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09-05 投稿


variance 发音

英:['ve?r??ns]  美:['v?r??ns]

英:  美:

variance 中文意思翻译



variance 短语词组

at variance

1. 不一致

Her conduct is at variance with her words.


1、basic variance ─── [经] 基本差异

2、capacity variance ─── [经] 能力(量)差异

3、activity variance ─── [经] 活动差异

4、adverse variance ─── [经] 不利差异

5、analysis of material quantity variance ─── [经] 材料数量差异分析

6、analysis of material price variance ─── [经] 材料价格差异分析

7、analysis of cost variance ─── [经] 成本差异分析

8、capacity utilization variance ─── [经] 生产能力利用差异

9、at variance ─── 有分歧, 不和

10、capacity volume variance ─── [经] 容量差异

11、at variance with ─── 与...有分歧, ─── 与...不和, ─── 与...不符

12、budget variance ─── [经] 预算差异

13、calendar variance ─── [经] 日历差异

14、budget variance analysis ─── [经] 预算差异分析

15、combined variance ─── [经] 合并差异

16、area variance ─── [法] 地区变更

17、analysis of wage variance ─── [经] 工资差异分析

18、analysis of variance ─── [化] 方差分析 ─── [经] 差异分析

19、analysis of variance from budget ─── [经] 预算差异分析

variance 反义词

constant |invariable

variance 同义词

changeable | choppy | vacillating | flighty | adaptable | variable star | flexible | fickle | irregular | patchy | variable quantity | unsteady | uneven | erratic | mutable | inconstant | aimless | up-and-down | aberrant | unwavering | mercurial | fluctuating | inconsistent | floating | varying | changing |adjustable | plastic | capricious

variance 词性/词形变化,variance变形

副词: variably |名词: variableness |

variance 习惯用语

1、set at variance ─── 离间

2、at variance ─── (意思, 观点, 意见)有分歧, 不一致, 不符合; 相反; 背道而驰 ─── 不睦, 冲突, 敌对

3、at variance with ─── 和...不和; 和...不符

variance 相似词语短语

1、invariance ─── n.不变性;不变式

2、variances ─── n.差异;变化幅度;差额(variance的复数)

3、valiance ─── 英勇

4、vicariance ─── n.地理分隔(同类动、植物因地壳变动产生的山脉和海洋等阻隔所造成)

5、vacance ─── 休假

6、radiance ─── n.光辉;发光;容光焕发

7、parlance ─── n.说法;用语;语调;发言

8、tarriance ─── n.耽搁;逗留

9、covariance ─── n.[数]协方差;共分散

variance 特殊用法

1、forecast variance ─── 预测差异

2、variable overhead variance ─── 可变间接费差异

3、price variance ─── 价格差异

4、variance of single sample ─── 单项样本的变异数

5、direct labor variance ─── 直接人工差异

6、budget variance ─── 预算差异

7、component variance ─── 成分变异数

8、estimated variance ─── 估计方差

9、distribution variance ─── 分布方差

10、uniformly minimum variance ─── 一致最小方差

11、variance of a random variable ─── 随机变量的方差

12、relative variance ─── 相对方差

13、efficiency variance ─── 效率差异

14、time variance ─── 工时差异

15、overhead variance ─── 间接制造成本差异

16、spendingvariance ─── 支出差异, 费用差异

17、wage rate variance ─── 工资率差异

18、labo(u)r efficiency variance ─── 工效差异(工时差异)

19、unfavorable variance ─── 逆差异, 标准成本超额差异

20、partial variance ─── 偏方差

21、usage variance ─── 用量差异

22、variance of distribution ─── 分布方差

23、controllable factory overhead variance ─── 可控制间接制造费差异

24、quantity variance ─── 数量差异

25、non-additive genetic variance ─── 非加性遗传方差

26、between-strata variance ─── 区间变异; 层间变异

27、between-cluster variance ─── 组间变异

28、variance of peak ─── 峰畸变

29、fixed overhead variance ─── 固定间接费差异

30、marketing variance ─── 市场预测差异

31、additive genetic variance ─── 加性遣传方差

32、variance of estimated ─── 估计方差

33、selling price variance ─── 销售价格差异

34、material usage price variance ─── 原材料消费价格差异

35、pooled variance ─── 合并方差

36、dimensional variance ─── 尺寸变化

37、non-additive variance ─── 非加性方差

38、genetic variance ─── 遗传方差

39、department variance on overhead ─── 部门间接费差异

40、labo(u)r variance ─── 人工差异

41、variance of a probability distribution ─── 概率分布的方差

42、material price variance ─── 原材料价格差异

43、genotypic variance ─── 遗传型方差, 基因型方差

44、factory expenses variance ─── 制造费用差异

45、labo(u)r mix variance ─── 人工搭配差异

46、idle-activity variance ─── 窝工差异

47、generalized variance ─── 广义方差

48、interaction variance ─── 互作方差, 上位方差

49、cost variance ─── 成本差异, 成本差额

50、error variance ─── 误差离散, 误差方差

51、auto variance ─── 自方差

52、direct material cost variance ─── 直接原材料成本差异

53、capacity utilization variance ─── 能量利用差异

54、material received variance ─── 收料价格差异

55、idle time variance ─── 闲置时间差异

56、material quantity variance ─── 原材料用量差异

57、material cost variance ─── 原材料成本差异

58、material mix variance ─── 原料成分差异, 原料搭配差异

59、population variance ─── 【统】总体方差

60、value variance ─── 价值差异

61、dominance variance ─── 显性方差

62、random value variance ─── 随机值变化, 随机值变异

63、heterogeneous variance ─── 异质性的方差

64、volume variance ─── 产量差异

65、unknown variance ─── 未知方差

66、mix variance ─── 混合差异

67、special environmentalvariance ─── 专有环境方差

68、selling expense variance ─── 销售费用差异

69、additive variance ─── 加性方差

70、labo(u)r rate variance ─── 工资率差异(labo(u)r)

71、residual variance ─── 剩余方差

72、production volume variance ─── 产量差异

73、average comparable variance ─── 平均可比较的变异性

74、environmental variance ─── 【生态】环境变量

75、sample variance ─── 采样方差, 采样离散, 样品方差, 样品离散

76、direct labor cost variance ─── 直接人工成本差异

77、unbiased variance ─── 无偏方差, 均方差

78、production yield variance ─── 产品收得率差异

79、standard costs variance ─── 标准成本差异

80、rate variance ─── 费率差异

81、variance of mean ─── 平均方差

82、basic variance ─── 基本差异

83、favorable variance ─── 有利差异

84、activity variance ─── 业务活动差异

85、common factor variance ─── 公因子方差

86、material usage variance ─── 材料使用差异

87、finite variance ─── 有限方差

88、unequal variance ─── 不等方差

89、unexplained variance ─── 不可解释的变异数

90、physical variance ─── 实绩差异

91、production cost variances ─── 生产成本差异

92、material yield variance ─── 原料效率差异

93、variance of gene frequency ─── 基因频率方差

94、empiric variance ─── 经验方差, 样本方差

95、yield variance ─── 收益率差异

96、material variances ─── 原料差异

97、variable overhead price variance ─── 变动制造费用价格差异

98、controllable variance ─── 可控制差异

99、serial variance ─── 系列离散, 序列方差

100、variance of population ─── 母体变异

101、labo(u)r usage variance ─── 人工用量差异

102、conditional variance ─── 条件方差

103、interclass variance ─── 组内方差

104、departmental variance ─── 部门间接费差异

105、minimum variance ─── 最小方差

106、idle capacity variance ─── 闲置生产能力差异

107、manufacturing expense variance ─── 制造费差异

variance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If there is a variance of more than 5%, provide a brief explanation. ─── 假使有超过5%的差异,提出简略说明。

2、The range of CFO can be coped with, the variance of the estimator and the Cramer-Rao bound are analyzed. ─── 分析了算法的估计范围、方差性能以及Cramer-Rao下界。

3、What he did was at variance with his earlier promises. ─── 他所做的与先前答应的有所?I格。

4、The good in him was a constant variance with the bad. ─── 他善良的一面经常和邪恶的一面发生矛盾。

5、Thus the proposed tracking algorithm is robust to target maneuvers and can minimize the estimation variance as well. ─── 从而使得该跟踪算法不仅对目标机动具有鲁棒性,而且所得到得估计误差方法最小。

6、The location error increases according with the increment of the variance of the measurement error of AOA. ─── 当AOA测量误差的方差不断增大时,对应的定位误差也随之增大。

7、Many of his statements were at variance with the facts. ─── 他的许多陈述都与事实相矛盾。

8、Of all persecution the hardest to bear is variance in the home, the estrangement of dearest earthly friends. ─── 一切逼迫中,最难忍受的是家庭里的分歧,以及世上最亲爱的朋友的疏远。

9、Variance between transeunt request and self judgement. ─── 外在的要求常和自己的判断不一致。

10、Issues and corrective actions for deviations from plan (e. G., Action items, variance reports, change requests). ─── 对背离计划的问题和对其地纠正活动(例如:行动条、矛盾报告、变更请求)

11、These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence. ─── 这些结论与证据完全相悖。

12、Five principle elements were obtained, which contribute over 94.28% of variance, especially the panical type (35.12%). ─── 主成分分析将波兰小麦8个主要农艺性状简化为5个主成分,其累积贡献率为94.28%,以穗型因子的贡献率最高,达到35.12%。

13、This was mainly because of the ability of detecting genetic variance of the two techniques. ─── 多样性上略有差异,这主要是因为两种技术的对遗传变异的检测能力不同,

14、A zoning variance. ─── 地区规化特别许可

15、He found 46 percent of 83 percent unexplained variance in the 4-year FTC data attributable to stable firm effect. ─── 他发现,在4年度的联邦贸易委员会数据中,剩余83%的未解释方差中的46%归因于稳定的企业因素。

16、His acts are at variance with his words. ─── 他的行为与他的话有所?I格。

17、The analysis of the topographic index variance can help us study catchment topography and hydrological similarity. ─── 地形指数空间变异特征分析可为研究流域地形和流域水文相似性提供基础资料。

18、Investigation was made on activity variance and deactivation of reforming catalyst. ─── 介绍了所用催化剂以及工艺流程的概况。

19、Thechanges of MAE is mainly due to the variance of barotropic and baroclinic components. ─── MAE的变化主要是由于它的正压分量和斜压分量变化引起;

20、His actions are often at variance with his principles. ─── 他的行为经常与他的原则不相符合

21、As long as your interests and mine were at variance I could give you no counsel on this subject. ─── 只要你我的利益有冲突,我就不能在这个问题上向你提出任何忠告。

22、The VARP() function calculates the variance based on an entire population. ─── 函数根据整个总体计算方差。

23、T-test and Duncan variance analysis were adopted in F_1 and F_2 monosomic analysis. ─── 单体分析中F_1世代采用t-测验,F_2世代采用Duncan方差分析法。

24、The facts are at variance with your story. ─── 事实和你的故事有出入

25、Alternatively, he might be suggesting that homosexual behaviour is at variance with that of the non-human world. ─── 另一种情况是,教皇可能想表示,同性恋行为与人类以外的生物界是冲突的。

26、But considered both's price variance, Xinle gallops is obviously more attractive. ─── 但是考虑到两者的价格差异,新乐骋显然更加诱人。

27、The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance. ─── 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。

28、The a-wave ,b-wave amplitude of ERG were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance. ─── 对ERG的a、b波振幅变化用方差分析进行检验。

29、The true variance in the yield of apple and pear trees if the data in the database is the entire orchard population. ─── 如果数据库中的数据为整个果园的样本总体,则此值是苹果树和梨树产量的真实方差。

30、In statistical language, this estimate is called the between-column variance. ─── 在统计学中这个估计值叫组间方差。

31、Variance of initial earnings is lower than in spot market. ─── 开始的所得不一致是低的比较在当场的市场中。

32、In this example, the variance is total variance, and management often needs more detailed information. ─── 上例中的成本差异是差异的总值,管理中有时需要更详细的数据。

33、As a measure of risk, mean absolute deviation is better than variance in a sense. ─── 作为度量风险的标准 ,绝对离差比方差更为合适 .

34、There were four main factors by EFA, accounting for54.28% of whole variance. ─── 10)。 y索性因素分析抽取了特征值大于1的四个因子,它们解释了总方差的54.28%;

35、Only the additive genetic variance is transmissible by seed. ─── 仅仅加性遗传方差是由种子遗传的。

36、Is only, this huge dropping variance tandem, lets the human be quite strange. ─── 只是,这一前一后的巨大落差,让人好生奇怪。

37、Event rates or the variance. ─── 发病率或方差。

38、Variance of opinion; disagreement. ─── 分歧,不和相左的意见;不同意

39、We also find that manufacturing competence cannot explain the variance of contextual performance. ─── 同时发现,制造业管理胜任力不能较好地解释周边绩效的变异量。

40、Key test is at end when he tries to model response variance. ─── 关键测试是他试图为答案的差异设计一套模式。


42、Her conduct is at variance with her words. ─── 她言行不一。

43、Furthermore, we give a new method of grouping according to the thought of AIC, and name it as variance criterion. ─── 受到AIC准则想法的启发,随后给出一个新的分组方法,定义为绝对方差准则。

44、To avoid common method variance, data are dyad-approach collected from employees and peers by the questionnaire. ─── 为排除共同方法变异的疑虑,本研究蒐集员工与同事两个来源的资料。

45、General Sidelobe Canceller(GSC) is an alternative form of Linear Constrained Minimum Variance beamformer. ─── 广义旁瓣对消器(GSC)是线性约束最小方差波束形成器的等效结构。

46、Besides to verify the candidate segmentation points, BIC is used to calibrate their bias caused by GLR variance. ─── BIC信息准则校准非冗余的候选分割点的偏差.

47、The estimated variance in the yield of apple and pear trees if the data in the database is only a sample of the total orchard population. ─── 如果数据库中的数据只是整个果园的一个样本,那么此值是苹果树和梨树产量的估算方差。

48、An estimate of the variance of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population. ─── 估计总体方差,样本为总体的子集。

49、The influence of system debug index from variance of flux, desalination rate and membrane press decline was definite. ─── 并明确给出产水量、脱盐率、膜压降三大膜元件指标的离散性对系统调试指标的影响。

50、Just as in a miniature Ecosphere, nature both mild and wild demands variance. ─── 即使是在小型的生态圈系统中,既温和又粗暴的自然也需要差异的刺激。

51、The difference was compared with the analysis of variance and SNK test. ─── 实验组各组间差异性用方差分析和SNK检验进行分析处理。

52、Works closely with department staff to collect projected expenses and variance explanations each month. ─── 与部门员工紧密合作,每月收集预计花费以及差额说明信息。

53、Despite these resemblances, Emerson and Howthorne are at variance in several important respects. ─── 尽管有这些类似之点,爱默生和霍桑在几个重要方面却不同。

54、In particular, try to explain why the calculation of variance isn't just a matter of getting the average of all the individual variances. ─── 特别注意:尽量解释为什么组合方差的计算不是该组合中所有单个资产方差的平均。

55、The weighted variance -R control charts can be used to skewed. ─── 利用加权方差法建立的-R图,适用于控制广泛的一类偏态分布过程。

56、The recursion formula of multisensor minimize variance fusion with correlation was presented too. ─── 同时,还给出相关条件下多传感器最小方差融合估计的递推计算公式。

57、Morphological variance and natural types'division of plus trees of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. ─── 华北落叶松优树自然类型的划分。

58、Carl's actions were always at variance with his promises. ─── 卡尔的言行不一致。

59、The app would be very simple, it would have controls allowing the user to select the voice and speed, pitch, and variance of that voice. ─── 这个应用程序将非常简单,它会控制,允许用户选择的声音和速度,音高,那声音和方差。

60、It is unnatural for brothers to be at variance. ─── 兄弟之间不睦是不近人情的。

61、Keywords: fixturing accuracy, deterministic ocalization, localization variance, localization accurateness. ─── 关键词:夹持精度、决定性定位、定位变异量、定位精度。

62、An algorithm based on inverse matrix for mean variance portfolio selection model is proposed. ─── 介绍均值方差资产组合选择模型的一种以逆矩阵为基础的算法。

63、The variance of definitions again demonstrates the necessity of clear and complete statements on every item. ─── 定义的不一致再次说明,对每一项都必须作清楚而全面的说明。

64、Validity and reliability of DFI were acceptable. DFI could reflect DF and its variance in clinic treatments. ─── DFI的有效性和可靠性可以接受 ,DFI能够反映 DF及其临床变化。

65、Mean in groups was compared with single factor variance analysis; LSD-t test was compared in pairwise comparison. ─── 多组均数比较使用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用LSD鄄t检验。

66、Let’s add a little more color variance to the chalkboard background. ─── 下面为黑板添加更多颜色变化。

67、With the age increasing, the incidence of positive and negative ulnar variance on increased, but that of the neutral variance decreased. ─── 结果显示随着年龄的增长,尺骨变异出现正向和负向变异的比率增高,而中性尺骨变异的比率降低。

68、It may be proved that it is just the Allan variance relations as fa = 0 and fb = fh. ─── 可以证明,当f_a=0、f_b=f_h时,它就是Allan方差公式。

69、In the estimation of heritability, various non-genetic factors must be excluded from the variance of sire or dam. ─── 在遗传力的估计过程中,需将多种非遗传因素的影响从公畜间方差或者母畜间方差中剔除。

70、Being at variance; disagreeing. ─── 不协调的;不一致的

71、Nevertheless, the plan-and-track method is often applied to projects with high variance, usually with disappointing results. ─── 尽管如此,计划及跟踪方法还经常应用于高方差的项目中,通常导致令人失望的结果。

72、The additive genetic variance of the same character, estimated from the covariance of half sibs, was 0. 9602. ─── 从半同胞协方差估计出来的,同一性状的加性遗传方差为0.9602。

73、Analyses the rate variance report to ensure rooms revenue control. ─── 分析房价差异报表确保房务收益控制。

74、Developing a comprehensive report that highlights each of the inconsistencies and their degree of variance. ─── 作出全面的报告,着重指出每一处不一致及其差别程度。

75、This may not be realistic since there with more education may experience larger variance in wages. ─── 如果接受高等教育的人面临的机会更多,收入的差异可能更大,在这一情形中,上述假定未必成立。

76、The VARA() function calculates the variance based on a sample. ─── 函数根据样本计算方差。

77、IGRP supports unequal cost path load balancing, which is known as variance. ─── IGRP支援不等成本路径的负载平衡,它被称为变异数。

78、It is unnatural for sisters go be at variance. ─── 姐妹之间不和是不近人情的。

79、He has been at variance with his brother for many years. ─── 他与他的哥哥多年来一直有所?I格。

80、Additive variance was higher than dominance variance, which indicates quantitative inheritance. ─── 加性的变异高于显性的变异,表明是数量遗传。

81、Estimate not calculated due to negative sire variance components. ─── 1因负的父方变方成份故未估计。

82、The outcome of scale variance and lacunarity for characteristic scale detecting were almost indiscernible. ─── 尺度方差分析法和孔隙度指数法在本研究中的判识结果不甚明显。

83、Energy (variance) of the small-scale motions is not homogeneous . ─── 小尺度运动的能量(偏差)是不均匀的。

84、Jill and Sue are at variance (with each other) over/about their lodger. ─── 吉尔和休在对待房客的问题上(彼此)意见不和。

85、Gecor 8 and CANIN are significant when measuring the corrosion potential, but the variance is acceptable. ─── 保护层厚度对腐蚀电流亦无显著差异,其馀变数则对腐蚀流密度皆有影响。

86、To do that is non-Marxist and at variance with historical materialism. ─── 如果不是这样看问题,那就不是马克思主义的态度,不是历史唯物主义的态度。

87、At variance The facts are at variance with your story. ─── 事实与你叙述的不符。

88、Although qualitative variance among nerve energies was never rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view. ─── 虽然神经能量之间的质的差异从来没有被严格地证明是错误的,但这一学说通常被抛弃而支持相反的观点。

89、Variance reports on financial, sales and production plans are examples of information system oriented to control. ─── 对财务、销售和生产计划的误差报告属于控制型性信息系统。

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