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09-05 投稿


hypermetropic 发音

英:[[?ha?p?m?'tr??p?k]]  美:[[?ha?p?m?'tro?p?k]]

英:  美:

hypermetropic 中文意思翻译



hypermetropic 词性/词形变化,hypermetropic变形

名词: hypermetropy |形容词: hypermetropic |

hypermetropic 短语词组

1、hypermetropic people ─── 远视者

2、hypermetropic astigmatism ─── [医] 远视散光

3、hypermetropic amblyopia ─── 远视性弱视

4、hypermetropic anisometropia ─── 远视性屈光参差

5、hypermetropic eye ─── 远视眼

6、hypermetropic eye correction ─── 远视眼矫正术

hypermetropic 相似词语短语

1、hypermetropia ─── n.[眼科]远视

2、emmetropic ─── adj.[眼科]正视眼的

3、hypermetropy ─── n.远视(hypermetropia的变形)

4、hypermetric ─── adj.诗体中有冗余音节的;过律的

5、hypermetabolic ─── adj.代谢过盛的

6、dermotropic ─── adj.亲皮肤的,趋向皮肤的

7、hypertrophic ─── adj.肥厚的;过度膨胀的

8、dermatropic ─── 皮肤性

9、hypermetropical ─── 超节律的

hypermetropic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Hypermetropia, child;Retinoscopy, cycloplegia, 1% Atropine;Emmetropization; ─── 远视眼;儿童;视网膜检影验光;睫状肌麻痹;1%阿托品;正视化;

2、simple hypermetropia ─── 单纯性远视

3、Keywords cornea;mathematical model;laser thermo keratoplasty;hypermetropia; ─── 角膜;数学模型;激光角膜热成形;远视;

4、index hypermetropia ─── [医] 填质性远视(指数远视)

5、Keywords hypermetropia;occlusion;therapy;emmetropisation; ─── 远视;遮盖;治疗;正视化;

6、Laser in situ Keratomileusis for hypermetropic anisometropia in Children[J]. ─── 引用该论文 汪辉,阴正勤,陈莉,任茜,罗启慧.

7、facultative manifest hypermetropia ─── [医] 条件性显性远视

8、senile hypermetropia ─── 老年性远视

9、Keywords radial keratotomy;refraction;ocular;stability;hypermetropic; ─── 角膜放射状切开;屈光;眼;稳定性;远视化;

10、benign hypermetropia ─── 良性远视

11、Keywords Hypermetropic eye;Central corneal thickness (CCT);Ultrasonic corneal pachymeter; ─── 远视眼;中央角膜厚度;超声波角膜测厚仪;

12、The degree of the hypermetropic didn’t change much during the therapy(P=0.415), instead , the degree of amblyopia improved greatly. ─── 治疗前后远视程度的变化无明显差异(P=0.415),弱视程度的变化有显著差异。

13、Most of which were ametropic amblyopia , especially hypermetropia amblyopia . ─── 结果:在受检63690眼中,确诊弱视1205人,2266只眼,患病率为3.78%;

14、With age increasing,the diopter of these subjects had a tendency of hypermetropia from myopia. ─── 随着年龄的增长,人眼的屈光度有由近视向远视变化的趋势。

15、spectacles for hypermetropia ─── [医] 远视眼镜

16、Effect of hypermetropia patients combined with fixed esotropia ─── 远视合并固定性内斜视手术效果分析

17、Observation of Binocular Visual Function in Hypermetropic Anisometropia of 50 Cases ─── 50例远视性屈光参差的双眼视功能观察

18、Excimer Laser in situ Keratomileusis for Children's Hypermetropic Anisometropia[J]. ─── 引用该论文 江萍,王静,莫纯坚,胡学斌,甘绪芹,王红俊.

19、compound hypermetropic astigmatism ─── 复性远视散光

20、congenital hypermetropia ─── 先天性远视

21、acquired hypermetropia ─── 后天性远视

22、facultative hypermetropia ─── 条件性远视

23、Objective To investigate the characteristics of hypermetropic children whose visual acuity (VA) is declined or accompanied by esotropia. ─── 摘要目的:瞭解远视儿童中具有视力低常或内斜视等视功能障碍的患儿的临床特点。

24、medium hypermetropia ─── 中度远视

25、latent hypermetropia ─── [医] 隐性远视(潜伏远视)

26、curvature hypermetropia ─── [医] 曲度远视

27、atypical hypermetropia ─── 非典型性远视, 并发性远视

28、Methods We reviewed 104 cases of aniso hypermetropia and 13 cases of aniso myopia and analysed their correlations. ─── 方法对104例远视性屈光参差与13例近视性屈光参差性弱视作屈光参差及双眼视力差的统计学分析。

29、Long-term changes of refraction and visual acuity of hypermetropic children after routine occlusion therapy ─── 常规遮盖治疗后远视儿童远期的屈光状态及视力演变

30、simple hypermetropic astigmatism ─── 单纯性远视散光

31、compound hypermetropic anisometropia ─── 复性远视性屈光参差

32、hypermetropic astigmatism ─── 远视散光

33、position hypermetropia ─── 位置性远视

34、Objective: To investigate the principle of matching glasses and comeback of visual function in the patients of hypermetropic anisometropia. ─── 目的:探讨远视性屈光参差患者的配镜原则及视功能恢复情况。

35、More younger, more stronger in ability of stranding anisometropia.Conclusion: the abnormity from hypermetropic anisometropia could be corrected to a great degree by ma... ─── 结论:远视性屈光参差所引起的视功能异常,通过及时配镜及训练,可以得到较大程度的提高。

36、Methods Hypermetropia and myopia were induced by playing concave and convex lens in front of eyes of 32 subjects. ─── 方法 在正常眼前放置正、负球镜,人工诱导单纯性远视、近视性屈光参差。

37、complicated hypermetropia ─── 并发性远视, 非典型性远视

38、manifest hypermetropia ─── 显性远视

39、Keywords hypermetropia;esotropia;extraocular muscles surgery;eyesight functional rebuild; ─── 远视;内斜视;眼外肌手术;视功能重建;

40、absolute hypermetropia ─── 绝对远视

41、Objective: To investigate the principle of matching glasses and comeback of visual function in the patients of hypermetropic anisometropia. ─── 目的:探讨远视性屈光参差患者的配镜原则及视功能恢复情况。

42、Conclusion It may be decreased hypermetropic astigmatism, amblyopia and strabismus of patients to treat eyelid hemangioma in children. ─── 结论及时治疗儿童眼睑血管瘤,可以减少远视散光、避免弱视和斜视。

43、hypermetropia index ─── 远视指数

44、And The change of the hypermetropia group showed significant difference between the two kind of myd... ─── 结论:在特殊情况下,美多丽可以作阿托品的替代药对弱视儿童进行散瞳验光。

45、Corneal Ablation Depth of Refractive Myopia and Hypermetropia Correction ─── 屈光性近视远视矫正的角膜消融深度计算

46、low hypermetropia ─── 低度远视

47、hypermetropia, hyperopia ─── 隐性远视, 潜伏性远视

48、Keywords Keratomileusis;laser in situ;Hypermetropia;Wavefront aberrations; ─── 角膜磨镶术;激光原位;远视;波前像差;

49、Excimer Laser in situ Keratomileusis for Children's Hypermetropic Anisometropia ─── 准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术治疗儿童远视性屈光参差

50、pathological hypermetropia ─── 病理性远视

51、optics of hypermetropia ─── 远视光学

52、Multiple factor analysis of visual function in hypermetropic children ─── 影响远视儿童视功能发育的多因素分析

53、relative hypermetropia ─── [医] 相对远视

54、axial hypermetropia ─── [医] 轴性远视

55、developmental hypermetropia ─── 发育性远视

56、Keywords hypermetropia;laser in situ keratomilleusis; ─── 远视;准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术;

57、high hypermetropia ─── 高度远视

58、traumatic hypermetropia ─── 远视的

59、AIM:To analysis the trait and postoperative effect of hypermetropia patients combined with fixed esotropia. ─── 目的:分析远视合并固定内斜视的特征及手术效果。

60、115 (83.3%) had ametropia, all of which were hypermetropia except 6 of myopia; ─── 屈光不正者115例,占83.3%,其中除6例近视外,其余均为远视性屈光不正。

61、Keywords Hypermetropia;Myopia;Children;Ocular refractive components;Optic coherence biometry;Cycloplegia;Accommodation; ─── 远视;近视;儿童;屈光成分;光学相干生物测量;睫状肌麻痹;调节;

62、total hypermetropia ─── [医] 总远视

63、Long-term changes of refraction and visual acuity of hypermetropic children after routine occlusion therapy ─── 常规遮盖治疗后远视儿童远期的屈光状态及视力演变

64、Keywords Child concomitant strabismus Hypermetropia Myopia Accomodation; ─── 儿童共同性斜视;远视;近视;调节;屈光状态;

65、The treatment is effective for hypermetropic, mild, small child amblyopia. ─── 远视性弱视、轻度弱视及发病年龄小的弱视治疗效果好。

66、hypermetropic eye ─── 远视眼

67、Results The mild and moderate ametropia were detected in 64.47% pationts and hypermetropia in 63.16% patients. ─── 结果在各年龄段中,轻度屈光不正49只眼(64.47%),远视屈光不正48只眼(63.16%)。

68、Keywords hypermetropia;refractive surgery;LASIK;Lensectomy;wavefront aberrations; ─── 远视;屈光手术;LASIK;透明晶状体置换术;波前像差;

69、The rules of refractive changes in hypermetropia in children ─── 儿童远视眼的屈光演变

70、lenticular hypermetropia ─── 晶状体性远视

71、refractive hypermetropia ─── 折射性远视

72、deformational hypermetropia ─── 畸形性远视

73、typical hypermetropia ─── 外伤性远视

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