、A cadaverous mongrel picking through the garbage. ─── 从垃圾堆里捡来的瘦弱的混血儿

75、Russel, complained of Chinese vice, disease and dirtiness, and deplored the possibility of a "mongrel" population resulting from the immigration of an "inferior race". ─── 其他如小罗素,抱怨华人的恶习、疾病与肮脏,并对因“次等种族”移民所产生的“混血”人口问题而痛惜。

76、A.,Nikkatsu Corporation,Mongrel Media,Primer Plano Film Group Video S.A.,Elephant Picture Inc. ─── 发行公司 A-Film Distribution,索尼经典,Primer Plano Film Group S.

77、Thirty healthy adult mongrel canines were made into models of acute myocardial ischemia by ligating the left anterior descending of c... ─── 吉林大学基础医学院机能科学实验中心吉林省长春市;

78、From there it was a "natural progression" to the Mongrel Mob. ─── 打那时起,他就“顺势发展”到“混合帮”了。

79、But let's get one thing straight: We don't need a Heinz-57 mongrel," The puppy nestled comfortably in Jeffrey's arms as they walked toward the house. ─── 不过有一点要说清楚:我们不需要海因茨57杂种狗。” 他们朝房子走去,那小狗舒服地窝在杰弗里怀里。

80、But most ecological communities stumble along into a mongrel mixture of species that offers no outstanding self-protection to the group as a team. ─── 但是大多数生态群落跌跌撞撞地发展出的杂交混合物种,并未作为一个团体给群落提供突出的自卫能力。

81、mongrel stock ─── 混血家畜, 血统不明的家畜

82、A dog considered to be inferior or undesirable; a mongrel. ─── 劣等狗一种被视为低劣的或不受欢迎的狗; 杂种狗

83、Mongrel dogs ─── 杂种犬

84、DJ:I cannot be sunmmoned like some mongrel pup. ─── 戴魏:我可不是什么杂种狗任你呼来唤去.

85、She had more respect for Michaelis, on whose name they all poured such withering contempt, as a little mongrel arriviste, and uneducated Bounder of the worst sort. ─── 他们一提起蔑克里斯的名,便盛气凌人地骂他是杂种的幸进者,是无教育的最贱的下流人,但是康妮却比较尊重他。

86、Pooch was my father's dog, a big, happy, flop-eared mongrel. ─── 普茨是我父亲的一只狗,是只杂种狗,它体型高大,性格欢快,耳朵下垂;

87、You can say that. I feel I have always kept things mixed, I often say I am the “mongrel” of the art world. ─── 沈:可以这么说,我觉得我一直玩得比较杂,我经常说我是艺术界的“杂”种。

88、mongrel word ─── 混合词

89、In the Yukon during the Gold Rush, mongrel teams were the rule. ─── 淘金热时期,在加拿大的育空,杂交的狗队通常是惯用的做法。

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