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09-05 投稿



gilds 发音

英:[ɡ?ldz]  美:[ɡ?ldz]

英:  美:

gilds 中文意思翻译



gilds 同义词

embellish | club |coat | engild | begild | society | order | social club | cover | sweeten | lodge | paint | guild

gilds 词性/词形变化,gilds变形

动词现在分词: gilding |名词: gilder |动词过去式: gilded/gilt |动词第三人称单数: gilds |动词过去分词: gilded/gilt |

gilds 常用词组

gild the lily ─── v. 画蛇添足

gilds 反义词


gilds 相似词语短语

1、milds ─── adj.温和的;轻微的;淡味的;文雅的;不含有害物质的;n.(英国的一种)淡味麦芽啤酒;n.(Mild)(瑞典、德、捷、芬)米尔德(人名)

2、guilds ─── n.公会(guild的复数)

3、gelds ─── vt.阉割;剥夺;去势;n.税;贡赋;支付款;n.(Geld)人名;(西、苏里)赫尔德;(英)盖尔德;(法、俄、德)格尔德

4、girds ─── vt.束缚;佩带;做准备;vi.准备;嘲骂;n.嘲笑

5、golds ─── n.金,黄金;金色;金币;adj.金的,金制的;金色的;n.(Gold)人名;(英、法、德、西、罗、捷、瑞典)戈尔德

6、silds ─── n.小鲱鱼(挪威用以制罐头鱼)

7、gild ─── vt.镀金;虚饰;供给钱;n.(Gild)人名;(俄)希尔德

8、gills ─── n.鱼鳃(gill的复数);菌褶;[解剖]腮下肉;吉耳;v.除去鱼的鳃和内脏;用刺网捕(gill的三单形式)

9、gilts ─── n.金边债券

gilds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her beauty gilds her vice. ─── 她的美貌掩盖了她的邪恶。

2、If this be thy wish and if this be thy play , then take this fleeting emptiness of mine , paint it with colours , gild it with gold , float it on the wanton wind and spread it in varied wonders . ─── 而且假如你愿意在夜晚结束这场游戏,我就在黑暗中,或在灿白的晨光的微笑中,在净化的清凉中,溶化消失。

3、Beauty gilds her vices over, which more securely harm. ─── 她的罪恶有了美丽的外表,其恶更凶。

4、Keywords imitative gild;electroplating without using cyanide;Cu-Zn-Sn ternary alloy; ─── 仿金;无氰电镀;铜锌锡三元合金;

5、gild socialism ─── guild socialism

6、refined sugar; refined oil; to gild refined gold- Shakespeare ─── 精糖;经过提纯的油;为纯金镀金-莎士比亚

7、"Yes, he's so trusting.So tomorrow we'll gild the lily, then geld(阉割) it, and that will be that. ─── “是的,他很值得信任,明天我们就把这个纯洁的小姑娘阉了。

8、Beauty gilds her vices over, which more securelyharm. ─── 她的罪恶有了美丽的外表,其恶更凶。

9、Distrusting every light that seemed to gild ─── 我信不过那似乎浮泛在眼前的

10、Vacuum evaporate gild ─── 真空镀膜

11、2. For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily. ─── 漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。

12、The actual quote is “To gild refined gold, to paint the lily”. ─── 实际上原文是:“为纯金镀金,为百合花添彩。”

13、2.The steward ought to keep the rolls and treasures of the gild under the seal of the alderman of the gild. ─── 经过会长的密封盖章之后,行会的卷档和钱财应有管事保管。

14、refined sugar; refined oil; to gild refined gold- Shakespeare. ─── 精糖;经过提纯的油;为纯金镀金-莎士比亚。

15、" Zhu Jun does not think him gild, he says: "I enter this industry, it is to make money. ─── 朱骏并不想给自己贴金,他说:“我进入这个行业,就是为了赚钱。”

16、"To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, to throw a perfume on the violet, to smooth the ice, or add another hue unto the rainbow ... is wasteful and ridiculous excess. ─── 百合是一种非常美丽的花,无需再加以作何修饰,如果再给百合上颜色的话,不就是画蛇添足了吗?

17、If any gildsman falls into poverty and has not the wherewithal to live, and is not able to work or to provide for himself, he shall have one mark from the gild to relieve his condition-when the gild shall sit. ─── 若有会员陷于贫困,没有必要资金来维系生活,并且不能劳动或者自给,均可在行会集会之时从行会获得一马克来缓解困境。

18、credit gild ─── 信贷同业公会

19、The setting sun gilds the sky. ─── 落日把天空染成金色。

20、Don't gild the lily.--William Shakespeare, British dramatist ─── 不要给百合花镀金画蛇添足。英国剧作家莎士比亚

21、gild the pill ─── vi. 把苦事弄得容易被接受

22、And when the gild is sitting, no one who is of the gild shall go outside the town for any business, without the permission of the steward. ─── 公会集会之时,除非得到执事的许可,行会中的任何人都不得到城外做生意。

23、nu gild ─── n. 饰用黄铜

24、She is already very beautiful and to use a lot of make-up is to gild the lily. ─── 她长得很美,画浓妆是画蛇添足。

25、1. For such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily. ─── 对一个这样漂亮的女孩来说,化妆有些画蛇添足。

26、they throw me a little smile as they pass and then the sun seems to come out and gild all nature for me. ─── 她们经过时对我嫣然一笑,就像灿烂的阳光为我而把万物抹上一层金辉。

27、As the next section in the history textbook is especially dull, the teacher, just to gild the pill, is going to show a film related to that section. ─── 由于历史书中下一节的内容特别枯燥,老师决定放一部有关的电影以提高大家的兴趣。

28、Watchman, will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth? ─── 更夫,此星光照处,是否有限于本地方?

29、a good one supplies everything, gilds a No, sweetens truth, and adds a touch of beauty to old age itself. ─── 如果你风度可人,往往一美遮百丑:即使说出回绝人的“不”字,也让人感到堂而皇之;它能使真理甘甜,使老脸青春。

30、New Zealand Lord of The Rings Gild Silver Coin ─── 新西兰指环王银币

31、You look green around the gilds. ─── 你看上去病得不轻。

32、The coin by woman is not gold.It is silver.The coin by man is gold.It is not silver.The building by boy is not black.It is red.The building by gild is white. ─── 用一个肯定特征和一个否定特征分别描述六个人(一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我)及其拥有的财物。

33、gild the lily ─── v.画蛇添足,作不恰当而过分的修饰

34、Plastic is not easy to break, So, Suntop using high technology directly gild on plastic. ─── 塑胶的不易破损,因此百扬科技运用高科技使用了塑胶上直接镀金的技术作为平面镜。

35、If this be thy wish and if this be thy play, then take this fleeting emptiness of mine, paint it with colours, gild it with gold, float it on the wanton wind and spread it in varied wonders. ─── 假如这是你的愿望,假如这是你的游戏,就请把我这流逝的空虚染上颜色,镀上金辉,让它在狂风中飘浮,舒卷成种种的奇观。

36、Don't gild the lily. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist) ─── 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。(英国剧作家莎士比亚.)

37、It gilds all objects, but it alters none. ─── 它给万物镀金,但不改他们模样。

38、Eternal summer gilds them yet, ─── 永恒的夏天又给他们披上金装,

39、Hunan and Guangdong Gild Halls: Great Changes of A Century ─── 百年沧桑:湖广会馆

40、Secondly, some Chinese gilds were apparently native-place organizations.The craft and commerce gildhall with economic functions was a model of this kind of gild organizations. ─── 其次,部分中国行会明显带有同乡会的性质,具有经济职能的工商业会馆便是这类行会组织的典型代表。

41、Distrusting every light that seemed to gild;The onward path, and feared to overlean ─── 我信不过那似乎浮泛在眼前的;一片金光,不敢伸出手指去碰一下。

42、6.I always think that it would simply be to gild the lily for some health-looking young girls to make up their faces so heavily. ─── 我总觉得一些看上去很健康的女孩子施以浓妆实在是多此一举。

43、gild the pill make(sth)unpleasant but necessary seem attractive ─── 苦药裹糖衣(将讨厌的但必要的事物弄得吸引人).

44、The morning sun gilds the sky. ─── 朝阳把天空染成金色。

45、The sun transform the gild cupola into dazzling point of light. ─── 太阳将这些镀金的圆屋顶变成了闪耀的光点。

46、gild a picture frame ─── 给画框镀金

47、the Chinese gild ─── 中国行会

48、For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily . ─── "你回来啦!"莉莉讨厌地朝他看了一眼说,"你这次来想要什么啊?"

49、let me whisper it in your ear, that it may gild with glory any storm clouds which may arise, and smooth the rough places upon which you may have to tread. ─── 好叫你上面的黑云消散,前面的岖路变平。这个信息是很短的,只有五个字,但是我要你铭刻心中;

50、Tomorrow birds would sing in the trees, the rising sun would gild their branches, countless pearls would bubble on the surface of the water. But she would see none of it, for her eyes would be closed for ever. ─── 明天,小鸟在树技上唱歌,朝日的阳光染黄树梢,在水面上散布无数明珠的时候,她已经永远闭上眼睛看不见这一切了。

51、And so long as the service of the dead shall last, that is to say the vigil and the mass, there ought to burn four candles of the gild, each candle of two pounds weight or more, until the body is buried. ─── 在直到尸体被埋葬的整个葬礼过程中,即守夜和做弥撒时,都要点燃4支公会的蜡烛,每支蜡烛重两磅以上。

52、She gilds the truth to make it more palatable. ─── 她掩饰着真相并使它更有趣味性。

53、The Gild of HK Performing Artistes already booked a room on the 4th floor of HK Sanatorium, and held the press conference announcing this bad news. ─── 演艺人协会会员昨晚深夜在养和医院四楼预订房间,在医院宣布梅艳芳死亡后,举行记者会凌晨时份向外公布她的死讯。

54、"To barter the transitory pleasures of the world for the heavenly hope, that was to assume brighter substance as life grew dark around her, and which would gild the utter gloom with final glory." ─── 她要以世间的短暂欢乐来换取天国的希望,当她周围的人生变得黯淡时,这希望便会益发明亮,以最后的荣光包围四下的一片昏黑。

55、Comment on this would be to gild the lily . ─── 对此发表评说无异于画蛇添足。

56、A bad manner spoils everything, even reason and justice; a good one supplies everything, gilds a "No", sweetens truth, and adds a touch of beauty to old age itself. ─── 糟糕的举止会搞糟一切,包括理性和正义;良好的举止会弥补一切,它使“不”字带上金色,使真理变甜蜜,使老年本身增加三分美丽。

57、She had health and beauty, and money to gild these gifts. ─── 她健康而漂亮,富有使这些天赋更加熠熠生辉。

58、Vacuum Evaporate Gild System and Technology for Vehicle Lanterns ─── 汽车灯具真空镀膜系统及技术

59、How many bards gild the lapses of time! ─── 有多少诗人把黄金镀上流逝的时间!

60、Twilight of early evening gilds the brown clouds ─── 向晚的余晖把褐色的云朵

61、gilds mercatoris ─── 商人协会

62、Beauty gilds her vices over, which more securely harm ─── 她的罪恶有了美丽的外表,其恶更凶。

63、For the beautiful girl to use makeupwould be to gild the lily. ─── 漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。

64、Accordingly Liu Xiahui sits the bosom is not random, the times of cloth flows in nowadays desire, not be sexual function has defective word, pure belong to the gild that boasts morality protects land. ─── 因此柳下惠坐怀不乱,在现今欲望流布的时代,不是性功能有欠缺的话,就纯属标榜道德卫土的贴金。

65、Don t gild the lily. ─── 不要画蛇添足。

66、And when the gild shall be sitting no one of the gild is to bring in any stranger, except when required by the alderman or steward. ─── 公会集会时,若非得到了会长或者执事的许可,任何成员都不得带陌生人入内。

67、journeymen's gild ─── 职工行会

68、a good one supplies everything, gilds a "No", sweetens truth, and adds a touch of beauty to old age itself. ─── 良好的举止会弥补一切,它使“不”字带上金色,使真理变甜蜜,使老年本身增加三分美丽。

69、To gild refined gold ,to paint the lily, to throw a perfume on the violet,to smooth the ice,or add another hue unto the rainbow.....is wasteful and ridiculous excess. ─── 给金子镀金,给百合花油漆,给紫罗兰洒香水,给冰打磨,给彩虹添色彩,是浪费。

70、gild [paint] the lily ─── 给完美的东西加上不必要的润色,画蛇添足

71、gild a pill ─── 给弹丸涂上金色, 粉饰表面

72、guild, gild ─── 基尔特,行会,同业公会

73、If you live a long time and, keeping the faith in all these things hour by hour, still see that the sun gilds your path with real gold and that the moon floats in dream silver; ─── 如果你经历了一条漫长的人生道路,且时时刻刻保持著对这些事物的信念,依旧看见闪耀的阳光为你照亮眼前金黄色的道路,依旧看见柔美的月光漂浮在梦幻般的银河中;

74、Her beauty gilds her vice. ─── 她的美貌掩盖了她的邪恶。

75、Don't gild the lily. ─── 不要给百合花镀金.

76、Even suffering from cancer, she herself still involves in the work of HK Gild of Performing Artistes, taking part in movie, and had her concert as scheduled. ─── 在自身患病的情况下,香港演艺人协会的工作亲力亲为,拍电影、开演唱会也按计划进行。

77、Don't gild the lily ─── 保持自然

78、Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all, except their Sun, is set. ─── 永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金,可是除了太阳,一切已经消沉。”

79、Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all, except their Sun, is set. ─── 永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金,可是除了太阳,一切已经消沉。

80、Symbol is using the technology of gild on the plastic directly. ─── Symbol即是使用塑胶上直接镀金的技术。

81、3.Don't gild the lily. ─── 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。---莎士比亚

82、The speed sensor pulse modulates circuit, the MC33991 gild MCU interface circuit, and the methods of calculating speed and its corresponding position in the dial have also been introduced. ─── 介绍了车速传感器的信号调理和MC33991与微控制器的接口电路,以及车速在仪表盘上对应位置的计算。

83、Eternal summer gilds them yet. ─── 永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金。

84、gild refined gold ─── 做无需做的事

85、And if any one does so and is convicted, he shall lose the gild and the franchise; and the merchandise so avowed shall be forfeited to the king. ─── 倘有人违法之并被确认,他将失去会员资格以及相关特权,相关的货物将被没收上缴王上。

86、Gild the lily. ─── 弄巧成拙。

87、2、For such a beautiful girl, to use make-up would be to gild the lily. ─── 对于这么漂亮的女孩儿,化妆简直就是多此一举。

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